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HighTide Website






HighTide is a young single developer that creates software and games for a
living. HighTide usually scripts all his games and software using C#. HighTide
uses C# because that is the easiest to use with the Unity Editor. When HighTide
started developing games he wasn't really good at it. He would look at tutorial
after tutorail and never get the hang of coding or scripting, even the easiest
things. HighTide then took to social media. Soon after joining social media
platforms like Reddit, YouTube, and Discord. These social platforms helped
HighTide learn his was toward his dream job.



HighTide has a lot of social media accounts for a lot of different platforms
(Click the image to view his social!)


This discord server link has been changed! If you aren't new to this website you
are good but to all of the people that recently visited this website for the
first time, PLEASE CLICK THIS AGAIN! as it has changed :)

These socials are the only socials that HighTide has because he doesn't like to
have socials active that he won't use. If you want to find him you can join his
Public Discord Server. His Discord server so far has 10 members as of writing
this HTML page (count will change).


HighTide went through most of his life not knowing what to do. When he found out
coding was a thing (when he was 6) he was instantly attached. Voding always
cakled to him as if it was a god in the clouds, I don't know what about coding
called to him but it did. When HighTide staryed coding he was jusy as bad as
anyone coding. He didn't know about: variables, attributes, strings, or even
arguments. As he started to watch more YouTube videos and follow more developers
his coding knowledge grew at an alarming rate. HighTide learned how to code in
C#, C++, and Scratch in a very short amount of time (3 years). After that point
all he needed to do was look up the stary of the script or string that he needed
and then he could finish the rest of the script. Learning does a lot to help
people get started on something, HighTide just showed you how it helps!



Question Answer What's this website for? This website is for anyone who wants to
use any of HighTide's resources for their own code/scripts. Are the resources
free on this site? Yes! Any (all) of the resources you find on this site are
free to download anytime. How often does HighTide update this site? HighTide
will update this site whenever he makes a new script or code. Does HighTide have
a donation link? No, at the moment HighTide is not open to donations of any
type. One he is it will be announced! How much money does HighTide make?
HighTide doesn't make any money this way as he only does this for fun. What
engine does HighTide make games in? I use the Unity engine. Unity is a free way
for developers to make games, so I took that route as I don't want to make money
doing this... yet What is the Discord server for? The Discord server is for you
guys! I made it so everyone can have a fun time hanging out Does HighTide play
videogames? Yes I do. Infact I play a freaking lot of videogames. I love to play
videogames! How do I use the TTS? So in order to use TTS you will have to find a
place that uses TTS or has TTS integration. For example you can find a TTV
(Twitch TV) chat. How do you make this Website? I make this website using a
coding language called HTML. A really easy language... How long do you work on
this website per day? I don't work on this website every day but when I do, I at
minimum spend 10-25 minutes on editing the website. Is there a custom bot for
the public Discord server? Yes there is! The bot's name is HighBot. You can do a
lot of things with the bot (fun stuff) What is HighTide up to today? I am not
sure, you can see what I am doing if you check my todo list page here: HighTide
ToDo List Will there ever be a user account system? There is a possibility, I am
not currently focused on an account system as I have so many other things to
work on. Do you make 3DS games? No, I am really trying to make a 3DS game but it
is very difficult. I do make 3DS apps and other things like that. 3DS games are
being worked on though Do you really work on this Website? Yes! I work on this
website almost every day so that people stay up to date with what I do on my
spare time and work time. What can I use this site for? You can use this website
to find out what HighTide and his team is doing at the moment and/or the
projects he is or is going to be working on.


HighTide Official