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"The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the
tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We
desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no
material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of
the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights
have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make
them.... It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into
the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be
in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight
for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts—for democracy,
for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own
governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal
dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and
safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free."
President Woodrow Wilson
Address to Congress, 2 April 1917

The surprising ways that World War One continues to shape our world, our
culture, and our lives was the focus of a group of experts assembled at the
National World War One Museum in Kansas City, Missouri on Sunday, July 27, 2014
as the centennial commemoration period got underway.

Veteran network news correspondent Barbara Pinto moderated as three leading
experts in the field of World War One history recounted stories of the Great
War, and provided insight into the enduring influence of the unprecedented
conflict and its enduring influence on the culture, on technological
advancement, and global conflicts today. Stay informed with the latest news on
gambling through the 토토 커뮤니티 , where enthusiasts converge to discuss industry
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Panelists included Dr. Mitch Yockelson, Archivist, National Archives and Records
Administration; Dr. Graydon Tunstall, Senior Lecturer of History at the
University of South Florida; and Dr. Chad Williams, Associate Professor and
Chair of the African and Afro-American Studies Department at Brandeis

The panel  welcomed a public audience at the Museum, and and the event was
webcast live to the nation and the world on the World War One Centennial
Commission web site. The video of the webcast is posted at left.  


There is no national World War One Memorial in the nation's capital.

World War One Commission Vice Chair, Mr. Edwin Fountain says the Commission
hopes to change all that. Fountain appeared at a Newsmaker meeting at the
National Press Club in Washington, DC on the 12th of August. Video of his talk
is available here.

Fountain reported that the Commission had selected this as one of its projects.
Congressional action will be required to make it a reality. Funds for the
memorial will be privately raised. A number of community and private
organizations have endorsed the plan.

The World War One Commission was created by the Congress and signed into law by
President Obama in 2013. It's members are charged with educating the American
people about the effects of the war, and honoring those who no longer have a
voice. The last living  American World War One veteran was Frank Buckles, who
died in 2011.



World War One—called the "Great War" until the world learned that there would be
more than one such war in the twentieth century—was the first total war of the
modern period. The participants, unprepared for the long and bloody conflict
that ensued after the summer of 1914, scrambled to mobilize their manpower and
industry to prosecute the war. All searched for a decisive military victory.
Instead, dramatic and largely unforeseen changes in warfare quickly followed one
another, in the end altering both Europe and the larger Western culture that it
represented. Although the bloody conflict finally ended with an armistice in
November 1918, it cast a long politico-military shadow over the decades that
The United States reluctantly entered Europe's "Great War" and tipped the
balance to Allied victory. In part the nation was responding to threats to its
own economic and diplomatic interests. But it also wanted, in the words of
President Woodrow Wilson, to "make the world safe for democracy." The United
States emerged from the war a significant, but reluctant, world power.
Under unprecedented government direction, American industry mobilized to produce
weapons, equipment, munitions, and supplies. Nearly one million women joined the
workforce. Hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the South migrated
north to work in factories.
Two million Americans volunteered for the army, and nearly three million were
drafted. More than 350,000 African Americans served, in segregated units. For
the first time, women were in the ranks, nearly 13,000 in the navy as Yeoman (F)
(for female) and in the marines. More than 20,000 women served in the Army and
Navy Nurse Corps. The first contingent of the American Expeditionary Force
(AEF), commanded by General John J. Pershing reached France in June, but it took
time to assemble, train, and equip a fighting force. By spring 1918, the AEF was
ready, first blunting a German offensive at Belleau Wood.
The Americans entered a war that was deadlocked. Opposing armies were dug in,
facing each other in trenches that ran nearly 500 miles across northern
France—the notorious western front.  Almost three years of horrific fighting
resulted in huge losses, but no discernable advantage for either side. American
involvement in the war was decisive. Within eighteen months, the sheer number of
American "doughboys" added to the lines ended more than three years of
stalemate. Germany agreed to an armistice on November 11, 1918.
Two million men in the American Expeditionary Force went to France. Some 1,261
combat veterans—and their commander, General Pershing—were awarded the
Distinguished Service Cross, the nation's second-highest award for extraordinary
heroism. Sixty-nine American civilians also received the award.
To learn even more about the Great War, click on the "History" button on the
front page.


From 2017 through 2019, the World War One Centennial Commission will coordinate
events and activities commemorating the Centennial of the Great War. (Why?) The
Commission has partnered with a broad range of organizations across the United
States and around the world to spotlight events publications, productions,
activities, programs, and sites that allow people in the United States to learn
about the history of World War One, the United States involvement in that war,
and the war's effects on the remainder of the 20th century, and to commemorate
and honor the participation of the United States and its citizens in the war

The Commission will serve as a clearing house for the collection and
dissemination of information about events and plans for the centennial of World
War One. The Commission will also encourage private organizations and State and
local governments to organize and participate in activities commemorating the
centennial of World War One.

To take part, click on our EVENTS link for a detailed list of events being
planned during the centennial commemoration period. Many more events will be
announced later. Many crypto events that discuss the latest developments in the
crypto market will also take place. There will be detailed discussion on what
the best trading apps 2022 have on store.


People of all faiths gathered on Sunday, July 27 across the nation to mark 100
years since the beginning of the First World War, and reflect on the effects and
consequences of that terrible conflict. The World War One Centennial Commission
invited faith communities across the nation to mark the occasion somberly, and
consider the suffering of that time and resolve to avoid such agony in the

This ecumenical day of remembrance and reflection across all faiths was  the
solemn beginning of the national commemoration of the Great War centennial which
will extend through 2019. In order to facilitate this remembrance, the
Commission partnered with Washington National Cathedral to create resources for
worship on that Sunday. These resources include prayers and collects (also
suitable as a litany) and homiletic reflections on the scriptures. The Cathedral
and the Commission invite you to use these resources, in whole or in part, with
freedom to modify them for use by your congregation, on appropriate dates
throughout the commemoration period.

For more information and links to these and other liturgical resources for the
centennial commemoration, click here or on the graphic above right.




WASHINGTON, DC -- Across the nation, thousands of monuments and memorials to
America's World War One efforts stand in city squares, cemeteries, parks, and
public buildings.
The World War One Centennial Commission will partner with Saving Hallowed
Ground, the American Battle Monuments Commission, the World War One Memorial
Inventory Project, and other organizations to identify and record all these

The Commission will encourage local communities and organizations to perform
conservation and preservation services to the monuments themselves, and engage
school students, Scouts, and communities in researching and learning about the
history of their monuments and about the stories behind the names inscribed on
these Living History Memorials, to remind citizens of their meaning and the
great deeds they memorialize.

Check out the Monuments and Memorials page to view the sites currently listed in
the database.  Monuments and memorials not included already by by nominated by
completing the submission for linked on the Monuments and Memorials page.







Commissioner Robert Dalessandro was elected Chair of the World War One
Centennial Commission on July 27 during the body's annual meeting at the
National World War One Museum in Kansas City, MO.

Commissioner Edwin Fountain was elected Vice Chair, replacing Dalessandro in
that position.  Dalessandro had been the Acting Chair since the death of the
original Commission Chair Ike Skelton in late 2013.

Public Law 112–272, the ''World War One Centennial Commission Act'', requires
the Commission to hold an annual meeting at the World War One Museum.





By Nancy Piwowar

Plainfield, NJ -- Evarts Tracy was one of the foremost architects in America in
1915, but as World War One came closer to America, he was one of the first men
to offer his services to the government. Such patriotism was a family tradition:
Tracy was the great-great grandson of Roger Sherman, one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence and the only one to sign three other historic
documents: The Association of 1774, The Articles of Confederation, and the
Constitution of the United States.

Tracy was born in New York on May 23, 1868, and moved with his family at the age
of six to Plainfield, New Jersey. His parents' house is located on West Eighth
Street in the Van Wyck Brooks Historic District, Plainfield, New Jersey. He
graduated from Yale in 1890.





By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON – It was called The Great War even as it was going on. It engulfed
the world, and the world is still feeling its effects.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, and U.S.
officials are gearing up to mark the centennial.
In his day job, Robert J. Dalessandro is the director of the U.S. Army Center of
Military History at Fort Lesley J. McNair here. He also is the acting chairman
of the World War I Centennial Commission.
The Great War began in July 1914 with the assassination of Austrian Archduke
Franz Ferdinand. This triggered an interconnecting network of alliances to spark
mobilization, bringing in the empires of Europe. England, France and Russia
lined up against Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.
A generation of men died in battle on the fields of France. The Somme, Verdun,
Ypres and Meuse-Argonne became killing grounds. On the Eastern Front, millions
of Germans, Austrians and Russians battled. Overall, about 16.5 million people
were killed in the war.
At first, the United States stayed out of it. In fact, when President Woodrow
Wilson ran for re-election in 1916, his campaign slogan was "He kept us out of









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