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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GE">Georgia (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="DE">Germany (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GH">Ghana (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GI">Gibraltar (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GR">Greece (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GL">Greenland (DKK kr.) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GD">Grenada (XCD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GP">Guadeloupe (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GT">Guatemala (GTQ Q) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GG">Guernsey (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GN">Guinea (GNF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GW">Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GY">Guyana (GYD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="HT">Haiti (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="HN">Honduras (HNL L) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="HK">Hong Kong SAR (HKD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="HU">Hungary (HUF Ft) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IS">Iceland (ISK kr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IN">India (INR ₹) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ID">Indonesia (IDR Rp) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IQ">Iraq (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IE">Ireland (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IM">Isle of Man (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IL">Israel (ILS ₪) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="IT">Italy (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="JM">Jamaica (JMD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="JP">Japan (JPY ¥) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="JE">Jersey (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="JO">Jordan (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KZ">Kazakhstan (KZT 〒) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KE">Kenya (KES KSh) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KI">Kiribati (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="XK">Kosovo (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KW">Kuwait (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KG">Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LA">Laos (LAK ₭) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LV">Latvia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LB">Lebanon (LBP ل.ل) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LS">Lesotho (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LR">Liberia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LY">Libya (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LI">Liechtenstein (CHF CHF) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LT">Lithuania (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LU">Luxembourg (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MO">Macao SAR (MOP P) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MG">Madagascar (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MW">Malawi (MWK MK) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MY">Malaysia (MYR RM) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MV">Maldives (MVR MVR) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ML">Mali (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MT">Malta (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MQ">Martinique (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MR">Mauritania (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MU">Mauritius (MUR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="YT">Mayotte (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MX">Mexico (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MD">Moldova (MDL L) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MC">Monaco (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MN">Mongolia (MNT ₮) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ME">Montenegro (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MS">Montserrat (XCD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MA">Morocco (MAD د.م.) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MZ">Mozambique (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MM">Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NA">Namibia (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NR">Nauru (AUD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NP">Nepal (NPR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NL">Netherlands (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NC">New Caledonia (XPF Fr) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NZ">New Zealand (NZD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NI">Nicaragua (NIO C$) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NE">Niger (XOF Fr) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NG">Nigeria (NGN ₦) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NU">Niue (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NF">Norfolk Island (AUD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MK">North Macedonia (MKD ден) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NO">Norway (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="OM">Oman (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PK">Pakistan (PKR ₨) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PS">Palestinian Territories (ILS ₪) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PA">Panama (USD $) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PG">Papua New Guinea (PGK K) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PY">Paraguay (PYG ₲) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PE">Peru (PEN S/.) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PH">Philippines (PHP ₱) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PN">Pitcairn Islands (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PL">Poland (PLN zł) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PT">Portugal (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="QA">Qatar (QAR ر.ق) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RE">Réunion (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RO">Romania (RON Lei) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RU">Russia (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RW">Rwanda (RWF FRw) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="WS">Samoa (WST T) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SM">San Marino (EUR €) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ST">São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (STD Db) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SA">Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SN">Senegal (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RS">Serbia (RSD РСД) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SC">Seychelles (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SL">Sierra Leone (SLL Le) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SG">Singapore (SGD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SX">Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SK">Slovakia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SI">Slovenia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SB">Solomon Islands (SBD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SO">Somalia (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ZA">South Africa (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GS">South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KR">South Korea (KRW ₩) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SS">South Sudan (GBP £) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ES">Spain (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LK">Sri Lanka (LKR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="BL">St. Barthélemy (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SH">St. Helena (SHP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KN">St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LC">St. Lucia (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MF">St. Martin (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PM">St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="VC">St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SD">Sudan (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SR">Suriname (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SJ">Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SE">Sweden (SEK kr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="CH">Switzerland (CHF CHF) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TW">Taiwan (TWD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TJ">Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TZ">Tanzania (TZS Sh) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TH">Thailand (THB ฿) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TL">Timor-Leste (USD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TG">Togo (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TK">Tokelau (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TO">Tonga (TOP T$) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TT">Trinidad &amp; Tobago (TTD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TA">Tristan da Cunha (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TN">Tunisia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TR">Türkiye (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TM">Turkmenistan (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TC">Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (USD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TV">Tuvalu (AUD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="UM">U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="JO">Jordan (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KZ">Kazakhstan (KZT 〒) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KE">Kenya (KES KSh) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KI">Kiribati (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="XK">Kosovo (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KW">Kuwait (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KG">Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LA">Laos (LAK ₭) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LV">Latvia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LB">Lebanon (LBP ل.ل) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LS">Lesotho (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LR">Liberia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LY">Libya (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LI">Liechtenstein (CHF CHF) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LT">Lithuania (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LU">Luxembourg (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MO">Macao SAR (MOP P) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MG">Madagascar (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MW">Malawi (MWK MK) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MY">Malaysia (MYR RM) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MV">Maldives (MVR MVR) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ML">Mali (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MT">Malta (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MQ">Martinique (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MR">Mauritania (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MU">Mauritius (MUR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="YT">Mayotte (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MX">Mexico (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MD">Moldova (MDL L) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MC">Monaco (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MN">Mongolia (MNT ₮) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ME">Montenegro (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MS">Montserrat (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MA">Morocco (MAD د.م.) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MZ">Mozambique (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MM">Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NA">Namibia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NR">Nauru (AUD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NP">Nepal (NPR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NL">Netherlands (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NC">New Caledonia (XPF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NZ">New Zealand (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NI">Nicaragua (NIO C$) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NE">Niger (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NG">Nigeria (NGN ₦) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NU">Niue (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NF">Norfolk Island (AUD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MK">North Macedonia (MKD ден) </button>
            <li class="value-picker__choice-list-item">
              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="NO">Norway (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="OM">Oman (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PK">Pakistan (PKR ₨) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PS">Palestinian Territories (ILS ₪) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PA">Panama (USD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PG">Papua New Guinea (PGK K) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PY">Paraguay (PYG ₲) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PE">Peru (PEN S/.) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PH">Philippines (PHP ₱) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PN">Pitcairn Islands (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PL">Poland (PLN zł) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PT">Portugal (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="QA">Qatar (QAR ر.ق) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RE">Réunion (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RO">Romania (RON Lei) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RU">Russia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RW">Rwanda (RWF FRw) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="WS">Samoa (WST T) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SM">San Marino (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ST">São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (STD Db) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SA">Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SN">Senegal (XOF Fr) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="RS">Serbia (RSD РСД) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SC">Seychelles (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SL">Sierra Leone (SLL Le) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SG">Singapore (SGD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SK">Slovakia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SI">Slovenia (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SB">Solomon Islands (SBD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SO">Somalia (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ZA">South Africa (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="GS">South Georgia &amp; South Sandwich Islands (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KR">South Korea (KRW ₩) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SS">South Sudan (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="ES">Spain (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="BL">St. Barthélemy (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SH">St. Helena (SHP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="KN">St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="LC">St. Lucia (XCD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="MF">St. Martin (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="PM">St. Pierre &amp; Miquelon (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="SD">Sudan (GBP £) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TJ">Tajikistan (TJS ЅМ) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TK">Tokelau (NZD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="TV">Tuvalu (AUD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="UM">U.S. Outlying Islands (USD $) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="UG">Uganda (UGX USh) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="VA">Vatican City (EUR €) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="EH">Western Sahara (MAD د.م.) </button>
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              <button type="submit" name="country_code" class="value-picker__choice-item" value="YE">Yemen (YER ﷼) </button>
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 * With over 15 years experience, we're a crystal supplier you can trust
 * A dedicated client support team for all our trade customers with reserved
 * Supplying 40,000+ product lines to wholesale and retail customers worldwide

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Crystal Parade continues to be the UK's most reliable go to supplier for crystal
embellishments supplying the performing arts, film & TV, fashion, dance,
costume, couture, equestrian, art, craft, bridal, theatrical, live stage,
jewellery, millinery and beauty sectors. Now in our 14th year we have become the
UK's trusted partner to work with, offering Zodiac, Preciosa and Luna crystals
in both wholesale and retail quantities, embellishing & repair service and
in-house crystal placement training.

Preciosa Crystals

We are an authorised Preciosa® Silver Partner and stock a large range of
wholesale and retail packs in every colour, shape and style made by Preciosa®.

Shop Preciosa

Zodiac Crystals

Crystal Parade's very own brand of crystals. Zodiac crystals are good quality
glass crystals, offering amazing sparkle at a fraction of the cost.

Shop Zodiac

Luna Crystals

Our budget friendly glass rhinestones and sew on stones ideal for embellishing
your costumes, freestyle dancewear, performance outfits and crafts.

Shop Luna
649 reviews
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Independent Customer Rating based on 2590 verified reviews

Hello , all arrived perfectly , thank you for the present also ! Have a lovely
day !

Eliza Mihaela Mircea
Swarovski 4756 Non Hotfix Galactic Crystal 19 x 11.5mm Pack of 6 - Clear
Crystal and people selling them

Have made ten dance costumes for daughter’s dance school so just embarking on
dance wear I’m a nurse but also qualified seamstress I will only be buying my
stones etc from yourselves as your customer service is so helpful and you know
your products

Shirley Shirley
Zodiac Non Hotfix Crystals - Light Sapphire

Exactly what I needed!! Thank you

Luna Non Hotfix Crystals - Citrine Neon Opal
Preciosa 3D mix pack

Haven't used this particular pack yet, but I've used other colors from previous
orders. Even in the pack they are beautiful, but on your nails? They shine like
no other and last. You can't put them on a nail with other crystals, because the
difference between them is too noticeable!

Dannajean Pomeroy
Preciosa 3D Crystal Mix Pack of 100 - Golden
Beautiful shine!

The colour and shine on this crystal are just divine.

Chrissie Nicholson
Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Viva12 - Capri Blue AB
Great value product

We tried these Luna crystals as a lower priced alternative to our usual order of
Preciosa. We can't tell the difference, they are lovely quality and super
sparkly. The purple flash to them really complements the teal material and the
blue/green peacock main hue of the crsytals themselves. We will use Luna again.

Alex Thompson
Luna Non Hotfix Rhinestones - Peacock Green
A beautiful product

We bought these as last of the line remnants otherwise we would have had more!
Very nice colour and sparkle, a beautiful addition to our project.

Alex Thompson
Preciosa Maxima No Hot Fix Crystals Mixed Sizes - Pack of 200 Peacock Green
The perfect match for our crystals!

We have used Gem-Tac with success for many years, so it is great to have the
chance to rate it highly. We use it to adhere crystals/rhinestones to stretchy
fabric skate outfits regularly haven't yet lost a crystal during performance. We
have found the nozzle applicator on the bottles perfectly adequate for direct
application, but it does take a bit of practice. Although the glue keeps for
years after the bottle is open, we only use fresh where it matters; the
left-overs come in very handy for gluing those other little craft jobs that crop

Alex Thompson
Gem Tac Embellishing Glue 4 floz (118.56ml)

Great product description, really helped find the right item for my project. Was
shipped quickly and looks amazing on my jacket

Preciosa Loch Rose Sew On Stone - Clear (Foiled backing)

Great product description, really helped find the right item for my project. Was
shipped quickly and looks amazing on my jacket

Zodiac Crystal Peardrop Sew on Stone - Clear

Fabulous Crystals and wonderful customer service! Thank you Poppy, you are truly
the best!!

Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Maxima (15F) - Clear
Sparkly and cute

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - stunning product, exactly what I wanted. Would definetly order

Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Maxima (12F) - AB

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - stunning product, exactly what I wanted. Would definetly order

Preciosa Maxima Non Hotfix Kite - Clear
Beaut colour

So cute and delicate, exactly what I wanted . Amazing quality.

Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Maxima (12F) - Peridot
Amazing product

So sparkly and stunning in real life, exactly what I was looking for

Swarovski 6 x 1.7mm Non Hot Fix Raindrop - Pack of 16 AB


At Crystal Parade, we're passionate about providing a stunning selection of
crystals, pearls, and beads to fuel your creativity. As a proud Preciosa
Authorised Silver Partner, we offer their full range alongside our own Zodiac
and Luna crystals. Our collection also includes jewellery components, tools, and
craft kits. Whether you're a seasoned artisan, a beginner exploring a new craft,
or simply seeking inspiration, we have everything you need to create something
extraordinary. With a decade of experience and a commitment to exceptional
customer service, we're here to help you make your projects shine.

Read our story so far



Choosing the most suitable crystals for your projects can sometimes be daunting,
let us help you make the best choice. We offer 3 brands of crystals Preciosa and
our own brands Zodiac and Luna. Why not take advantage of our free sample
service which will enable you to compare the brands, colour match, choose the
correct size and type. We have a wealth of knowledge along with application
experience and can assist with your projects, so whether you are unsure of the
best colour match or which glue to use please drop us a message, we are here to

About Our Crystals


View all

Hotfix Rhinestones

Preciosa Flatback Hotfix Rounds

Preciosa Non Hotfix Rounds Viva 12

Zodiac Sew On Stones

Preciosa Non Hotfix Rounds - Maxima

Preciosa Flatback Hotfix Rounds

Zodiac Flatback Non Hotfix

Preciosa Hotfix Rounds Maxima


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 * Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Viva12 - Olivine AB
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Hotfix Crystals Viva12 - Clear
   4 reviews
 * Swarovski Crystal Mix Pack of 100 - Wedding Chic
   No reviews
 * Zodiac Hotfix Crystals - Clear
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Viva12 - Dark Indigo
   1 review
 * Genuinue Swarovski Crystals Mixed Sizes - Pack of 100 AB
   No reviews
 * Zodiac Non Hotfix Crystals - Clear
   9 reviews
 * Preciosa Maxima Pointy Back Chaton - Smoked Topaz Unfoiled
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Maxima (12F) - Clear
   3 reviews
 * Drop Chandelier Crystals - Chrome
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Round Half Drilled Pearl - Salmon Rose
   No reviews
 * Swarovski AB Xirius No Hot Fix Crystals - Various pack quantities
   2 reviews
 * Zodiac Crystal Xirius Sew on Stone - AB
   No reviews
 * Luna Non Hotfix Rhinestones - AB
   1 review
 * Luna Peardrop Sew on Rhinestones - AB
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Hotfix Crystals Maxima - Smoked Topaz Unfoiled
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Pointy Back Round Chaton - Various Sizes - Emerald
   No reviews
 * Rolls of Self Adhesive Rhinestones x 5 - Various Colours
   No reviews
 * Preciosa Lochrosen Square Sew On Stone - Labrador
   No reviews
 * Luna Non Hotfix Rhinestones - Dark Siam
   No reviews


Recognised in the industry as a source of creative inspiration, Crystal Parade
specialises in the supply of genuine Swarovski, Preciosa and Zodiac crystals,
embellishing tools, nail art accessories and craft products.

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Zodiac Non Hotfix Crystals - Light Sapphire

Shirley Shirley

Crystal and people selling them

Have made ten dance costumes for daughter’s dance school so just embarking on
dance wear I’m a nurse but also qualified seamstress I will only be buying my
stones etc from yourselves as your customer service is so helpful and you know
your products

Luna Non Hotfix Crystals - Citrine Neon Opal


Exactly what I needed!! Thank you

Preciosa 3D Crystal Mix Pack of 100 - Golden

Dannajean Pomeroy

Preciosa 3D mix pack

Haven't used this particular pack yet, but I've used other colors from previous
orders. Even in the pack they are beautiful, but on your nails? They shine like
no other and last. You can't put them on a nail with other crystals, because the
difference between them is too noticeable!

Preciosa Non Hotfix Crystals Viva12 - Capri Blue AB

Chrissie Nicholson

Beautiful shine!

The colour and shine on this crystal are just divine.

Luna Non Hotfix Rhinestones - Peacock Green

Alex Thompson

Great value product

We tried these Luna crystals as a lower priced alternative to our usual order of
Preciosa. We can't tell the difference, they are lovely quality and super
sparkly. The purple flash to them really complements the teal material and the
blue/green peacock main hue of the crsytals themselves. We will use Luna again.

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