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When it comes to your horse, you want to make sure you have the best quality
horse tack, gear, supplies, and equipment. At Rods.com, we carry a wide
selection of ...

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When it comes to your horse, you want to make sure you have the best quality
horse tack, gear, supplies, and equipment. At Rods.com, we carry a wide
selection of top brands and products to meet all of your equestrian needs.

For horse tack sets, we stock English and Western saddles, bridles, halters,
reins, bits, stirrups, girths, saddle pads, and more. We have products for both
pleasure riding and competitive events. Brands include Weaver, Circle Y, Berlin
Leather, and Royal King. Our friendly staff can help fit you and your horse tack
correctly for maximum comfort.

In addition to saddles and bridles, we also offer a full line of horse clothing
and blankets. Choose from sheets, coolers, fly sheets, winter blankets, sheets,
hoods, and leg wraps. Top manufacturers like Weatherbeeta, Horze, and Rambo
ensure quality and durability. Keep your horse comfortable in all conditions.

Grooming supplies are essential for your horse's health and appearance. Select
shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, hoof picks, sprays, and supplements.
Natural ingredients and vitamin enrichments nourish skin and coat. Brands such
as Farnam, Cowboy Magic, and Absorbine cater to your grooming needs.

For exercise and training, we recommend our wide selection of ropes and halters,
sticks and bats, tie rings, cavaletti poles, and other equipment. Let us help
you choose supplies to improve your riding.

Visit our tack shop today for expert advice and the best selection. We stand
behind the products we sell and ensure your satisfaction. Our convenient online
shopping and fast shipping make equipping you and your horse easy.



Horse tack refers to the equipment and accessories used on horses, including
saddles, helmets, halters, bridles, reins, bits, stirrups, and other riding
gear. Proper horse tack allows the rider to control, direct, and stabilize
themselves on the horse.


The average cost of western horse tack can vary greatly depending on the type,
brand, and quality. Basic horse tack sets like halters, lead ropes, and grooming
supplies may cost $20-50. Saddles range from $200 for basic models to over
$2,000 for high-end saddles. Bridles cost $50-500. So, while basic horse tack is
affordable, those wanting high-end show tack should expect prices starting
around $1,000 and up.

If you are looking for cheap horse tack near me, you can often find good deals
on quality used tack for lower prices at Rods.com. Shopping around and checking
sites for horse tack near me or cheap horse tack can help you equip your horse
while staying within your budget.


 * The term originated from sailors in the 19th century, referring to the ropes,
   equipment, and gear on ships as "tackle." This was shortened to "tack" over
 * The equipment used on horses helps to "tack" or secure the rider to the
   horse. The saddle, bridle, and straps all work together to keep the rider
 * "Tack" also refers to the action of securing or fastening something. The
   various buckles, straps, and fittings on bridles, saddles, and other gear
   work to tack them onto the horse.
 * In horse racing, a "tack weight" refers to small weights added to a horse's
   equipment to adjust the total load carried. So, "tack" refers to additional
   riding gear.


 * For English saddles, the horse is tacked up from the left side. This allows
   you to mount the horse from the left more quickly.
 * For Western saddles, tacking up is typically done from the left side as well,
   though both sides are acceptable.
 * The harness is often put on from the left, no matter the saddle type. The
   horse is trained to accept the bit from this side.
 * Attach the throatlatch and noseband on the harness from the right side. This
   allows you to tighten them appropriately.
 * Make sure the horse is well-trained before attempting to tack up from both
   sides. Start tacking from the left until the horse is entirely comfortable.


Here are some typical weight ranges for custom horse tack items:

 * Saddles: English saddles usually weigh 15-25 lbs. Western saddles often weigh
   25-40 lbs.
 * Bridles: English bridles are around 2 lbs. Western bridles range from 1-3
 * Saddle Pads: Around 5 lbs for both styles.
 * Halters: About 1 lb.
 * Reins: 5 ounces to 1 lb, depending on material.
 * Bits: 5-15 ounces generally.

So, a typical complete tack setup of saddle, pad, bridle, reins, and bit may
weigh 30-50 lbs for English and 40-60 lbs for Western horse tack.

The weight a horse can comfortably carry depends on their size and breed. A
15-hand horse can carry 150-200 lbs total, including rider and tack. Draft
breeds can handle more. The key is distributing weight evenly with properly
fitting horse tack sets.

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