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TERM 2 WEEK 9 2023

 * Principal's News by Tracy Egan
 * Team Mango We All Belong!
 * Prep News by Michelle Alcorn
 * Year 1 News by Melinda White
 * Year 2 News by Kylie Vaughan
 * Year 3 News by Ellaine Warner
 * Year 4 News by Danielle O'Brien
 * Year 5 News by Emma Crawshaw
 * Year 6 News by Ben Mills
 * Curriculum News
 * Sporting News by The PE Department
 * News from our Partners
 * Community News


Concert Success

Congratulations to our Year 2 and 4 students, junior and senior dance clubs,
eisteddfod team and junior choir who performed at last night’s concert. What a
fabulous evening! Thank you to parents and carers for your support with
costumes. The children looked fantastic and looked like they had a wonderful
evening showcasing their singing and dancing skills.  Special thanks to Mrs
Kostoglou, Ms Sheehan and Mrs Almond for teaching the students, to Mrs Alcorn
and Mrs Benfer for their organisation, Ms Vaughan and Ms O’Brien for MCing and
to all the staff who attended on the night to assist.

ICAS 2023

Mango Hill State School will once again be participating in the 2023 ICAS
Assessments. ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and
problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Digital
Technologies. Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing
opportunities for recognition. Top performers will be eligible for medals and
the opportunity to attend a special award ceremony to have their academic
excellence publicly recognised.

Please find attached the details regarding registration and Online Parent
Payment System. Specific details of assessment days and times will be released
in the near future.

Very high achieving students in Year 6 are encouraged to participate in ICAS
tests as the results are considered when selecting the following awards:

 * Petrie Shield Award for Academic Excellence and
 * Innovation award for Excellence in STEM.

High-achieving Year 6 students who are under financial hardship are asked to
contact the principal to receive support to participate.

Online parent payment closes Friday 21 July 2023, registration details below.

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Reach Review 2023

This year Mango Hill State School is reviewing Reach classrooms and ways we can
continue to strengthen and support our high ability learners. Over the past six
months we have connected with external experts and university lecturers, engaged
in professional learning and liaised with similar schools to learn more about
how we can continue to provide a range of opportunities to support our students.
 As part of this review we would like to invite our Mango Hill families to
respond to a few short survey questions that will support the review of Reach
moving into 2024.

Please complete the survey below by next Wednesday 21 June.

The face-to-face review is planned for Monday 24 July at 4pm. Please RSVP to
Jasmine Benfer if you would like to attend.

School Photos

Thank you for your patience awaiting school photos. Advanced Life are
anticipating delivery late next week or over the holidays for distribution early
next term.


Next week we will celebrate NAIDOC Week. On Monday afternoon we will hold a Yarn
& Eats afternoon for all First Nations families. We look forward to joining with

We had planned a whole school parade on Tuesday but unfortunately, we have had
to cancel this as our presenters now cannot attend. In the virtual parade,
students will watch a film made by our indigenous students. This will also be
shared at the Yarn & Eats afternoon for families.

All students will be learning about NAIDOC week during care class.

Have a wonderful week 
Tracy Egan 


Assistance Dogs

Have you seen students or their parents at our school with their assistance
dog?  Some students and families at our school have fully qualified assistance
dogs to support them.  You will know if a dog is on duty by the vest they are
wearing. These dogs are working hard when you see them.  Please help by not
distracting them in their work hours.  Please don’t cuddle or pat the dog, or
call the dog over. Do we all want to?  Absolutely, but what we want more is to
be helpful so we just have to resist the urge to fuss.  Thanks, Team Mango.

Team Mango You Tube Channel!

Don't forget we now have our Youtube channel up and running. if you can't make
it to our 'Chit Chats' clicking on the links below is a great way to stay


Focus of the Week 

The Care Class focus that will be delivered this Friday is ‘NAIDOC Week’. This
focus continues in the classrooms throughout next week.

Throughout this week and next, students will be participating in NAIDOC
activities.  NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to
celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but
by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to
participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander community.

Yarn and Eats 


Sports Day

We’re still working hard in Prep with only a week and a half to go this

We can’t wait for our first Sports Day Monday next week and have been preparing
for our events in our PE lessons with our PE teachers. We will also be reading a
social story this week as a class so we know what to expect. We are super
excited to be outside and giving each activity our very best, because that’s
what Team Mango students do!

Save The Date – iPad Ready for Semester 2

After the holidays, our Prep students will begin to bring their iPad to school
as part of our BYOD ePAL (electronic Portable Anytime Learning) Program. The
introduction to the ePal Program will support our students throughout all stages
of learning, such as planning and researching; applying and deepening knowledge;
reflecting, evaluating and sharing. It is not expected that these devices will
be in constant use, nor replace the important need for students to learn to read
and write using more traditional forms, however it is utilised daily to
captivate, communicate, collaborate and create. Similar to all teaching and
learning tools in our school, the devices will be used to enrich the learning

On Wednesday 21 June we will be hosting 2 parent information sessions to share
with you important information about the introduction to the ePal program to
support learning within the classroom. There will also be information provided
at the session about all the ‘need to knows’ in setting up your child’s device
before the start of Term 3.

When: Wednesday 21st June 2023

Where: Wandani Centre (across from Soles Café)

Time: 2-2:30pm OR 5-5:30pm

What’s happening in Term 3?

Well, we start our interviews for our Preps beginning school in 2024! If you
know of any family in our catchment not yet enrolled, please encourage them to
hand in their enrolment forms so we can book an interview. To participate in our
transition sessions, which are so very valuable for our students to help them
transition positively to school, students do need to be enrolled and the
interview completed.

Our Playgroup continues each Friday morning from 8:45-9:45am in the Prep
undercover area. I love spending time with our playgroup family and getting to
know the little faces within our community.

If you have a child younger than school age, please come along. We meet in the
Prep area.

Michelle Alcorn
Deputy Principal- Prep


Moderation in Year 1

This afternoon, the Year 1 teaching team is moderating student work for the
semester. This is a rigorous process because we want to ensure we are all on the
same page with our assessments and marking.

It’s also a wonderful time to reflect. There’s lots of cheering at moderation
when we see how far the students have travelled with their progress. Even if a
student hasn’t passed a subject, there’s still learning that’s happened. You can
make progress and overall, be a D or an E. 

When we look at student assessments to figure out the final overall mark, we do
something that’s called “on balance judgement”. This is what all schools do,
using the Australian Curriculum.

Overall, on balance, where is this student mostly sitting? That’s what we look
at. If you don’t pass one thing in a semester, it doesn’t mean you don’t pass
everything overall.

You can attain a Sound level of achievement for English and have difficulty with
independent reading. In English we assess writing and speaking and listening, as
well as reading. Many students have strengths in one or two areas of English and
need more help with the other area in English.

You’ll receive your child’s report early next term, but for now, take this time
to speak with your little one about how they think they are going at school.
What are they proud of? What is something they can do now, that they couldn’t do
before? What’s something they find tricky, that they need to persist with to

Our Year 1s are all a bit weary and making those considered, thoughtful choices
is tricky right now for so many. Let’s help them remain successful to the end of
the semester by celebrating the growth and the journey!

Have a great week 
Melinda White
Deputy Principal- Year 1


Celebrating Dance at the Junior Mid-Year Concert

It was such a treat to come together on Tuesday night for our Junior Mid-Year
Concert.  The last time our Year 2 students performed on stage was back in 2021
when they were in Prep.  It was wonderful to see how much their skills had
developed over the last two years.

At the concert we were entertained with numbers from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Trolls, Aladdin and High School Musical.  Special shout out to all of our
families for their support in putting together our costumes on the night.  Big
thank you also to Mrs Kostoglou who does a wonderful job choreographing and
organising everything for our concerts.

Here are some photos from the night.

Sports Day

Another event we are looking forward to next week is our Year 2 Sports Day. 
This event will be held on Monday 19 June from 12:55 – 2:10pm.  On this day,
students will get to participate in a range of activities including an 80m
sprint, long jump, high jump and a novelty event.  Children should wear their
sports uniform on this day and ensure they have their school hat so that they
are sun safe.  Please be sure to check the Sports Day timetable below for when
your child’s class will be participating in their events.  Please note we’ve
made some slight changes to this timetable over the last week.

Have a wonderful week

Kylie Vaughan
Deputy Principal- Year 2



Gratitude in Year 3

This week, some of our Year 3 friends shared what they were feeling especially
grateful for:

Charlee is grateful to be making shapes and learning about them in Math.

Lily is grateful for her mum.

Manraj is grateful for learning in English.

Oliver is grateful to play soccer.

Lily and Freya are grateful to be finished their Term 2 assessments.

Charli is grateful to play with great friends.

Braxton is grateful for family and friends.

I know our teachers, teacher aides and I always feel grateful to spend our days
with the wonderful students in Year 3.

Learning in Year 3

Students have now completed all of their assessments, or are super close to
being finished. Our teachers are continually collaborating together to ensure
that we all hold a shared understanding of the teaching and learning, and how
students achieve the Achievement Standard in the Australian Curriculum. This
afternoon, Year 3 teachers and I will meet together to further moderate marking
and achievement levels. This part of moderation ensures that teachers are
marking the same way, so that a student who receives a B in one class would
receive a B in any other class and so on.  We love this time of the semester as
we feel as proud as can be of our students and we celebrate how far they have
travelled in their learning.

Date claimers

We can’t wait for Stay and Play at 8:30-9:30 am this Friday 16 June.  We hope
you can join us.  At the same time, we know parents can’t be at every event.  If
you are unavailable on Friday 16 June, please be assured Stay and Play will
still be a fun morning for your child. Please remember the Athletics Carnival
day or days next week. It's another exciting opportunity for our students to
participate and shine.

Take care and have a wonderful week
Ellaine Warner 
Deputy Principal-Year 3


Week 10 Fun Coming Up!


We are looking forward to some wonderful events coming up in Year 4 next week.




Next week, as a celebration for their work in demonstrating this term’s theme,
Gratitude, and for following the Four Cares each day our Year 4 students will
have a celebration session. The Year 4 teachers have organised a range of fun
activities for students to participate in!


Athletics Carnival


The athletics carnival will cap off a very busy last week of school. Our Year 4
students will attend on either Wednesday or Thursday, depending on their year of
birth. For students born in 2014, they will participate on Wednesday. Students
born in 2013 will participate on Thursday. Students not participating on a given
day, will attend class with a Year 4 teacher and some combined classes. Further
details of this will be communicated with you by your child’s classroom teacher.


We welcome all parents and carers to come and cheer on their children at the


Mid-Year Concert


Thank you to all that attended the Mid-Year Concert last night. Our Year 4
performers were amazing!


Danielle O'Brien
Deputy Principal- Year 4


Year 5 Camp

At the time of writing this article our Year 5 students have enjoyed their first
day at Currimundi. Students were so excited (with some nerves) to leave their
families for 3 days, 2 nights. I am sure there were some nerves from families as
well. However as soon as students got on the bus their excitement took over.
After the first morning some groups enjoyed a body boarding, caving, circus
skills, canoeing and beach games.

I look forward to celebrating more memories throughout the week on Facebook.

Emma Crawshaw
Acting Deputy Principal – Year 5


Learning in Year 6

With a very busy Week 10 approaching, our teachers are working hard with
students to wrap up the final units of work for Term 2 this week. During the
week, I have seen lots of Maths lessons on volume and capacity, where students
have been completing an inquiry on the link between measuring volume and
capacity. In 6V and 6R, students were completing an open-ended question, where
they were provided with the volume and they had to create the dimensions for the
container that would hold that volume. It was great to see the number of answers
that students were able to develop!

Interschool Sport

Well done to all of our Year 6 students who attended interschool sport last
Friday. I heard reports about fantastic results, great sportsmanship and lots of

Ben Mills
Deputy Principal –Year 6




AR Millionaire Readers’ Club!

As the term draws to an end, our students are working hard to meet their AR
goals. Congratulations to Oliver who last week reached One million words and
Lucy who reached two million words. Next time you are in visiting the Hub,
please make sure to take a look at Oliver and Lucy's photos on our wall. 


All overdue books need to be returned to the Hub. Your child will have been
given a slip from their teacher with the name of any books they have borrowed in
their name that is now overdue. Please help Ms Franklin and Ms Johnson by
returning these as soon as possible before the end of term. 

Lost Property 

Next Wednesday 21 June, we will have some tables set up at the front of the
school (near the front gate, next to the administration building) with all lost
property. Please make sure to have a look and collect any items that belong to
you. This table will be there until Friday 23 June.

Rob Proffitt White Visits Mango Hill SS

On Friday 16 June, Mango Hill is very lucky to host Rob Proffitt White. He will
be working in our classrooms across the school showcasing problem solving in
mathematics. Some of our students from Prep - Year 6, will get the opportunity
to participate in these engaging lessons. We look forward to his visit. 

Have a fantastic week
Suzette Holm, Jessica Rivett


Term 2 PE

Sports Day and Athletics Carnival

In week 10, the Mango Hill State School Sports Day and Athletics Carnival will
be held.  Attached are the overviews for each day. Please check the relevant
document for your child’s event so you aware of the day/day’s they will be

 * Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 – Sports Day
 * Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – Athletics Carnival

The overview document includes all information including:

 * General Event Schedule
 * Timetables
 * House Groups
 * Age Groups
 * Individual Event information
 * Points Scoring
 * Age Champion
 * Food/Canteen
 * Spectator Expectations
 * District Qualification

2023_MHSS_Junior_Sports_Day_Community_Overview _pdf 249.46 KB

2023_MHSS_YrPrep_2_Junior_Sports_Day_Map _pdf 307.65 KB

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Interschool Sport (Year 5-6)

Well done to our Year 5 and 6 students that competed at the recent Pine Rivers
Interschool Sports Day. Feedback from teachers who attended was resoundingly
positive with lots of commitment and sportsmanship shown.  Students will again
attend Interschool Sport on the below dates:

 * 9June (Friday Week 8)
 * 23June (Friday Week 10)
 * 14July (Friday Week 1, Term 3)


* Due to cancellation of week 4 and 6 interschool sport, new dates have been set

Pine Rivers District Sporting Trials (10-12yr Old’s)

Pine Rivers District School Sport offers 10-12 year old students the opportunity
to try and make the Pine Rivers District team for a variety of sports. If
successful, they compete at Metropolitan North trials and carnivals, with the
possibility of selection into teams competing at State events. Students must be
nominated by their school in order to attend a district trial or carnival.

District trials are held at various venues within the Pine Rivers District (e.g.
Les Hughes Sports Complex) and are not attended by MHSS staff. A Pine Rivers
District Coach and Manager will facilitate the trial.

Students who express an interest to trial can collect forms from our PE office. 
They will be given the Pine Rivers District forms and the relevant trial
information.   Completed district forms are to be returned to the PE office by
the due date.  Once the forms are collated, students will be nominated for the
trial. Forms are then handed back to students and must then be taken to the
coach/manager at the District Trials. Students will NOT be allowed to trial if
district forms are not handed in completed.  Unless specifically organised by
the school, it is the parents’ responsibility to transport students to and from
district trials. 

Most Pine Rivers District trials are limited to students turning 11 or 12 years
of age and who are considered at a high level in the sport e.g. Div. 1 or A
Grade.  Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming trials however are open for
students turning 10, 11 and 12 years of age.   Sports that students are able to
trial for include the following.

 * AFL
 * Basketball
 * Cricket
 * Football (Soccer)
 * Golf
 * Hockey
 * Netball
 * Rugby League
 * Rugby Union
 * Softball
 * Squash
 * Tennis
 * Touch
 * Triathlon

Mango Hill can normally nominate up to three students for each district sport
trial.  If more than three students wish to be nominated Mango Hill will select
the three best candidates for the trial.  The selection of these students may be
either based on past performances/current club form or through a selection trial
at school.

If you are interested in your child trialling for Pine Rivers District more
information can be obtained from the Mango Hill State School newsletter, with
regular trial updates listed.  You can also contact Mr Nick Hills - (MHSS PE Teacher) so he is aware of your intention to attend
the trial.

2023_MH_Sports_Calendar_T2 _pdf 164.34 KB

Pine_Rivers_District_Sport_Trials _pdf 133.16 KB

Mr Hills & Mr Newell, Miss Richards and Mr Lisha

Physical Education Teachers


PCYC Update

The PCYC students loved helping make Monster Balls for afternoon tea last week.
We love seeing them get more involved with preparing food.


Positions Vacant

Casual School Crossing Supervisor

Position exists for Casual School Crossing Supervisor at

Mango Hill State School.

 * A School Crossing Supervisor must be able to work in all-weather conditions
 * 1 hour 30 mins per day, on a rostered basis.
 * Relief opportunities on your rostered days off.
 * Pay Rate $33.97 per hour.


Commencement of employment for the successful applicant is dependent on:

 * The favourable outcome of a health assessment.
 * A Positive Notice Blue Card
 * Criminal History Check
 * Successful completion of Training


Please send your resume to

Crossing_Positions _pdf 679.62 KB

NEW_OO2_School_Crossing_Supervisor _pdf 215.94 KB


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