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       * Uniformed Service Discrimination (USERRA)
       * Whistleblower Litigation & OSC
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       * Sexual Harassment Complaints
       * Adult Survivors Act Defense
       * Employer Discrimination Defense
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       * Regulatory Compliance Review
       * Employment Contracts Severance Agreements
       * ADA Defense
     * Personal Injury
       * Uber Sexual Assault
     * Patents, Trademarks & Intellectual Property
   * Team
     * Jon Bell
     * Nathalie L. Bell
     * Susan Tylar
     * Elissa Krell
     * Andrea Batres
     * Paul Bartels
     * Chaya Gourarie
     * Matthew Madzelan
     * Daniel A. Johnston
     * Panagiota Betty Tufariello
     * Mary McGarigal
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     * Adam Grogan
     * Kyle T. Pulis
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     * Uniformed Service Discrimination (USERRA)
     * Whistleblower Litigation & OSC
   * Employer Defense & Consulting
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     * Sexual Harassment Complaints
     * Adult Survivors Act Defense
     * Employer Discrimination Defense
     * HR and Management Training
     * Regulatory Compliance Review
     * Employment Contracts Severance Agreements
     * ADA Defense
   * Personal Injury
     * Uber Sexual Assault
   * Patents, Trademarks & Intellectual Property
 * Team
   * Jon Bell
   * Nathalie L. Bell
   * Susan Tylar
   * Elissa Krell
   * Andrea Batres
   * Paul Bartels
   * Chaya Gourarie
   * Matthew Madzelan
   * Daniel A. Johnston
   * Panagiota Betty Tufariello
   * Mary McGarigal
   * John Martin
   * Adam Grogan
   * Kyle T. Pulis
   * Justine Barbieri
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As Seen On

Vigorous Representation in
Employment and Personal Injury Matters

Welcome to The Bell Law Group. Our renowned New York lawyers are some of the
most sought-after attorneys in the industry. Representing employees and personal
injury clients in Nassau & Suffolk Counties, Manhattan & the surrounding areas
as well as federal employees nationwide, we have worked hard to build a
reputation as tough litigators who are passionate about our clients’ interests.
Our New York employment lawyers handle all employee rights matters for private
and federal employees, including situations involving sexual harassment,
discrimination, wage & hour law, retaliation, and whistleblower defense.

What We Do

 * Employee Rights

 * Federal Employee Representation

 * Employer
   Defense & Counsel

 * Personal Injury

In The News

Kyrie has basically two options. Number 1, to sit on the sidelines and collect
17 Million dollars for not playing, which to me doesn't sound that terrible, or
number 2, get vaccinated and get back to work. — Jon Bell on Kyrie Irving
vaccine mandate controversy

Uber is putting profits over safety in the situation. Although they are doing
"background checks", they're not doing enough to weed out a lot of these drivers
that shouldn't be drivers. — Jon Bell on Uber liability for sexual assault cases

There is a silver lining in this economy. Employees, more than ever, really have
more power as far as it affects businesses.... everybody is looking for
employees. — Jon Bell on employee prospects

Based on the number of people who came forward... quite simply speaking... where
there's smoke, there's fire. I'm glad there was an unbiased investigation. I'm
glad that there was a finding and that it is time to hold him accountable. — Jon
Bell on Andrew Cuomo's sexual harassment scandal

Kyrie has basically two options. Number 1, to sit on the sidelines and collect
17 Million dollars for not playing, which to me doesn't sound that terrible, or
number 2, get vaccinated and get back to work. — Jon Bell on Kyrie Irving
vaccine mandate controversy

Uber is putting profits over safety in the situation. Although they are doing
"background checks", they're not doing enough to weed out a lot of these drivers
that shouldn't be drivers. — Jon Bell on Uber liability for sexual assault cases

More Media Spots


 * You can rely on our experience
   No matter what anyone says, experience matters. Whether you are a federal
   employee, private sector employee, management, or an employer, qualified and
   zealous representation requires detailed knowledge of specific processes,
   court procedures, applicable agency laws and regulations, and more.

 * We welcome the “challenging” cases
   Some cases, whether brought by an employee or requiring the defense of an
   employer present challenges from the beginning. We passionately pursue our
   clients’ cases to ensure we obtain the best possible result for them.

 * We care about you
   Attorney Jon Bell started this firm after realizing that for him to do his
   job well, he needed to feel a personal stake in each case he took. He needed
   to find the clients he believed in and could support 100%. It is this desire
   to stand with our clients to the end that drives our law firm today.


If you have been wronged by your employer, standing up for your rights may seem
intimidating. At The Bell Law Group, we understand the pressure you are facing.
We are here to help. Mr. Bell and his team of experienced attorneys are
dedicated to asserting your rights. When you meet with our firm, we will provide
you with an honest, straightforward legal assessment. We pick our cases wisely.
If your case has merit, you can count on us to do what it takes to put you in
the best position for success.

 * Discrimination
 * Employee Contracts
 * Equal Pay
 * Internships
 * Sexual Harassment
 * Wage & Hour Law
 * Whistleblower Defense
 * Arbitration


We serve federal employees nationwide and overseas. We can handle your case from
beginning to end, including trials and appeals. Federal employees may find
themselves subject to agency disciplinary and performance actions. If you need
help fighting a disciplinary action, MSPB matter, filing an EEO, filing for
disability retirement, or fighting a security clearance matter (as a federal
employee or government contractor) you should speak to a lawyer experienced in
this area as soon as possible.

 * Security Clearance
 * Disability Retirement
 * Merit Systems Protection Boards
 * Disciplinary & Performance Actions
 * Employment Discrimination (EEOC)
 * Whistleblower Litigatioin & OSC


Lawsuits against well-intentioned employers aren’t uncommon and can put a good
business’s reputation at stake. Our firm is here to help. If you’re an employer
facing any of the following disputes, the Bell Law Group is on your side.

 * Wage & Hour
 * Sexual Harassment
 * Discrimination
 * HR & Management Training
 * Contracts & Severance Agreements
 * ADA Defense & Compliance

Clients First

Our mission is very simple: clients first! Our “clients-first” attitude will
dictate every decision we make when working on the matter for which we are
retained. The goal is to ensure that every client will experience our lawyers
and staff taking a genuine interest in every matter we handle. We will be honest
with our clients from the initial contact through the end of each case and will
keep our clients informed and updated, every step of the way. We are accessible
to our clients, answer all questions and return calls in a timely matter. Our
goal is to exceed our clients’ expectations. We will dedicate ourselves to these


" I recommended Jon to a friend who was hit by a car driven by an old man whose
assets were all protected in a trust. My friend's injuries were extreme and
life-changing and the law favored protecting the old man's assets. Complicating
the case further was that it all happened during the first COVID shutdown. Jon
got involved and immediately got to work navigating through a web of insurance
rules and policies to get my friend's medical bills covered and to get him money
to live on while he acclimated to his new situation. My friend is getting his
life back on track and much of his success is thanks to Jon Bell." — Jordan G.

" Mr. Bell has been a great asset, super professional and trustworthy when we
had to use his legal services. He has been down to earth in explaining the
direction we needed to take to resolve our issue. In any legal issue, The Bell
organization has been super professional and has gone over and above to resolve
our legal issue." — Louis F.

" The Bell Law Group are extremely professional and caring attorneys. Jon Bell
is a role model for those who work for him and for his clients he has always
been a champion of what is right and just! He treats all his clients with
respect and empathy." — Maty H.

" I had an excellent experience with this law firm. They answered all of my
questions and were very receptive to my needs. Exceptionally knowledgeable and
pleasant to deal with. I was very pleased with the outcome of my case thanks to
Attorney Bell." — S.L.

" I know Jon for over a year personally and professionally. You know how it's
been said that James Brown was the hardest working man in showbiz. Well, Jon is
the hardest working man in the law business, and he's smart and caring too!" —
Michael H.

" Jon is an attorney with a heart who is always looking to do what is best for
his clients." — Michael M.

" When I reached out to Bell Law Group, my brother was on the verge of getting
fired from his job and the company failed to provide him with any sort of
accommodation due to his disability. After Mr. Bell got involved, the attitude
of the company changed. Mr. Bell guided my brother on how to properly request
accommodation and provide the required information. After negotiation with the
company, they agreed to allow my brother to return to his job with a medical
accommodation that ensures my brother is safe at work and has continued health
insurance. I am glad we retained the firm as we were able to avoid litigation
and simply enforce our rights under the law." — Corey C.

" Working with Jon and the Bell Law Group was a great experience. They were
prompt, clear, and great at communicating. Helped me tremendously and I would
highly recommend." — Max K.

" I had a car accident a few years back. Bell law group was amazing and help me
out in every step of the way. Their group staff made me feel like family. Jon
has an amazing group staff working with him as well. Thanks so much for all you
do for your customers. Blessings" — Yandel R.

" Jon Bell is the ultimate professional. Top-notch lawyer for any
employment-related issue. Handles business!! Can't thank him enough!!!" — Z.H.

" I Thank Attorney Bell and his staff as well. The individuals that worked for
the Army harmed me. I reached out to Attorney Jon Bell; he and his staff handled
two cases for me. We won both cases. Bad individuals received Just punishment.
Thank You, Attorney Jon Bell and Atty Susan Tyler. God is Good." — Juliette B.

" I had the best experience ever with this law firm. Besides being knowledgeable
and extremely friendly, the process was seamless. It's very rare that I would do
a review but in this case I thought it is a must as my experience was just THAT
GOOD. Jon Bell gave me all of his attention, while still carrying a full
caseload with other clients and I appreciated that very much. They demonstrated
integrity and honesty while protecting my interests and that is rare these days.
I would refer them to anyone in need of legal services. TRUST me! They are hands
down the best!!!!!" — Breecker B.

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Read Our Latest Blog Posts

 * Are Employers Responsible for Third-Party Harassment?
   If you ever experience third-party harassment, you may be unsure whether your
   employer is liable in any way. Read on to find out the…
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 * What Is Considered National Origin Discrimination?
   Follow along to find out what is considered national origin discrimination
   and how a New York discrimination lawyer can help you fight this.
   Read More

 * How Does a Noncompete Clause Work in New York State?
   Read on to discover whether your noncompete clause is valid and fair and how
   a New York employee contract lawyer can help you determine…
   Read More

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