Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On July 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: Page

<form id="Page" name="Page" class="Page ActivePage" data-testid="page-ready">
  <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">
  <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable = no, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, initial-scale = 1, width = device-width">
  <div class="Skin">
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        <div id="LogoContainer">
          <div id="Logo"></div>
        <div id="HeaderContainer">
          <div id="Header" role="banner"></div>
        <div id="SkinContent">
          <div id="Questions" role="main">
            <div id="QID43Separator" class="Separator" data-runtime-show="runtime.SeparatorDisplayed"></div>
            <div class="QuestionOuter BorderColor DB  QID43" id="QID43" questionid="QID43" posttag="QID43" data-runtime-remove-class-hidden="runtime.Displayed">
              <div id="QR~QID43~VALIDATION" class="ValidationError" role="alert" data-runtime-show="runtime.ErrorMsg" data-runtime-html="runtime.ErrorMsg" style="display: none;"></div>
              <div id="QR~QID43~SDPVALIDATION" class="ValidationError" role="alert" data-runtime-show="runtime.PDPErrorMsg" data-runtime-html="runtime.PDPErrorMsg" style="display: none;"></div>
              <div class="Inner BorderColor TB">
                <div class="InnerInner BorderColor">
                  <div class="QuestionText BorderColor">Thank you for taking our survey!&nbsp;<br>First, we’d like to know about your role to help us tailor our products to the way you work.</div>
                  <div class="QuestionBody"></div>
            <div id="QID1319599356Separator" class="Separator" data-runtime-show="runtime.SeparatorDisplayed"></div>
            <div class="QuestionOuter BorderColor MC  QID1319599356" id="QID1319599356" questionid="QID1319599356" posttag="QID1319599356" data-runtime-remove-class-hidden="runtime.Displayed">
              <div id="QR~QID1319599356~VALIDATION" class="ValidationError" role="alert" data-runtime-show="runtime.ErrorMsg" data-runtime-html="runtime.ErrorMsg" style="display: none;"></div>
              <div id="QR~QID1319599356~SDPVALIDATION" class="ValidationError" role="alert" data-runtime-show="runtime.PDPErrorMsg" data-runtime-html="runtime.PDPErrorMsg" style="display: none;"></div>
              <div class="Inner BorderColor SACOL">
                <div class="InnerInner BorderColor TX">
                  <fieldset aria-describedby="QR~QID1319599356~VALIDATION QR~QID1319599356~SDPVALIDATION"> <!-- BEGIN PARTIALS --><!-- Partial for defining the ControlContainerContent --><!-- END PARTIALS -->
                      <div class="QuestionText BorderColor">Which of these best describes your <b>primary function or department </b>in your organization?</div>
                    <div class="QuestionBody">
                      <table role="presentation" class="ChoiceStructure" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <tbody> <!-- d is the magic delta number we use to calculate the index --> <!-- This is a tricky algorithm to build the columns -->
                          <tr class="reg"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="6" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-6 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~6" value="6"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-6-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~6" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.6.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~6" id="QID1319599356-6-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.6.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>C-Suite</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="25" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-25 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~25" value="25"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-25-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~25" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.25.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~25" id="QID1319599356-25-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.25.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Legal</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="alt"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="18" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-18 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~18" value="18"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-18-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~18" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.18.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~18" id="QID1319599356-18-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.18.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Customer Service</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="26" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-26 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~26" value="26"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-26-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~26" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.26.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~26" id="QID1319599356-26-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.26.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Marketing</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="reg"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="19" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-19 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~19" value="19"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-19-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~19" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.19.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~19" id="QID1319599356-19-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.19.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Data Science</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="27" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-27 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~27" value="27"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-27-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~27" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.27.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~27" id="QID1319599356-27-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.27.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Operations</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="alt"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="20" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-20 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~20" value="20"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-20-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~20" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.20.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~20" id="QID1319599356-20-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.20.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Design</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="28" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-28 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~28" value="28"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-28-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~28" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.28.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~28" id="QID1319599356-28-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.28.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Product Management</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="reg"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="21" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-21 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~21" value="21"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-21-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~21" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.21.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~21" id="QID1319599356-21-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.21.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Engineering</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="29" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-29 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~29" value="29"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-29-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~29" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.29.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~29" id="QID1319599356-29-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.29.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Program Management</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="alt"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="22" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-22 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~22" value="22"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-22-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~22" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.22.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~22" id="QID1319599356-22-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.22.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Finance</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="30" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-30 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~30" value="30"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-30-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~30" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.30.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~30" id="QID1319599356-30-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.30.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Sales</span></label></span> </td>
                          <tr class="reg"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="23" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-23 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~23" value="23"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-23-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~23" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.23.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~23" id="QID1319599356-23-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.23.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Human Resources</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="31" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-31 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~31" value="31"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-31-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~31" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.31.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~31" id="QID1319599356-31-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.31.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Other (please specify)</span></label> <input
                                  class="TextEntryBox InputText QR-QID1319599356-31-TEXT QWatchTimer" type="text" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-31-label" id="QR~QID1319599356~31~TEXT" name="QR~QID1319599356~31~TEXT" value=""
                                  data-runtime-textvalue="runtime.Choices.31.Text" title="Other (please specify)" aria-describedby="QR~QID1319599356~31~VALIDATION" tabindex="-1">
                                <div id="QR~QID1319599356~31~VALIDATION" class="ValidationDiv MC"> <span class="ValidationError Sub MC" data-runtime-html="runtime.Choices.31.ErrorMsg" data-runtime-show="runtime.Choices.31.ErrorMsg"
                                    style="display: none;"></span> </div>
                                <div id="QR~QID1319599356~31~SDPVALIDATION" class="ValidationDiv MC"> <span class="ValidationError Sub MC" data-runtime-html="runtime.Choices.31.PDPErrorMsg" data-runtime-show="runtime.Choices.31.PDPErrorMsg"
                                    style="display: none;"></span> </div>
                              </span> </td>
                          <tr class="alt"> <!-- calculate the index --> <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 -->
                            <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="ControlContainer"> <input selected="selected" choiceid="24" class="radio QR-QID1319599356-24 QWatchTimer" type="radio" name="QR~QID1319599356" id="QR~QID1319599356~24" value="24"
                                data-runtime-checked="runtime.Selected" aria-labelledby="QID1319599356-24-label"><label for="QR~QID1319599356~24" class="q-radio" aria-hidden="true" data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.24.Selected"></label>
                            </td> <!-- LabelContainer needs to have both for now because there's a misspelling in the CSS -->
                            <td width="50%" class="LabelContainer LabelContatiner "> <span class="LabelWrapper"> <label for="QR~QID1319599356~24" id="QID1319599356-24-label" class="SingleAnswer  ChoiceTextPositionLeft"
                                  data-runtime-class-q-checked="runtime.Choices.24.Selected" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span>Information Technology</span></label></span> </td> <!-- calculate the index -->
                            <!-- choices go top down, left to right, so a question with 4 columns and 6 choices will be: 1  3  5  6 2  4 --> <!-- If the index i exists in the.ChoiceOrder we use the choice, otherwise we fill an empty placeholder -->
                            <td class="">&nbsp;</td>
                            <td class="">&nbsp;</td>
          <div id="Buttons" role="navigation"><input id="NextButton" class="NextButton Button" title="→" type="button" name="NextButton" value="→" data-runtime-disabled="runtime.Disabled" data-runtime-aria-label="runtime.ariaLabel"
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Thank you for taking our survey! 
First, we’d like to know about your role to help us tailor our products to the
way you work.

Which of these best describes your primary function or department in your

C-Suite Legal Customer Service Marketing Data Science Operations Design Product
Management Engineering Program Management Finance Sales Human Resources Other
(please specify)

Information Technology    

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