www.portlandleathergoods.com Open in urlscan Pro
2620:127:f00f:e::  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://ctrk.klclick.com/l/01J8S1PP017T1K0NJKS736PB60_3
Effective URL: https://www.portlandleathergoods.com/cart?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Abandoned%20Cart%2C%20Email%20%231%20%28RZ...
Submission: On September 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

Name: GET /search

<form action="/search" name="GET" role="search" class="search-form flex-1">
  <input type="search" class="Search__Input w-full border-transparent font-nobel text-base uppercase focus:outline-none lg:text-lg" name="q" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" placeholder="Search" autofocus="" data-input="">
  <input type="hidden" name="type" value="product">

Name: GET /search

<form action="/search" name="GET" role="search" class="search-form bg-transparen flex flex-1">
  <input type="search" class="flex-1 border-b border-transparent bg-transparent pl-4 font-nobel uppercase text-black transition-colors duration-500 placeholder:text-gray-500 focus:border-transparent focus:outline-none focus:ring-transparent" name="q"
    autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" placeholder="Search..." data-input="">
  <input type="hidden" name="type" value="product">

POST /cart

<form action="/cart" method="post" id="cart" class="[.is-empty_&amp;]:hidden ">
  <div class="flex w-full flex-col">
    <div class="flex-grow md:translate-y-4">
      <div id="main-cart-items" data-id="template--15194072285266__main" class="js-contents"></div>
    <div class="sticky top-nav grid w-full gap-6 md:translate-y-4 ">
  <p class="sr-only" id="cart-live-region-text" aria-live="polite" role="status"></p>
  <p class="sr-only" id="shopping-cart-line-item-status" aria-live="polite" aria-hidden="true" role="status"> Loading... </p>
  <input type="hidden" name="discount" value="">

  <div class="sc_simple-container sc_simple-container--initial"><input type="text" id="code" name="code" class="sc-cube-text sc-cube-code" placeholder="DISCOUNT CODE" autocomplete="off"
      style="border-color: rgb(174, 174, 174); color: rgb(83, 83, 83); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
    <div class="sc_code-btn sc_state-initial"><input type="button" id="sc-discount__submit" value="Apply" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(216, 37, 39); border: 1px solid rgb(216, 37, 39);">
      <div class="sc_code-loading" style="background: rgb(34, 52, 68);"><svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" class="lds-rolling">
          <circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="none" stroke-width="7" r="25" stroke-dasharray="117.80972450961724 41.269908169872416" transform="rotate(47.1629 50 50)" style="stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
            <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" calcMode="linear" values="0 50 50;360 50 50" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform>

POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="FooterCountryFormNoScript" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="localization-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input type="hidden" name="utf8"
    value="✓"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"><input type="hidden" name="return_to"
  <div class="relative">
    <select class="block w-full appearance-none rounded border border-white bg-transparent bg-none px-4 py-3" name="country_code" aria-labelledby="CountryListLabel">
      <option value="AL"> Albania (ALL L) </option>
      <option value="DZ"> Algeria (DZD د.ج) </option>
      <option value="AD"> Andorra (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="AO"> Angola (AOA Kz) </option>
      <option value="AI"> Anguilla (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="AG"> Antigua &amp; Barbuda (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="AR"> Argentina (ARS $) </option>
      <option value="AM"> Armenia (AMD դր.) </option>
      <option value="AW"> Aruba (AWG ƒ) </option>
      <option value="AU"> Australia (AUD $) </option>
      <option value="AT"> Austria (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="AZ"> Azerbaijan (AZN ₼) </option>
      <option value="BS"> Bahamas (BSD $) </option>
      <option value="BH"> Bahrain (USD $) </option>
      <option value="BD"> Bangladesh (BDT ৳) </option>
      <option value="BB"> Barbados (BBD $) </option>
      <option value="BE"> Belgium (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="BZ"> Belize (BZD $) </option>
      <option value="BJ"> Benin (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="BM"> Bermuda (USD $) </option>
      <option value="BT"> Bhutan (USD $) </option>
      <option value="BO"> Bolivia (BOB Bs.) </option>
      <option value="BA"> Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina (BAM КМ) </option>
      <option value="BW"> Botswana (BWP P) </option>
      <option value="BR"> Brazil (BRL R$) </option>
      <option value="VG"> British Virgin Islands (USD $) </option>
      <option value="BN"> Brunei (BND $) </option>
      <option value="BG"> Bulgaria (BGN лв.) </option>
      <option value="BF"> Burkina Faso (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="BI"> Burundi (BIF Fr) </option>
      <option value="KH"> Cambodia (KHR ៛) </option>
      <option value="CM"> Cameroon (XAF Fr) </option>
      <option value="CA"> Canada (CAD $) </option>
      <option value="CV"> Cape Verde (CVE $) </option>
      <option value="BQ"> Caribbean Netherlands (USD $) </option>
      <option value="KY"> Cayman Islands (KYD $) </option>
      <option value="TD"> Chad (XAF Fr) </option>
      <option value="CL"> Chile (CLP $) </option>
      <option value="CN"> China (CNY ¥) </option>
      <option value="CO"> Colombia (COP $) </option>
      <option value="KM"> Comoros (KMF Fr) </option>
      <option value="CG"> Congo - Brazzaville (XAF Fr) </option>
      <option value="CK"> Cook Islands (NZD $) </option>
      <option value="CR"> Costa Rica (CRC ₡) </option>
      <option value="CI"> Côte d’Ivoire (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="HR"> Croatia (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="CW"> Curaçao (ANG ƒ) </option>
      <option value="CY"> Cyprus (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="CZ"> Czechia (CZK Kč) </option>
      <option value="DK"> Denmark (DKK kr.) </option>
      <option value="DJ"> Djibouti (DJF Fdj) </option>
      <option value="DM"> Dominica (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="DO"> Dominican Republic (DOP $) </option>
      <option value="EC"> Ecuador (USD $) </option>
      <option value="EG"> Egypt (EGP ج.م) </option>
      <option value="SV"> El Salvador (USD $) </option>
      <option value="GQ"> Equatorial Guinea (XAF Fr) </option>
      <option value="EE"> Estonia (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="SZ"> Eswatini (SZL E) </option>
      <option value="ET"> Ethiopia (ETB Br) </option>
      <option value="FK"> Falkland Islands (FKP £) </option>
      <option value="FO"> Faroe Islands (DKK kr.) </option>
      <option value="FJ"> Fiji (FJD $) </option>
      <option value="FI"> Finland (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="FR"> France (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="GF"> French Guiana (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="PF"> French Polynesia (XPF Fr) </option>
      <option value="GA"> Gabon (USD $) </option>
      <option value="GM"> Gambia (GMD D) </option>
      <option value="GE"> Georgia (GEL ლ) </option>
      <option value="DE" selected=""> Germany (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="GH"> Ghana (USD $) </option>
      <option value="GI"> Gibraltar (GBP £) </option>
      <option value="GR"> Greece (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="GL"> Greenland (DKK kr.) </option>
      <option value="GD"> Grenada (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="GP"> Guadeloupe (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="GT"> Guatemala (GTQ Q) </option>
      <option value="GG"> Guernsey (GBP £) </option>
      <option value="GN"> Guinea (GNF Fr) </option>
      <option value="GW"> Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="GY"> Guyana (GYD $) </option>
      <option value="HT"> Haiti (HTG G) </option>
      <option value="HN"> Honduras (HNL L) </option>
      <option value="HK"> Hong Kong SAR (HKD $) </option>
      <option value="HU"> Hungary (HUF Ft) </option>
      <option value="IS"> Iceland (ISK kr) </option>
      <option value="IN"> India (INR ₹) </option>
      <option value="ID"> Indonesia (IDR Rp) </option>
      <option value="IE"> Ireland (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="IM"> Isle of Man (GBP £) </option>
      <option value="IL"> Israel (ILS ₪) </option>
      <option value="IT"> Italy (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="JM"> Jamaica (JMD $) </option>
      <option value="JP"> Japan (JPY ¥) </option>
      <option value="JE"> Jersey (GBP £) </option>
      <option value="JO"> Jordan (USD $) </option>
      <option value="KZ"> Kazakhstan (KZT 〒) </option>
      <option value="KE"> Kenya (KES KSh) </option>
      <option value="KI"> Kiribati (USD $) </option>
      <option value="KW"> Kuwait (USD $) </option>
      <option value="KG"> Kyrgyzstan (KGS som) </option>
      <option value="LA"> Laos (LAK ₭) </option>
      <option value="LV"> Latvia (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="LB"> Lebanon (LBP ل.ل) </option>
      <option value="LS"> Lesotho (LSL L) </option>
      <option value="LR"> Liberia (LRD $) </option>
      <option value="LI"> Liechtenstein (CHF CHF) </option>
      <option value="LT"> Lithuania (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="LU"> Luxembourg (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MO"> Macao SAR (MOP P) </option>
      <option value="MG"> Madagascar (USD $) </option>
      <option value="MW"> Malawi (MWK MK) </option>
      <option value="MY"> Malaysia (MYR RM) </option>
      <option value="MV"> Maldives (MVR MVR) </option>
      <option value="MT"> Malta (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MQ"> Martinique (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MR"> Mauritania (USD $) </option>
      <option value="MU"> Mauritius (MUR ₨) </option>
      <option value="YT"> Mayotte (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MX"> Mexico (MXN $) </option>
      <option value="MD"> Moldova (MDL L) </option>
      <option value="MC"> Monaco (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MN"> Mongolia (MNT ₮) </option>
      <option value="ME"> Montenegro (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="MS"> Montserrat (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="MA"> Morocco (MAD د.م.) </option>
      <option value="MZ"> Mozambique (MZN MTn) </option>
      <option value="NA"> Namibia (NAD $) </option>
      <option value="NR"> Nauru (AUD $) </option>
      <option value="NP"> Nepal (NPR ₨) </option>
      <option value="NL"> Netherlands (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="NC"> New Caledonia (XPF Fr) </option>
      <option value="NZ"> New Zealand (NZD $) </option>
      <option value="NI"> Nicaragua (NIO C$) </option>
      <option value="NG"> Nigeria (NGN ₦) </option>
      <option value="NU"> Niue (NZD $) </option>
      <option value="MK"> North Macedonia (MKD ден) </option>
      <option value="NO"> Norway (NOK kr) </option>
      <option value="OM"> Oman (USD $) </option>
      <option value="PK"> Pakistan (PKR ₨) </option>
      <option value="PA"> Panama (USD $) </option>
      <option value="PG"> Papua New Guinea (PGK K) </option>
      <option value="PY"> Paraguay (PYG ₲) </option>
      <option value="PE"> Peru (PEN S/.) </option>
      <option value="PH"> Philippines (PHP ₱) </option>
      <option value="PL"> Poland (PLN zł) </option>
      <option value="PT"> Portugal (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="QA"> Qatar (QAR ر.ق) </option>
      <option value="RE"> Réunion (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="RO"> Romania (RON Lei) </option>
      <option value="RW"> Rwanda (RWF FRw) </option>
      <option value="WS"> Samoa (WST T) </option>
      <option value="SM"> San Marino (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="ST"> São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (STD Db) </option>
      <option value="SA"> Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س) </option>
      <option value="SN"> Senegal (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="RS"> Serbia (RSD РСД) </option>
      <option value="SC"> Seychelles (SCR ₨) </option>
      <option value="SL"> Sierra Leone (SLL Le) </option>
      <option value="SG"> Singapore (SGD $) </option>
      <option value="SX"> Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ) </option>
      <option value="SK"> Slovakia (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="SI"> Slovenia (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="SB"> Solomon Islands (SBD $) </option>
      <option value="ZA"> South Africa (ZAR R) </option>
      <option value="KR"> South Korea (KRW ₩) </option>
      <option value="ES"> Spain (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="LK"> Sri Lanka (LKR ₨) </option>
      <option value="BL"> St. Barthélemy (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="SH"> St. Helena (SHP £) </option>
      <option value="KN"> St. Kitts &amp; Nevis (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="LC"> St. Lucia (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="MF"> St. Martin (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="VC"> St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines (XCD $) </option>
      <option value="SR"> Suriname (SRD $) </option>
      <option value="SE"> Sweden (SEK kr) </option>
      <option value="CH"> Switzerland (CHF CHF) </option>
      <option value="TW"> Taiwan (TWD $) </option>
      <option value="TZ"> Tanzania (TZS Sh) </option>
      <option value="TH"> Thailand (THB ฿) </option>
      <option value="TL"> Timor-Leste (USD $) </option>
      <option value="TG"> Togo (XOF Fr) </option>
      <option value="TO"> Tonga (TOP T$) </option>
      <option value="TT"> Trinidad &amp; Tobago (TTD $) </option>
      <option value="TN"> Tunisia (USD $) </option>
      <option value="TR"> Türkiye (TRY ₺) </option>
      <option value="TM"> Turkmenistan (USD $) </option>
      <option value="TC"> Turks &amp; Caicos Islands (USD $) </option>
      <option value="TV"> Tuvalu (AUD $) </option>
      <option value="UG"> Uganda (UGX USh) </option>
      <option value="AE"> United Arab Emirates (AED د.إ) </option>
      <option value="GB"> United Kingdom (GBP £) </option>
      <option value="US"> United States (USD $) </option>
      <option value="UY"> Uruguay (UYU $) </option>
      <option value="UZ"> Uzbekistan (UZS ) </option>
      <option value="VU"> Vanuatu (VUV Vt) </option>
      <option value="VA"> Vatican City (EUR €) </option>
      <option value="VE"> Venezuela (USD $) </option>
      <option value="VN"> Vietnam (VND ₫) </option>
      <option value="WF"> Wallis &amp; Futuna (XPF Fr) </option>
      <option value="ZM"> Zambia (ZMW ZK) </option>
      <option value="ZW"> Zimbabwe (USD $) </option>
    <span class="absolute right-4 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2">
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="transparent" stroke="currentColor" class="icon">
        <path d="m14 8-4 4-4-4" stroke-width="1.25"></path>
  <button class="mt-4 block w-full text-center">Update country/region</button>

POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="localization_form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="relative" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓"><input
    type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"><input type="hidden" name="return_to"
  <button type="button" class="flex w-full items-center justify-between rounded border border-white px-4 py-3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="CountryList" aria-describedby="CountryListLabel"> Germany (EUR €)<svg
      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="transparent" stroke="currentColor" class="icon">
      <path d="m14 8-4 4-4-4" stroke-width="1.25"></path>
  <ul id="CountryList" role="list" class="absolute bottom-12 z-10 max-h-48 w-full overflow-y-auto rounded-t border border-white border-t-contrast/30 bg-contrast px-2 py-2 sm:bottom-auto lg:rounded-b lg:rounded-t-none lg:border-b lg:border-t-0"
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AL">
              Albania (ALL
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="DZ">
              Algeria (DZD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AD">
              Andorra (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AO">
              Angola (AOA
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AI">
              Anguilla (XCD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AG">
              Antigua &amp; Barbuda (XCD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AR">
              Argentina (ARS
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AM">
              Armenia (AMD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AW">
              Aruba (AWG
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AU">
              Australia (AUD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AT">
              Austria (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="AZ">
              Azerbaijan (AZN
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BS">
              Bahamas (BSD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BH">
              Bahrain (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BD">
              Bangladesh (BDT
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BB">
              Barbados (BBD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BE">
              Belgium (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BZ">
              Belize (BZD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BJ">
              Benin (XOF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BM">
              Bermuda (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BT">
              Bhutan (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BO">
              Bolivia (BOB
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BA">
              Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina (BAM
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BW">
              Botswana (BWP
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BR">
              Brazil (BRL
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="VG">
              British Virgin Islands (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BN">
              Brunei (BND
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BG">
              Bulgaria (BGN
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BF">
              Burkina Faso (XOF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BI">
              Burundi (BIF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="KH">
              Cambodia (KHR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CM">
              Cameroon (XAF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CA">
              Canada (CAD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CV">
              Cape Verde (CVE
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="BQ">
              Caribbean Netherlands (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="KY">
              Cayman Islands (KYD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="TD">
              Chad (XAF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CL">
              Chile (CLP
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CN">
              China (CNY
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CO">
              Colombia (COP
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="KM">
              Comoros (KMF
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CG">
              Congo - Brazzaville (XAF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CK">
              Cook Islands (NZD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CR">
              Costa Rica (CRC
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CI">
              Côte d’Ivoire (XOF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="HR">
              Croatia (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CW">
              Curaçao (ANG
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CY">
              Cyprus (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="CZ">
              Czechia (CZK
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="DK">
              Denmark (DKK
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="DJ">
              Djibouti (DJF
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="DM">
              Dominica (XCD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="DO">
              Dominican Republic (DOP
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="EC">
              Ecuador (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="EG">
              Egypt (EGP
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="SV">
              El Salvador (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GQ">
              Equatorial Guinea (XAF
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="EE">
              Estonia (EUR
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="SZ">
              Eswatini (SZL
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="ET">
              Ethiopia (ETB
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              Falkland Islands (FKP
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              Faroe Islands (DKK
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="FJ">
              Fiji (FJD
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="FI">
              Finland (EUR
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="FR">
              France (EUR
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              French Guiana (EUR
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              French Polynesia (XPF
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              Gabon (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GM">
              Gambia (GMD
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GE">
              Georgia (GEL
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" aria-current="true" data-value="DE">
              Germany (EUR
              €)<span class="ml-2"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="transparent" stroke="currentColor" class="icon">
  <circle cx="10" cy="10" r="7.25" stroke-width="1.25"></circle><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1.5" d="m7.04 10.37 2.42 2.41 3.5-5.56"></path>
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GH">
              Ghana (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GI">
              Gibraltar (GBP
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GR">
              Greece (EUR
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GL">
              Greenland (DKK
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GD">
              Grenada (XCD
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GP">
              Guadeloupe (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GT">
              Guatemala (GTQ
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GG">
              Guernsey (GBP
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GN">
              Guinea (GNF
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GW">
              Guinea-Bissau (XOF
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="GY">
              Guyana (GYD
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="HT">
              Haiti (HTG
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="HN">
              Honduras (HNL
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="HK">
              Hong Kong SAR (HKD
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              Hungary (HUF
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="IS">
              Iceland (ISK
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              India (INR
    <li tabindex="-1">
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              Indonesia (IDR
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              Ireland (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="IM">
              Isle of Man (GBP
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      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="IL">
              Israel (ILS
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              Italy (EUR
    <li tabindex="-1">
      <a class="flex w-full cursor-pointer items-center justify-start rounded bg-contrast p-2 text-left text-primary" href="#" data-value="JM">
              Jamaica (JMD
    <li tabindex="-1">
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              Japan (JPY
    <li tabindex="-1">
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              Jersey (GBP
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              Jordan (USD
    <li tabindex="-1">
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              Kazakhstan (KZT
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              Kenya (KES
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              Kiribati (USD
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              Kuwait (USD
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              Kyrgyzstan (KGS
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              Laos (LAK
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              Latvia (EUR
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              Lebanon (LBP
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              Lesotho (LSL
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              Liberia (LRD
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              Liechtenstein (CHF
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              Lithuania (EUR
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              Luxembourg (EUR
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              Macao SAR (MOP
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              Madagascar (USD
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              Malawi (MWK
    <li tabindex="-1">
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              Malaysia (MYR
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              Maldives (MVR
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              Malta (EUR
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              Martinique (EUR
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              Mauritania (USD
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              Mauritius (MUR
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              Mayotte (EUR
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              Mexico (MXN
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              Moldova (MDL
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              Monaco (EUR
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              Mongolia (MNT
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              Montenegro (EUR
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              Montserrat (XCD
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              Morocco (MAD
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              Mozambique (MZN
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              Namibia (NAD
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              Nauru (AUD
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              Nepal (NPR
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              Netherlands (EUR
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              New Caledonia (XPF
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              New Zealand (NZD
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              Nicaragua (NIO
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              Nigeria (NGN
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              Niue (NZD
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              North Macedonia (MKD
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              Norway (NOK
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              Oman (USD
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              Pakistan (PKR
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              Panama (USD
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              Papua New Guinea (PGK
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              Paraguay (PYG
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              Peru (PEN
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              Philippines (PHP
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              Poland (PLN
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              Portugal (EUR
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              Qatar (QAR
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              Réunion (EUR
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              Romania (RON
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              Rwanda (RWF
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              Samoa (WST
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              San Marino (EUR
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              São Tomé &amp; Príncipe (STD
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              Senegal (XOF
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              Serbia (RSD
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              Seychelles (SCR
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              Sierra Leone (SLL
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              Singapore (SGD
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              Sint Maarten (ANG
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              Solomon Islands (SBD
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              South Africa (ZAR
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              South Korea (KRW
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              Spain (EUR
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              Sri Lanka (LKR
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