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 * Portal Transformations Contest I Wanderer D · 8 comments
 * Ciderfest's Scattered Pages Wrap-up! Wanderer D · 15 comments
 * The Day of the Dead Anthology Wanderer D · 22 comments
 * Jinglemas 2023! Wanderer D · 30 comments
 * Imposing Sovereigns IV Wanderer D · 7 comments


 * ESightless
   After a dragon attack, Scootaloo loses the chance of flying
   Scootafan · 1.2k words · 38 views
 * EOne Day
   Sometimes, a dream can seem so close, yet so far.
   6-D Pegasus · 1.7k words · 28 views
   Just lemme sleep for gods sake!
   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH · 1.4k words  ·  12  10 · 269 views
 * ERarity's Missing Friendship Problem
   The Cutie Map summoned Rarity to a lake to solve a friendship problem. If
   only there was a friendship problem around to solve.
   ThePinkedWonder · 1.2k words  ·  29  2 · 276 views
 * TLucky Chance has a 1944 Petrov HS-100 Tank
   Lucky Chance has a 1944 Petrov HS-100 Tank, Twilight doesn't like it.
   Toaster Strudel · 1k words · 81 views
 * TUnderneath the Rain
   In his search to remember his purpose, Emerald is met with a cruel reality.
   Thermal Soul · 2k words · 85 views
 * EResurrection man
   Twilight winds down, Jack winds himself up
   Cackling Moron · 2.9k words  ·  53  2 · 328 views
 * EA Song For Twilight
   Twilight Sparkle lays in the hoofs of her wife, lost in the nostalgia of a
   half-remembered dream and the comforting song of what she is certain was a
   foalhood imaginary companion.
   Alicia Van Hammer · 3.2k words  ·  50  5 · 1.3k views
 * EIt’s Time To Go
   Stardust’s guardians return for her
   Lulamoon-Crystal · 1.8k words · 74 views
 * EPraise thee!
   A group of fanatics summon an unfixable horror that plagues the world and the
   President_Celestia · 1.5k words · 137 views
 * TOxidized
   What does Sunstone have in common with Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor?
   Not much, aside from being their forgotten sibling. This is the story of
   Sunstone's social alienation, familial exile, and attempts at rising above
   Online account · 56k words  ·  346  10 · 3.4k views
 * TLightning to the nations
   Jack and Twilight have a sleepover. There is thunder.
   Cackling Moron · 4.7k words  ·  170  1 · 2.2k views
 * EThe Grand RariShip Council
   As is tradition post-Twilight-Really-Messed-Up-The-Multiverse, the Prime
   Rarityship Council has its latest meeting. What bonds these Raritys together?
   The simple fact that they’re all dating a different member of their close
   friend group.
   Monochromatic · 1k words  ·  170  6 · 985 views
 * TWhy couldn't they make cupcakes instead?
   Two children in a war zone find themselves orphaned and fending for
   themselves. While foraging for food amongst the rubble, they find two
   unexpected things; a pink pony plushie and something else, altogether more
   Bronyxy · 1.9k words · 118 views
 * TMaking a splash
   Grown-up holiday, adults swimming.
   Cackling Moron · 2.5k words  ·  89  2 · 730 views

More Popular Stories

   Message Received
   Twilight's Blåhaj
   Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 7
   A Different Kind of Warm
   Fluttershy is dead!
   I can't fix you
   Twilight Tries...
   New Moon
   Manehattan's Lone Guardian

E Message Received
 * MLP: FiM
 * Equestria Girls
 * MLP Gen 5
 * Mystery
 * Twilight
 * Sunset Shimmer
 * Sunny Starscout
 * Mane 5
 * Misty


In the ruins of the Castle of Friendship, Sunny Starscout finds a strange book
filled with messages. Some were never received.
RunicTreetops · 7.8k words · 2k views  ·  251  ·  8
E Twilight's Blåhaj
 * Equestria Girls
 * Drama
 * Slice of Life
 * Sunset Shimmer
 * Sci-Twi


Sunset finds herself a bit surprised to see a stuffed shark on Twilight
Sparkle's bed, and a bit more surprised Twilight's uncomfortable talking about
EileenSaysHi · 3.5k words · 610 views  ·  90  ·  12
T Doll
 * MLP: FiM
 * Drama
 * Twilight
 * Big Mac


The Golden Oaks is destroyed and with it nearly all of Twilight's possessions.
But Big Mac has one that she doesn't know escaped the fires.
TCC56 · 1.7k words · 353 views  ·  73  ·  1
T Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 7
 * MLP: FiM
 * Violence
 * Profanity
 * Adventure
 * Comedy
 * Slice of Life
 * Alt. Universe
 * Spike
 * OC
 * Main 6
 * CMCs


The continuing adventures of the Sparkle Siblings going into the filler arc... I
mean season 7
TDR · 1.2k words · 778 views  ·  183  ·  7
E A Different Kind of Warm
 * MLP Gen 5
 * Romance
 * Comedy
 * Slice of Life
 * Human
 * Anon
 * Misty


Misty isn't used to receiving affection, but she would be more than happy for
Anon to show her some. Who is he to deny her?
RunicTreetops · 1.9k words · 424 views  ·  50  ·  3
T I can't fix you
 * MLP: FiM
 * Death
 * Dark
 * Sad
 * Tragedy
 * Alt. Universe
 * Twilight
 * Rainbow Dash
 * Scootaloo
 * Celestia


Twilight descends into madness after a traumatic event.
Hoofprintz · 5.9k words · 797 views  ·  49  ·  0
E Twilight Tries...
 * MLP: FiM
 * Comedy
 * Random
 * Second Person
 * Twilight


There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try
some of them with you in her new vlog!
Peni Parker · 94k words · 5k views  ·  301  ·  15
E New Moon
 * MLP: FiM
 * Adventure
 * Comedy
 * Slice of Life
 * Alt. Universe
 * Celestia
 * Luna
 * Cadance
 * Main 6


"This... is not what I was expecting to happen when Nightmare was defeated..." ~
Majestic_Donut · 5.1k words · 900 views  ·  70  ·  1
T Manehattan's Lone Guardian
 * MLP: FiM
 * Mega Man
 * Violence
 * Death
 * Adventure
 * Comedy
 * Drama
 * Crossover
 * Human
 * Alt. Universe
 * Celestia
 * OC


What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to
Curtis Wildcat · 298k words · 5.6k views  ·  293  ·  12
E Fluttershy is dead!
 * MLP: FiM
 * Comedy
 * Random
 * Slice of Life
 * Main 6
 * CMCs


After finding out about Fluttershy's "death", detective AB, SB and SC are sent
to the scene to investigate the crime and find the true culprit.
MorganaTheNotCat · 6.1k words · 89 views  ·  6  ·  2

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New Stories
 * EOne Day
    * MLP: FiM
    * Sad
    * Slice of Life
   Sometimes, a dream can seem so close, yet so far.
    * Fiddlesticks
   6-D Pegasus · 1.7k words · 28 views
 * TOxi Clean
    * MLP Gen 5
    * Comedy
    * Random
   The one and only stain remover!
    * Profanity
    * Human
    * Hitch Trailblazer
    * Izzy Moonbow
    * Sunny Starscout
   Buck Swisher · 1.7k words · 43 views
 * EA Blazing Bowser Bash
    * MLP: FiM
    * Mario
    * Adventure
    * Mystery
    * Slice of Life
   Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds
   Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser
   planning with the band?
    * Anthro
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    * Spike
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    * Main 6
   Big Imagination E · 2.1k words · 37 views
 * EFluttershy is dead!
    * MLP: FiM
    * Comedy
    * Random
    * Slice of Life
   After finding out about Fluttershy's "death", detective AB, SB and SC are
   sent to the scene to investigate the crime and find the true culprit.
    * Main 6
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   MorganaTheNotCat · 6.1k words · 89 views
 * ESightless
    * MLP: FiM
    * Dark
    * Sad
    * Tragedy
   After a dragon attack, Scootaloo loses the chance of flying
    * Alt. Universe
    * Rainbow Dash
    * Scootaloo
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   Scootafan · 1.2k words · 38 views
 * EA Valentine Picnic
    * Equestria Girls
    * Romance
   Fluttershy and Soarin go on a picnic for Valentine's Day
    * Soarin
    * Fluttershy (EqG)
   Big Imagination E · 1k words · 34 views
 * TWhy couldn't they make cupcakes instead?
    * MLP: FiM
    * Dark
    * Drama
    * Tragedy
   Two children in a war zone find themselves orphaned and fending for
   themselves. While foraging for food amongst the rubble, they find two
   unexpected things; a pink pony plushie and something else, altogether more
    * Death
    * Alt. Universe
    * Human
    * Pinkie
   Bronyxy · 1.9k words · 118 views
 * ESprizzy Story, Good Enough To Be A Father
    * MLP Gen 5
    * Romance
    * Slice of Life
   A story about the struggles some soon to be Fathers go through.
    * Izzy Moonbow
    * Sprout
   Snugglewarmscale · 1.7k words · 75 views
 * EIt’s Time To Go
    * MLP Gen 5
    * Slice of Life
    * Tragedy
   Stardust’s guardians return for her
    * OC
   Lulamoon-Crystal · 1.8k words · 74 views
 * TThe Curtains Were Blue
    * MLP: FiM
    * Drama
    * Sad
   Starlight has lost somepony dear to here. All she has left is some blue
    * Death
    * Trixie
    * Starlight Glimmer
   Mike_Tubapun · 1k words · 86 views
 * TKilling Fluttershy
    * MLP: FiM
    * Dark
   You hate that yellow pony, and she needs to die. Even if it kills you.
    * Death
    * Second Person
    * Human
    * Fluttershy
    * Self Insert
   sirenc0re · 1.7k words  ·  10  19 · 185 views
 * EPraise thee!
    * MLP: FiM
    * Drama
    * Mystery
   A group of fanatics summon an unfixable horror that plagues the world and the
    * Alt. Universe
    * Human
    * Nightmare Moon
   President_Celestia · 1.5k words · 137 views
    * MLP: FiM
    * Comedy
    * Random
   Just lemme sleep for gods sake!
    * Death
    * Violence
    * Profanity
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    * Human
    * Celestia
    * Luna
    * Main 6
    * Chrysalis
    * Thorax
   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH · 1.4k words  ·  12  10 · 269 views
 * TShadows of Redemption
    * MLP: FiM
    * Romance
    * Slice of Life
   Through a miraculous and cruel twist of fate, Sombra has survived death yet
   again. The Princess's however, offers to put Sombra under her new Villan
   Reformation Program to try and redeem the former king, under the watch of the
   Night Guard's General.
    * Sex
    * Violence
    * Suicide / Self Harm
    * Profanity
    * Alt. Universe
    * OC
    * King Sombra
    * Royal Guard
   Whooves235 · 9.8k words · 89 views
 * TStories of the Great war
    * MLP: FiM
    * Dark
    * Drama
   The great war ended over half a decade ago, but the stories of those who
   defined it remain untold. The Griffon Empire has sent me to piece together a
   fraction of what transpired in those horrible years.
    * Death
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    * Crossover
    * Alt. Universe
    * Prince Blueblood
    * OC
    * Chrysalis
   History Student · 7.5k words · 71 views

Browse All New Stories
Latest Updates
 * ENew Moon
    * MLP: FiM
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   "This... is not what I was expecting to happen when Nightmare was
   defeated..." ~ Celestia
    * Alt. Universe
    * Celestia
    * Luna
    * Cadance
    * Main 6
   Majestic_Donut · 5.1k words  ·  70  1 · 900 views
 * ETwilight Tries...
    * MLP: FiM
    * Comedy
    * Random
   There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to
   try some of them with you in her new vlog!
    * Second Person
    * Twilight
   Peni Parker · 94k words  ·  301  15 · 5k views
 * TThe Missing Barian Numbers
    * Equestria Girls
    * Yu-Gi-Oh
    * Adventure
    * Drama
   In Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, it was said that Don Thousand and Vector together created
   a million Barian, or Fake, Numbers and only very few were shown. This is
   where some of the others went.
    * Gore
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    * Principal Cinch
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   Golden Flare · 164k words  ·  29  4 · 1.2k views
 * THarmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers
    * MLP: FiM
    * Smash Bros.
    * Adventure
    * Comedy
    * Sci-Fi
   Several months after her adventures on Pop Star, Sweetie Belle decides it's
   time to start new adventures in new universes
    * Violence
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    * Apple Bloom
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   Lucar · 755k words  ·  107  8 · 2.9k views
 * TEquestria Girls' Bizarre Adventure
    * Equestria Girls
    * JoJo
    * Romance
    * Adventure
    * Mystery
   This story take places a few years before the first Equestria Girls movie and
   a few days after the new movie of the friendship game.
    * Gore
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    * Sunset Shimmer
    * Flash Sentry
    * Principal Celestia
    * Vice-Principal Luna
    * Main 7 (EqG)
   Saiyan of the North Star · 134k words  ·  64  42 · 3.1k views
 * EThe Owl House: Friendship Forever
    * MLP: FiM
    * Adventure
    * Slice of Life
   The Villains of Equestria discover the Boiling Isles—one that might prove to
   be more than just a land filled with magic.
    * Crossover
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    * Chrysalis
    * Tirek
    * Cozy Glow
   TheClownPrinceofCrime · 14k words  ·  12  1 · 524 views
 * TThe Royal Fillies REDUX
    * MLP: FiM
    * Slice of Life
   Cadence and Shining Armor have a couple of fillies. Alicorn fillies.
    * Human
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    * OC
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    * Cadance
    * Shining Armor
   blazikenking · 83k words  ·  137  6 · 1.5k views
 * TManehattan's Lone Guardian
    * MLP: FiM
    * Mega Man
    * Adventure
    * Comedy
    * Drama
   What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to
    * Death
    * Violence
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    * Human
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    * Celestia
    * OC
   Curtis Wildcat · 298k words  ·  293  12 · 5.6k views
 * TThe Black Heart
    * MLP: FiM
    * Adventure
    * Drama
   Twilight claims that for Chrysalis to have a good life, she just needs to not
   be evil. Chrysalis takes it as a challenge, With the intention of proving
   Twilight wrong.
    * Twilight
    * Main 6
    * Chrysalis
    * Thorax
   Wooden Wheel · 45k words  ·  16  2 · 489 views
 * TBeyond the Veil of Sleep
    * MLP: FiM
    * Adventure
    * Drama
   After the fall of Nightmare Moon, Equestria became a dangerous place for
   batsponies. One is determined to do something about it: using Dreamwalking
   magic, she would free Nightmare Moon from her banishment and save the bats of
    * Violence
    * Alt. Universe
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    * Nightmare Moon
    * Bat Pony
   Starscribe · 69k words  ·  206  5 · 1.5k views
 * TTangled Wings
    * MLP: FiM
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    * Anthology
   Twilight has a secret admirer but who ever it is seems more dangerous than
    * Sex
    * Twilight
    * Spike
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   Short-tale · 25k words  ·  58  5 · 877 views
 * EMy Little Pokémon: Grander World
    * MLP: FiM
    * Pokémon
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    * Slice of Life
   Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a
   unified world
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    * Spike
    * Celestia
    * Luna
    * Main 6
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   Amarvax · 1.6m words  ·  78  11 · 3.4k views
 * TThe Vampire Prince of the Night
    * Equestria Girls
    * Romance
    * Dark
    * Mystery
   Join the Rainbooms and Octavia as they head to the Manehatten theater to
   enjoy the music and uncover a mystery about this Night Ghost.
    * Violence
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    * DJ P0N-3
    * Octavia
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    * Main 7 (EqG)
   Big Imagination E · 19k words · 173 views
 * TBabel
    * MLP: FiM
    * Dark
    * Drama
   The world ended, now it's time to begin again. Can the tenuous remnants of
   Equestria hang on or is even the magic of friendship outmatched?
    * Violence
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    * Alt. Universe
    * Twilight
    * Scootaloo
    * Luna
    * Cheerilee
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   BaeroRemedy · 65k words  ·  344  9 · 3.1k views
 * TStar Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past
    * Equestria Girls
    * Star Wars
    * Adventure
    * Sci-Fi
   As the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadows of the Empire start to
   loom over them once more...
    * Death
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    * Sunset Shimmer
    * Adagio Dazzle
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   FourShadow · 77k words · 346 views

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