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Submitted URL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/tr/v1/te/akU_2BQc2vAhAsa_2B264x1g6_2FpF_2Fhy3EhxbpxJDHYpYZT3PErDK_2Bf6OjNYOPsqZdKwgCaZNtOlSgODVu...
Effective URL: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=M_2FFfigY853X_2Fa4saDGfAkU9HJvvEKnkEo7_2Fl_2B3p4VqAfGXXqeYDyvUaGLHwqQLDy
Submission: On July 02 via manual from NL — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: surveyFormPOST

<form name="surveyForm" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate="" data-survey-page-form="">
  <div class="questions clearfix">
    <div class="question-row clearfix 
      <div data-question-type="presentation_descriptive_text" data-rq-question-type="presentation_text" class="question-container
        <div id="question-field-191063626" data-qnumber="1" data-qdispnumber="" data-question-id="191063626" class=" question-presentation-text qn question descriptive_text">
          <div class="question-body-font-theme question-presentation-text user-generated">
            <span class="user-generated notranslate
                "> Dear <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>AUVESY-MDT Customer</strong>,</span><br><br>Thank you very much for your time.<br><br><span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>Your opinion is important to us!</strong></span> As we strive
              to continuously improve our product and service offering, we would like to invite you to participate in our online survey. <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>We value your feedback</strong></span> and will take it into account when
              <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>planning our roadmap</strong></span> and future investments. It <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>helps us to continue delivering the best products and services to you.</strong></span><br><br>We
              have <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>28 questions</strong></span> which should not take more than<span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong> 10 minutes to answer.</strong> <span style="color: #000000;">The survey</span> </span>will be
              <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>open until 31 July 2024</strong>. <span style="color: #000000;">You can complete the survey in either <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>English or German;</strong></span> simply change the
                  language in the <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>top right-hand corner.</strong></span></span></span><br><br>Survey participants are eligible to <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>participate in a drawing</strong></span>
              where you could win one of <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>10 Amazon Vouchers, each worth 50 USD/EUR. </strong></span><br><br>To enter the drawing, please provide us with your email address. All winners will be notified by email.
              Please be assured that all <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>personal data</strong></span> and information supplied by you <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>will be kept strictly confidential.</strong></span><br><br>All
              responses collected from the survey will be <span style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>anonymized and analyzed on an aggregated basis. </strong></span><br><br>Thank you for your participation! <br><br>Your <span
                style="color: #0b4a82;"><strong>AUVESY-MDT team</strong></span><br><br><span style="font-size: 12pt;"><em>Please click "Next" to start the survey.</em></span></span>
  <table role="progressbar" class="progress-bar-container table-reset notranslate" aria-valuetext="Page 1 of 16">
        <td class="progress-bar-indicator-container
          <div class="progress-bar-indicator-wrapper">
            <div class="progress-bar-indicator" style="width:6.25%">&nbsp;</div>
        <td class="progress-bar-percentage
                    "> 6% <span class="progress-bar-container-hidden-text">of survey complete.</span>
  <div class="survey-submit-actions center-text clearfix">
    <button type="submit" data-submit-page-button="" class="btn small next-button survey-page-button user-generated notranslate"> Next </button>
  <input type="hidden" id="survey_data" name="survey_data"
  <input type="hidden" data-response-quality="" id="response_quality_data" name="response_quality_data" value="{}">
  <input type="hidden" id="is_previous" name="is_previous" value="false">
  <input type="hidden" id="is_changing_language" name="is_changing_language" value="">
  <input type="hidden" id="disable_survey_buttons_on_submit" name="disable_survey_buttons_on_submit" value="">

Text Content

 * Deutsch
 * English



Dear AUVESY-MDT Customer,

Thank you very much for your time.

Your opinion is important to us! As we strive to continuously improve our
product and service offering, we would like to invite you to participate in our
online survey. We value your feedback and will take it into account when
planning our roadmap and future investments. It helps us to continue delivering
the best products and services to you.

We have 28 questions which should not take more than 10 minutes to answer. The
survey will be open until 31 July 2024. You can complete the survey in either
English or German; simply change the language in the top right-hand corner.

Survey participants are eligible to participate in a drawing where you could win
one of 10 Amazon Vouchers, each worth 50 USD/EUR.

To enter the drawing, please provide us with your email address. All winners
will be notified by email. Please be assured that all personal data and
information supplied by you will be kept strictly confidential.

All responses collected from the survey will be anonymized and analyzed on an
aggregated basis.

Thank you for your participation!

Your AUVESY-MDT team

Please click "Next" to start the survey.
6% of survey complete.


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