api.ynab.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://api.youneedabudget.com/
Effective URL: https://api.ynab.com/
Submission: On June 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

 * API Endpoints
 * API Status
 * YNAB App

 * Hello Developers
 * Quick Start


 * Overview
 * Personal Access Tokens
 * OAuth Applications
 * Access Token Usage


 * Overview
 * Best Practices
 * Endpoints
 * Response Format
 * Errors
 * Data Formats
 * Delta Requests
 * Rate Limiting
 * Support


 * JavaScript
 * Ruby
 * Community


 * Official
 * Community


 * Terms of Service
 * OAuth Requirements


 * v1.69.0
 * v1.68.1
 * v1.68.0
 * v1.1.0 - v1.67.0
 * v1.0.0


Welcome to the YNAB API!

(If you aren't a developer or you have no idea what an "API" is and you just
want to sign in to your YNAB account, you can do that here.)

The YNAB API is REST based, uses the JSON data format and is secured with HTTPS.
You can use it to build a personal application to interact with your own budget
or build an application that any other YNABer can authorize and use. Be sure to
check out what other YNABers have built in the Works with YNAB section and let
us know when you build something yourself!

You can check our changelog to find out about updates and improvements to the

If you need support, please send an email to api@ynab.com.


If you're the type of person who just wants to get up and running as quickly as
possible and then circle back to fill in the gaps, these steps are for you:

 1. Sign in to the YNAB web app and go to the "Account Settings" page and then
    to the "Developer Settings" page.
 2. Under the "Personal Access Tokens" section, click "New Token", enter your
    password and click "Generate" to get an access token.
 3. Open a terminal window and run this:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

You should get a response that looks something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

{"data": {
"budgets": [
    "name":"My Budget",

That's it! You just received a list of your budgets in JSON format through the
YNAB API. Hooray!

If you want to start working with the API to build something more substantial,
you might want to check out our YNAB API Starter Kit which is a simple, but
functional web application that uses the API.



All API resources require a valid access token for authentication. There are two
ways to obtain access tokens: Personal Access Tokens and OAuth Applications.


Personal Access Tokens are access tokens created by an account owner and are
intended to be used only by that same account owner. They should not be shared
and are intended for individual usage scenarios. They are a convenient way to
obtain an access token without having to use a full OAuth authentication flow.
If you are an individual developer and want to simply access your own account
through the API, Personal Access Tokens are the best choice.


To obtain a Personal Access Token, sign in to your account, go to "Account
Settings", scroll down and navigate to "Developer Settings" section. From the
Developer Settings page, click "New Token" under the Personal Access Tokens
section, enter your password and you will be presented with a new Personal
Access Token. You will not be able to retrieve the token later so you should
store it in a safe place. This new token will not expire but can be revoked at
any time from this same screen.

You should not share this access token with anyone or ask for anyone else's
access token. It should be treated with as much care as your main account


OAuth is a secure way for a third-party application to obtain delegated but
limited permissions to a user account and is appropriate for use in applications
that need to gain limited authorized permissions to accounts they do not own. If
you are developing an application that uses the API and want other users to be
able to use your application, OAuth is the only option for obtaining access
tokens for other users.

All OAuth Application integrations must abide by the API Terms of Service and
the OAuth Application Requirements. Failure to do so will result in disabling of
the application.


When an OAuth application is created, it will be placed in Restricted Mode
initially. This means the application will be limited to obtaining 25 access
tokens for users other than the OAuth application owner. Once this limit is
reached, a message will be placed on the Authorization screen and new
authorizations will be prohibited.

To have Restricted Mode removed, you must send a request to api@ynab.com. We
will review your OAuth application to ensure it abides by the API Terms of
Service and the OAuth Application Requirements. Once we review the application
and confirm adherence to our policies, we will remove Restricted Mode.


To create an OAuth Application, sign in to your account, go to "Account
Settings", scroll down and navigate to "Developer Settings" section. From the
Developer Settings page, click "New Application" under the OAuth Applications
section. Here, you specify the details of your application and save it. After
saving, you will see the details of the new application, including the Client ID
and the Client Secret which are referenced in the instructions below.

After creating the application, you are then able to use one of the supported
grant types to obtain a valid access token. The YNAB API supports two OAuth
grant types: Implicit Grant and Authorization Code Grant.


The Implicit Grant type, also informally known as the "client-side flow", should
be used in scenarios where the application Secret cannot be kept private. The
application Secret should never be visible or accessible by a client! If you are
requesting an access token directly from a browser or other client that is not
secure (i.e. mobile app) this is the flow you should use. This grant type does
not support refresh tokens so once the access token expires 2 hours after it was
granted, the user must be prompted again to authorize your application.

The YNAB API Starter Kit implements the Implicit Grant Flow and can be a good
starting point for your own project or used as a reference for implementing

Here is the flow to obtain an access token:

 1. Send user to the authorization URL:
    replacing [CLIENT_ID] and [REDIRECT_URI] with the values configured when
    creating the OAuth Application. The user will be given the option to approve
    your request for access:
 2. Upon approval, the user's browser will be redirected to the [REDIRECT_URI]
    with a new access token sent as a fragment (hash) identifier named
    access_token. For example, if your Redirect URI is configured as
    https://myawesomeapp.com, upon the user authorizing your application, they
    would be redirected to
    This access token can then be used to authenticate through the API.


The Authorization Code Grant type, also informally known as the "server-side
flow", is intended for server-side applications, where the application Secret
can be protected. If you are requesting an access token from a server
application that is private and under your control, this grant type can be used.
This grant type supports refresh tokens so once the access token expires 2 hours
after it was granted, the application can request a new access token without
having to prompt the user to authorize again.

Here is the flow to obtain an access token:

 1. Send user to the authorization URL:
    replacing [CLIENT_ID] and [REDIRECT_URI] with the values configured when
    creating the OAuth Application. The user will be given the option to approve
    your request for access:
 2. Upon approval, the user's browser will be redirected to the [REDIRECT_URI]
    with a new authorization code sent as a query parameter named code. For
    example, if your Redirect URI is configured as https://myawesomeapp.com,
    upon the user authorizing your application, they would be redirected to
 3. Now that your application has an authorization code, you need to request an
    access token by sending a POST request to
    Here are the values that should be passed as form data fields:
    * client_id - The same [CLIENT_ID] sent with the original authorization code
      in Step 1 above and provided when setting up the OAuth Application.
    * client_secret - The client secret provided when setting up the OAuth
    * redirect_uri - The same [REDIRECT_URI] sent with the original
      authorization code request in Step 1 above and specified when setting up
      the OAuth Application.
    * grant_type - The value authorization_code should be provided for this
      field, which will indicate that you are supplying an authorization code
      and requesting an access token.
    * code - The authorization code received as code query param in Step 2
    The access_token, which can be used to authenticate through the API, will be
    included in the token response which will look like this:
    "access_token": "0cd3d1c4-1107-11e8-b642-0ed5f89f718b",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "13ae9632-1107-11e8-b642-0ed5f89f718b"

 4. The access token has an expiration, indicated by the "expires_in" value. To
    obtain a new access token without requiring the user to manually authorize
    again, you should store the "refresh_token" and then send a POST request to
    If successful, the response will contain a new access token and a new
    refresh token in the original token response format. A refresh token can
    only be used once to obtain a new access token, and will be revoked the
    first time you use the new access token.



When an OAuth application is requesting authorization, a scope parameter with a
value of read-only can be passed to request read-only access to a budget. For
If an access token issued with the read-only scope is used when requesting an
endpoint that modifies the budget (POST, PATCH, etc.) a 403 Forbidden response
will be issued. If you do not need write access to a budget, please use the
read-only scope.


An optional, but recommended, state parameter can also be supplied to prevent
Cross Site Request Forgery (XRSF) attacks. If specified, the same value will be
returned to the [REDIRECT_URI] as a state parameter. For example: if you
included parameter state=4cac8f43 in the authorization URI, when the user is
redirected to [REDIRECT_URI], the URL would contain that same value in a state
parameter. The value of state should be unique for each request.


An OAuth application can optionally have 'default budget selection' enabled.

When default budget selection is enabled, a user will be asked to select a
default budget when authorizing your application:

You can then pass in the value 'default' in lieu of a budget_id in endpoint
calls. For example, to get a list of accounts on the default budget you could
use this endpoint: https://api.ynab.com/v1/budgets/default/accounts.


Once you have obtained an access token, you must use HTTP Bearer Authentication,
as defined in RFC6750, to authenticate when sending requests to the API. We
support Authorization Request Header and URI Query Parameter as means to pass an
access token.


The recommended method for sending an access token is by using an Authorization
Request Header where the access token is sent in the HTTP request header.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" https://api.ynab.com/v1/budgets


An access token can also be passed as a URI query parameter named

curl https://api.ynab.com/v1/budgets?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>



Our API uses a REST based design, leverages the JSON data format, and relies
upon HTTPS for transport. We respond with meaningful HTTP response codes and if
an error occurs, we include error details in the response body. We support
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) which allows you to use the API directly
from a web application.


The current version of the API ("v1") is mostly read-only, supporting GET
requests. However, we do support some `POST`, `PATCH`, and `DELETE` requests on
several resources. Take a look at the API Endpoints for details.


TLS (a.k.a. SSL or HTTPS) is enforced on all requests to ensure communication
from your client to our endpoint is encrypted, end-to-end. You must obtain an
access token and provide it with each request. An access token is tied directly
to a YNAB account but can be independently revoked.



Please cache data received from the API when possible to avoid unnecessary


Some endpoints support Delta Requests, where you can request to receive only
what has changed since the last response. It is highly recommended to use this
feature as it reduces load on our servers as well as makes processing responses
more efficient.


Errors and exceptions will sometimes happen. You might experience a connection
problem between your app and the YNAB API or a complete outage. You should
always anticipate that errors or exceptions may occur and build in
accommodations for them in your application.


You should use the most specific request possible to avoid large responses which
are taxing on the API server and slower for your app to consume and process. For
example, if you want to retrieve the balance for a particular category, you
should request that single category from
/budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id} rather than requesting all


The base URL is: https://api.ynab.com/v1. To see a list of all available
endpoints, please refer to our API Endpoints page. The documentation also lets
you "try it out" on each endpoint directly within the page.

Note: The YNAB API was previously available at
https://api.youneedabudget.com/v1. In 2023 it moved to https://api.ynab.com/v1.
While existing applications using https://api.youneedabudget.com/v1 will
continue to function, all API consumers should be updated to use


All responses from the API will come with a response wrapper object to make them
predictable and easier to parse.


Successful responses will return wrapper object with a data property that will
contain the resource data. The name of the object inside of the data property
will correspond to the requested resource.

For example, if you request /budgets, the response will look like:

"data": {
"budgets ": [
  {"id": "cee64af3-a3df-425e-a18a-980e7ec10dc2", ...},
  {"id": "55697d98-b942-4f29-97d8-f870edd001d6", ...}

If you request a single account from /accounts/{account_id}:

"data": {
"account": {"id": "16da87a0-66c7-442f-8216-a3daf9cb82a8", ...}


Response data properties that have no data will be specified as null rather than
being omitted. For example, a transaction that does not have a payee would have
a body that looks like this:

"data": {
"transaction": {
  "id": "16da87a0-66c7-442f-8216-a3daf9cb82a8",
  "date": "2017-12-01",
  "payee_id": null,  // This transaction does not have a payee


For error responses, the HTTP Status Code will be specified as something other
than 20X and the body of the response will contain an error object. The format
of an error response is:

"error": {
"id": "123"
"name": "error_name"
"detail": "Error detail"

The Errors section lists the possible errors.


Errors from the API are indicated by the HTTP response status code and also
included in the body of the response, according to the response format. The
following errors are possible:

HTTP Status Error ID Name Description 400 400 bad_request The request could not
be understood by the API due to malformed syntax or validation errors. 401 401
not_authorized This error will be returned in any of the following cases:
 * Missing access token
 * Invalid access token
 * Revoked access token
 * Expired access token

403 403.1 subscription_lapsed The subscription for this account has lapsed 403.2
trial_expired The trial for this account has expired 403.3 unauthorized_scope
The supplied access token has a scope which does not allow access. 403.4
data_limit_reached The request will exceed one or more data limits in place to
prevent abuse. 404 404.1 not_found The specified URI does not exist 404.2
resource_not_found This error will be returned when requesting a resource that
is not found. For example, if you requested /budgets/123 and a budget with the
id '123' does not exist, this error would be returned. 409 409 conflict If
resource cannot be saved during a PUT or POST request because it conflicts with
an existing resource, this error will be returned. 429 429 too_many_requests
This error is returned if you make too many requests to the API in a short
amount of time. Please see the Rate Limiting section. Wait awhile and try again.
500 500 internal_server_error This error will be returned if the API experiences
an unexpected error. 503 503 service_unavailable This error will be returned if
we have temporarily disabled access to the API. This can happen when we are
experiencing heavy load or need to perform maintenance.



Currency amounts returned from the API—such as account balance, category
balance, and transaction amounts— use a format we call "milliunits". Most
currencies don't have three decimal places, but you can think of it as the
number of thousandths of a unit in the currency: 1,000 milliunits equals "one"
unit of a currency (one Dollar, one Euro, one Pound, etc.). Here are some
concrete examples:

Currency Milliunits Amount USD ($) 123930 $123.93 USD ($) -220 -$0.22 Euro (€)
4924340 €4.924,34 Euro (€) -2990 -€2,99 Jordanian dinar -395032 -395.032


All dates returned in response calls use ISO 8601 (RFC 3339 "full-date") format.
For example, December 30, 2015 is formatted as 2015-12-30.


All dates use UTC as the timezone.


The following API resources support "delta requests", where you ask for only
those entities that have changed since your last request:

 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/accounts
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/categories
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/months
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/payees
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/transactions
 * GET /budgets/{budget_id}/scheduled_transactions

We recommend using delta requests as they allow API consumers to parse less data
and make updates more efficient, and decreases server load on our end.

Resources supporting delta requests return a server_knowledge number in the
response. This number can then be passed in as the last_knowledge_of_server
query parameter. Then, only the data that has changed since the last request
will be included in the response.

For example, if you request a budget's contents from /budgets/{budget_id}, it
will include the server_knowledge like so:

"data": {
"server_knowledge": 100,
"budget": {
  "id": "16da87a0-66c7-442f-8216-a3daf9cb82a8",

On a subsequent request, you can pass that same server_knowledge in as a query
parameter named last_knowledge_of_server
(/budgets/{budget_id}?last_knowledge_of_server=100) and get back only the
entities that have changed since your last request. For example, if a single
account had its name changed since your last request, the response would look
something like:

      "name":"Renamed Checking Account",


An access token may be used for up to 200 requests per hour.

The limit is reset every clock hour. So, if an access token is used at 12:30 PM
and for 199 more requests up to 12:45 PM and then hits the limit, any additional
requests will be forbidden until 1:00 PM. At 1:00 PM you would have the full 200
requests allowed again, until 2:00 PM.

You can check how many requests you have remaining by referencing the
X-Rate-Limit response header. The value of this header is in the format: X/200,
X being the number of requests already made and 200 being the limit. For
example, if your application has already made 35 requests, the next response
will look like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Rate-Limit: 36/200

If you exceed the rate limit, an error response returns a 429 error:

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

"error": {
"id": "429"
"name": "too_many_requests"
"detail": "Too many requests"


If you need support, please send an email to api@ynab.com.



The JavaScript library is available via npm and the source and documentation is
located on GitHub. This library can be used server-side (Node.js) or client-side
(web browser) since we support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

If you are using the JavaScript library, you might want to also take a look at
the YNAB API Starter Kit which is a simple, but functional web application that
uses the JavaScript library.


npm install ynab


const ynab = require("ynab");
const accessToken = "123-yourAccessTokenHere-456";
const ynabAPI = new ynab.API(accessToken);

(async function() {
const budgetsResponse = await ynabAPI.budgets.getBudgets();
const budgets = budgetsResponse.data.budgets;
for(let budget of budgets) {
console.log(`Budget Name: ${budget.name}`);


The Ruby library is available via RubyGems and the source and documentation is
located on GitHub.


gem install ynab

If using Bundler, add gem 'ynab' to your Gemfile and then run bundle.


require 'ynab'
access_token = '123-yourAccessTokenHere-456'
ynab_api = YNAB::API.new(access_token)

budget_response = ynab_api.budgets.get_budgets
budgets = budget_response.data.budgets

budgets.each do |budget|
puts "Budget Name: #{budget.name}"


The following libraries have been created and are maintained by YNABers. We do
not provide support for these clients but appreciate the effort!

 * .NET
   * YNAB.Rest by Joshua Marble
   * YNAB API .NET Core Library by Jake Moening
 * Go
   * ynab-go by David Steinsland
   * ynab.go by Bruno Souza
 * Java - Java SDK for YNAB API by David Dietz
 * Julia - ynab-tools by Joseph Peralta
 * Kotlin - kYNAB by Mark Nenadov
 * Perl - WWW::YNAB by Jesse Luehrs
 * PHP - YNAB-SDK-PHP by Jorijn Schrijvershof
 * PowerShell - Posh-YNAB by Connor Griffin
 * Python - ynab-python by Dean Mcgregor
 * R - rnab by Eric Kort
 * Rust - ynab-rs by Taryn Phrohdoh
 * Swift - swiftynab by Andre Bocchini



The following applications are official YNAB integrations that we developed and

 * Alexa for YNAB - Gain More Control of Your Money (By Yelling at It)
 * API Starter Kit - Quickly get started developing an application with the YNAB
 * Zapier for YNAB - Zapier allows you to instantly connect YNAB with 1,500+
   apps to automate your work and find productivity super powers.


The following community applications have been developed by fellow YNABers. We
do not provide support for these applications.

 * Additional Budget Graphs - Some additional graphing and other abilities for
 * Advanced Tools For YNAB - Advanced Tools for YNAB gives you deep insights
   into your spending habits and gives you the tools needed to supercharge your
   YNAB budget.
 * AECOM Global Well-Being - The AECOM online Global Well-Being platform
 * Allowance for YNAB - An iOS app that allows a focused view of budget
   categories you pick. This can be useful for family members that only want to
   know how much they currently have available in a specific category or set of
 * Apple Card for YNAB - Manual Apple Card imports gotcha down? This service
   automates the process making it as simple as possible to get those Apple Card
   transactions synced over to YNAB. Step 1: Email Apple Card monthly statements
   as CSV attachments to parse@applecardforynab.com. Step 2: Relax.
 * Apple Card Transaction Screenshot For Ynab - This application allows users to
   easily import their Apple Card transactions into their YNAB budget. With just
   a few clicks, users can upload a screenshot of their Apple Card Latest
   Transactions section, and our app will use OCR technology to extract the
   transaction details and upload them directly to their YNAB account. Our app
   provides a fast and hassle-free way for YNAB users to keep their budget
   up-to-date, without the need for manual data entry or waiting until the end
   of the month
 * Automanual for YNAB - Automanual helps automate common manual YNAB tasks such
   as importing Apple Card transactions.
 * Bank Sync for YNAB - Sync your Australian bank accounts to YNAB!
 * bar for YNAB - A simple macOS menu bar for quick access to key YNAB
   information like amount to be budgeted, age of money, income and what's
 * Beyond Rule 4 - Your Age of Money is ever rising. You're feeling in control
   of your money. Congratulations! What would you like to accomplish next?
 * Budget Buddy - Companion app for YNAB for your partner or significant other
   to track the budget categories that they care about. Users can see
   categories, category balances, and category transactions for the current
 * Budget Feeder - Sync your Australian bank transactions to YNAB! 148
   Australian Banks and credit cards supported including Amex, ANZ, Westpac, NAB
   and CBA. No need to enter transactions manually, with automatic bank feeds
   your transactions sync seamlessly to your YNAB budget accounts every day. Let
   Budget Feeder do the hard work for you.
 * Budget Reminders - Get reminders of you current budget category balances by
   time or location.
 * Budget Reports - See reports based on your YNAB account data
 * budgetsyncer.com - Connects European PSD2 compatible banks to ynab
 * Causal - Causal replaces your spreadsheets and slide decks with a better way
   to perform calculations, visualize data, and communicate with numbers. Sign
   up for free.
 * Cents for YNAB - iOS and Android app to seamlessly view your YNAB budget with
   charts to visualize your spending habits
 * Coda Sync for YNAB - A Coda pack to sync your transactions into a doc
 * Cost Sharing for YNAB - Conveniently manage a shared credit card or bank
   account in YNAB
 * Custom Reports for YNAB - Explore your transactions further with custom
   reports beyond YNAB's built-in reports.
 * DAKboard - DAKboard is a customizable display for photos, calendar, news,
   weather and so much more!
 * Dash for YNAB - Dashboard and reporting tools for YNAB.
 * Exist Integrations - Exist Integrations allows the money spent in your YNAB
   budget be sent into your Exist Dashboard.
 * GPT for YNAB (Unofficial) - AI assistant for You Need A Budget (YNAB),
   powered by ChatGPT. Not affiliated with or endorsed by YNAB. As with any AI,
   this assistant can hallucinate or be flat out wrong. DO NOT make financial
   decisions based on this assistant.
 * Heatmap for YNAB - A report that displays your YNAB transactions in a heatmap
   style to get a bird's eye view of your budget.
 * Insights for YNAB - A connector to get data from YNAB into Google Data
 * Integrately - Integrately is an integration platform that serves as a bridge,
   enabling users to connect and automate workflows between different apps and
   services effortlessly. It allows users to create "integrations'' or
   "scenarios" that automate actions and data transfer between different apps
   and services without requiring major knowledge of coding. Users can determine
   what data they want to transfer from the source app to the destination app.
   Our main aim is to offer users simple, ready-made automation options that
   they can activate with just one click.
 * JSON Exporter for YNAB - This allows an easy download of your full budget in
   JSON form, directly from YNAB's API.
 * Know Your Spending - Know Your Spending? Quiz Yourself to Find Out.
 * Lumy - Lumy is a mobile application offering beautiful and configurable
   charts that give you insight into your spending habits.
 * Multi-currency for YNAB - Manage YNAB accounts with multiple currencies in a
   single budget
 * Peek for YNAB - A browser extension to check on your category and account
   balances in YNAB
 * Pipedream - Integration platform for developers
 * ProjectionLab Sync - Syncs YNAB account balances with ProjectionLab. Allows
   you to grow beyond Rule 4 with detailed projections and tax models.
 * Reconcile for YNAB - Simplified flow to reconcile YNAB accounts, even on
 * Repeating Export for YNAB - Download your scheduled repeating transactions as
   a table to CSV or Excel.
 * See Your Budget - Visualize your YNAB budget in various useful ways.
 * Sprout for YNAB - Quickly add a new transaction from whatever webpage you're
 * Stats for YNAB - Discover money insights right in your device.
 * Sync for YNAB - Connect your bank to YNAB
 * Synci.io - Automatically import bank transactions to YNAB. Synci is connected
   to 2447 banks across 31 European countries.
 * Target Visualizer for YNAB - Visualize your monthly targets to work out how
   much money you need to earn and where you've allocated your targets.
 * Telegram bot for YNAB - A Telegram Messenger bot that allows you to quickly
   add transactions to your account and to import CSV files from banks that are
   not directly supported by YNAB.
 * Transaction Resurrecter - Application for resurrecting deleted YNAB
 * Undebt.it - Undebt.it is a free, mobile-friendly debt snowball calculator
 * Widgets for YNAB - Display helpful YNAB information on your iOS Home Screen.
 * Ytistic - A web app that aim to provide more reporting and statistics on your
   budgets and cashflows!



We provide the YNAB API so that YNAB-loving developers can make really cool
projects and applications. We have some expectations and guidelines about how
you’ll do that. Officially, these guidelines are our API Terms of Service
because, well, that’s what they’re called. They work hand-in-hand with our
general YNAB Terms of Service, and both apply to your use of the API. We
appreciate you reading them carefully and, naturally, following them.

To keep the text here readable, we refer to the following as the “Terms”:

 * the YNAB Terms of Service;
 * the API Terms of Service below;
 * terms within any API documentation;
 * and any other applicable policies.

In order to protect the website, our apps, and our customers and their data, you
agree to comply with them and that they govern your relationship with us.

With that said, here are the YNAB API Terms of Service:

 1.  Authorized Use. To use the YNAB API and accept the Terms you must be of a
     legal age to form a binding contract with YNAB. The YNAB API may only be
     used when permission is explicitly given by a YNAB account owner through
     the Authentication processes described in the documentation above.
 2.  Security and Permitted Access. Access tokens must be handled securely and
     never be exposed to a third-party. The Terms and API documentation outline
     the only permissible ways in which you can interact with the YNAB API. You
     are NEVER ALLOWED to directly request, handle or store credentials
     associated with users’ financial accounts. Securely storing an access token
     obtained directly from a financial institution using OAuth is allowed.
 3.  API Limitations. YNAB sets and enforces limits on your use of the APIs at
     our discretion. Those limits may change and are at our sole discretion. Any
     attempt to circumvent those limitations is a violation of these terms.
 4.  Illegal and Restricted Use. We developed this API so you can do good, kind,
     helpful things with it and to make YNAB better. So: The YNAB API may not be
     used for illegal purposes. Which seems obvious, but it’s important to say
     it. Beyond legality, we also restrict the use of the YNAB API in certain
     ways. You agree not to use, or allow any third party to use, the YNAB API
     to engage in or promote any activity that is objectionable, violates the
     rights of others, is likely to cause notoriety, harm or damage to the
     reputation of YNAB or could subject YNAB to liability to third parties.
     This might include: (i) unauthorized access, monitoring, interference with,
     or use of the YNAB API or third party accounts, data, computers, systems or
     networks; (ii) interference with others’ use of the YNAB API or any system
     or network; (iii) unauthorized collection or use of personal or
     confidential information; (iv) any other activity that places YNAB in the
     position of having potential or actual liability for activity in any
 5.  Attribution & Intellectual Property. You and your integration or app may
     not identify or refer to YNAB in any manner that creates a false suggestion
     (either directly or indirectly!) that an application is sponsored,
     endorsed, or supported by YNAB. This includes an application name,
     description, graphics and artwork, and/or web address (DNS name). To
     identify that your app integrates with YNAB, you may use this linked image
     and refer to “for YNAB” in the name of your application. Any other uses of
     our content are subject to the Intellectual Property Rights and Trademarks
     sections of the YNAB Terms of Service. Don’t use ‘em.
 6.  Functionality and Non-exclusivity. You may not use the YNAB API to copy or
     duplicate products or services offered by YNAB. Also, you acknowledge that
     YNAB may, now or in the future, offer products, services, or features that
     are similar to your application.
 7.  Compliance and Monitoring. YNAB may, but has no obligation to, monitor use
     of the YNAB API to verify your compliance with the Terms or any other
     applicable law or legal requirement.
 8.  Accept Updates. The YNAB API may periodically be updated with tools,
     utilities, improvements, or general updates. You agree to receive these
 9.  Termination. YNAB may terminate or suspend any and all access to the API
     immediately at any time, without prior notice or liability at our sole
 10. Changes. We reserve the right to modify the Terms at any time by posting
     them on this page and/or notifying you by any means of contact you’ve
     provided. It is important that you review the Terms whenever we modify them
     because your continued use of the YNAB API indicates your agreement to the


In addition to the above terms, OAuth Applications must adhere to these

 1. A Privacy Policy must be in place for the application that is displayed to
    users and that includes the following:
    1. An explanation of how the data obtained through the YNAB API will he
       handled, stored, and secured.
    2. A guarantee that the data obtained through the YNAB API will not
       unknowingly be passed to any third-party.
 2. The application must not directly request, handle or store any financial
    account credentials other than an access token obtained directly from a
    financial institution using OAuth.
 3. In line with the Attribution & Intellectual Property section of the API
    Terms of Service above:
    1. The application and the web address (DNS name) must not include "YNAB" or
       "You Need A Budget" unless preceded by the word "for".
       Acceptable: "Budget Tools", "Transaction Syncer", "Currency Tools for
       Unacceptable: "YNAB Tools", "YNAB Transaction Syncer", "Advanced YNAB".
    2. Any graphics or artwork may not be modifications to our official branding
       and must be distinguishable from YNAB itself.




Add ability to update a payee's name



Remove `server_knowledge` field from single category resource responses (`GET
budgets/{budget_id}/months/{month}/categories/{category_id}` and `GET
budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id}`). These endpoints do not support
delta requests and the `server_knowledge` field has been mistakenly included in
their responses.



 * Add flag_name to all transaction responses
 * Add flag_name to all scheduled_transaction responses

V1.1.0 - V1.67.0


Various new features and enhancements.



Initial release of the YNAB API.