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Cognitive Publishing Ltd is a multimedia publisher and live events organiser
with a number of media brands, which can be viewed
at www.cognitivepublishing.com. Our principal business activities include, but
are not limited to, the creation and delivery of information to businesses and
consumers through events, conferences, exhibitions, print magazines, digital
content delivered through our websites and by email, and the provision of ad hoc
marketing services to our customers.
Our registered address is 2nd Floor, 82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ.
Registered in England, Registration No. 4011145
Cognitive Publishing respects the privacy of every person for whom we have
personal data [“data”]. We comply with data protection legislation such as the
Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation, which
regulates the processing of data and ensures that your data is processed fairly
and lawfully, is kept secure, and that only data necessary for any processing is
This privacy policy summarises the information we may collect about you and how
we may use that data. We primarily collect data in order to provide you with
services you have requested, to provide services likely to meet your needs, to
improve services provided to you, and to sell advertising and sponsorship across
a wide range of products in order to be able to deliver many of our services
free of charge. This policy explains how we ensure the information we have is
kept accurate and secure, as well as offering clear instruction on how you can
request access, deletion or updating of the data we hold relating to you, as
well as being able to withdraw consent and make a complaint.
We may update the privacy policy at any time without notice, so please check
back regularly so you are aware of any changes. This privacy policy is subject
to our terms and conditions, which are available here.
What information do we collect and how?

We only collect personal information if we have your permission or if we have
reasonable commercial reasons for doing this, such as collecting information to
process event registrations for you and your guests or to supply you and your
guests with services associated with our brands. We only collect the information
we need to do these things.
For instance, we may collect some of the following data: name, job title,
company that employs you, home postcode, email address, birthdate, telephone
number, purchasing preferences, dietary requirements, and content you post to
our websites. We may also collect data including, but not limited to, the
content you consume on our websites, digital magazines, etc. This data may be
collected when you place an order for any of our products or services; use our
websites (or a third-party website e.g. to make payments, comment and engage
with our online content); post content to our websites and apps; sign up for a
newsletter, subscription, webinars or event; on completion of a survey,
questionnaire, enter a competition, relinquish personal data in exchange for
access to documentation; or by communication to us by email, phone and other
means. When any of our products and services and events are sponsored by
client(s) of Cognitive Publishing and you proceed to enter information relating
to you in the data capture fields provided, you are agreeing to share this data
with Cognitive Publishing and its client(s) for that instance. You will always
be given the opportunity to read and accept this privacy policy before any
details are shared with the intended client.  

When you make payment online or by phone, we will not record details of the
financial transaction other than for accounting purposes to reconcile payment.
We will not store any information relating to the card used to make payment
other than the billing address and date payment made. We use Secure Trading for
all card transactions, whose privacy policy can be viewed here.
If you use our website, we may record your IP address, registration details and
your browsing history, such as the pages you have visited within our sites. If
you sign up for any of our products or services, we may track your response and
engagement e.g. opening of a newsletter or click on a link in a newsletter or
the pages you visit.
For all employees, we keep personal data needed to recruit and train you, pay
your salary and earned bonuses, provide company benefits such as pensions, and
to fulfil our legal obligations as responsible employers.
We do not share personal data with third parties for marketing purposes, other
than with the direct consent of the individual(s) which may be withdrawn at any

We use cookies to monitor activities across our websites. Cookies are written to
the hard drive of a website user. They contain no personal information about the
website user, and only keep a record of the sites visited and actions on the
website. Some cookies expire after your browser is closed, whilst others stay on
your hard drive. They are of standard use across many websites. We use them on
an aggregated information basis and to assess your areas of interest. They are
used to identify the number of unique visitors to a site, to improve future web
visits (store preferences, username and your email address, saving you time on
your next visit by not having to re-enter to gain access), and to improve the
user experience for you by observing your preferences.
Most browsers offer you ways to control or block cookies should you wish to.
These browser controls will usually be found in the “options” or “preferences”
menu in your toolbar. The “help” portion of the toolbar on most browsers will
tell you how to stop or manage cookies. Note that should all cookies be
rejected, we are unable to match site content appropriate to the preferences
given to us by previous visits, and you will not be able to make full use of all
website features. For further information on cookies visit aboutcookies.org or
the Information Commissioner’s
webpage, www.ico.org.uk/for-the-public/online/cookies.
Legal basis for processing data

Different legal bases are used, which depend upon the purpose for processing
your data.

When data is provided when purchasing a product or service under a contract with
you, we process your data under contract necessity with the data being needed to
fulfil the contract.

When you sign up for a newsletter, event, magazine subscription, survey, webinar
or to download an asset, we process your data under consent.

Any additional processing, i.e. sharing data with third parties, marketing to
you on behalf of third parties is done through either consent or legitimate
interest (you are provided with useful information by us in exchange for
supplying your information (including personal data) and the relationship
between us is balanced in your favour. You have the choice to opt out of
processing under this basis).
When you pay us, or we pay you, we only keep data as long as it is necessary to
comply with the law.
Use of personal data

We will only use personal information for the purpose it was collected. Should
we ever wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you first asking you
for your consent. We primarily use data to communicate with you, deliver the
service you have requested or services that might interest you, renew a
subscription, improve our service, verify your identity when taking payment, or
to meet legal, regulatory and compliance requirements. You will always have the
right to opt out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe links or by
contacting datacomplianceofficer@cognitivepublishing.com.

We may use some elements of the data you supply to target the messages we send
you. For example, we may use your location, company type or job title to send
you a relevant news story.
How long do we keep your data for?

Data is not kept any longer than is required for the purposes of the processing
or to comply with the law. As we collect data for many different purposes, there
is not a set period of time for which all data will be kept. We carefully assess
the length of time to keep data according to the processing purpose and to
comply with the law. When data is no longer required for the purposes collected,
it is securely removed from our systems.
Security & confidentiality

Cognitive Publishing takes commercially reasonable and responsible measures to
protect your data from theft, misuse or accidental destruction, and to keep it
confidential. We aim to protect personal information but cannot provide a 100%
guarantee of security. All employees and data processors (third parties who
process data on our behalf) who access your data are obliged to keep the
information confidential and secure and not to use it for any purpose other than
what they are contracted to carry out for us.
Transfer of data to third parties

We may use third party providers e.g. for website hosting, web maintenance,
email alerting, subscription fulfilment and taking payment. We share information
with these third parties in order for them to provide these services. We collect
a broad range of anonymised data on an aggregate basis, which doesn’t identify
you personally, that we may provide to third parties to sell advertising and
sponsorship in order for us to continue to provide content free of charge. We
will also share data with public or regulatory authorities where required by law
or to enforce our terms of service. We take commercially reasonable and
responsible steps to ensure that your data is kept secure and confidential by
any third party, is securely deleted when not needed for its intended use, that
their data privacy policies protect your data, and that they only process your
data on our instruction. We do not sell or rent your personal data, although we
may transfer, sell or assign your data outside of Cognitive Publishing to a
third party if we merged, sold or reorganised all, or part, of Cognitive
Publishing. Your data will be processed fairly, lawfully and securely in the UK,
and will only be transferred outside of the European Union when there is
protection in place for your rights and when the data will be kept secure.
Withdrawal of consent

If you should wish to withdraw that consent, you can inform us by
emailing datacomplianceofficer@cognitivepublishing.com and we will remove your
data from our systems.
Restriction of liability

Our websites link to other websites. Cognitive Publishing is not responsible for
the privacy policies of those websites nor does it have or accept any liability
for their content.

Competition Terms & Conditions

 1.  The promoter is: Cognitive Publishing Ltd company no. 4011145 whose
     registered office is at 82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ.
 2.  The competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom aged 18 years or
     over except employees of Cognitive Publishing Ltd and associated
     competition partners defined as a “CLIENT” in their contract and their
     close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or
     judging of the competition.
 3.  There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.
 4.  By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating their agreement to
     be bound by these terms and conditions.
 5.  Only one entry will be accepted per person. Multiple entries from the same
     person will be disqualified.
 6.  Closing date for entry will be when the competition is removed from display
     online and usually 28 days after the competition launch date. After this
     date the no further entries to the competition will be permitted.
 7.  No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever
 8.  The rules of the competition and how to enter are as follows:
 9.  The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and
     these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe,
     war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated
     breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of
     the promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to
     entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.
 10. The promoter is not responsible for inaccurate prize details supplied to
     any entrant by any third party connected with this competition.
 11. The prize is as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be
     offered.The prizes are not transferable. Prizes are subject to availability
     and we reserve the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent
     value without giving notice.
 12. Winners will be chosen at random or determined by maximum points attained
     where the object of the competition is to earn point through performing
     specific tasks.
 13. The winner will be notified by email within 28 days of the closing date. If
     the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 14 days
     of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner
     and pick a replacement winner.
 14. competitors will not be able to claim prizes more than once in any 12 month
 15. The promoter will notify the winner how the prize can be claimed
 16. The promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the
     competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
 17. The competition and these terms and conditions will be governed by
     [English] law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive
     jurisdiction of the courts of [England].
 18. The winner agrees to the use of their name and image in any publicity
     material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner
     or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current [UK]
     data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party
     without the entrant’s prior consent.
 19. The winner’s name will be available 28 days after closing date by emailing
     the following address: info@cognitivepublihsing.com
 20. Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and

Legal information and how to contact us

You have the right to see, erase and correct data we hold, the right to restrict
the processing we do, and the right to object to it and to have your data
transferred to a third party. If you wish to do any of these things, have any
questions about how we use your data, or wish to make a complaint about any
privacy issues, please contact us by
emailing datacomplianceofficer@cognitivepublishing.com or write in to:
Roy Rowlands
Data Privacy Lead
Cognitive Publishing Ltd
2nd Floor
82 King Street
M2 4WQ
Requests will be dealt with and responded to within a reasonable time period
extending no further than 30 days. If you are not satisfied with the way your
request was handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the
supervisory authority – details of which are given below:
Information Commissioner’s Office
 * https://ico.org.uk/concerns/
 * Telephone: +44 303 123 1113


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