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DAYS TO REMEMBER MUNTHAM FARM, FINDON ENGLAND BN14 0RQ 01903 877555 CALL TODAY FOR DETAILS & AVAILABILITY Call - 01903 877555 MUNTHAM FARM, FINDON ENGLAND BN14 0RQ Corporate Days At Southdown Gun Club! Request Some More Information About Our Client Entertainment Days. Clay Pigeon Shooting, Archery, Axe Throwing and More Is All Part Of Our Unique, Fun Packages. Request Some More Information Below We'll Send You Over All The Details So You Have It In Your Inbox This field is required. This field is required. * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. Please Select... * Corporate Day * Stag / Hen * Other * No elements found. Consider changing the search query. * List is empty. This field is required. This field is required. I agree to receive communication at the email/number provided. This field is required. REQUEST A QUOTE This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. ABOUT SOUTHDOWN GUN CLUB VISITORS CAN ENJOY A RANGE OF ACTIVITIES INCLUDING CLAY PIGEON SHOOTING, ARCHERY, AXE THROWING, AND MORE….CLAY SHOOTING IS THE MOST POPULAR EXPERIENCE AND WE CAN ADAPT THE TARGETS TO SUIT ALL ABILITIES. A TYPICAL EXPERIENCE INCLUDES AT LEAST 30 TARGETS SHOT FROM FIVE DIFFERENT SHOOTING POSITIONS – ALL SCORES WILL BE RECORDED BY YOUR INSTRUCTOR SO YOU CAN AWARD FUN PRIZES TO ALL THE WINNERS…AND LOSERS! EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED; SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND BRIEFING, INSTRUCTION, GUNS, TARGETS AND AMMUNITION, SO YOU CAN SIMPLY RELAX AND JOIN IN THE FUN! GET IN TOUCH TODAY FOR ADVICE, PRICES AND QUESTIONS Request More Information FROM THE MOMENT WE ARRIVED TILL THE INSTRUCTORS TOOK US SHOOTING IT WAS FIRST CLASS SERVICE. MY SPECIAL THANKS EXTENDS TO FIONA WHO MADE THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE FUN AND GAVE CLEAR ADVICE AND HELP TO THE PEOPLE WHO HADN’T SHOT BEFORE. KEEP UP THE AMAZING JOB YOU ALL DO!” Southdown Gun Club | 01903 874050 | Muntham Farm, Findon England BN14 0RQ © 2021, Southdown Gun Club | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | | REQUEST SOME INFORMATION WE'LL SEND YOU OVER ALL THE DETAILS SO YOU HAVE IT IN YOUR INBOX This field is required. This field is required. * United States +1 * United Kingdom +44 * Canada +1 * Australia +61 * * Afghanistan +93 * Albania +355 * Algeria +213 * American Samoa +1 * Andorra +376 * Angola +244 * Anguilla +1 * Antigua and Barbuda +1 * Argentina +54 * Armenia +374 * Aruba +297 * Ascension Island +247 * Australia +61 * Austria +43 * Azerbaijan +994 * Bahamas +1 * Bahrain +973 * Bangladesh +880 * Barbados +1 * Belarus +375 * Belgium +32 * Belize +501 * Benin +229 * Bermuda +1 * Bhutan +975 * Bolivia +591 * Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 * Botswana +267 * Brazil +55 * British Indian Ocean Territory +246 * British Virgin Islands +1 * Brunei +673 * Bulgaria +359 * Burkina Faso +226 * Burundi +257 * Cambodia +855 * Cameroon +237 * Canada +1 * Cape Verde +238 * Caribbean Netherlands +599 * Cayman Islands +1 * Central African Republic +236 * Chad +235 * Chile +56 * China +86 * Christmas Island +61 * CocosIslands +61 * Colombia +57 * Comoros +269 * Congo +243 * Congo +242 * Cook Islands +682 * Costa Rica +506 * Côte d’Ivoire +225 * Croatia +385 * Cuba +53 * Curaçao +599 * Cyprus +357 * Czech Republic +420 * Denmark +45 * Djibouti +253 * Dominica +1 * Dominican Republic +1 * Ecuador +593 * Egypt +20 * El Salvador +503 * Equatorial Guinea +240 * Eritrea +291 * Estonia +372 * Eswatini +268 * Ethiopia +251 * Falkland Islands +500 * Faroe Islands +298 * Fiji +679 * Finland +358 * France +33 * French Guiana +594 * French Polynesia +689 * Gabon +241 * Gambia +220 * Georgia +995 * Germany +49 * Ghana +233 * Gibraltar +350 * Greece +30 * Greenland +299 * Grenada +1 * Guadeloupe +590 * Guam +1 * Guatemala +502 * Guernsey +44 * Guinea +224 * Guinea-Bissau +245 * Guyana +592 * Haiti +509 * Honduras +504 * Hong Kong +852 * Hungary +36 * Iceland +354 * India +91 * Indonesia +62 * Iran +98 * Iraq +964 * Ireland +353 * Isle of Man +44 * Israel +972 * Italy +39 * Jamaica +1 * Japan +81 * Jersey +44 * Jordan +962 * Kazakhstan +7 * Kenya +254 * Kiribati +686 * Kosovo +383 * Kuwait +965 * Kyrgyzstan +996 * Laos +856 * Latvia +371 * Lebanon +961 * Lesotho +266 * Liberia +231 * Libya +218 * Liechtenstein +423 * Lithuania +370 * Luxembourg +352 * Macau +853 * Macedonia +389 * Madagascar +261 * Malawi +265 * Malaysia +60 * Maldives +960 * Mali +223 * Malta +356 * Marshall Islands +692 * Martinique +596 * Mauritania +222 * Mauritius +230 * Mayotte +262 * Mexico +52 * Micronesia +691 * Moldova +373 * Monaco +377 * Mongolia +976 * Montenegro +382 * Montserrat +1 * Morocco +212 * Mozambique +258 * Myanmar +95 * Namibia +264 * Nauru +674 * Nepal +977 * Netherlands +31 * New Caledonia +687 * New Zealand +64 * Nicaragua +505 * Niger +227 * Nigeria +234 * Niue +683 * Norfolk Island +672 * North Korea +850 * Northern Mariana Islands +1 * Norway +47 * Oman +968 * Pakistan +92 * Palau +680 * Palestine +970 * Panama +507 * Papua New Guinea +675 * Paraguay +595 * Peru +51 * Philippines +63 * Poland +48 * Portugal +351 * Puerto Rico +1 * Qatar +974 * Réunion +262 * Romania +40 * Russia +7 * Rwanda +250 * Saint Barthélemy +590 * Saint Helena +290 * Saint Kitts and Nevis +1 * Saint Lucia +1 * Saint Martin) +590 * Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1 * Samoa +685 * San Marino +378 * São Tomé and Príncipe +239 * Saudi Arabia +966 * Senegal +221 * Serbia +381 * Seychelles +248 * Sierra Leone +232 * Singapore +65 * Sint Maarten +1 * Slovakia +421 * Slovenia +386 * Solomon Islands +677 * Somalia +252 * South Africa +27 * South Korea +82 * South Sudan +211 * Spain +34 * Sri Lanka +94 * Sudan +249 * Suriname +597 * Svalbard and Jan Mayen +47 * Sweden +46 * Switzerland +41 * Syria +963 * Taiwan +886 * Tajikistan +992 * Tanzania +255 * Thailand +66 * Timor-Leste +670 * Togo +228 * Tokelau +690 * Tonga +676 * Trinidad and Tobago +1 * Tunisia +216 * Turkey +90 * Turkmenistan +993 * Turks and Caicos Islands +1 * Tuvalu +688 * U.S. Virgin Islands +1 * Uganda +256 * Ukraine +380 * United Arab Emirates +971 * United Kingdom +44 * United States +1 * Uruguay +598 * Uzbekistan +998 * Vanuatu +678 * Vatican City +39 * Venezuela +58 * Vietnam +84 * Wallis and Futuna +681 * Western Sahara +212 * Yemen +967 * Zambia +260 * Zimbabwe +263 * Åland Islands +358 This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. Please Select... * Corporate Day * Stag / Hen * Other * No elements found. Consider changing the search query. * List is empty. This field is required. This field is required. I agree to receive communication at the email/number provided. This field is required. REQUEST A QUOTE This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required. This field is required.