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Submitted URL: https://mail.localsextingsluts.com/link/D1F6B79E-AFD3-11ED-824D-1E9AC04167DD?link=https://localsextingsluts.com/privacy
Effective URL: https://localsextingsluts.com/privacy
Submission: On February 18 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

 * Protect children
 * Terms & Conditions
 * Privacy Policy
 * Pricing
 * Cookie Policy
 * Contact

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We are committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information you
share with us. As part of this effort, we process personal information in
accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other
data protection regulations applicable to us. That is why we would like to
explain in this privacy policy which data of yours will be processed when you
visit our website, contact us or make use of our services, for what purpose we
process your personal data and what rights you have with regard to the
processing of your personal data. We have outlined our privacy policy below. It
is recommended that you read this privacy policy carefully.

This privacy policy may be changed from time to time. The latest version of this
privacy policy will be placed on our website. In case of significant changes
that may have material impact on you, we will strive to inform you directly. The
latest version of this privacy policy is dated 01 April 2021.


We offer a digital fantasy chat service for adults designed as a forum for chat
with animators, a place to have discussions of a sexual nature, and to share
photos and other information. The party responsible for the processing of your
personal data (the data controller) is CH-Tel. communication AG, which also
operates under the trade name of LocalSextingSluts, a company having its address
at Ibelweg 18a, 6340, Baar, Switzerland. The company is registered with the
Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland under number CH-

If you have any questions or wishes in connection with your personal data, you
may contact our data protection officer: dpo@LocalSextingSluts.com.


This privacy policy applies to persons who visits and/or make use of the website
and/or the services. While some functionality of the website can be accessed
without registering for an account, such as browsing and learning more about our
services, you need an account for additional functionality. This privacy policy
also applies to persons contact us, via email, text, and other (electronic
messages) or when you interact with our company's advertising and applications
on third-party websites and services.


Below is an overview of the purposes for which we process your personal data. In
this overview, we indicate the personal data we use for a specific purpose, what
the legal basis is for processing these data, and how long we store the data. To
keep things organized, we have grouped everything by type of data stream.


In order to use our services, you have to create an account. When you register
for such an account, we ask you to provide personal data, including your email
address, your gender, date of birth, region, and your chat preferences. We
request you to make a username and password for your account as well.

We process these personal data in order to enable you to access and use the
service, including uploading, downloading, collaborating on, and sharing
content. We need this personal data for the performance of a contract in
connection with the use of service to which you are a party (Article 6.1(b) of
the GDPR. Without this personal information, it is not possible to make use of
our services.


After you signed up, you can complete your profile with optional information,
such as body type, eye color, hair color, height. You can also upload photos,
sexual preferences and any other optional information you provide about
yourself. Based on your profile settings, you will receive chat suggestions. You
can chat with other users and also set certain visibility preferences. You may
also provide information to be published or displayed ("posted") on areas on the
website that are visible for or transmitted to other users of the website or
third parties (collectively, "user contributions"). We process we process this
personal data based on your consent (Article 6.1(a) GDPR). Where it concerns
special categories of personal data, we process this personal data based on your
explicit consent to the processing of those personal data (Article 9.2(a) GDPR).

We store your personal data for as long as you have an account and will delete
your data within twelve months after you deactivate your account. We have a
legal obligation to retain financial records for tax purposes for a period of 7
years. However, we will continue to use your email address to contact you for
our services until you have opted out.


To provide (international) customer service we may collect your personal data to
respond to your questions you submit through email or the contact form on the
website, including helping you with any issues which may arise regarding our
website and/or services. For this purpose, we may process your account details
as well as your purchase history and the nature of the question, complaint or
claim. The processing of these personal data is necessary for the purposes of
the legitimate interests pursued by us (Article 6.1(f) GDPR), namely being able
to serve you efficiently and to optimize our customer service.

Your personal data is stored for a period of 1 month after responding to your
message or resolving your complaint.


if you have signed up for our emails, we can send promotional (personalized)
communications, such as providing you with information about our services,
features, newsletters, offers, promotions, contests, surveys and events. We can
also send you technical notices, updates, security alerts. The processing of
your personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests
pursued by us (Article 6.1(f) GDPR), namely direct marketing and optimize our
services. Recipients may at any time unsubscribe (opt-out) for such
communications. We retain your email address for as long as you are subscribed
and no longer than 1 month after you unsubscribe.


We included email tracking and link tracking features in our emails by embedding
a small transparent image pixel in the outgoing email. This pixel sends us a
notification in the event the email is opened. The processing of these personal
data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us
(Article 6.1(f) GDPR), namely, to analyse the reach and effectiveness of the
mails sent by us. The information is retained for two months.


We may also send you personalized advertising mails depending on among other
things your place of residence, your account activity, behavior when using the
website and service and your preferences. We also use this information to
recognize you when you return to the website and to customize the website to
your individual interests, for example to provide you with chat suggestions you
might be interested in. The processing of your data is only based on your
consent (Article 6.1(a) GDPR). The personal data is stored for a period of 6


To use certain parts of our website, you need a paid subscription or a credit
bundle. By placing an order through the website, we collect your personal data
to handle your orders, such as the date and time of your order, what kind of
order you placed, your order number, and your account information. We use this
personal data to process and complete transactions, and send you related
information, including purchase confirmations and invoices. The processing of
your personal data in this context is necessary for the performance of a
contract in connection with the use of service to which you are a party (Article
6.1(b) GDPR). Also, we may process your personal data because this is necessary
to comply with statutory obligations, such as tax obligations (Article 6.1(c)
GDPR). We have a legal obligation to retain financial records for tax purposes
for a period of 7 years.

Payments are made via third party service providers. To make the payment, you
are automatically redirected to the secure environment of your chosen payment
provider. You will automatically be redirected back to the Website once the
payment has been successful. We refer you to the Privacy Statement of these
payment providers for more information about this.


We use third-party analytics tools to help measure traffic and usage trends for
the website and app. These tools collect information sent by your device or our
website, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, and other information that
assists us in improving the website and the service. The tools use cookies. We
collect and use this analytics information with analytics information from other
users so that it cannot reasonably be used to identify any particular individual
user. For more information, please read our cookie policy.


We automatically collect generated data about your use of the website. This
information consists of your IP address (an unique number, which makes it
possible to recognize your device); account activity (including storage usage,
number of log-ins); data displayed or clicked on (including UI elements, links);
and other log information (including browser type, IP address, date and time of
access, cookie ID, and referrer URL ). We require this information in order for
the website to work as optimally as possible (for example, to display content
correctly and to keep the website secure), the processing of these personal data
is therefore necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by
us (Article 6.1(f) GDPR) and are stored for twelve months.


Advertising is only effective if it is relevant to you. We, our ad networks and
media agencies may therefore use your personal data to create customer profiles
and display personalized advertisements on the website and other websites. This
is based on your previous visits to our website and third-party websites. Your
surf, search and purchase behaviour will be collected on the basis of cookie
techniques, your IP address and the advertisement number that is linked to the
device you are surfing with. We will only do this if you have consented to
cookies (Article 6(a) GDPR). Please read the Cookie Policy to find out more. The
personal data are stored for a period of 12 months.


We process personal data in order to secure our systems and data, investigate
and prevent fraudulent transactions, unauthorized access to the Website, and
other illegal activities. Furthermore, we may process personal data in order to
comply with statutory obligations and requests of authorities and to avoid and
settle claims. For these purposes, we may process all types of personal data as
described in this Privacy Policy for these purposes. The processing of these
personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued
by our company (Article 6.1(f) GDPR), namely security and business interests of
the company. Furthermore, we may have to process personal data to meet with
statutory requirements as provided by Article 6.1(c) GDPR.


To provide the services, we share your personal data with service providers.
These service providers process your personal data on behalf of us. The
processing by service providers is governed by a so-called data processing
agreement in which we have ensured that the service provider shall only process
the personal data on our instructions. Third parties are:

 * external hosting providers, including cloud providers for the storage and
   management of data;
 * third parties that provide tools for analytical purposes (as described
 * other specific tasks that have been outsourced include IT support, email
   marketing, customer service, moderation services (such as the chat function).

We may also provide your personal data to external parties acting as a data
controller. These parties may include:

 * payment-service providers to (a) process payments; (b) prevent, detect, and
   investigate fraud or other prohibited activities; (c) facilitate dispute
   resolution such as chargebacks or refunds; and (d) for other purposes
   associated with the acceptance of credit or debit cards. We may share your
   credit or debit card number with payment service providers or card networks
   to monitor card transactions at participating merchants and track redemption
   activity for the purposes of providing card-linked services.
 * buyers or other successors in the event of a merger, divestiture,
   restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some
   or all the company's assets, whether as a going concern or as part of
   bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information
   held by us about the website's users is among the assets transferred.
 * Legal advisors or debt collection agencies.
 * Governmental authorities if we are obliged to do so on the basis applicable
   laws and / or regulations or by means of a court order or a legal verdict.
 * Third parties for analytical and lead generation purposes.


Some of our service providers are also located outside the European Economic
Area (EEA), the Republic of Kosovo where the company's content servers are
located, and the company's central database is operated. To comply with EU data
protection laws around international data transfer, WE only allow service
providers outside the EEA to process your personal data in accordance with a
contract entered into between us and the service provider, incorporating the
European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses, which ensure that adequate
data protection arrangements are in place (Article 46.1(c) GDPR). For more
information on where and how the relevant document may be accessed or obtained,
please contact us.


Under the GDPR, you have a number of rights with regard to your personal data
and the processing thereof:


you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data
concerning you are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to your
personal data and additional information about the processing of your personal


you have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data
concerning you.


you have to right to ask us to erase your personal data (right to be forgotten)
for example if the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the
purposes for which they were collected; you withdraw consent on which the
processing is based, and where there is no other legal ground for the
processing; or the personal data have been unlawfully processed.


you have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your personal data,
for example when you have contested the accuracy of your personal data.




you have the right to object to processing of personal data which is based on
our legitimate interests. We shall no longer process the personal data unless we
demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your
interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of
legal claims.

where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you always have
the right to object to processing of personal data for such marketing. In that
case, we shall no longer process your personal data for such purposes.


where the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have
the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does
not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

You may send your request to dpo@LocalSextingSluts.com. We will respond to your
request without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the
request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary,
taking into account the complexity and number of the requests. We will inform
you of any such extension within one month of receipt of the request, together
with the reasons for the delay.

If we do not take action on your request, we will inform you without delay and
at the latest within one month of receipt of the request of the reasons for not
taking action. In that case, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with
the supervisory authority and to seek a judicial remedy.


In case you suspect a breach of data protection legislation and the matter is
not solved amicably between us in negotiations, you also have the right to lodge
a complaint with a supervisory authority in your country.

 * Protect children
 * Terms & Conditions
 * Privacy Policy
 * Pricing
 * Cookie Policy
 * Contact

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