lendingmate.ca Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://lendingmate.ca/
Effective URL: https://lendingmate.ca/en-CA/
Submission: On February 12 via manual from CA — Scanned from CA

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<form action="/en-CA/Details" method="get"><input data-val="true" data-val-required="The Loan Amount field is required." id="LoanAmount" name="LoanAmount" type="hidden" value="8000"><input data-val="true"
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          <div class="borrow-msg"> Borrow up to $10,000 within 24 hours.<br> Borrow with a guarantor, no credit scores. </div>
          <h4 class="borrow-statement"> I would like to borrow <strong class="selectedLoanAmount">$8,000</strong> over <strong class="selectedLoanTerm">36 months</strong>. </h4>
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              <strong class="exampleLoanAmount">$8,000</strong> over <strong class="exampleLoanTerm">36 Months</strong>, repaying <strong class="exampleMonthlyPayment">$398.93</strong> per month, total repayable <strong
            <div class="dynamic-spacing" style="height: 9.28571px;"></div>
              <strong>Interest Rate 43% per annum. </strong>Representative Example: $10,000 over 36 months (secured by guarantee) repaying $498.66 per month, total repayable $17,951.76.
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                <strong class="exampleLoanAmount">$8,000</strong> over <strong class="exampleLoanTerm">36 Months</strong>, repaying <strong class="exampleMonthlyPayment">$398.93</strong> per month, total repayable <strong
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                <strong>Interest Rate 43% per annum. </strong>Representative Example: $10,000 over 36 months (secured by guarantee) repaying $498.66 per month, total repayable $17,951.76.
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1.612955h-2.621984c-.122211-.596572-.388854-1.005335-.822148-1.204193-.433294-.209905-.933248-.309334-1.488753-.309334-.177762 0-.388854.011048-.633276.04419-.244422.033144-.466624.088382-.688826.165715-.211092.077334-.388854.198858-.544395.353525-.144432.154667-.222203.353525-.222203.60762 0 .309335.111101.552383.322193.740193.211092.18781.488845.342477.833258.475048.344413.121524.733267.232 1.177671.320382.444404.088381.899918.18781 1.366542.287239.455515.099429.899919.232 1.344323.37562.444404.14362.833257.342477 1.17767.596573.344414.254095.622166.56343.833258.93905.211092.37562.322193.850668.322193 1.40305 0 .673906-.155541 1.237336-.466624 1.712385-.311083.464001-.711047.850669-1.199891 1.137907-.488845.28724-1.04435.508192-1.644295.640764-.599946.132572-1.199891.198857-1.788727.198857-.722156 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1.455423.353525zm6.4883-9.66669h1.899827v-3.402674h2.510883v3.402675h2.26646v1.867052h-2.26646v6.054109c0 .265143.01111.486096.03333.684954.02222.18781.07777.353524.155541.486096.077771.132572.199982.232.366634.298287.166651.066285.377743.099428.666606.099428.177762 0 .355523 0 .533285-.011047.177762-.011048.355523-.033143.533285-.077334v1.933338c-.277753.033143-.555505.055238-.811038.088381-.266642.033143-.533285.04419-.811037.04419-.666606 0-1.199891-.066285-1.599855-.18781-.399963-.121523-.722156-.309333-.944358-.552381-.233313-.243049-.377744-.541335-.466625-.905907-.07777-.364573-.133321-.784383-.144431-1.248384v-6.683825h-1.899827v-1.889147h-.02222z" fill="#191919"></path>
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              <p class="stat-title">1000s</p>
              <p class="stat-sub">OF LOANS FUNDED</p>
              <p class="stat-sub">EACH YEAR</p>
      <div class="hidden-xs col-sm-4 stat-item">
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            <img class="stat-image" src="/images/2019/rocket.png">
            <div class="stat-content">
              <p class="stat-title">1 IN 2</p>
              <p class="stat-sub">CANADIANS ARE</p>
              <p class="stat-sub">SUITABLE GUARANTORS</p>
  <section id="about-us">
    <div class="circle-wrapper">
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    <div class="container about-us-text text-center">
      <p class="text-subheading"> We currently lend in Ontario and British Columbia! </p>
      <div class="reviews-section">
        <div class="col-sm-4" style="padding: 0px 20px;">
          <img src="/images/2019/image1.png" class="img-responsive people-photo">
          <p class="character-subheading  text-center">We don't judge you on credit score</p>
        <div class="col-sm-4" style="padding: 0px 20px;">
          <img src="/images/2019/image2.png" class="img-responsive people-photo">
          <p class="character-subheading  text-center">Support when you need it</p>
        <div class="col-sm-4">
          <img src="/images/2019/image3.png" class="img-responsive people-photo">
          <p class="character-subheading text-center">No hidden fees or charges, ever</p>
    <div class="circle-wrapper">
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          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse1">
                            <span class="marketing-messsage-title">An old fashioned idea</span>
          <div class="collapse collapsable in" id="collapse1" data-parent="#collapseContainer1">
            <div class="well">
              <p> Back in the good old days banks worked on relationships and trust. If you wanted a loan your local bank would often simply ask for someone who trusted you to guarantee it. </p>
              <p> Then things changed, computer credit scores took over and millions of people were left out in the cold because their score didn't fit. </p>
              <p> We knew what it was like to be rejected so we built the old fashioned guarantor loan company we wanted to borrow from. </p>
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse2" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse2">
                            <span class="marketing-messsage-title">Decisions made by real people</span>
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse2">
            <div class="well">
              <p> We don‘t just let computers decide if you can borrow. It doesn't matter if you have bad credit or are self employed - the most important thing for us is that you have a friend or family member who trusts you enough to guarantee to
                make repayments if you don't, and that you can afford to repay the loan. </p>
              <p> Before we pay out any guarantor loans, we have a good old fashioned chat over the phone with both you and your guarantor. We base our decisions on simple common sense. </p>
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse3">
                            <span class="marketing-messsage-title">No fees ever</span>
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse3">
            <div class="well">
              <p> When times get tough the last thing you need is someone making money from your problems. We NEVER charge for late payments, letters, early settlement or anything else.</p>
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse4" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse4">
                            <span class="marketing-messsage-title">What about when things go wrong?</span>
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse4">
            <div class="well">
              <p> We collect late payments in the same way as any lender would. If a loan falls behind we will text you a reminder, if we're not able to collect a payment we will phone and email you to see what's gone wrong. </p>
              <p> Our priority is to stop a late payment snowballing into a bigger problem. Obviously, because our loans are supported by a guarantor, if a borrower doesn't repay then the guarantor has to. </p>
              <p> In a few very rare cases, where we can't come to an arrangement for repayment with either borrower or guarantor, as a last resort we may either pass a debt onto a professional debt collector or ask a court to decide the best way to
                deal with it. </p>
              <p> Whatever happens we will NEVER put your home or other property at risk, as all our loans are unsecured guarantor loans. </p>
  <section class="faq-section">
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      <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2 text-center faq-header">
        <h1>Top Questions</h1>
      <div class="col-sm-6 hidden-xs">
        <div class="collapseContainer styled active">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse5" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse5">
                            Our application process explained
          <div class="collapse collapsable in" id="collapse5">
            <div class="well">
              <p> Make an application on our website, tell us how much you'd like to borrow and over how many months. </p>
              <p> We'll give you a link to send to your guarantor so they can complete their part of the application. </p>
              <p> Once your guarantor has finished their part, we'll give them a quick call to confirm their details and to arrange paying out the money. We may need to give you a call too, just to finalise everything. We'll always let you know if
                and when we can pay out the loan. </p>
              <p> We aim to pay out every loan within 24 hours of the guarantor being accepted. We pay the money into the guarantor's bank account, for them to give to you. This is to protect customers from fraud, by making sure the guarantor is
                aware of the loan. </p>
        <div class="collapseContainer styled">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse6">
                            How long does it take to get my loan?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse6">
            <div class="well">
              <p> We will always do everything we can to make sure your loan is paid out as quickly as possible. </p>
              <p> We aim to pay out every loan within 24 hours of the guarantor being accepted. If you and your guarantor complete the application online, and all checks are completed without issue, we could get the money to you sooner. </p>
              <p> When your guarantor has signed the online agreement, we'll give them a call to confirm their details. We may need to give you a call too, just to finalise the application. We'll always let you know when we can pay out your loan.
              <p> Some things that could slow your application down are: </p>
              <p> 1. If we're not able to speak to your guarantor when we call. </p>
              <p> 2. If your guarantors property documents are difficult to locate. </p>
              <p> 3. You've applied over a public holiday or weekend, in which case we'll process your application as soon as we're back in the office. </p>
              <p> 4. We need something additional from you like proof of ID or a different bank statement. </p>
        <div class="collapseContainer styled">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse7">
                            How does the interest work and can I make extra payments?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse7">
            <div class="well">
              <p>The most important thing to know about our guarantor loans is that you only pay interest for the time you have the loan, because we calculate our interest daily.</p>
              <p>For example, if you borrow $5000 over 36 months but decide to repay the loan in 12 months, you'd only pay interest for those 12 months.</p>
              <p>There are no early settlement fees or charges for making extra payments, so you're free to make as many extra payments, alongside your set monthly repayments, as you like.</p>
        <div class="collapseContainer styled">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse8">
                            Can I get a loan without a guarantor?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse8">
            <div class="well">
              <p> LendingMate is a guarantor lender; all of our customers must have a guarantor for us to lend to them. A guarantor is a great sign to us that someone trusts you and that we should too, no matter what your credit score! </p>
              <p> A guarantor's responsibility is to make the loan repayments if the borrower does not. A suitable guarantor is someone who is aged 19-75, has a good credit history with no trouble paying bills in the past, and who can afford to make
                the monthly payments if you don't. </p>
              <p> Although they do not have to be a homeowner, it may increase the possibility of us accepting them as your guarantor if they do own their own home. </p>
      <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse9" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse9">
                            What will you ask my guarantor?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse9">
            <div class="well">
              <p> We've made our loan process as simple and stress-free as possible for both you and your guarantor. </p>
              <p> Once you've completed our five minute application, we'll give you a link for your guarantor so they can complete their part. </p>
              <p> When your guarantor has done this, we'll give them a quick call to confirm their details, check they understand their responsibilities and to arrange paying out the loan. </p>
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse10" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse10">
                            Why was my guarantor declined?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse10">
            <div class="well">
              <p> Don't worry if your guarantor has been declined, the most important thing is we should still be able to help you get the money you need. </p>
              <p> You just need to find someone else to be your guarantor instead. As soon as you've found someone new, we'll check that they meet our criteria and will then arrange paying out the loan. </p>
              <p> There are a few reasons why we're unable to accept someone as a guarantor, but the most common is if their credit score doesn't meet our criteria. </p>
              <p> If someone is a guarantor, it will be up to them to make the loan payments if you did not. By looking at their credit score, it allows us to see if they've kept up with their own bills in the past. This helps us to decide if they
                would be a suitable guarantor. </p>
              <p> Other reasons include: </p>
                <li> If they share finance with you (we need to ensure that they are financially independent from you) </li>
                <li>If they aren't aged between 19-75</li>
                <li> If they're not a Canadian resident </li>
                <li> If they're already a borrower or guarantor on a loan with us </li>
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse11" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse11">
                            Do I have to be employed?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse11">
            <div class="well">
              <p>No, we could lend you money as long as you aren't bankrupt, or have an active consumer proposal, and can afford the loan as well as having enough money left over to live your normal life.</p>
              <p>Though you do not need to be employed, you will need a source of income to repay the loan. This doesn't have to come from a full or part time job; we can accept applicants on benefits, for example.</p>
        <div class="collapseContainer">
          <a class="collapseLink" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse12" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse12">
                            How do I make a payment or settle my loan?
          <div class="collapse collapsable" id="collapse12">
            <div class="well">
              <p>We've made repaying the loan as simple and stress-free as possible.</p>
              <p>When we pay out the money, we'll set up a monthly direct debit and collect your debit card details. This is so you have a backup if the direct debit ever failed, to help ensure the loan doesn't fall behind.</p>
              <p>We promise to never charge you for making extra payments or settling your loan early. This will actually save you money, as you'll only repay what you borrow and the interest accrued for the time you have the loan.</p>
      <div class="col-sm-12 faq-read-more">
        <a href="/faq" class="btn read-more-button">READ MORE</a>
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Text Content


Borrow up to $10,000 within 24 hours.
Borrow with a guarantor, no credit scores.



36 months


$8,000 over 36 Months, repaying $398.93 per month, total repayable $14,361.48.

Interest Rate 43% per annum. Representative Example: $10,000 over 36 months
(secured by guarantee) repaying $498.66 per month, total repayable $17,951.76.

$8,000 over 36 Months, repaying $398.93 per month, total repayable $14,361.48.
Interest Rate 43% per annum. Representative Example: $10,000 over 36 months
(secured by guarantee) repaying $498.66 per month, total repayable $17,951.76.

 * Borrow Up To $10,000
 * Guarantor Loans, No Credit Checks
 * Bad Credit OK
 * Fast Loan Approval
 * Lender Not A Broker









1 IN 2



We currently lend in Ontario and British Columbia!

We don't judge you on credit score

Support when you need it

No hidden fees or charges, ever

An old fashioned idea

Back in the good old days banks worked on relationships and trust. If you wanted
a loan your local bank would often simply ask for someone who trusted you to
guarantee it.

Then things changed, computer credit scores took over and millions of people
were left out in the cold because their score didn't fit.

We knew what it was like to be rejected so we built the old fashioned guarantor
loan company we wanted to borrow from.

Decisions made by real people

We don‘t just let computers decide if you can borrow. It doesn't matter if you
have bad credit or are self employed - the most important thing for us is that
you have a friend or family member who trusts you enough to guarantee to make
repayments if you don't, and that you can afford to repay the loan.

Before we pay out any guarantor loans, we have a good old fashioned chat over
the phone with both you and your guarantor. We base our decisions on simple
common sense.

No fees ever

When times get tough the last thing you need is someone making money from your
problems. We NEVER charge for late payments, letters, early settlement or
anything else.

What about when things go wrong?

We collect late payments in the same way as any lender would. If a loan falls
behind we will text you a reminder, if we're not able to collect a payment we
will phone and email you to see what's gone wrong.

Our priority is to stop a late payment snowballing into a bigger problem.
Obviously, because our loans are supported by a guarantor, if a borrower doesn't
repay then the guarantor has to.

In a few very rare cases, where we can't come to an arrangement for repayment
with either borrower or guarantor, as a last resort we may either pass a debt
onto a professional debt collector or ask a court to decide the best way to deal
with it.

Whatever happens we will NEVER put your home or other property at risk, as all
our loans are unsecured guarantor loans.


Our application process explained

Make an application on our website, tell us how much you'd like to borrow and
over how many months.

We'll give you a link to send to your guarantor so they can complete their part
of the application.

Once your guarantor has finished their part, we'll give them a quick call to
confirm their details and to arrange paying out the money. We may need to give
you a call too, just to finalise everything. We'll always let you know if and
when we can pay out the loan.

We aim to pay out every loan within 24 hours of the guarantor being accepted. We
pay the money into the guarantor's bank account, for them to give to you. This
is to protect customers from fraud, by making sure the guarantor is aware of the

How long does it take to get my loan?

We will always do everything we can to make sure your loan is paid out as
quickly as possible.

We aim to pay out every loan within 24 hours of the guarantor being accepted. If
you and your guarantor complete the application online, and all checks are
completed without issue, we could get the money to you sooner.

When your guarantor has signed the online agreement, we'll give them a call to
confirm their details. We may need to give you a call too, just to finalise the
application. We'll always let you know when we can pay out your loan.

Some things that could slow your application down are:

1. If we're not able to speak to your guarantor when we call.

2. If your guarantors property documents are difficult to locate.

3. You've applied over a public holiday or weekend, in which case we'll process
your application as soon as we're back in the office.

4. We need something additional from you like proof of ID or a different bank

How does the interest work and can I make extra payments?

The most important thing to know about our guarantor loans is that you only pay
interest for the time you have the loan, because we calculate our interest

For example, if you borrow $5000 over 36 months but decide to repay the loan in
12 months, you'd only pay interest for those 12 months.

There are no early settlement fees or charges for making extra payments, so
you're free to make as many extra payments, alongside your set monthly
repayments, as you like.

Can I get a loan without a guarantor?

LendingMate is a guarantor lender; all of our customers must have a guarantor
for us to lend to them. A guarantor is a great sign to us that someone trusts
you and that we should too, no matter what your credit score!

A guarantor's responsibility is to make the loan repayments if the borrower does
not. A suitable guarantor is someone who is aged 19-75, has a good credit
history with no trouble paying bills in the past, and who can afford to make the
monthly payments if you don't.

Although they do not have to be a homeowner, it may increase the possibility of
us accepting them as your guarantor if they do own their own home.

What will you ask my guarantor?

We've made our loan process as simple and stress-free as possible for both you
and your guarantor.

Once you've completed our five minute application, we'll give you a link for
your guarantor so they can complete their part.

When your guarantor has done this, we'll give them a quick call to confirm their
details, check they understand their responsibilities and to arrange paying out
the loan.

Why was my guarantor declined?

Don't worry if your guarantor has been declined, the most important thing is we
should still be able to help you get the money you need.

You just need to find someone else to be your guarantor instead. As soon as
you've found someone new, we'll check that they meet our criteria and will then
arrange paying out the loan.

There are a few reasons why we're unable to accept someone as a guarantor, but
the most common is if their credit score doesn't meet our criteria.

If someone is a guarantor, it will be up to them to make the loan payments if
you did not. By looking at their credit score, it allows us to see if they've
kept up with their own bills in the past. This helps us to decide if they would
be a suitable guarantor.

Other reasons include:

 * If they share finance with you (we need to ensure that they are financially
   independent from you)
 * If they aren't aged between 19-75
 * If they're not a Canadian resident
 * If they're already a borrower or guarantor on a loan with us

Do I have to be employed?

No, we could lend you money as long as you aren't bankrupt, or have an active
consumer proposal, and can afford the loan as well as having enough money left
over to live your normal life.

Though you do not need to be employed, you will need a source of income to repay
the loan. This doesn't have to come from a full or part time job; we can accept
applicants on benefits, for example.

How do I make a payment or settle my loan?

We've made repaying the loan as simple and stress-free as possible.

When we pay out the money, we'll set up a monthly direct debit and collect your
debit card details. This is so you have a backup if the direct debit ever
failed, to help ensure the loan doesn't fall behind.

We promise to never charge you for making extra payments or settling your loan
early. This will actually save you money, as you'll only repay what you borrow
and the interest accrued for the time you have the loan.








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FRAUD WARNING: There have been reports of Canadian citizens being contacted by
fraudsters pretending to be Lending mate, or brokers acting on our behalf.
Lending Mate NEVER ask for money from you before a loan is paid out. We will
NEVER ask you to share bank passwords, or passwords for other accounts with us.
If you believe you are being defrauded, contact us on hello@lendingmate.ca

LendingMate.ca is owned by LendingMate Finance Inc. LendingMate offers loans to
residents of Ontario and British Columbia between $2,000 - $10,000 over terms
between 12 and 60 months, with an interest rate of 43% per-annum in British
Columbia and Ontario (please refer to the calculator on our homepage for
details). All loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval.

We are checking your information. Please be patient.

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word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
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