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 * Video games spreadsheet

 * Discord username: technoboop
   Copy to clipboard
   This tooltip took like 2 hours to set up please appreciate it LMAO



*pages marked in red have no content yet.

 * Learn Tengwar
 * My python projects
 * Youtube videos
 * Tolkien's Legendarium



What is it for? Nobody knows



Hello, and welcome to my webpage! My name is SliverOfStraw, or Technoboop, but I
prefer SliverOfStraw these days. Its a name I took from Rain World since thats
one of my favourite games!

My general interests are gaming, programming, and reading. If you can't tell
already, I absolutely love Tolkien's Legendarium, which includes The Lord Of The
Rings and The Silmarillion.

I am currently studying maths, further maths and physics at school, thought I
want to do computer science at University. My school just doesn't offer a
computer science A-level course unfortunately.



This webpage was made entirely from scratch by me as a fun summer project. It is
essentially a space for me to mess around and learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I
love the feel of personal, home-made websites, and seeing other people's
Neocities pages made me realise I could for sure make my own! It will mostly
consist of showcasing stuff I like, I'll start with a page dedicated to Tolkien
and go from there. Soon™

I love hover effects, or really any interactive elements - try hovering over
some stuff on this page and see what happens!



Making your own website is great as it allows for your own creative expression,
you can basically do whatever you want! In an age of the internet where most
people use flat pre-existing sites, its nice to have a corner of the web to call
your own.

So, if you want to make a website, you gotta learn HTML. Its a fairly basic
language that handles the structure of a page. When you have the basics of HTML
down, you can start learning CSS, which handles how the page looks. I recommend
W3schools for these, that is what I used and it worked great for me! Some more
complex things (like for example the jukebox here) will require Javascript, so
when you have a good grasp of the other two, that is the next step.


I think it is important to remember that your own webpage is personal to you -
its fine to get inspiration from other pages, but try to focus on your own
webpage first. Comparison is the thief of joy!

I'm not too experienced in webpage construction myself, this is my first one,
but if I was to give out any advice I would say learn how flexboxes work! They
make page structure SO much easier and... well, more flexible.

Finally, if you plan on using GIFs in your site, you might find you need to edit
them because they don't loop infinitely or some other reason. I strongly
recommend for this as it is easy to use and has a lot of options for

↓ These are some pages I found helpful when making my own webpage! ↓



Tolkien's Legendarium (the all-encompasing term for his created world) is my
absolute favourite creative work of all time. It is a world Tolkien spent his
entire life making, and even then didn't entirely finish it; he envisioned it as
an alternate world history full of magic, myth and fantasy. Tales of tragedy,
tales of glory, from the creation story Ainulindalë to the destruction of the
One Ring and then the age of men (about the fourth age). Despite being a
relative old work now, and being essentially a baseline for modern fantasy, it
still gives me a sense of wonder that nothing else has managed to achieve to
such an extent.

Tolkien only managed to finish two major works of the Legendarium in his life,
those being The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings:

However, he left many works unfinished that would eventually be edited and
published by his son, Christopher Tolkien, such as the Silmarillion and the
Children of Hurin:

If you want to read some of the lore of the Legendarium, I have a separate page
(In progress!) you can access by clicking on the Doors of Durin... But only if
you can decrypt the password! (or you can be boring and access the page from the
sidebar). You can learn how to read and write Tengwar by visiting the Tengwar
page (also not yet done)!

Enter password...



Just a list of random games I like, not really in any order. Keep in mind, I
only play games on PC!

Generally I prefer story over gameplay which seems to run contrary to what a lot
of people think lol.

I strongly recommend playing any game on this list! Might make a separate page
with more detail on each game later.

I have a gaming spreadsheet on the left sidebar if you want to see a more
comprehensive list!

The unnamed games are Omori and Hollow Knight, if you were wondering!






 * Californication - RHCP
 * Harvest of Sorrow - Blind Guardian
 * Blood Tears - Blind Guardian
 * Curses - Crane Wives
 * Evenstar - Howard Shore
 * Stop songs!





<a href=""><img
src="sliverOfStrawButton.png" alt="SliverOfStraw's button" style="width:88px;



I haven't made a comments section or guestbook or anything like that yet lol but
if you like my site feel free to comment on my Neocities page here!