www.za-selections.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700::6812:1ce2  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www.zaapshopping.com/_ma/za/r5/snrlssnlziozzijozvonsv/lnk_h_1/
Effective URL: https://www.za-selections.com/cgi-bin/wingame.pl?source_pk=1288&partner_pk=39&wingame_pk=46&freetest_pk=155
Submission: On October 02 via api from ZA — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: form_reg_halfPOST /cgi-bin/wingame.pl

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Please choose a title
First Name Please enter your first name
Surname Please enter your surname
Email Please check your Email
Accept T&Cs below and Enter
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