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Submission: On March 05 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
Submission: On March 05 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
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Text Content
Favorite Homes 0 Saved Searches 0 Logout * Sign In Toggle navigation * SEARCH LISTINGS * BUYING * SELLING * Top Areas * PENSACOLA * GULF BREEZE * CANTONMENT * PACE * MILTON * NAVARRE * PENSACOLA BEACH * FINANCING * WHO WE ARE * CONNECT * Mother's Day Giveaway!! LET'S BRING YOU HOME * Find a Home * Sell My Home * See Home Estimate Search Buy and sell real estate, search neighborhoods, and get home estimates Get a Consultation See Your Estimate ×Close PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR PROPERTY DETAILS: Property Type: Residential Commercial Vacant Search Area: 0.5 m 1 m 1.5 m 2 m Year: The year can contain digits onlyThe year is required Acreage: The acreage is required SQFT: The SQFT can contain digits onlyThe SQFT is required Beds: The beds can contain digits onlyThe beds is required Bathrooms: The baths can contain digits onlyThe baths is required Garage: The garage can contain digits onlyThe garage is required Find out home value THE BROOMES TEAM DIFFERENCE THE POWER OF A TEAM We use our real estate expertise to sell your home for the most amount of money in the least amount of time. Selling a home requires a minimum of 180 individual tasks. That's a lot of details that no single agent can effectively manage. Our team of professionals works collaboratively across seven separate positions, each giving 100% attention to their area of expertise-for the same price as an individual agent. Powered by data and technology, our agents help you price and market your home to find the right buyers. Unlike any other team, we're paid on your satisfaction, so we're accountable to deliver on the price we recommend. FEATURED LISTINGS $425,000 3 BED • 2.5 BATH View more 224 N DEVILLIERS ST. PENSACOLA, FL 32502 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $339,900 4 BED • 2 BATH View more 3238 MOSS PT LN. CANTONMENT, FL 32533 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $290,000 4 BED • 2 BATH View more 9470 LUTOO LN. BELLVIEW, FL 32526 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $9,200,000 5 BED • 9 BATH View more 734 PEAKES POINT DR. GULF BREEZE, FL 32561 Listed With Mark Lee ofLevin Rinke Realty $8,500,000 6 BED • 6 BATH View more PENSACOLA, FL 32503 Listed With Larry Kuhn ofKuhn Realty $4,875,000 6 BED • 5 BATH View more 808 ARIOLA DR. PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 32561 Listed With Dawn Burt ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY EMERALD COAST WEST BRANCH More Listings PAST SALES Previous $350,000 2828 SILENT WOOD DR CANTONMENT, FL 32533 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $338,000 5725 DOVE DR PACE, FL 32571 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $335,000 2020 CEYLON RD PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $335,000 3230 MOSS PT LN CANTONMENT, FL 32533 BED 4 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $330,000 940 LEGACY OAKS DR PENSACOLA, FL 32514 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $825,000 2369 PHYLIS RAE DR PACE, FL 32571 BED 5 BATH 4.5 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $675,000 2690 TULIP HILL RD PACE, FL 32571 BED 5 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $595,000 4301 MOLINO MEADOWS RD MOLINO, FL 32577 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $489,000 5029 WHEELER WAY PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $425,000 7701 ARBOR PT PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $410,000 4616 BAYWOODS DR PENSACOLA, FL 32504 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $395,000 5765 REYNOSA DR PENSACOLA, FL 32504 BED 4 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $350,000 2622 CALDWELL CIR PACE, FL 32571 BED 4 BATH 2.5 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $350,000 8798 PROWLER CT PENSACOLA, FL 32506 BED 4 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $350,000 3437 BLANEY DR CANTONMENT, FL 32533 BED 4 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $350,000 2828 SILENT WOOD DR CANTONMENT, FL 32533 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $338,000 5725 DOVE DR PACE, FL 32571 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $335,000 2020 CEYLON RD PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $335,000 3230 MOSS PT LN CANTONMENT, FL 32533 BED 4 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $330,000 940 LEGACY OAKS DR PENSACOLA, FL 32514 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $825,000 2369 PHYLIS RAE DR PACE, FL 32571 BED 5 BATH 4.5 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $675,000 2690 TULIP HILL RD PACE, FL 32571 BED 5 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $595,000 4301 MOLINO MEADOWS RD MOLINO, FL 32577 BED 3 BATH 2 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $489,000 5029 WHEELER WAY PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more $425,000 7701 ARBOR PT PENSACOLA, FL 32526 BED 4 BATH 3 Listed With KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST View more Next THIS IS THE BROOMES TEAM WE PUT YOUR NEEDS FIRST Sell My Home Get In Touch "JACK WAS WONDERFUL FROM START TO FINISH. HE WAS VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE MARKET AND REALLY HELPED US THROUGHOUT THE HOME BUYING PROCESS. I WAS ESPECIALLY IMPRESSED BY HIS TEAM THAT MANAGED THE TRANSACTION. HIS TEAM MANAGED THAT WHOLE PROCESS AND KEPT US IN THE LOOP AND ON TASK. I WOULD ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND JACK." "WILLIAM BOATNER IS FANTASTIC. THIS TRANSACTION COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BETTER - EVEN WITH A FEW HICCUPS ON THE BUYER'S END HE HELPED US NAVIGATE AND NEGOTIATE THIS WITH EASE. AND WE ARE 1,300 MILES AWAY. I ADMIRE WILLIAM'S HUSTLE - HE DID NOT LET US DOWN. IF YOU ARE BUYING OR SELLING, WILLIAM IS YOUR GUY!" "WE WORKED WITH JACK ON BOTH THE SALE OF OUR HOME AND PURCHASING A NEW HOME AT THE SAME TIME. THE PROCESS WENT SO SMOOTHLY. WE WERE UNDER CONTRACT IN UNDER A WEEK, AND JACK WAS IN CONSTANT COMMUNICATION WITH US EVERY STEP ON BOTH THE SELLING AND PURCHASING SIDE OF THINGS. WE WOULD WORK WITH JACK AGAIN IN A HEARTBEAT!" "MEGAN IS THE TOTAL PACKAGE. SHE REALLY LISTENED TO ALL MY HUSBAND AND I WERE LOOKING FOR AND WAS VERY PROMPT IN RESPONDING TO CALLS. SHE WAS GREAT ABOUT WORKING AROUND OUR CRAZY SCHEDULES TO SHOW US PROPERTIES. DEFINITELY AND HIGHLY RECOMMEND HER!" Previous Next NEW LISTINGS $425,000 3 BED • 2.5 BATH View more 224 N DEVILLIERS ST. PENSACOLA, FL 32502 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $339,900 4 BED • 2 BATH View more 3238 MOSS PT LN. CANTONMENT, FL 32533 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $290,000 4 BED • 2 BATH View more 9470 LUTOO LN. BELLVIEW, FL 32526 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $245,000 0 BED • UNDEFINED BATH View more 8422 TETON CREST DR. PACE, FL 32571 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $90,000 0 BED • UNDEFINED BATH View more BAY MEADOWS DR. MILTON, FL 32583 Listed With Jack Broomes, Iii ofKELLER WILLIAMS REALTY GULF COAST $28,500,000 0 BED • UNDEFINED BATH View more 0 GULF BLVD. NAVARRE BEACH, FL 32566 Listed With Harry Bell ofBellcore Commercial LLC More Listings LET US GUIDE YOU BUYING A HOME Find the home you love, for the right price. SELLING A HOME Get the most out of your home sale. GET IN TOUCH Feel free to ask any questions you may have. WHY WORK WITH US? WE MAKE LISTINGS SHINE WITH STUNNING PHOTOS, VIRTUAL TOURS, 3D WALKTHROUGHS AND VIDEOS SEARCH ALL AVAILABLE HOMES FOR SALE WE MARKET YOUR LISTING WHERE BUYERS ARE LOOKING, ONLINE AND IN-PERSON SEE EVERYTHING YOUR AGENT DOES TO GET YOUR PROPERTY SOLD STAY UP-TO-DATE, RECEIVE REPORTS ON YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WE HAVE A LIST OF BUYERS THAT RECEIVE LISTING ALERTS EVERY DAY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Previous Next From the best tools and technology to transparency throughout the entire process, we're the top choice for buyers and sellers. FEATURED AREAS PENSACOLA, FL Search Here GULF BREEZE, FL Search Here CANTONMENT, FL Search Here PACE, FL Search Here MILTON, FL Search Here NAVARRE, FL Search Here PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Search Here Previous Next LOADING CITIES... TOP AREAS & CITIES FLORIDA * 2377Pensacola, FL * 770Milton, FL * 383Gulf Breeze, FL * 271Pace, FL * 235Cantonment, FL * 215Navarre, FL * 127Atmore, AL * 117Pensacola Beach, FL * 87Jay, FL * 84Perdido Key, FL * 70Brewton, AL * 41Molino, FL * 36Century, FL * 34Crestview, FL * 23Navarre Beach, FL * 22Walnut Hill, FL * 21Orange Beach, AL * 19Flomaton, AL * 15Bagdad, FL * 15Gulf Shores, AL * 13Mcdavid, FL * 13Seminole, AL * 10East Brewton, AL * 9Monroeville, AL * 8Castleberry, AL * 8Mary Esther, FL * 8Defuniak Springs, FL * 8Lillian, AL * 8Santa Rosa Beach, FL * 7Elberta, AL View All GET IN TOUCH Send Message * Address 800 Langley Ave, Pensacola, FL 35204 * Phone (850) 748-7518 * Get In Touch Send a Message 2023 © The Broomes Team | KW Gulf Coast Each office is independently owned and operated. * * * * * * * * Powered by Brivity * Admin Log In * Privacy Policy * DMCA & Terms of Service * Sitemap SEND ME A RECOVERY EMAIL Success! Email sent. Error! Error sending email. 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