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Couple attacked by knife-wielding gang in Yorkshire Asda car park

The terrifying attack in the Thurnscoe car park was caught on camera
Huw Edwards' final social media move before deleting Instagram account

Huddersfield landlord left screaming in his car at high interest rates

Samuel Leeds took to TikTok to talk about how he bought houses and rented them
out for profit in Huddersfield
Driver in fatal Katelyn Dawson Huddersfield crash 'frightened' to give evidence

Coroner ruled that Richard Brook had been intimidated since the collision which
killed Katelyn Dawson in January 2018
Huddersfield biker seriously hurt after hitting stones deliberately left in road

Police are now investigating after reports that five such incidents have
occurred in the Lower Cumberworth area

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They plied the girl with booze and drugs before raping her

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Alex GroveContent Editor
 * 11:13, 5 MAR 2020

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Left to right: Sheffield men Jasim Mohammed, Kawan Ahmed and Nzar Anwar were all
found guilty of rape (Image: South Yorkshire Police)
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Three evil men from Sheffield raped a teenage girl after plying her with drugs
and alcohol as part of a sickening child sex abuse plot.

Jasim Mohammed, Nzar Anwar and and Kawan Omar Ahmed, who are all from Sheffield,
were found guilty of raping a girl while she was 15 to 16 years old.

The verdicts were announced yesterday after a two-month long trial at Sheffield
Crown Court which also found Shangar Ibrahimi, of HMP Hull, guilty of rape and
Saba Mohammed, of Faranden Road, Sheffield, guilty of conspiracy to pervert the
course of justice.

Five other men who were charged with rape and one count of sex trafficking were
found not guilty.

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Shangar Ibrahimi was also found guilty of rape (Image: South Yorkshire Police)

The court heard how harrowing details of how the victim was systematically
groomed and exploited between 2010 and 2012. She was plied with alcohol and
sometimes drugs before being subjected to horrific sexual abuse, including rape.

Praising the victim who had to recount her “traumatic” memories of what happened
in court, Detective Inspector Rob Platts for South Yorkshire Police said: “The
bravery of the victim has resulted in the conviction of five very dangerous
offenders for serious sexual offences.



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“While the jury found some of the defendants not guilty of the charges faced,
their decision has to be respected.

“The overall outcome demonstrates the complexity of these prosecutions and does
not detract from the numerous guilty verdicts against five offenders.


Saba Mohammed was deemed to have perverted the course of justice (Image: South
Yorkshire Police)

“I commend the victim, now a woman trying to rebuild her life, for her bravery
in coming forward and speaking to police about the horrific abuse she faced.

“She had to recount incredibly traumatic incidents of sexual abuse and
exploitation in front of the jury over several days and it is testament to her
bravery that she elected to do this in person. I am so pleased her voice has
been heard.”



 * Jasim Mohammed, 37, of Maxwell Way, Sheffield – three counts of repeated
   offences of rape.
 * Nzar Anwar, 40, of Exeter Drive, Sheffield – one count of rape and one count
   of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
 * Saba Mohammed, 41, of Faranden Road, Sheffield – one count of conspiracy to
   pervert the course of justice.
 * Kawan Omar Ahmed, 31, of Margate Drive, Sheffield – two counts of rape.
 * Shangar Ibrahimi, 30, of HMP Hull – one count of rape.


 * Usman Din, 35, of Seaton Crescent, Sheffield – three counts of rape and one
   count of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
 * Tony Juone, 61, of Pitt Lane, Sheffield – one count of rape.
 * Kamaran Mahmoodi, 37, of Walkley Road, Sheffield – one count of rape.
 * Farhad Mirzaie, 28, of Ironside Road, Sheffield – two counts of rape. Mirzaie
   had previously pleaded guilty to drug offences, for which he will be
   sentenced on 13 March.
 * Saman Mohammed, 41, of Fox Street, Sheffield – one count of rape.

DI Platts said the teenager was targeted due to being “incredibly vulnerable”
and was “deliberately targeted for the purposes of sexual exploitation”.

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Fury as 'stupid' man tries to swim with seals off Yorkshire coast

Tributes paid to great-grandmother-of-seven believed to be one of Sheffield's
last 'Women of Steel'


Two men, 69 and 70, re-arrested on suspicion of murder in disappearance of
Barnsley man Richard Dyson

'My son was hit by a car and left lying in the road for three hours'


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trafficked money to UAE

Giant 20 tonne ’trashberg’ cleared out of South Yorkshire river


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Sheffield's Ricki Haywood in 'worst case' of animal cruelty RSPCA had ever seen


Yorkshire couple trapped in 40C Italian heatwave say it's 'unbearable'

Couple attacked by knife-wielding gang in Barnsley Asda car park


Huddersfield biker seriously injured and spends 14 hours in A&E after hitting
wall of stones deliberately left in road

Yorkshire weather forecast for today as experts say more rain will hit


Live Yorkshire traffic news updates for M62, M1, A1, A64 and M18 including
accidents, closures and roadworks

Good Morning Britain viewers threaten Ofcom complaints and 'switch off' as
Stanley Johnson appears on show


Man, 36, in hospital in critical condition after Sheffield assault as police
cordon off pathway

Shopkeeper behind knock-off ‘Morrisan’ store speaks of his love for supermarket


Sheffield knife thugs killed young man because they thought he damaged a car

Huddersfield Examiner death notices and funeral announcements published this


Person rushed to hospital with serious injuries after M62 crash involving van
that didn't stop for police

Yorkshire traffic recap for M62, M1, A1, A64 and M18 including closures and


Fury as 'stupid' man tries to swim with seals off Yorkshire coast

Tributes paid to great-grandmother-of-seven believed to be one of Sheffield's
last 'Women of Steel'


Two men, 69 and 70, re-arrested on suspicion of murder in disappearance of
Barnsley man Richard Dyson

'My son was hit by a car and left lying in the road for three hours'


Disgraced Yorkshire model and boyfriend sentenced for being part of group that
trafficked money to UAE

Giant 20 tonne ’trashberg’ cleared out of South Yorkshire river


Jury to decide how Yorkshire son and dad died in building site lift collapse

Sheffield's Ricki Haywood in 'worst case' of animal cruelty RSPCA had ever seen


Yorkshire couple trapped in 40C Italian heatwave say it's 'unbearable'

Couple attacked by knife-wielding gang in Barnsley Asda car park


Huddersfield biker seriously injured and spends 14 hours in A&E after hitting
wall of stones deliberately left in road

Yorkshire weather forecast for today as experts say more rain will hit


Live Yorkshire traffic news updates for M62, M1, A1, A64 and M18 including
accidents, closures and roadworks

Good Morning Britain viewers threaten Ofcom complaints and 'switch off' as
Stanley Johnson appears on show


Man, 36, in hospital in critical condition after Sheffield assault as police
cordon off pathway

Shopkeeper behind knock-off ‘Morrisan’ store speaks of his love for supermarket


Sheffield knife thugs killed young man because they thought he damaged a car

Huddersfield Examiner death notices and funeral announcements published this


Person rushed to hospital with serious injuries after M62 crash involving van
that didn't stop for police

Yorkshire traffic recap for M62, M1, A1, A64 and M18 including closures and


Fury as 'stupid' man tries to swim with seals off Yorkshire coast

Tributes paid to great-grandmother-of-seven believed to be one of Sheffield's
last 'Women of Steel'


Two men, 69 and 70, re-arrested on suspicion of murder in disappearance of
Barnsley man Richard Dyson

'My son was hit by a car and left lying in the road for three hours'


Disgraced Yorkshire model and boyfriend sentenced for being part of group that
trafficked money to UAE

Giant 20 tonne ’trashberg’ cleared out of South Yorkshire river


Jury to decide how Yorkshire son and dad died in building site lift collapse


He said: “It is difficult to put into words the damage and impact of sexual
exploitation on children, but I hope that by hearing this brave woman’s account,
other victims of this awful crime find the strength to come forward and tell
someone what has happened or is happening to them.”



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 * BMW driver caught speeding at over 160mph on the M1 in South Yorkshire

The five convicted men will reappear at court for sentencing on Friday, March

Anyone with concerns about child sexual exploitation should call police on 101
or on 999 if a crime is in progress. Advice and support is also available by
calling or texting the national helpline ‘Say Something’ on 116 000.

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impressive French spell
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from French Ligue 2 side Troyes
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Stanley Johnson appears on show
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