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Select a School * Aragon High School * Burlingame High School * Capuchino High School * Hillsdale High School * Mills High School * Peninsula High School * San Mateo High School * San Mateo Adult and Career Education Staff Sign In Search Our Site * Home * Our School " * About Us * About Smaller Learning Communities * Administration * Alumni * General Information * Prospective Students and Families * Hillsdale High School Foundation * Hillsdale Peace Pantry * Spring 2021 Reopening Plan * Open House * Students " * 2021-2022 Student/Family Handbook * Student Portal * Daily Bulletin * Library Resources * Performing Arts * Senior Information * Student Clubs * Student Handbook * Student Leadership and Government * Yearbook * Summer Reading Assignments * Families " * Parent Portal * Attendance Office * Parent & Guardian Organizations * Parent & Guardian Resources * Senior Information * Yearbook * Academics " * Career Technical Education (CTE) * English * English Language Development (ELD) * Health * Mathematics * Physical Education (PE) * Science * Social Science * Special Education (SPED) * Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) * World Languages * Graduate Profile, Portfolio, Senior Defense * Programs " * Academic Support * Advanced Placement (AP) * After School Program * District Alternative Programs * English Language Development (ELD) * Gifted and Talented Enrichment (GATE) * Performing Arts * Special Education (SPED) * Counseling " * School Counseling * College and Career Counseling * Mental Health & Wellness Counseling * Athletics " * Athletic Clearance & Resources * Teachers " * Abdelnaby, Nihal * Aha, Kevin * Becerra, Alexis * Almstead, Ryan * Asp, Stephen * Barcelona, Marina * Berger, Sarah * Bissell, Charlie * Bousso-Gueye, Diarra * Braccini, Sabrina * Broock, Jan * Burtness, Laura * Busser, Mike * Button, Jina * Canda, Ed * Caughey, Jenny * Cayabyab, Venus * Chavez, Antoinette * Childress, Craig * Colchie, Daisy * Contreras, Edwin * Cottrell, Jason * Crockett, Christine * Damer, Julielle * David, Ciana * DeLacy, Michael * Devon-Sand, Perri * Dingman, Dagny * Doiy, Caroline * Donohoe, Neal * Dutta, Harjinder * Emanuel, Dave * Epshteyn, Olga * Farhad, Marcus * Flores, Danielle * Galea, Michael * Gilbert, Jeff * Godoy, David * Hartig, Andrew * Heintz, Veronica * Henderson, Barbara * James, Jennifer * Jefferson, Andrea * Joseph, Courtney * Jouriles, Greg * Judd, Peter * Kelly, Janice * Kim, Tammy * Kirk, Adrian * Kirk, Shelley * Landucci, Kristin * Lauderdale, Rachel * Lipski, Christopher * Loskutoff, Nate * Lum-Ku, Charlotte * Luzar, JB * Lynch, Cindy * Macho, Jenny * Madison, James * Mariucci, Rachel * McAnerney, Kevin * McCall, Mike * Meiman, Margo * Milton, Ashley * Munoz, Omar * Mylan, Julie * Nolan, Casey * Olivera, Vilma * Olmos, Susan * Papciak, Brendan * Parodi, Michael * Poblete, Melissa * Press, Sarah * Rally, Amy * Rayn, Sally * Rienzo, Jenny * Roberts, Martin * Sanchez, Kristin * Sandoval, Bella * Santana-Gomez, Kennet * Seligman, Pam * Silva, Michael * Sison, Arielle * Springman, Matt * Stallings, Chris * Stevens, Ryan * Stewart, Ethan * Stone, Daniel * Stuart, Deborah * Stucke, Debra * Stuebbe, Tim * Thomas, Candace * Torres, Jana * Tsai, Nicole * Tsao, Johnny * Valera, Saul * Van Beek, Christine * White, Lucy * Williams, Tim * Witkop, Emily * Wright, Seth * Zee, Sandi * Quigley, Greg * Pesquie, Anne * Shawn Reifschneider HILLSDALE HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE KNIGHTS! 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Loading * /cms/lib/CA02206192/Centricity/ModuleInstance/6701/Generic_DelMonte Entrance 1500 x 915.jpg HHS Families - want to be involved? https://www.smuhsd.org/Page/1778 True Hillsdale High School signage among vines Loading * /cms/lib/CA02206192/Centricity/ModuleInstance/6701/Vaccine Info for 5 and Up 1500 x 915.png Vaccine Info for Students 5 Years and Older https://www.smuhsd.org/vaccines True Vaccine Info for Students 5 and up Loading SPRING SEMESTER STARTS JANUARY 5TH, 2022 HILLSDALE PEACE PANTRY WINTER DRIVE Click Here for Bell Schedule Click here for details and to donate! Learn More LATEST NEWS * Comments (-1) JANUARY 11, 2022: UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY TOWN HALL Comments (-1) SPRING DUAL ENROLLMENT * Comments (-1) HHS PEACE PANTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP Comments (-1) REPORT SAFETY CONCERNS USING ANONYMOUS ALERTS * Comments (-1) DEADLINE EXTENDED! DECEMBER! Comments (-1) POP-UP COVID VACCINE CLINIC * Comments (-1) INTERESTED? 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