239740.documents.savethenote2.com Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://u18135627.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=rN9MJfjgyb8U1rx8YoFEJhKZHW-2BXd7XOr5RqxBki6eUROK0ZnITQeaU2vohh822-2FWoCSUA2g8YG4LZx...
Effective URL: https://239740.documents.savethenote2.com/dteenergy/viewAgreement?tsid=bm9yY2lhakBkdGVlbmVyZ3kuY29t
Submission: On May 19 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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