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Submitted URL: https://trk.klclick.com/ls/click?upn=qz3O-2B61F6b7bN-2FL8XkjqcwkkRQwz7-2BF5E2Einwp-2B-2FDaFgYZdTg7NnGl3F2MxArdpN20CYOHfq...
Effective URL: https://www.teabox.com/en-de?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=18112022+BFCM+Launch+-+ATC+%2F+CLV%3E2K+%...
Submission: On November 20 via api from SG — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.teabox.com/en-de?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=18112022+BFCM+Launch+-+ATC+%2F+CLV%3E2K+%...
Submission: On November 20 via api from SG — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
16 forms found in the DOMPOST /en-de/localization
<form method="post" action="/en-de/localization" id="header-localization-form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="header__cross-border hidden-pocket" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input
type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"><input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="/en-de">
<div class="popover-container" data-c="DE">
<span class="visually-hidden">Country/region</span>
<button type="button" is="toggle-button" class="popover-button text--small" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="header-localization-form-currency">Germany (EUR €)<svg focusable="false" width="9" height="6"
class="icon icon--chevron icon--inline " viewBox="0 0 12 8">
<path fill="none" d="M1 1l5 5 5-5" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5"></path>
<popover-content id="header-localization-form-currency" class="popover">
<span class="popover__overlay"></span>
<header class="popover__header">
<span class="popover__title heading h6">Country/region</span>
<button type="button" class="popover__close-button tap-area tap-area--large" data-action="close" title="Close"><svg focusable="false" width="14" height="14" class="icon icon--close " viewBox="0 0 14 14">
<path d="M13 13L1 1M13 1L1 13" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none"></path>
<div class="popover__content popover__content--restrict">
<div class="popover__choice-list"><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AF" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Afghanistan (AFN ؋) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AL" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Albania (ALL L) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Algeria (DZD د.ج) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Andorra (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Angola (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Anguilla (XCD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Antigua & Barbuda (XCD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Armenia (AMD դր.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AW" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Aruba (AWG ƒ) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AU" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Australia (AUD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Austria (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="AZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Azerbaijan (AZN ₼) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BS" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bahamas (BSD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BH" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bahrain (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bangladesh (BDT ৳) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BB" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Barbados (BBD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Belarus (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Belgium (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Belize (BZD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BJ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Benin (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bermuda (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bhutan (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bolivia (BOB Bs.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bosnia & Herzegovina (BAM КМ) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BW" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Botswana (BWP P) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="VG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">British Virgin Islands (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Brunei (BND $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Bulgaria (BGN лв.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BF" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Burkina Faso (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="BI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Burundi (BIF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KH" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cambodia (KHR ៛) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cameroon (XAF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Canada (CAD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CV" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cape Verde (CVE $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cayman Islands (KYD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CF" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Central African Republic (XAF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="TD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Chad (XAF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CL" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Chile (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">China (CNY ¥) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Colombia (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Comoros (KMF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Congo - Brazzaville (XAF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Congo - Kinshasa (CDF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CK" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cook Islands (NZD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Costa Rica (CRC ₡) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Côte d’Ivoire (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Croatia (HRK kn) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Cyprus (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="CZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Czechia (CZK Kč) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DK" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Denmark (DKK kr.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DJ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Djibouti (DJF Fdj) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Dominica (XCD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Dominican Republic (DOP $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="EC" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Ecuador (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="EG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Egypt (EGP ج.م) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="SV" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">El Salvador (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GQ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Equatorial Guinea (XAF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ER" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Eritrea (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="EE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Estonia (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ET" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Ethiopia (ETB Br) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="FK" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Falkland Islands (FKP £) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="FO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Faroe Islands (DKK kr.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="FJ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Fiji (FJD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="FI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Finland (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="FR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">France (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GF" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">French Guiana (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Gabon (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Gambia (GMD D) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Georgia (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="DE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label" aria-current="true">Germany (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GH" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Ghana (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Gibraltar (GBP £) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Greece (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GL" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Greenland (DKK kr.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Grenada (XCD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GP" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guadeloupe (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guatemala (GTQ Q) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guernsey (GBP £) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guinea (GNF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GW" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="GY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Guyana (GYD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Haiti (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Honduras (HNL L) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HK" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Hong Kong SAR (HKD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="HU" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Hungary (HUF Ft) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IS" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Iceland (ISK kr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">India (INR ₹) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ID" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Indonesia (IDR Rp) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IQ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Iraq (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Ireland (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IL" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Israel (ILS ₪) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="IT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Italy (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Jamaica (JMD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JP" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Japan (JPY ¥) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Jersey (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="JO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Jordan (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Kenya (KES KSh) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Kiribati (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="XK" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Kosovo (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KW" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Kuwait (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="KG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Laos (LAK ₭) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LV" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Latvia (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LB" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Lebanon (LBP ل.ل) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LS" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Lesotho (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Liberia (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Libya (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Liechtenstein (CHF CHF) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Lithuania (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="LU" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Luxembourg (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MO" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Macao SAR (MOP P) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Madagascar (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MW" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Malawi (MWK MK) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MY" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Malaysia (MYR RM) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MV" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Maldives (MVR MVR) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ML" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mali (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Malta (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MQ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Martinique (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mauritania (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MU" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mauritius (MUR ₨) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="YT" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mayotte (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MX" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mexico (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MD" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Moldova (MDL L) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MC" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Monaco (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MN" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mongolia (MNT ₮) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="ME" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Montenegro (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MS" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Montserrat (XCD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Morocco (MAD د.م.) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Mozambique (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="MM" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NA" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Namibia (USD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NR" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Nauru (AUD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NP" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Nepal (NPR ₨) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NL" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Netherlands (EUR €) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NC" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">New Caledonia (XPF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NZ" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">New Zealand (NZD $) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NI" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Nicaragua (NIO C$) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NE" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Niger (XOF Fr) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NG" class="popover__choice-item">
<span class="popover__choice-label">Nigeria (NGN ₦) </span>
</button><button type="submit" name="country_code" value="NU" class="popover__choice-item">
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Skip to content Teabox Holiday Sale 2022 | Upto 60% off Sitewide | SHOP NOW Close Teabox Diwali Sale 2022 | Upto 60% off Sitewide SHOP NOW * DARJEELING * ASSAM * CHAI * SHOP ALL * SAMPLERS * GIFTS * TEAWARE * HOLIDAY SALE * ABOUT US Navigation TEABOX Country/region Germany (EUR €) Country/region Afghanistan (AFN ؋) Albania (ALL L) Algeria (DZD د.ج) Andorra (EUR €) Angola (USD $) Anguilla (XCD $) Antigua & Barbuda (XCD $) Armenia (AMD դր.) Aruba (AWG ƒ) Australia (AUD $) Austria (EUR €) Azerbaijan (AZN ₼) Bahamas (BSD $) Bahrain (USD $) Bangladesh (BDT ৳) Barbados (BBD $) Belarus (USD $) Belgium (EUR €) Belize (BZD $) Benin (XOF Fr) Bermuda (USD $) Bhutan (USD $) Bolivia (BOB Bs.) Bosnia & Herzegovina (BAM КМ) Botswana (BWP P) British Virgin Islands (USD $) Brunei (BND $) Bulgaria (BGN лв.) 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No auction houses. No exporters. 100% FRESHNESS GUARANTEED Pure Indian single estate tea experience 100% WHOLE LEAF Made with the highest-grade green tea leaves HAS DELIVERED TO 121 COUNTRIES Ships in 24 hours. Delivers worldwide. FROM HIMALAYAN FOOTHILLS No middlemen. No auction houses. No exporters. 100% FRESHNESS GUARANTEED Pure Indian single estate tea experience 100% WHOLE LEAF Made with the highest-grade green tea leaves HAS DELIVERED TO 121 COUNTRIES Ships in 24 hours. Delivers worldwide. UP TO 50% OFF DARJEELING TEAS EXPLORE NOW UP TO 60% OFF ASSAM TEAS EXPLORE NOW NEW TO TEABOX ? We bring Teas direct from the tea plantations to you. Don’t know where to start? SHOP SAMPLERS EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW SHOP SAMPLERS EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW https://www.teabox.com/collections/estates-assam SHOP SAMPLERS EXPLORE NOW UP TO 50% OFF ON BREAKFAST TEAS EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW CHAIS EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW UP TO 50% OFF ON EXOTIC BLENDS EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW EXPLORE NOW WIN AN EXCLUSIVE TASTING SESSION On a minimum order value: $500 * Experience an intensive tasting session of your order purchases. * Be guided by Tea Masters with 100+ years of cumulative experience. * Free booklet with detailed tea-tasting notes and expert comments. WIN A 2D/1N STAY AT A DARJEELING TEA RESORT Minimum order value: $1000 * Enjoy a 2D/ 1N stay and tour of an estate * Journey to the mountains on a toy train * A detailed tasting session at our facility TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Some coupon codes might not work during the sale. 2. All offers are time bound. 3. All the offers are valid until stocks last or till the offer ends. 4. Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Customer and/or billed to the account of the Customer. 5. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India. Any disputes arising out of and in connection with this program shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore only. 6. Teabox reserves the right to modify or change any of the terms and conditions applicable to this offer at any time with/ without prior notice to the Customer. 7. Teabox shall not also be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered, or for any personal injury that may be suffered, to a customer, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of products/services. 8. Any person purchasing from Teabox shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions. WHY IS TEABOX THE FRESHEST TEA STORE? WE HAVE INDIA'S FIRST 100% TRANSPARENT PROCUREMENT TEA PROCESS We have devised a unique tea sourcing process. We work with the iconic tea gardens of India, and we procure teas within 24 to 48 hours of sampling and keep them under 3-4% moisture levels. Next, we hand sort and clean the whole leaves for impurities, before we vacuum pack and store them in a controlled dehumidified environment. This guarantees their freshness. TEABOX CONNECTS TEA TO PEOPLE. Not to distributors. Not to resellers. But to tea drinkers. Uniting the richest flavors of the finest teas with the curious, the cultivated, and the adventurous, all over the world. The freshest tea you’ve ever tasted, from crop to cup. There is simply no simpler way to experience the wonderful complexity of tea. YOU ASKED. WE ANSWERED I can buy tea online for cheaper. Why should I buy from Teabox? The difference between us and other brands is that we deliver fresh tea directly to you from the tea estate. We bypass auction houses and middlemen to cut the time it takes for tea to reach you down from 6 months to 7 days. Yes, you can buy tea online elsewhere at reduced prices, but we guarantee their tea will not be as fresh as ours, which means it will not be as flavourful. And our model is designed so that purchasing our teas also directly benefits both the tea estates and the lives of those that pick them. Where do you ship and pack your teas from? We pack our teas in Siliguri, the heart of the tea-growing region in India, located just one and a half hours away from Darjeeling. Why is whole leaf tea better than other teas? Whole leaf tea is the highest grade of tea. It contains more catechins and antioxidants, and can be steeped multiple times. There are also - Brokens, which are small-sized crushed leaves that are left over after producing whole leaf tea - Fannings, which is inferior-grade tea made up of small particles and is often mass-produced - Dust, which is the lowest grade tea that should be discarded as waste but is often used commercially by tea companies to reduce cost. It contains few natural benefits, and can be bitter in taste. Do all teas have caffeine? I want a beverage with no caffeine. No. All teas don't have caffeine. Tisanes contain 0% caffeine making them ideal for tea lovers who are on the lookout for a healthy option. Made with herbs and flowers, some of our popular tisanes include Pure Chamomile, Blue Amore, Hibiscus lemongrass, and many more, and are an excellent choice for evenings and bed-time. Browse our range of caffeine-free, fresh herbal teas. What’s the best way to store fresh tea? Tea is not perishable, but it can deteriorate in quality if not stored right. Always store your teas in a sealed, airtight container that blocks our light and contains no moisture. Keep your tea away from light, moisture, and heat (the latter can subtly change the flavours of tea). Store the tea in a dark and cool place, away from sunlight. We take a lot of care to keep your tea fresh, and we urge you to do the same to truly enjoy its flavours and benefits. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Some coupon codes might not work during the sale. 2. All offers are time bound. 3. All the offers are valid until stocks last or till the offer ends. 4. Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Customer and/or billed to the account of the Customer. 5. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India. Any disputes arising out of and in connection with this program shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore only. 6. Teabox reserves the right to modify or change any of the terms and conditions applicable to this offer at any time with/ without prior notice to the Customer. 7. Teabox shall not also be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered, or for any personal injury that may be suffered, to a customer, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of products/services. 8. Any person purchasing from Teabox shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Some coupon codes might not work during the sale. 2. All offers are time bound. 3. All the offers are valid until stocks last or till the offer ends. 4. Any taxes or liabilities or charges payable to the Government or any other authority or body, if any, shall be borne directly by Customer and/or billed to the account of the Customer. 5. The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of India. Any disputes arising out of and in connection with this program shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore only. 6. Teabox reserves the right to modify or change any of the terms and conditions applicable to this offer at any time with/ without prior notice to the Customer. 7. Teabox shall not also be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered, or for any personal injury that may be suffered, to a customer, directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of products/services. 8. Any person purchasing from Teabox shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions. Region * Darjeeling * Assam * Nilgiri * Sikkim * Meghalaya About Us * About Teabox * Shipping & Delivery * Blog * Tea 101 * Rewards * Track Order * Corporate Gifting * Terms * Privacy Policy * Refund Policy * Teabox Affiliates * Career TAKE AN EXTRA 10% OFF YOUR ORDER We'll also send you delicious recipes, product updates, and more. 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