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Submission: On January 21 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On January 21 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOM<form novalidate="" class="sc-12919a7c-1 gHvjix" __bizdiag="-1629529880" __biza="W___">
<div class="sc-12919a7c-0 hCrFaR">
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="1val-field_2.1.2--label" for="1val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label" data-garden-version="8.73.2">Work
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><input id="1val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="1val-field_2.1.2--label" name="owner.email" label="Work Email" type="email"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 zehFi Inputstyle__InputRoot-sc-zmwkx5-0 iRrJjI" data-garden-id="forms.input" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false" value="">
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="2val-field_2.1.2--label" for="2val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label" data-garden-version="8.73.2">How
can we help you?</label>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><textarea id="2val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="2val-field_2.1.2--label" name="question" label="How can we help you?"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 StyledTextarea-sc-wxschl-0 zehFi kVMnZL Textareastyle__TextareaRoot-sc-1855f5l-0 dxddRF" data-garden-id="forms.textarea" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false"></textarea>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="3val-field_2.1.2--label" for="3val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">First name</label>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><input id="3val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="3val-field_2.1.2--label" name="FirstName" label="First name"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 zehFi Inputstyle__InputRoot-sc-zmwkx5-0 iRrJjI" data-garden-id="forms.input" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false" value="">
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="4val-field_2.1.2--label" for="4val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label" data-garden-version="8.73.2">Last
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><input id="4val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="4val-field_2.1.2--label" name="LastName" label="Last name"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 zehFi Inputstyle__InputRoot-sc-zmwkx5-0 iRrJjI" data-garden-id="forms.input" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false" value="">
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="5val-field_2.1.2--label" for="5val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">Phone number</label>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><input id="5val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="5val-field_2.1.2--label" name="address.phone" label="Phone number" type="tel"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 zehFi Inputstyle__InputRoot-sc-zmwkx5-0 iRrJjI" data-garden-id="forms.input" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false" value="">
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="6val-field_2.1.2--label" for="6val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">Company name</label>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF"><input id="6val-field_2.1.2--input" aria-labelledby="6val-field_2.1.2--label" name="account.name" label="Company name"
class="StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0 zehFi Inputstyle__InputRoot-sc-zmwkx5-0 iRrJjI" data-garden-id="forms.input" data-garden-version="8.73.2" aria-invalid="false" value="">
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldIcons-sc-1tygcda-3 evnHIe"></div>
<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
<div class="StyledField-sc-12gzfsu-0 iRSmTf FormFieldstyle__FormFieldRoot-sc-1tygcda-4 gGtZKM" data-garden-id="forms.field" data-garden-version="8.73.2"><label id="7val-field_2.1.2--label" for="7val-field_2.1.2--input"
data-garden-container-id="containers.field" data-garden-container-version="2.1.2" class="StyledLabel-sc-2utmsz-0 PAtA-D FormFieldstyle__FormFieldLabel-sc-1tygcda-6 gOznja" data-garden-id="forms.input_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">Number of employees</label>
<div class="FormFieldstyle__FormFieldWrapper-sc-1tygcda-5 eWDPAF">
<div role="radiogroup" variant="tiles" error="This field is required." label="Number of employees" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesRoot-sc-dkhr17-0 khmYPc"><label
class="StyledTile-sc-1jjvmxs-0 iciTsk Tilesstyle__Tile-sc-dkhr17-2 dzGGPO" data-garden-id="forms.tile" data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="1-9"
class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label" data-garden-version="8.73.2">1-9</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"
viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="10-49" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">10-49</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="50-99" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">50-99</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="100-249" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">100-249</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="250-499" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">250-499</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="500-999" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">500-999</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2">1000-4999</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2" data-garden-selected="false"><span title="5000+" class="StyledTileLabel-sc-1mypv27-0 eUseiA Tilesstyle__Label-sc-dkhr17-3 fGmuyB" data-garden-id="forms.tile_label"
data-garden-version="8.73.2">5000+</span><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" theme="[object Object]" class="Tilesstyle__TilesIconSuccess-sc-dkhr17-4 dwYFiE">
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<div class="sc-cc6550bd-0 hzsnEk">
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data-garden-version="8.73.2"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="12" height="12" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 12 12" aria-hidden="true" theme="[object Object]" data-garden-id="forms.check_svg"
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CX Trends 2024 Unlock the power of intelligent CX with 10 new trends Get the report Contact us PRODUCTS Zendesk for serviceThe complete service solutionZendesk for salesThe modern sales solutionSunshine platformFast, open and flexibleMarketplaceApps, integrations and partners PRICING Zendesk for serviceThe complete service solutionZendesk for salesThe modern sales solution SOLUTIONS EnterpriseHave conversations at scaleSmall & medium businessesGrow without growing painsStartupsStart off on the right footEmployee experienceTreat employees like customersIndustriesMeet your market’s needsConversational CRMCreate lasting customer relationships DEMO RESOURCES BlogGuides, reports and best practiceEvents and webinarsLearn from wherever you areCommunityConnect, learn and engage with Zendesk usersProfessional servicesGet hands-on help, dedicated support or expert guidanceWhat’s New with ZendeskCheck out recent product updatesAPI & DevelopersInfo for building things with ZendeskPartnersHow to locate or become a Zendesk partnerCustomer storiesSee what success with Zendesk looks likeTrust and securityYour business is protected with Zendesk COMPANY About usPressEventsCareersDiversity & InclusionSustainabilityLegal LANGUAGE English (US)English (UK)EspañolEspañol (LATAM)PortuguêsFrançaisDeutschItalianoNederlandsDanskSvenskaEnglish (Australia)English (India)English (Singapore)日本語한국어繁體中文 (台灣)繁體中文 (香港特區)ไทย Start free trialStart free trialSign in Sign in Product support Company About usPressEventsCareersDiversity & InclusionSustainabilityLegal Contact us English (Australia) English (US)English (UK)EspañolEspañol (LATAM)PortuguêsFrançaisDeutschItalianoNederlandsDanskSvenskaEnglish (Australia)English (India)English (Singapore)日本語한국어繁體中文 (台灣)繁體中文 (香港特區)ไทย Products Zendesk for serviceThe complete service solutionZendesk for salesThe modern sales solutionSunshine platformFast, open and flexibleMarketplaceApps, integrations and partners Pricing Zendesk for serviceThe complete service solutionZendesk for salesThe modern sales solution Solutions EnterpriseHave conversations at scaleSmall & medium businessesGrow without growing painsStartupsStart off on the right footEmployee experienceTreat employees like customersIndustriesMeet your market’s needsConversational CRMCreate lasting customer relationships Demo Resources BlogGuides, reports and best practiceEvents and webinarsLearn from wherever you areCommunityConnect, learn and engage with Zendesk usersProfessional servicesGet hands-on help, dedicated support or expert guidanceWhat’s New with ZendeskCheck out recent product updatesAPI & DevelopersInfo for building things with ZendeskPartnersHow to locate or become a Zendesk partnerCustomer storiesSee what success with Zendesk looks likeTrust and securityYour business is protected with Zendesk Start free trialStart free trial ZENDESK FOR SERVICE SERVICE THAT’S UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Strong relationships start with strong interactions. Our service solution lets you personalise customer experiences, building loyalty and revenue. Start your free trialStart your free trialView demoView demo Start your free trialStart your free trial BENEFITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create meaningful connections Scale your service offering Stay flexible through change CREATE MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS Customers come to you expecting answers. Meet them where they are, across any channel, and then personalise the conversation around their exact needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES Messaging AI and automation Help centre The Boston Globe delivers rich, interactive service with smartbots. See how SCALE YOUR SERVICE OFFERING You need a support solution that scales as you do. Zendesk is built to absorb new teams, divisions and global bases. Our security measures keep everyone safe, regardless of size. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES Help centre AI and automation Integrations Workforce management Udacity improved CSAT despite higher ticket volume. See how STAY FLEXIBLE THROUGH CHANGE You can’t afford to get stuck with software that stays the same. With Zendesk, implement new solutions quickly and add features as you go, all while controlling your total cost. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES Messaging Routing and intelligence Analytics Workforce management Lime offers personalised service in more than 50 global markets. See how CUSTOMER STORIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “ > We built out customisations for our call queue with the API. We have a sales > group, a retention group and a quilting group... our IVR for everything is > through Zendesk. Wendi Mills Senior Customer Service Manager Read customer story “ > Zendesk helped us quickly get control once volumes spiked, both in > understanding what was happening and in the handling of the queries. Steven Franklin Global Head of Customer Service Read customer story “ > Having Zendesk as a stable force... meant we could identify any potential > customer issues and quickly get those rectified. Naomi Rankin Global CX Manager Read customer story “ > We built out customisations for our call queue with the API. We have a sales > group, a retention group and a quilting group... our IVR for everything is > through Zendesk. Wendi Mills Senior Customer Service Manager Read customer story “ > Zendesk helped us quickly get control once volumes spiked, both in > understanding what was happening and in the handling of the queries. Steven Franklin Global Head of Customer Service Read customer story “ > Having Zendesk as a stable force... meant we could identify any potential > customer issues and quickly get those rectified. Naomi Rankin Global CX Manager Read customer story “ > We built out customisations for our call queue with the API. We have a sales > group, a retention group and a quilting group... our IVR for everything is > through Zendesk. Wendi Mills Senior Customer Service Manager Read customer story FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPLORE SERVICE CAPABILITIES MessagingPersonalise conversations across channels. AI and automationSolve customer issues faster with AI. Help centreLet customers serve themselves. Agent workspaceSee your customer data in one place. TicketingTrack, organise and solve all your tickets. VoiceSpeak directly to customers. Routing and intelligenceSend tickets to the best agent for the job. Reporting and analyticsTurn data into useful insights. PlatformModify Zendesk to meet your needs. IntegrationsBring your daily systems into Zendesk. Data privacy and protectionKeep customer data safe Workforce managementOptimise agent staffing and performance. PROTECTED BY ZENDESK ZENDESK TRUST CENTRE View all of our security certifications. Get full list SUSTAINABILITY We’re focused on a net zero future. Our promise TAKE A QUICK TOUR Experience Zendesk like your agents will. Our customer service solution comes with everything you need to offer exceptional support. Start my tourStart my tour JOIN THE BEST POWERING 100,000+ OF THE BEST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES Start your free trialStart your free trialView demoView demo RESOURCES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED EVENT ZENDESK RELATE 2023 Join our flagship event in person or online to get the latest on Zendesk products and CX insights. REPORT CX TRENDS 2023 Immersive CX is the future of successful businesses. EBOOK BETTER CONVERSATIONS WITH BOTS Zendesk bots come trained to sort and solve issues. GUIDE HOW TO ADAPT WHEN UNCERTAINTY HITS Drive CX growth and manage costs in an economic slowdown. PRODUCTS * Zendesk for Service * Zendesk for Sales * Integrations * Product updates * Systems status * Sign in * Zendesk for Enterprise * Zendesk for Small Business * Zendesk for Startups * Zendesk Benchmark FEATURES * Ticketing * Messaging & live chat * Help centre * Knowledge base * Voice * Community forums * Reporting & analytics * AI and automation * Workforce management * Advanced Data Privacy and Protection RESOURCES * Security * Support * Blog * Training * Partners * Events and webinars * Professional services * Customer stories * What is CRM? * CRM software guide COMPANY * About us * What is Zendesk? * Careers * Diversity and inclusion * Social impact * Legal TRENDING * CX Trends 2024 New * ROI calculator * Sustainability report * Customer service software * Ticketing system software * Live chat software * Forum software * Help desk software HOW CAN WE HELP? 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