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FIND A LOCAL BUSINESS | CONTACT THE COUNTY | GET CRITICAL COUNTY ALERTS * * * * * * * SERVICES * Agricultural Services * Agriculture Media Centre * Ag Events Calendar * Agriculture News * Reference Library * Agricultural Service Board * Alternative Land Use Services * ALUS Success Stories * County Wetlands * Horticulture * Dutch Elm Disease * * Frost-Sensitive Plants * Rural Beautification 2020 * * Shelterbelt Best Practices * Rental Equipment * Weed & Pest Control * Beaver Control Resources * * * * Beaver Mitigation Survey * Clubroot Survey Information * Mountain Pine Beetle * Problem Wildlife * Vegetation Management * Assessment, Taxation & Utilities * Assessment & Taxation * Assessment Roll Lookup * How Assessment Works * Property Taxes * Tax Prepayment Plan * Tax Recovery Procedure * Transfer Station Schedule * Utilities * Accepted Recyclables * County Transfer Stations * Transfer Station Cards * Regional Landfill * Transfer Station & Landfill Hours * Utilities Forms & Guidelines * Community Services * Community Bus Schedules * Community Services Programs * Community Volunteer Income Tax Program * Home Support Program * Meals on Wheels and Food Banks * Onoway Playschool * Out-of-School Care * * Preventative Counselling Subsidy * Social Needs Assessment * * Enforcement Services * County Connect * Dog Control * RCMP Crime Map * Report a Concern * Fire Services * Primary Info & Resources * About LSACFS * Fire Guardians * Fire & Fireworks Permits * Volunteers Wanted * Compensation & Benefits * Expression of Interest * Membership Types * Training Opportunities * * Fire Services Programs * Farm FireSmart * Knox Box Program * Planning & Development * Compliance Supports for Seniors * Conditionally Approved Permits * Planning Documents * * GOVERNMENT * Budget & Strategic Planning * County Budget Planning * County Strategic Plan * Financial Statements * County Council * Council Meeting Agendas * Council Meeting Minutes * Local Government Overview * Message from the Reeve * Reeve & Councillors * County Legislation * Area Structure Plans * Bylaws & Policies * FOIP Legislation * Land Use Bylaw * Municipal Development Plan * County Representation * Boards, Committees & Commissions * County Divisions & Departments * Hearings & Permit Decisions * Conditionally Approved Permits * Public Hearings & Open Houses * Subdivision & Development Appeal Board * Municipal Partnerships * ICF Partners * Intermunicipal Development Plan * Municipal Neighbours * Non-Government Partnerships * Regional Issues * Administration Office Deficiencies * Assessment Model Review * The Big Picture * Timeline of Events * Projected Local Impacts * Questions and Answers * COVID-19 Public Information * Mayerthorpe ICF Matter * Mayerthorpe Surcharge * Mayerthorpe Backgrounder * Historical Funding Allocations * Medical Clinic Plaza Building * Municipal General Election * Rural Policing Cost Download * State of the County * RESIDENTS * Applications, Forms & Permits * Building Codes & Standards * County Document Library * Redistricting * Special Event Permits * Subdivision * Assessment, Taxation & Utilities * Assessment & Taxation * Assessment Roll Lookup * How Assessment Work * Property Taxes * Tax Prepayment Plan * Tax Recovery Procedure * Utilities * Accepted Recyclables * Transfer Station Schedule * County Transfer Stations * Transfer Station Cards * Utilities Forms & Guidelines * Community Services * Community Bus Schedules * Community Services Programs * Social Needs Assessment * Facilities & Amenities * Arenas, Halls & Facilities * Clinics & Hospitals * Regional Libraries * Schools & Children's Programs * Fire Services * Primary Info & Resources * About LSACFS * Fire Guardians * Fire & Fireworks Permits * Volunteers Wanted * Compensation & Benefits * Expression of Interest * Membership Types * Training Opportunities * Fire Services Programs * Farm FireSmart * Knox Box Program * Parks & Recreation * Ball Diamonds * Boat launches * Campgrounds * Lessard Lake Outdoor Education Centre * Lessard Lake Public Campground * Paddle River Dam Campground * * Seasonal Campsite Availability * Cemeteries * Property Addressing * Mailing Address Changes * Rural Addressing Guidelines * Roads & Road Maintenance * Road Maintenance Programs * Dust Control Program * Gravel Program * * Snowplow Program * Snowplow Flag Program * Infrastructure management * Bridge Management * Road Bans & Restrictions * Rural Responsibilities * Being a Good Neighbour * * Snow & Ice Removal * Enforcement Services * Problem Wildlife * VISITORS * * Explore the County * Business Directory * Featured County Events * Regional Demographic Profile * Facilities & Amenities * Arenas, Halls & Facilities * Clinics & Hospitals * Regional Libraries * Schools & Children's Programs * Parks & Recreation * Ball Diamonds * Boat Launches * Campgrounds * Cemeteries * BUSINESS * * Business Media Centre * Economic Development News * Economic Development Events * Regional Initiatives * Come to Life in Lac Ste. Anne * Shop the County * Supports and Resources * * Business Licence Program * Business Support Resources * * Get on the County Directory * Local Business Spotlights * Invest in Lac Ste. Anne * Competitive Advantages * Land, Locations and Buildings * Regional Data and Incentives COUNTY CONNECT NOTIFICATIONS STAY CONNECTED. STAY SAFE. 1. 2. County Connect COUNTY CONNECT NOTIFICATIONS STAY CONNECTED. STAY SAFE. Register below to start receiving alerts on fire bans, service interruptions and other important local news. You can also opt in for emergency alert messages from Canada's national emergency alerting system (Alert Ready). Already registered? Click the MY ACCOUNT button below to login. ×YOU'RE ALWAYS IN CONTROL When you register on County Connect, it's your account to manage as you see fit. Add or delete notification sources; change your contact info; or even close the account. PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY > The personal information you provide will be used to register you for County > Connect and is collected under the authority of Section 33(c), of the Freedom > of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The information collected > on this form will only be used for the provision of the program you have > registered. For questions about the collection and use of this information, > please contact the County's FOIP Coordinator. COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COUNTY CONNECT SERVICE How much will this service cost me? County Connect is a free service provided by Lac Ste. Anne County. For cell phone users who subscribe to SMS alerts, standard message rates will apply. However, no information that consumes large amounts of data such as an image or video will be sent. Links to additional files or information may be provided, but users can access these additional files at their discretion. How do I change my information or unsubscribe? If you have already used this page to register with with County Connect, you can can login your account at any time to change your contact info or subscription options. You can also unsubscribe from County Connect whenever you choose. Who can sign up for County Connect? County Connect is available to anyone who wishes to register. However this alert notification service is of primary value to the communities of the Lac Ste. Anne region. Who messages me and can I message them back? Only Lac Ste. Anne County is able to send you alerts via County Connect. You cannot reply to these messages directly, but any details on how to respond to given alerts will be included in the County Connect messages as warranted. Can I send information to the County through County Connect? No. County Connect transmits one-way alerts and notifications to subsctibers in real time. This service is not designed to process incoming information from users. Please contact the Lac Ste. Anne County administration office if you have important information to provide. Alternately, you can submit an Action Request to the County via this website. Is my information safe? User information is kept on a secure server with very limited access and cannot be used for any purpose other than what you have signed up for. For details visit our Privacy Policy. Will I get spammed? Every effort is made to ensure users only receive alerts that are relevant and important to them. Generic or unwanted County information will not be sent via County Connect; just the alerts and updates you select in your user profile. COUNTY MINUTE: RURAL POLICING > "There was a lot of outcry about how the rural policing model was brought down > upon us by the Province; and the costs downloaded onto ratepayers. We do > understand this as a County, and we know it's not going to go away. We're > going to have to let it unfold a little bit more just to see exactly where > it's going to land." > — Reeve Joe Blakeman STATE OF THE COUNTY GET CRITICAL COUNTY ALERTS AS THEY HAPPEN Configure your free County Connect account to receive regional notifications of interest to you. Choose from emergency alerts, road closures, rural crime, public hearing dates and other types of vital County information. COUNTY CONNECT CORE COUNTY SERVICES * Agricultural Services * Assessment, Taxation & Utilities * Community Services * Economic Development * Fire Services * Geographic Information Services * Planning & Development * Public Works POPULAR RESOURCES * Business Directory * Local COVID-19 Information * County Connect Alerts * Transfer Station Schedule * Employment Opportunities * Bylaws & Policies * Land Use Bylaw * Building & Development Permits * No-Spray Agreement FEATURED COUNTY NEWS * Fire Services Recruitment Campaign Underway 07 February 2022 * Ag Services Job Opportunities 03 February 2022 * Public Works Job Opportunities 02 February 2022 * New East End Bus Society Schedule 13 January 2022 * Livestock Feed Assistance AgriRecovery Initiative 06 January 2022 * News * FOIP Legislation * Contact the County * Report a Concern * County Jobs * County Maps * County Connect * Privacy Policy * Site Use Policy * Media Centre Copyright © 2022 Lac Ste. Anne County. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy | Site Use Policy MAIN WEBSITE NAVIGATION * SERVICES * Agricultural Services * Agriculture Media Centre * Ag Events Calendar * Agriculture News * Reference Library * Agricultural Service Board * Alternative Land Use Services * ALUS Success Stories * County Wetlands * Horticulture * Dutch Elm Disease * Frost-Sensitive Plants * Rural Beautification 2020 * Shelterbelt Best Practices * Rental Equipment * Weed & Pest Control * Beaver Control Resources * Beaver Mitigation Survey * Clubroot Survey Information * Mountain Pine Beetle * Problem Wildlife * Vegetation Management * Community Services * Community Bus Schedules * Community Services Programs * Community Volunteer Income Tax Program * Home Support Program * Meals on Wheels and Food Banks * Onoway Playschool * Out-of-School Care * Preventative Counselling Subsidy * Social Needs Assessment * Assessment, Taxation & Utilities * Assessment & Taxation * Assessment Roll Lookup * How Assessment Works * Property Taxes * Tax Prepayment Plan * Tax Recovery Procedure * Transfer Station Schedule * Utilities * Accepted Recyclables * County Transfer Stations * Transfer Station Cards * Regional Landfill * Transfer Station & Landfill Hours * Utilities Forms & Guidelines * Fire Services * Primary Info & Resources * About LSACFS * Fire Guardians * Fire & Fireworks Permits * Volunteers Wanted * Compensation & Benefits * Expression of Interest * Membership Types * Training Opportunities * Fire Services Programs * Farm FireSmart * Knox Box Program * Planning & Development * Compliance Supports for Seniors * Conditionally Approved Permits * Planning Documents * Enforcement Services * County Connect * Dog Control * RCMP Crime Map * Report a Concern * GOVERNMENT * County Council * Council Meeting Agendas * Council Meeting Minutes * Local Government Overview * Message from the Reeve * Reeve & Councillors * County Legislation * Area Structure Plans * Bylaws & Policies * FOIP Legislation * Land Use Bylaw * Municipal Development Plan * County Representation * Boards, Committees & Commissions * County Divisions & Departments * Hearings & Permit Decisions * Conditionally Approved Permits * Public Hearings & Open Houses * Subdivision & Development Appeal Board * Regional Issues * Administration Office Deficiencies * Assessment Model Review * The Big Picture * Timeline of Events * Projected Local Impacts * Questions and Answers * COVID-19 Public Information * Mayerthorpe ICF Matter * Mayerthorpe Surcharge * Mayerthorpe Backgrounder * Historical Funding Allocations * Medical Clinic Plaza Building * Municipal General Election * Rural Policing Cost Download * State of the County * Municipal Partnerships * ICF Partners * Intermunicipal Development Plan * Municipal Neighbours * Non-Government Partnerships * Budget & Strategic Planning * County Budget Planning * County Strategic Plan * Financial Statements * RESIDENTS * Applications, Forms & Permits * Building Codes & Standards * County Document Library * Redistricting * Special Event Permits * Subdivision * Assessment, Taxation & Utilities * Assessment & Taxation * Assessment Roll Lookup * How Assessment Work * Property Taxes * Tax Prepayment Plan * Tax Recovery Procedure * Utilities * Accepted Recyclables * Transfer Station Schedule * County Transfer Stations * Transfer Station Cards * Utilities Forms & Guidelines * Community Services * Community Bus Schedules * Community Services Programs * Social Needs Assessment * Facilities & Amenities * Arenas, Halls & Facilities * Clinics & Hospitals * Regional Libraries * Schools & Children's Programs * Fire Services * Primary Info & Resources * About LSACFS * Fire Guardians * Fire & Fireworks Permits * Volunteers Wanted * Compensation & Benefits * Expression of Interest * Membership Types * Training Opportunities * Fire Services Programs * Farm FireSmart * Knox Box Program * Parks & Recreation * Ball Diamonds * Boat launches * Campgrounds * Lessard Lake Outdoor Education Centre * Lessard Lake Public Campground * Paddle River Dam Campground * Seasonal Campsite Availability * Cemeteries * Property Addressing * Mailing Address Changes * Rural Addressing Guidelines * Roads & Road Maintenance * Road Maintenance Programs * Dust Control Program * Gravel Program * Snowplow Program * Snowplow Flag Program * Infrastructure management * Bridge Management * Road Bans & Restrictions * Rural Responsibilities * Being a Good Neighbour * Snow & Ice Removal * Enforcement Services * Problem Wildlife * VISITORS * Explore the County * Business Directory * Featured County Events * Regional Demographic Profile * Facilities & Amenities * Arenas, Halls & Facilities * Clinics & Hospitals * Regional Libraries * Schools & Children's Programs * Parks & Recreation * Ball Diamonds * Boat Launches * Campgrounds * Cemeteries * BUSINESS * Supports and Resources * Business Licence Program * Business Support Resources * Get on the County Directory * Local Business Spotlights * Invest in Lac Ste. Anne * Competitive Advantages * Land, Locations and Buildings * Regional Data and Incentives * Business Media Centre * Economic Development News * Economic Development Events * Regional Initiatives * Come to Life in Lac Ste. Anne * Shop the County * MAPS * JOBS * AGENDAS * NEWS * MEETINGS * FORMS * ALERT US