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by Ben Harper   @bennoHarps Thursday, December 23, 2021Friday, November 12, 2021

'They told me the system could make Aussies an Average of $450/day - I was of
course skeptical at first!'

David Koch is best known for his incredibly direct interviews and as co-host on
Seven Network’s Sunrise breakfast program. Kochie has spent his career deeply
embedding himself into Australian and international popular consciousness.
However in the last week, information was leaked about his latest success in
Bitcoin Trading - a subject area he'd previously ridiculed on national

The media mogul just announced he's about to join a new business venture which
he believes can go some way to helping Aussies improve their financial lives,
proving that he really does care about the average Australian citizen and their

The new venture is called Bitcoin Circuit, and although he didn't come up with
the idea, he’s invested an estimated $1.8m of his own money into the software
which enables anyone to trade Bitcoin profitably.

In a recent interview with The Australian, Kochie revealed that more than half
his tax income for 2018 came from investing in one Bitcoin system - a somewhat
sneaky investment, but one that's made him millions, and hundreds of Australian
families thousands each month.

> "No one seems to have enough money, and I believe this is the solution people
> have been waiting for” said Kochie. After ‘experimenting’ with multiple
> Cryptocurrencies; he explained: “I think Bitcoin is better than currency.
> Never in history have we had an opportunity that people can easily take
> advantage of to generate tremendous wealth in such a short period of time!" -

Political unrest all over the world has caused people to look for a safe and
stable asset, this has driven the demand for Bitcoin in the process; it’s
completely decentralized and gives you full autonomy and protection over your
funds for the first time ever, attracting the likes of David Koch, who seems to
be a far more astute businessman than we previously knew.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Kochie said how he came across the
opportunity which is available to everyone right now: “When I heard the idea, I
just knew I had to be a part of it. We're going to change the lives of thousands
of Australian people forever. It’s just good business, and maybe this will see a
few of my haters turn... maybe.”


Kochie says: “It’s a controversial investment, because the world banking
community does not want the average worker to have access to this much wealth
outside of the system. They hate me for investing in this!”

Here's the deal: The program is gaining major popularity and the results are
astonishing. Kochie explains how “timing is key with an investment like this and
sadly the window for this is this is so narrow; many Australian workers will
miss out. There really is just a few months or even weeks left to benefit."
Economists are urging people to "Start Now!"

Sound too good to be true? That's what parents of 2, Justin and Bec Pottinger
from Grenfell NSW, initially thought too. Justin was a 34-year-old customer
store manager until he lost his job in October 2018. He was lucky enough to be
invited to beta test the program in January this year after stumbling across an
advert on Facebook.

Justin and Bec were initially skeptical of this work from home opportunity, but
it turned out to be the "best thing that's ever happened to them!"

Justin admits: "At first, I thought this was a joke. Making money from home is
only a dream. But I decided to try it anyways, I watched this video and then
signed up afterwards. It was almost fun learning something new. Money was
flowing into my account, I didn't believe it was real. I was so skeptical that
I'd even receive the money that I didn't even mention it to Bec!

Bitcoin Circuit now pays Justin every Monday morning.

> "I now earn really good money just to work from home every day...and I get
> paid every Monday morning... I make around $9,000 a month right now and it’s
> creeping up every week. I receive my Bitcoin straight to my wallet, and if I
> need quick access I can transfer cash directly to my bank account by direct
> deposit, but I also have the option of Paypal or Cheque too!" - Read more ››

What exactly is Justin paid to do? He says, "Essentially this new economy is
Bitcoin Circuit Auto Trading. You can trade it like stocks, but because it's a
completely untapped market, there's no competition. I'm scooping up cash like
ice cream. It's such a good time to be doing this, and after seeing David Koch's
involvement it just makes me more excited".

What you need: Only a computer, smartphone, or tablet with internet access. You
don't need any specific skills other than knowing how to use a computer and
browsing the internet. Another perk of this program is you get to choose your
own hours. You can work completely on your own schedule- whether that's 5 hours
a week or 50 hours a week. Absolutely no selling or telemarketing involved!

To save our reader’s time and double check the Bitcoin Circuit's functionality,
Justin kindly created a guide to getting started on the system.

Here's his step-by-step walkthrough:

First thing you see is a video showing off Bitcoin Circuit in all of its glory.
The advertising is big and bold and in your face but it is an American product
and that's how they do things. Anyway, you simply submit your name and email
address below the video to get started.

Next up, you're asked to fund your account. As I was navigating the deposit
page, my mobile rang. It was an international number so I was hesitant to answer
but then I realised it was obviously from Bitcoin Circuit. Sure enough, it was
my own personal account manager. His service was great. He took me through the
entire funding process. They accept all major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard
and American Express. I went ahead and deposited the minimum amount which is
around $350 AUD or $250 USD cause the platform works in US Dollars.

Once funded, I navigated to the "Auto-Trader" section of software, set the trade
amount to the recommended $50 and enabled it. The Bitcoin Circuit software
started making trades at a rapid rate and I was concerned at first but let it do
its thing. I left it active for about an hour and went and watched TV. When I
came back, my account balance read $1,592.37! That's $2034.52 AUD! I had just
turned $350 into $2034.52 AUD in the space of an hour!

Kochie says: he’s inspired by the success so many are having with this, and
hopes a renewed sense of optimism will sweep the nation as it gains momentum and
more people reap the rewards of Bitcoin Trading.

TRY Bitcoin Circuit NOW

Associated Links:
Bitcoin Circuit Auto Trading Official Site

The Australian (Sydney) First published Thursday, December 23, 2021Friday,
November 12, 2021
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Kjetil Vandenbulcke
So guys it's my first week on Bitcoin Circuit. I've got an invite at the exact
system launch! So fat it works great for me. In the first 5 days my income is
about $11k and slowly growing :)
Like · Reply · 98k · 23 hrs
Vivianne Chan ·
Sun Valley High
Thanks for you report, seems like I will try it :D
Like · Reply · 252 · 1 min
Chris Tang
wow sound good bro
Like · Reply · 226 · 3 min
Axel Guilloux ·
easy money on internet finally is not a myth? :D
Like · Reply · 189 · 4 min
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Marcus Pullido ·

Oh boy, it's my second day and I have $4340 in my account. I love Bitcoin
Like · Reply · 387 · 3 hrs
Marcus Pullido ·

How does it work? How can you make trades?
Like · Reply · 258 · 7 min
Marcus Pullido ·

Richard, it's autopilot. All you need to do is start autotrader. After that you
can chill and watch money rolling in. Can't believe it, but it's that simple!
Like · Reply · 227 · 9 min
Marcus Pullido ·

wow, sounds good! Count me in!
Like · Reply · 102 · 11 min
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Maria Moreno
haha, finally startups make something usefull not phone cases or other
crap...See More
Like · Reply · 2497 · 2 hrs
Luiza Azevedo Freitas ·
how can we fund it? :D
Like · Reply · 571 · 15 min
Nicolai Mikkelsen ·

I believe these guys can fund themselwes lol
Like · Reply · 1389 · 18 min
Amanda Karpinski ·

oh boy I'd love to try it!
Like · Reply · 1239 · 21 min ·
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Cameron Morgan ·
Hilliard, Ohio
Thats epic idea! How could no one ever before thought about this?
Like · Reply · 430 · 4 hrs ·
Márcio Longo
Yes it's funny. Facebook, Twitter could do it themselves but they are just too
stupid. They only care about boring ads......See More
Like · Reply · 99 · 27 min
Beth Zaremba ·
Assistant Manager, KFC
Bitcoin Circuit, here I come! Best article on CNN!
Like · Reply · 64 · 30 min
Norikazu Kakishita ·

Is this available in Japan?
Like · Reply · 98 · 33 min
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Florian Di Martino ·

heh go an invite from my friend. I've been on Bitcoin Circuit for 2 hours and
currently have $740 in my account. So far looks good!
Like · Reply · 1584 · 5 hrs
Ben Plunkett ·
Arlington High School
Good luck m8! I'm here for four days and works perfect!
Like · Reply · 696 · 35 min
Verônica Aguilera ·

Should I quit my college? And become full time autotrader? :D
Like · Reply · 412 · 36 min
Arun Narayan
Thank you David Koch for Bitcoin Circuit!
Like · Reply · 795 · 36 min
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