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Submission: On November 21 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Close Menu Search CATEGORIES Routers * Wireless routers * Wired routers Switches * Ethernet switches * Managed switches * Unmanaged switches Access Points * Indoor access points * Outdoor access points * Mesh access points Network Security * Firewalls * VPN routers * Intrusion prevention systems Network Cables * Ethernet cables * Fiber optic cables * Patch cables BRANDS Fortinet Firewalla Tp-Link Netgate Cisco D-Link Linksys Netgear ARTICLES Generative AI Home Computer Networks Small Business Computer Networks Large Company Computer Networks STORE HOME SITE HOME Create Account Login Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA BRINGING YOU THE BEST PRODUCTS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Create Account Login Online Store Categories Routers * Wireless routers * Wired routers Switches * Ethernet switches * Managed switches * Unmanaged switches Access Points * Indoor access points * Outdoor access points * Mesh access points Network Security * Firewalls * VPN routers * Intrusion prevention systems Network Cables * Ethernet cables * Fiber optic cables * Patch cables Brands Fortinet Firewalla Tp-Link Netgate Cisco D-Link Linksys Netgear Articles Generative AI Home Computer Networks Small Business Computer Networks Large Company Computer Networks Store Home Site Home Open Menu Redspan Solutions Search Facebook X LinkedIn Loading... Country AUS BEL BRA CAN EGY FRA DEU IND ITA JPN MEX NLD POL SAU SGP ESP SWE TUR ARE GBR USA * Special offers Access our discounts * Sign up for our newsletter Exclusive sales, tips and news * View our articles Expert buying guides COMPUTER NETWORKING HARDWARE FOR THE OFFICE AND HOME Upgrade Your Network with Quality Equipment from Redspan Solutions Browse Products MANAGED SWITCHES Managed switches are advanced networking devices that provide comprehensive control over your network's behaviour and configuration. They allow network administrators to manage, configure, and monitor the network traffic in detail, enabling features such as VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks), network traffic prioritisation, and access control lists. These switches are indispensable in complex network environments requiring high levels of customization and monitoring, such as corporate networks and data centres, where efficiency and security are crucial. UNMANAGED SWITCHES Unmanaged switches offer a simple, plug-and-play solution to expand a network's connectivity. With no configuration needed, these devices are ideal for small offices, home networks, or any situation where basic network expansion is required. They work out of the box to connect multiple devices, such as computers, printers, and servers, facilitating communication and resource sharing within the network. While they lack the advanced features of managed switches, their ease of use and affordability make them a practical choice for straightforward networking needs. FEATURED PRODUCTS View All Featured Products WIFI ROUTER AC1000 DUAL BAND PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.35 out of 5 stars 165 reviews €66.03 €26.42 ALEXA COMPATIBLE WIFI ROUTER PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.64 out of 5 stars 59 reviews €94.34 €70.75 GIGABIT ETHERNET SWITCH HUB PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.45 out of 5 stars 220 reviews €21.69 €16.97 8-PORT GIGABIT ETHERNET SWITCH PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.82 out of 5 stars 202 reviews €26.41 €20.75 View All Featured Products COMPUTER NETWORKING HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Welcome to the Redspan Solutions networking and computer hardware store, where we bring together a curated selection of the finest networking and connectivity solutions to meet the diverse needs of our discerning clientele. From the foundational infrastructure of wired and wireless routers to the nuanced capabilities of VPN routers, our collection is designed to cater to every aspect of your networking requirements, ensuring optimal performance, security, and reliability. At the heart of our offering are wireless routers, delivering the convenience of high-speed internet access without the constraints of cables. These devices are essential for creating a flexible and dynamic home or office network, enabling seamless connectivity for a wide range of wireless devices. For those who prioritise stability and security, our range of wired routers offers a robust solution, providing a direct, reliable link to the internet with minimal interference. Recognising the growing need for privacy and security, we also feature VPN routers, engineered to encrypt your internet connection and shield your online activities from prying eyes. These routers are ideal for both individuals and businesses looking to protect their data and access the internet without restrictions. For environments requiring sophisticated network management and customization, our selection of managed switches offers the control and flexibility to fine-tune your network's performance. Conversely, our unmanaged switches present an effortless, plug-and-play option for straightforward network expansion, exemplifying simplicity and efficiency. Furthermore, our range extends to indoor and outdoor WiFi access points, designed to ensure comprehensive wireless coverage across various environments, from the comfort of your living room to the expanse of outdoor venues. Lastly, our robust firewalls stand guard over your network, offering unparalleled protection against cyber threats and ensuring a secure, uninterrupted online experience. Whether you're setting up a new network, upgrading an existing one, or seeking to enhance your network's security and efficiency, our store is your trusted partner, offering the latest in computer hardware technology. Explore our collection and discover the perfect solutions to meet your connectivity needs. FEATURED CATEGORIES WIRELESS ROUTERS Unlock the Power of High-Speed Connectivity with Our Wireless Routers MANAGED SWITCHES Unlock the potential of your online marketing strategy with our selection of managed switches INDOOR ACCESS POINTS Boost your internet connectivity with our selection of premium indoor access points for seamless online marketing success WIRELESS ROUTERS Wireless routers play a pivotal role in the realm of modern connectivity, serving as the backbone for wireless internet access in homes and businesses alike. These devices facilitate communication between your local network and the wider internet, allowing multiple devices to connect wirelessly. The primary use of wireless routers is to provide internet access to laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices without the clutter of cables. They often come with added functionalities such as guest networking, parental controls, and device prioritisation, enhancing user experience and network security. WIRED ROUTERS Wired routers establish the core of a reliable and secure network connection, particularly beneficial in environments requiring stable internet access without the potential interference of wireless signals. These routers connect directly to computers via Ethernet cables, offering a direct, uninterrupted path to the internet. Ideal for online gaming, large file transfers, and professional settings where speed and reliability are paramount, wired routers also provide a layer of security, as physical connections are less susceptible to unauthorized access compared to wireless networks. FEATURED ARTICLES Feb 26, 2024 Generative AI THE ETHICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Navigating ethical dilemmas in AI technology Feb 26, 2024 Generative AI THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE: AI'S IMPACT AI's Growing Influence in Healthcare May 10, 2024 CHOOSING THE RIGHT NETWORK CABLING FOR YOUR NEEDS. The best network cables for your setup FIREWALLS Firewalls serve as a critical line of defence in protecting networks from cyber threats and unauthorized access. These devices or software applications monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules, allowing only legitimate traffic to pass through. Firewalls are essential in both home and enterprise environments, safeguarding sensitive data from malware, hackers, and other cyber threats. By inspecting data packets and employing a variety of filtering techniques, firewalls play a key role in maintaining the integrity and security of a network. VPN ROUTERS VPN routers are specialized devices designed to provide network security and privacy. By routing all connected devices' internet traffic through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), these routers ensure an encrypted connection to the internet, safeguarding data from potential intercepts. Ideal for both businesses and privacy-conscious individuals, VPN routers protect sensitive information and enable access to region-restricted content by masking the IP address, offering both security and flexibility in internet usage. FOOTER Facebook X LinkedIn CATEGORIES * Routers * Switches * Access Points * Network Security * Network Cables * Categories BRANDS * Netgate * Fortinet * Firewalla * Cisco * D-Link * Netgear * Brands ARTICLES * Generative AI * Home Computer Networks * Small Business Computer Networks * Large Company Computer Networks * Articles PAGES * About Us * Contact * Cookie Policy * Our Newsletter * Privacy Policy * Site Map * Terms of Use SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER The latest offers, articles, and news, sent to your inbox weekly. Email address Sign up GET IN TOUCH Do you have a question, want to give some feedback, or simply want to chat? Click here to find out how to contact us. 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