www.4download.net Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.4download.net/209-yamaha-vocaloid-full-version.html
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On September 09 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Name: dlemasscommentsPOST

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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:melendez.cj@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index80" rel="80"></span>hoyholyhoy</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index81" rel="81"></span>16 April 2020 11:51</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1450"><span class="masha_index masha_index82" rel="82"></span>It says access to the file is denied in GDrive. Is there a way to fix this?</div>
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              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index84" rel="84"></span>16 April 2020 14:21</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1454"><span class="masha_index masha_index85" rel="85"></span>ALTERNATIVE LINK Added......Thanks.....🙏🙏🙏</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:ami.nakamaki@icloud.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index86" rel="86"></span>namirobe</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index87" rel="87"></span>20 April 2020 23:21</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1511"><span class="masha_index masha_index88" rel="88"></span>it crashes...</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:ami.nakamaki@icloud.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index89" rel="89"></span>namirobe</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index90" rel="90"></span>20 April 2020 23:26</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1512"><span class="masha_index masha_index91" rel="91"></span>i can t install the voicebanks... i don t understand how to install it.. what s COMPIDfolder??</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:pietrosalvetti1@yahoo.it"><span class="masha_index masha_index92" rel="92"></span>Imprinting</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index93" rel="93"></span>4 May 2020 06:48</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1670"><span class="masha_index masha_index94" rel="94"></span>Hi, i dowloaded vocaloid 5 full crack, but the password www.4download.net don't work. What can i do?</div>
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          <img src="//www.4download.net/uploads/fotos/foto_8879.png" alt="Alienizer">
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                <a onclick="ShowProfile('Alienizer', 'https://www.4download.net/user/Alienizer/', '0'); return false;" href="https://www.4download.net/user/Alienizer/"><span class="masha_index masha_index95" rel="95"></span>Alienizer</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index96" rel="96"></span>11 May 2020 01:40</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1782"><span class="masha_index masha_index97" rel="97"></span>rar didn't need the password but the extracted exe needs it and the usual one doesn't work! Can you please look into it? Thanks much......🙏🙏🙏</div>
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              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index99" rel="99"></span>12 May 2020 05:19</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1799"><span class="masha_index masha_index100" rel="100"></span>You don't need a password to open this file .... just double click "YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.0.exe" to open this file ..... THANK YOU
                .....🙏🙏🙏<br><br><img src="https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PyWCV1l-XaU/XrnPgEpxf2I/AAAAAAAAXWQ/sOJfgTWlQV4LaGLHnFRP80viGeKJ-fNjACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/vocaloid.png" class="fr-dib" style="width:537px;" alt=""></div>
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                <a onclick="ShowProfile('Alienizer', 'https://www.4download.net/user/Alienizer/', '0'); return false;" href="https://www.4download.net/user/Alienizer/"><span class="masha_index masha_index101" rel="101"></span>Alienizer</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index102" rel="102"></span>12 May 2020 09:53</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1800"><span class="masha_index masha_index103" rel="103"></span>Thank you .....🙏🙏🙏</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:seb7@mac.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index104" rel="104"></span>User_101</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index105" rel="105"></span>12 May 2020 19:41</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1807"><span class="masha_index masha_index106" rel="106"></span>love you guys, have many good things from you!!<br><br><span class="masha_index masha_index107" rel="107"></span>but on a Mac : "Vocaloid Editor Share" is
                ok to install - all good&nbsp; <!--smile:heart_eyes--><img alt="heart_eyes" class="emoji" src="/engine/data/emoticons/heart_eyes.png" srcset="/engine/data/emoticons/heart_eyes@2x.png 2x"><!--/smile--><br><span
                  class="masha_index masha_index108" rel="108"></span>then in Libraries Installer "Vocaloid DB Installer" : can't find VOCALOID DB when I press it &nbsp;. .where is it to find? Library&gt;Application
                Support&gt;VOCALOID5&gt;?????<br><br><span class="masha_index masha_index109" rel="109"></span>Also, if you d/ld library, Ken for example, its only for Windows . .? Couldn't open with Crossover<br><br><img
                  src="/uploads/posts/2020-05/1589293215_vocaloid5_ken_library.jpg" class="fr-dib" alt=""></div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:shadowcruzer123@hotmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index110" rel="110"></span>Niapper</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index111" rel="111"></span>13 May 2020 17:13</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1824"><span class="masha_index masha_index112" rel="112"></span>Worked perfect&nbsp; <!--smile:heart_eyes--><img alt="heart_eyes" class="emoji" src="/engine/data/emoticons/heart_eyes.png"
                  srcset="/engine/data/emoticons/heart_eyes@2x.png 2x"><!--/smile-->&nbsp;</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:pazumonpad00@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index113" rel="113"></span>Chall</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index114" rel="114"></span>15 May 2020 20:11</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1857"><span class="masha_index masha_index115" rel="115"></span>I downloaded the MacOS version.<br><span class="masha_index masha_index116" rel="116"></span>Please tell me the sudo passcode of VOCALOID5 Libraries
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    <div id="comment-id-1911">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:dylan66669@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index117" rel="117"></span>Finnren</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index118" rel="118"></span>19 May 2020 07:44</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-1911"><span class="masha_index masha_index119" rel="119"></span>How do i get the crack file?</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:jh69003@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index120" rel="120"></span>drumer</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index121" rel="121"></span>26 May 2020 19:49</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2027"><span class="masha_index masha_index122" rel="122"></span>Please tell me the sudo passcode of VOCALOID5 Libraries Installer</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:fabinhoboladaum@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index123" rel="123"></span>fabinho space invaders</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index124" rel="124"></span>17 June 2020 07:41</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2289"><span class="masha_index masha_index125" rel="125"></span>boa noite o rar pediu Senha, PODE informar?<br><br></div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:ioluwatosinajibade@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index126" rel="126"></span>iOluwatosin</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index127" rel="127"></span>4 July 2020 13:39</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2501"><span class="masha_index masha_index128" rel="128"></span>That is the password of YOUR computer</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:ioluwatosinajibade@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index129" rel="129"></span>iOluwatosin</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index130" rel="130"></span>4 July 2020 13:40</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2502"><span class="masha_index masha_index131" rel="131"></span>That is YOUR computer's password</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:ioluwatosinajibade@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index132" rel="132"></span>iOluwatosin</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index133" rel="133"></span>4 July 2020 13:42</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2503"><span class="masha_index masha_index134" rel="134"></span>I downloaded the MAC version but unable to install the library because it is in EXE files, Does anyone use the Mac version and how were you able to get
                through? Thanks for your efforts Admin</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:djdillon1@outlook.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index135" rel="135"></span>nett</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index136" rel="136"></span>7 August 2020 18:50</div>
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              <div id="comm-id-2953"><span class="masha_index masha_index137" rel="137"></span>When I open the editor it requests a serial code to authorize the software. What code is that?</div>
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:catherine.demonteverde@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index138" rel="138"></span>itskarenduuhh</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index139" rel="139"></span>11 August 2020 17:23</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-2996"><span class="masha_index masha_index140" rel="140"></span>It says the password the Windows version is incorrect. Did you update the password?</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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    <div id="comment-id-3307">
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          <img src="//www.4download.net/uploads/fotos/foto_12460.png" alt="boiled">
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              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index142" rel="142"></span>2 September 2020 09:06</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-3307"><span class="masha_index masha_index143" rel="143"></span>says I need to enter a serial number</div>
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    <div id="comment-id-3605">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="YourDream">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:fftegarfinal@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index144" rel="144"></span>YourDream</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index145" rel="145"></span>27 September 2020 14:53</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-3605"><span class="masha_index masha_index146" rel="146"></span>i dont know how to instal this<br><br></div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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              <li class="mob-vis"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i></li>
    <div id="comment-id-3608">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="Luduwi">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:gamelud9@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index147" rel="147"></span>Luduwi</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index148" rel="148"></span>27 September 2020 19:04</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-3608"><span class="masha_index masha_index149" rel="149"></span>Hey, i try to install vocaloid follow ur instructions step by step but when finished i can't open it some error that says "UnhadledException" vocaloid will
                close, how to fix that?</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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    <div id="comment-id-3715">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="portmanto">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:lejeanpaulsuper@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index150" rel="150"></span>portmanto</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index151" rel="151"></span>7 October 2020 15:12</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-3715"><span class="masha_index masha_index152" rel="152"></span>What is the serial number for the authorization?</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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    <div id="comment-id-3962">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="melone aah">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:melonejojofag@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index153" rel="153"></span>melone aah</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index154" rel="154"></span>6 November 2020 15:34</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-3962"><b><span class="masha_index masha_index155" rel="155"></span>how to install vocaloid <u>editor for cubase</u>? it's included in the download or do i have to download separately?</b></div>
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    <div id="comment-id-4813">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="NeverForEver">
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                <a onclick="ShowProfile('NeverForEver', 'https://www.4download.net/user/NeverForEver/', '0'); return false;" href="https://www.4download.net/user/NeverForEver/"><span class="masha_index masha_index156" rel="156"></span>NeverForEver</a>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index157" rel="157"></span>13 February 2021 10:10</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-4813"><span class="masha_index masha_index158" rel="158"></span>PDFtoMusic Pro&nbsp;(same creaters of Harmony and Melody assistant)&nbsp;has a fully activated Virtual Singer. The virtual singer is a hoot ! It is a lot
                of fun !&nbsp;<br><span class="masha_index masha_index159" rel="159"></span>The virtual singer only works for the first page in all of there other software&nbsp;(Melody/Harmony assitant)<br><span class="masha_index masha_index160"
                  rel="160"></span>demo or not.&nbsp;</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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              <li class="mob-vis"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i></li>
    <div id="comment-id-5605">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="Jannehy">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:georglindner5@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index161" rel="161"></span>Jannehy</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index162" rel="162"></span>15 April 2021 23:03</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-5605"><span class="masha_index masha_index163" rel="163"></span>Hey, Windows Version works for me perfect, thank you very much. I struggle with the Mac Version, when I start the Vocaloid DB Installer, it asks me for the
                sudo Password when I enter my passwort, the window disappear and nothing happens. Is this a Problem with Big Sur? Sorry for my bad englisch I´m from Germany.</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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    <div id="comment-id-5613">
      <div class="comm-item clearfix">
        <div class="comm-left">
          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="Jannehy">
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            <div class="comm-info-line clearfix">
              <div class="comm-author"><a href="mailto:georglindner5@gmail.com"><span class="masha_index masha_index164" rel="164"></span>Jannehy</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index165" rel="165"></span>16 April 2021 13:44</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-5613"><span class="masha_index masha_index166" rel="166"></span>I fixed it, you must disable SIP.</div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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              <li class="mob-vis"><i class="fa fa-quote-right"></i></li>
    <div id="comment-id-6139">
      <div class="comm-item clearfix">
        <div class="comm-left">
          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="Orupail">
        <div class="comm-right">
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              <div class="comm-author">
                <a onclick="ShowProfile('Orupail', 'https://www.4download.net/user/Orupail/', '0'); return false;" href="https://www.4download.net/user/Orupail/"><span class="masha_index masha_index167" rel="167"></span>Orupail</a></div>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index168" rel="168"></span>18 June 2021 03:02</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-6139"><span class="masha_index masha_index169" rel="169"></span>What is the serial number for the authorization? It says i need one.<br><br></div>
          <div class="comm-bottom-info">
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    <div id="comment-id-6593">
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          <img src="/templates/4download/dleimages/noavatar.png" alt="9chan">
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              <div class="comm-author"><a onclick="ShowProfile('9chan', 'https://www.4download.net/user/9chan/', '0'); return false;" href="https://www.4download.net/user/9chan/"><span class="masha_index masha_index170" rel="170"></span>9chan</a>
              <div class="comm-date"><span class="masha_index masha_index171" rel="171"></span>17 August 2021 16:06</div>
          <div class="comm-text">
            <div class="comm-body clearfix">
              <div id="comm-id-6593"><span class="masha_index masha_index172" rel="172"></span>wont let me change install path, c drive is full so i want it on another drive. how do i change path?</div>
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Homepage » Software » YAMAHA VOCALOID 5 ESV v5.2.0 Full version
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4download | 29 comment | 121 650 views
Full | Crack

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 * 5

95 votes

 * Author:
 * Date:
   22-10-2019, 22:53
 * Views:
   121 650
 * Comments:
 * Category:
   Software / Windows / MacOS / Audio Tools

The VOCALOID singing synthesizer makes it possible to easily produce any kind of
singing voice you can imagine using just a computer. For this product, the first
new version of the VOCALOID software range released in 4 years, production flow
has been drastically overhauled in line with the aim of having today’s diverse
music producers incorporate a wider line-up of virtual singers into their music.
This new software helps increases speed and efficiency when producing singing

VOCALOID and its succeeding versions are voice synthesizing applications that
have been sold commercially since 2004. VOCALOID began from the simple concept
of synthesizing the human vocals for singing. From the start this was never an
easy task for the programmers behind the software, but from that beginning
VOCALOID™ has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, spawning new musicians, albums,
figurines and even concerts.


 * Drag-and-drop song creation…Over 2,000 preset phrases & audio
 * Allows for realistic vocal expression…Attack & release effects, emotion tools
 * Instant conversion of your desired styles & voices…Style function
 * Fine control of vocal tension and amount of breath…3 new vocal expression
 * Includes a wealth of voices for every genre…4 voicebanks (male & female,
   Japanese & English)
 * Create complete vocal tracks with a single application…11 kinds of audio
 * Better external functionality, improved production efficiency…VST, AU,
   external MIDI input
 * Power up your favorite voices with VOCALOID5…Compatible with VOCALOID3 & 4
 * Includes support software for Cubase…VOCALOID 4.5 Editor for Cubase
 * Fixes a bug in the Windows version where the program crashes when you perform
   an audio mixdown.
 * Fixed: Rate other than 44.1kHz in the Windows version VSTi for FL Studio
   causes the program to freeze.
 * Fixed: Track header to disappear in the Mac version VSTi/AU for Ableton Live.
 * General stability improvements

 About Basic Environment
 *  1.Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package (x64)
 *  2.Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0
 *  3.Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6
 *  4.Windows 7 and Above is required,64bit Operation System
 *  The Runtime can be found in “runtimer libraries” folder.

Please note: It requires the Voicebank. You can Download VOCALOID Voicebank

64 Bit Software
Product Information
Vocaloid 5 ESV
Yamaha Corporation
Content info:

 YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.0.3.1

 YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.0.exe - 1,26 GB

 MORE DOWNLOAD.url - 126 bytes

 MORE INFO.url - 163 bytes

 YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.0.3 MacOS

 MORE DOWNLOAD.url - 126 bytes

 MORE INFO.url - 163 bytes

VOCALOID5 ESV 5.0.3 Resign.dmg - 667 MB

Download for Windows Download for MacOS

Windows: 1.26 GB | MacOS: 604 MB
RAR Password: www.4download.net
 * YAMAHA VOCALOID 5 ESV Full version
   * Download YAMAHA Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.0.rar | Windows 64 Bit Download YAMAHA
     Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.0.3 MacOS.rar | MacOS 64 Bit

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Ashampoo Burning Studio v21.0.0.33 Full version
Steinberg Cubase 10 PRO v10.5.0 Full version
Vengeance Producer Suite - Avenger v1.4.10 Full version
Plugin Boutique Scaler 2 v2.3.1 Full version
Smart PC Professional v6.2 Full version
AD046 Quanta v1.1.0 Full version
Ashampoo Movie Studio Pro v3.0.1 Full version
PGWare SuperRam v7.5.25.2020 Full version
BOOM Library - Baby BOOM
IK Multimedia AmpliTube 4 Complete v4.10.0B Full version
Soundtoys Effects Bundle v5.0.1.10839 Full version
Mirillis Action! v4.21.3 Full version
Xara Photo & Graphic Designer v18.5.0.62892 Full version
Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro v5.52 Full version
VMware Workstation Pro v16.1.1 Build 17801498 Full Version
JetBrains WebStorm v2019.3.2 Full version
Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager v3.5.3 Full version
WA Production InstaChord v1.3.0 Full version
Nero Platinum 2020 Suite v22.0.02300 Full version
ReFX Nexus 2 v2.2 Full version
ABBYY PDF Transformer+ v12.0.104.799 Full version
GraphPad Prism v9.2.0.332 Full version
Ableton Live Suite v11.0.6 Full version
Drumagog 5 Platinum v5.21 + Factory Library

 * VOCALOID5 - Walkthrough




Benutzerdefinierte Suche

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16 April 2020 11:51
It says access to the file is denied in GDrive. Is there a way to fix this?

16 April 2020 14:21
ALTERNATIVE LINK Added......Thanks.....🙏🙏🙏

20 April 2020 23:21
it crashes...

20 April 2020 23:26
i can t install the voicebanks... i don t understand how to install it.. what s

4 May 2020 06:48
Hi, i dowloaded vocaloid 5 full crack, but the password www.4download.net don't
work. What can i do?

11 May 2020 01:40
rar didn't need the password but the extracted exe needs it and the usual one
doesn't work! Can you please look into it? Thanks much......🙏🙏🙏

12 May 2020 05:19
You don't need a password to open this file .... just double click "YAMAHA
Vocaloid 5 ESV v5.2.0.exe" to open this file ..... THANK YOU .....🙏🙏🙏


12 May 2020 09:53
Thank you .....🙏🙏🙏

12 May 2020 19:41
love you guys, have many good things from you!!

but on a Mac : "Vocaloid Editor Share" is ok to install - all good 
then in Libraries Installer "Vocaloid DB Installer" : can't find VOCALOID DB
when I press it  . .where is it to find? Library>Application

Also, if you d/ld library, Ken for example, its only for Windows . .? Couldn't
open with Crossover


13 May 2020 17:13
Worked perfect   

15 May 2020 20:11
I downloaded the MacOS version.
Please tell me the sudo passcode of VOCALOID5 Libraries Installer.

19 May 2020 07:44
How do i get the crack file?

26 May 2020 19:49
Please tell me the sudo passcode of VOCALOID5 Libraries Installer

fabinho space invaders
17 June 2020 07:41
boa noite o rar pediu Senha, PODE informar?


4 July 2020 13:39
That is the password of YOUR computer

4 July 2020 13:40
That is YOUR computer's password

4 July 2020 13:42
I downloaded the MAC version but unable to install the library because it is in
EXE files, Does anyone use the Mac version and how were you able to get through?
Thanks for your efforts Admin

7 August 2020 18:50
When I open the editor it requests a serial code to authorize the software. What
code is that?

11 August 2020 17:23
It says the password the Windows version is incorrect. Did you update the

2 September 2020 09:06
says I need to enter a serial number

27 September 2020 14:53
i dont know how to instal this


27 September 2020 19:04
Hey, i try to install vocaloid follow ur instructions step by step but when
finished i can't open it some error that says "UnhadledException" vocaloid will
close, how to fix that?

7 October 2020 15:12
What is the serial number for the authorization?

melone aah
6 November 2020 15:34
how to install vocaloid editor for cubase? it's included in the download or do i
have to download separately?

13 February 2021 10:10
PDFtoMusic Pro (same creaters of Harmony and Melody assistant) has a fully
activated Virtual Singer. The virtual singer is a hoot ! It is a lot of fun ! 
The virtual singer only works for the first page in all of there other
software (Melody/Harmony assitant)
demo or not. 

15 April 2021 23:03
Hey, Windows Version works for me perfect, thank you very much. I struggle with
the Mac Version, when I start the Vocaloid DB Installer, it asks me for the sudo
Password when I enter my passwort, the window disappear and nothing happens. Is
this a Problem with Big Sur? Sorry for my bad englisch I´m from Germany.

16 April 2021 13:44
I fixed it, you must disable SIP.

18 June 2021 03:02
What is the serial number for the authorization? It says i need one.


17 August 2021 16:06
wont let me change install path, c drive is full so i want it on another drive.
how do i change path?

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Topaz Gigapixel AI v5.6.0 Full Version
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Video Tools
ApowerEdit Pro v1.7.6.12 Full version

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TechSmith Camtasia 2021.0.7 Build 32459 Full version
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MOTU Digital Performer 11 v11.00.88856 Full version
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Ableton Live Suite v11.0.6 Full version
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FL Studio Producer Edition v20.8.3.2304 Full version
Full | Regfile

Audio Plugins
AudioThing Effect Bundle 2021.9 Full version

TheWaveWarden Odin 2 v2.3.1 Full version

Slate Digital VMR 2 Complete Bundle v2.6.4.0 Full version

StudioLinked Beats By The Pound v1.0 Full version
Audio Library
Iam Lamprey Achromic Guitars Kontakt Library
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Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwind Solo KONTAKT Library
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Soundiron The U KONTAKT Library
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Soundiron Voice of Wind Audrey KONTAKT Library
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Audio Sample
Black Octopus Sound Slap House Essentials

Black Octopus Sound iamhill Nobody Wants To Be My Friend

Ultrasonic Slap House Essentials Vol.1

Black Octopus Sound The Caravan Band
Operating Systems
Windows 10 Pro 19043.1165 With Office 2019 Pro Plus August 2021
Full | Preactivated

Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.19043.1165 Aug 2021
Full | Preactivated

Windows 11 Pro 22000.120 TPM / Non TPM
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Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview 10.0.22000.65
Full | Preactivated

AudioThing Effect Bundle 2021.9 Full version
IcoFX v3.6.1 Full version
TheWaveWarden Odin 2 v2.3.1 Full version
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