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Here I discuss topics about saving money, budgeting, Christian living, and being
a good steward of what the Lord has blessed us with.

This website is dedicated to helping you live your life to the fullest by
providing guidance on managing your finances and deepening your faith in Jesus
Christ. The Bible states that everything we have is a gift from God and we
should use them wisely to bring glory to Him.

Money is a necessary part of life, but the way we handle it can have positive or
negative consequences on our lives. Learning to manage money properly is a
crucial part of living life to the fullest. I learned how to use money wisely
the hard way, but you don’t have to.

Faith in Jesus is another central aspect of this site. I love Jesus with all my
heart and I love sharing everything I know about Him. I post articles about
various Faith related topics in the hopes of helping others grow in their walk
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Hello, my name is Apryl and I’m the owner/author of Money Wise Steward. I’m a
devoted wife and mother, and my faith in Jesus Christ is extremely important to

I have faced many challenges in my life, particularly in the areas of money and
faith. Through my struggles, the Lord has blessed me with a unique journey that
has brought me here.

My goal is to share everything I have learned about money and my personal
relationship with Jesus. My prayer is that the content on this site will bless
your life so you can glorify the Lord in everything you do.

Read more about my walk with faith and finances.




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