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Submitted URL: http://update.storagemanagersupport.com/
Effective URL: https://www.condreycorp.com/senergy
Submission: On February 01 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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Automate the Management and Protection of Your Network File System Data

Automate data management to mitigate risk. Identity-Driven and Target-Driven
policies in Senergy ensure that you’re always managing data assets properly.
Senergy handles data privacy, rights and access analysis, data disposition, and
protection of high-value targets through its policies.

Get a Free 30 Day Trial


Identity-Driven Policies

Based on user identity and role, provisions storage, assigns permissions, sets
disk quota, performs data cleanup and more.

Target-Driven Policies

Through direct assignments to high-value targets, secures and protects data from
unauthorized access, changes in access permissions, lost or corrupted data, and

Data Owner Task Management

Allows individuals familiar with the data to be notified of access permission
changes, perform data recovery, or perform remediation of data located on
high-value targets.


Keep Sensitive Data Secure

A series of security-based Target-Driven policies let you protect high-value
targets from unauthorized access. Notification policies notify you when access
permissions have been updated. Fencing policies restrict access to certain users
and groups, and Lockdown policies prevent new users from being granted access.

Remediate the Location of Sensitive or Confidential Files

Address compliance requirements for securing confidential and sensitive files by
providing Data Owners the ability to remediate the location of these files. When
Galileo is combined with Senergy, Data Owners have the means of importing
reports and then remediating problems. Data Owners can either move the files to
a more secure location, delete the files, or change the ownership of the folder
where the files are stored.

Manage Data Lifecycle

Through Identity-Driven policies that you define, automatically provision user
and collaborative storage for all users in your organization based on their
roles. These policies perform on-going management and can even automatically
clean up storage when a user leaves the organization.


Senergy Data Sheet


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