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Home | Electronics | Monitors, TVs | Computer Monitors
Acer SKU: 616631 Mfr Part#: UM.HX2AA.301
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 * 180 Hz Refresh Rate, 0.5ms Response Time, IPS Panel
 * AMD FreeSync Premium
 * HDMI 2.0; DisplayPort 1.2
 * 100 x 100 mm (3.9 x 3.9 in) VESA Mount
 * Height; Tilt; Swivel; Pivot; Adjustable


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Text to Me item - Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming
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ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
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Buy Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming MonitorNow

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View 27GR83Q-B UltraGear 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor; NVIDIA
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LG 27GR83Q-B UltraGear 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor; NVIDIA
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View 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
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Acer 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium; HDR; HDMI...


Original price $149.99

Todays price $119.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor
SKU 599902

View 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved Screen Gaming
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Eye Protection Add SKU:604496 to wishlist

Acer 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved Screen Gaming
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Original price $179.99

Todays price $149.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved
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View Nitro XV320QU M5bmiiphx 31.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor;
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Todays price $299.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XV320QU M5bmiiphx 31.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
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View XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
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Acer XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR;...


Original price $349.99

Todays price $299.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming
Monitor SKU 668871
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View TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
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ASUS TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium / NVIDIA G-Sync...


Original price $299.99

Todays price $279.99

ADD TO CART - Item: TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor
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View MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
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MSI MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Compatible;...


Original price $179.99

Todays price $159.99

ADD TO CART - Item: MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor SKU 726844

View VG27AQL1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Gaming Monitor Platinum
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ASUS VG27AQL1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Gaming Monitor Platinum
Collection; FreeSync / G-Sync...


Original price $299.99

Todays price $229.99

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View EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD Freesync; HDMI
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Acer EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD Freesync; HDMI
DisplayPort; 3-Sided...


Original price $179.99

Todays price $139.99

ADD TO CART - Item: EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor SKU

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Original price $269.99

Todays price $199.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XZ320QU 31.5" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen
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Overview Section


Acer Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD 2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer VisionCare; 3-Side Virtually
Borderless Display 4.8 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 171 Reviews.
Same page link.

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SKU: 616631
Mfr Part #: UM.HX2AA.301
UPC: 195133213011
Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer VisionCare

 * AMD FreeSync Premium
 * HDR
 * HDMI DisplayPort
 * Acer VisionCare
 * 3-Side Virtually Borderless Display

In competitive gaming, every frame matters. Introducing Acer's XV272U gaming
monitor - the WQHD (2560 x 1440) resolution monitor that can keep up with your
game play. Through AMD FreeSync Premium Technology, the games frame rate is
determined by your graphics card, not the fixed refresh rate of the monitor,
giving you a serious competitive edge. Plus, users can enjoy comfortable viewing
experience while gaming via flicker-less, low dimming and ComfyView display. The
design saves space on your desk and lets you place multiple monitors side by
side to build a seamless big-screen display.

Specifications Section


Product Information
Mfr Part#
Screen Size
Viewable Size
27" Viewable Diagonal Size
Panel Type
Kensington Lock Slot
Blue Light Filter
3-Sided Frameless
Adaptive Sync
AMD FreeSync Premium
Maximum Resolution
2560 x 1440
Pixel Pitch
Native Refresh Rate
Refresh Rate Details
144 Hz using HDMI
180Hz using DisplayPort
Response Time
350 cd/m2
Native Contrast Ratio
Dynamic Contrast Ratio
Screen Coating
Aspect Ratio
Viewing Angles
178° horizontal / 178° vertical viewing angles
Color Output
16.7 Million
Vertical Scan Range
48 - 240 KHz Vertical Scan Range
Color Gamut
Color Gamut Details
sRGB 130 %
DCI-P3 95 %
Bit Depth
HDCP Support
Tilt Range
+25º to -5º
Turning Rate
Pivot: +/- 90°; Swivel: +/- 180°; Height: 120mm
Built-in Devices
2 x 2 Watt Speakers
1 x 3.5 mm Audio Output
2 x HDMI 2.0
1 x DisplayPort 1.2
Voltage Required
100 to 240 VAC (50/ 60 Hz)
Power Consumption Operational (Standby)
<92 Watts (<1 Watt)
Physical Specifications
24.20 in. (614.68 mm)
9.20 in. (233.68 mm)
17.99 in. (456.95 mm)
14.11 lbs. (6.40 kg)
VESA Mount Compatibility
100mm x 100mm (3.9 x 3.9 in.)
Box Dimensions (WxDxH)
26.77 x 9.19 x 20.50 in. (679.96 x 233.43 x 520.70 mm)
Environmental Specifications
Temperature - Operating (°C)
32 to 104º F (0° to 40° C)
Temperature - Non-Operating (°C)
-4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C)
ROHS Compliant
Humidity Range
10% to 80% non-condensing
Package Contents
What's in the Box
1 x Display, 1 x Stand, 1 x Power Cord, 1 x Display Port and HDMI Cable
3 Years
3 Years
Reviews Section



Questions and Answers Section


Questions and Answers


View Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer VisionCare; 3-Side Virtually
Borderless Display Add SKU:616631 to wishlist

Acer Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR;...


Original price $299.99

Todays price $179.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
Gaming Monitor SKU 616631

View 27MQ450-B.AUS 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 75Hz LED Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; 3-Sided Frameless; Flicker-Free Add SKU:560870 to wishlist

LG 27MQ450-B.AUS 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 75Hz LED Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; 3-Sided...


Original price $149.99

Todays price $99.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27MQ450-B.AUS 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 75Hz LED Monitor SKU

View MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Compatible; HDMI DisplayPort; Flicker Safe; HDR Ready Add
SKU:726844 to wishlist

MSI MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Compatible;...


Original price $179.99

Todays price $159.99

ADD TO CART - Item: MAG 27CQ6PF 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor SKU 726844

View XZ320QU 31.5" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Compatible; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer Display Widgets; ZeroFrame Design
Add SKU:695163 to wishlist

Acer XZ320QU 31.5" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Compatible;...


Original price $269.99

Todays price $199.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XZ320QU 31.5" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor SKU 695163

View VG249Q3R TUF Gaming 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Compatible; Narrow Bezel Design; HDMI DisplayPort Add SKU:742866 to

ASUS VG249Q3R TUF Gaming 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Compatible;...


Original price $149.99

Todays price $99.99

ADD TO CART - Item: VG249Q3R TUF Gaming 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming
Monitor SKU 742866

View TUF VG34VQL3A 34" 2K QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Premium Pro; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Extreme Low Motion Blur; ASUS
Variable Overdrive Add SKU:620476 to wishlist

ASUS TUF VG34VQL3A 34" 2K QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Premium...


Original price $349.99

Todays price $299.99

ADD TO CART - Item: TUF VG34VQL3A 34" 2K QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor SKU 620476
In Store Only
View 24CL1Y Ebi 23.8" Full HDR (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync;
VGA HDMI; Blue Light Shield; Flicker-Free Add SKU:666859 to wishlist

Acer 24CL1Y Ebi 23.8" Full HDR (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync;
VGA HDMI; Blue Light...


Original price $89.99

Todays price $69.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 24CL1Y Ebi 23.8" Full HDR (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor
SKU 666859

View VG279Q1A 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 165Hz Gaming Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; Flicker-Free Add SKU:217687 to wishlist

ASUS VG279Q1A 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 165Hz Gaming Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; Flicker-Free


Original price $149.99

Todays price $129.99

ADD TO CART - Item: VG279Q1A 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 165Hz Gaming Monitor SKU
In Store Only
View 27CL1 Gbi 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 120Hz Gaming Monitor; Adaptive Sync
Compatible; HDMI VGA; Zero Frame Design; Blue Light Filter Add SKU:738427 to

Acer 27CL1 Gbi 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 120Hz Gaming Monitor; Adaptive Sync
Compatible; HDMI VGA; Zero...


Original price $109.99

Todays price $89.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27CL1 Gbi 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 120Hz Gaming Monitor SKU

View 16PM1Q Jbmiuux 15.6" FHD (1920 x 1080) 60Hz Portable Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Compatible; mini-HDMI USB Type-C; Ultra-Slim Design; Tiltable Stand Add
SKU:743229 to wishlist

Acer 16PM1Q Jbmiuux 15.6" FHD (1920 x 1080) 60Hz Portable Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Compatible; mini-HDMI...

Original price $129.99

Todays price $79.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 16PM1Q Jbmiuux 15.6" FHD (1920 x 1080) 60Hz Portable Monitor
SKU 743229

View CB242Y 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync; VGA
HDMI DisplayPort; Zero-Frame Design; Low Blue Light Filter Add SKU:569327 to

Acer CB242Y 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync; VGA
HDMI DisplayPort;...


Original price $109.99

Todays price $99.99

ADD TO CART - Item: CB242Y 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor SKU

View VG27AQZ1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 144Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Compatible; HDR10; HDMI DisplayPort; Extreme Low Motion Blur Add SKU:713594 to

ASUS VG27AQZ1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 144Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Compatible; HDR10; HDMI...


Original price $229.99

Todays price $179.99

ADD TO CART - Item: VG27AQZ1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 144Hz Gaming Monitor SKU

View PRO MP243X 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync;
HDMI Displayport; Eye-Q Check; Blue Light Filter Add SKU:607176 to wishlist

MSI PRO MP243X 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync; HDMI
Displayport; Eye-Q...


Original price $89.99

Todays price $79.99

ADD TO CART - Item: PRO MP243X 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor SKU

View TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium / NVIDIA G-Sync Compatible; HDR; HDMI Displayport; Extreme Low Motion
Blur; GameVisual Add SKU:644351 to wishlist

ASUS TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium / NVIDIA G-Sync...


Original price $299.99

Todays price $279.99

ADD TO CART - Item: TUF VG27AQL3A 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor
SKU 644351
In Store Only
View 22CV1Q 21.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync; VGA
HDMI; Quick Refresh Rate; Zero Frame Add SKU:580514 to wishlist

Acer 22CV1Q 21.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD FreeSync; VGA
HDMI; Quick Refresh Rate;...


Original price $79.99

Todays price $64.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 22CV1Q 21.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor SKU

View XG27AQDMG ROG Strix 26.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor;
NVIDIA G-Sync Compatible; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; ASUS Aura Sync; Asus Display
Widget Add SKU:713149 to wishlist

ASUS XG27AQDMG ROG Strix 26.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor;
NVIDIA G-Sync Compatible;...


Original price $749.99

Todays price $579.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XG27AQDMG ROG Strix 26.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming
Monitor SKU 713149

View Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor;
Free Sync Compatible; HDMI DisplayPort; Flicker Free; Eye Saver Mode Add
SKU:763185 to wishlist

Samsung Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor;
Free Sync Compatible; HDMI...

Original price $149.99

Todays price $89.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz
LED Monitor SKU 763185

View VG27AQL1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Gaming Monitor Platinum
Collection; FreeSync / G-Sync Compatible; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Blue Light
Filter; Flicker-Free Add SKU:171710 to wishlist

ASUS VG27AQL1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Gaming Monitor Platinum
Collection; FreeSync / G-Sync...


Original price $299.99

Todays price $229.99

ADD TO CART - Item: VG27AQL1A 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Gaming Monitor
Platinum Collection SKU 171710
In Store Only
View G272QPF E2 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; Adaptive-Sync;
HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Adjustable Stand; Rapid IPS Add SKU:704049 to wishlist

MSI G272QPF E2 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; Adaptive-Sync;
HDR; HDMI DisplayPort;...


Todays price $199.99

ADD TO CART - Item: G272QPF E2 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor SKU

View EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD Freesync; HDMI
DisplayPort; 3-Sided Frameless; Acer VisionCare Add SKU:648659 to wishlist

Acer EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD Freesync; HDMI
DisplayPort; 3-Sided...


Original price $179.99

Todays price $139.99

ADD TO CART - Item: EK271U Ebiip 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 100Hz LED Monitor SKU

View S2721QS 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 60Hz LED Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; Blue Light Filter; Flicker-Free Add SKU:162925 to wishlist

Dell S2721QS 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 60Hz LED Monitor; FreeSync; HDMI
DisplayPort; Blue Light Filter;...


Todays price $279.99

ADD TO CART - Item: S2721QS 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 60Hz LED Monitor SKU 162925

View C27G4M 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
FreeSync Compatible; HDMI DisplayPort; Flicker Free; Blue Light Filter Add
SKU:729046 to wishlist

AOC C27G4M 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming Monitor;
FreeSync Compatible; HDMI...


Original price $149.99

Todays price $134.99

ADD TO CART - Item: C27G4M 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Curved Screen Gaming
Monitor SKU 729046

View Predator XB273U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer VisionCare; 3-Side Virtually
Borderless Display Add SKU:689588 to wishlist

Acer Predator XB273U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Premium;...


Original price $349.99

Todays price $199.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Predator XB273U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
Gaming Monitor SKU 689588

View Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 24" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Compatible; HDMI DisplayPort; Eye Saver Mode; Flicker Free Add
SKU:763177 to wishlist

Samsung Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 24" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz LED Monitor;
AMD FreeSync Compatible;...

Original price $129.99

Todays price $79.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Essential Monitor S3 S33GC 24" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 100Hz
LED Monitor SKU 763177

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 * Parts: 3 Years
 * Labor: 3 Years


 * Main Website:
 * Support Website:
 * 800-816-2237


 * Technical Support Q & A


 * Video: What does Refresh Rate Mean for Monitors


View Nitro XZ320QK P3bmiiphx 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 165Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI Displayport; 3-Sided Frameless;
Acer VisionCare Technologies Add SKU:604504 to wishlist

Acer Nitro XZ320QK P3bmiiphx 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 165Hz Curved Screen
Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync...


Original price $399.99

Todays price $279.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XZ320QK P3bmiiphx 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 165Hz
Curved Screen Gaming Monitor SKU 604504

View 27GR83Q-B UltraGear 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor; NVIDIA
G-Sync Compatable; / AMD FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Low Blue
Light; 3-Side Virtually Borderless Display Add SKU:633214 to wishlist

LG 27GR83Q-B UltraGear 27" 2K QHD (2560 x 1440) 240Hz Gaming Monitor; NVIDIA
G-Sync Compatable; / AMD...


Todays price $499.99

View XZ342CU 34" QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; ComfyView; 3-Sided Frameless Add SKU:599472 to

Acer XZ342CU 34" QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium; HDR; HDMI...


Original price $329.99

Todays price $279.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XZ342CU 34" QHD (3440 x 1440) 180Hz Curved Screen Monitor
SKU 599472

View 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; ZeroFrame Design; EyeSafe Viewing Add SKU:599902
to wishlist

Acer 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD FreeSync
Premium; HDR; HDMI...


Original price $149.99

Todays price $119.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27KG3 M3bip 27" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 180Hz Gaming Monitor
SKU 599902

View Predator X32 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 240Hz Curved Screen Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort USB Type-C; DCI-P3 99%; 1700R curvature
Add SKU:707018 to wishlist

Acer Predator X32 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 240Hz Curved Screen Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR;...

Original price $1,199.99

Todays price $899.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Predator X32 31.5" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 240Hz Curved Screen
Monitor SKU 707018

View 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved Screen Gaming
Monitor; AMD FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI Displayport; 3-Sided Frameless; AOPEN
Eye Protection Add SKU:604496 to wishlist

Acer 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved Screen Gaming
Monitor; AMD FreeSync...


Original price $179.99

Todays price $149.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 27HC5UR P2bmiipx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 170Hz Curved
Screen Gaming Monitor SKU 604496

View Nitro XV320QU M5bmiiphx 31.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor;
HDMI DisplayPort; AMD FreeSync Premium; Eyesafe Display Add SKU:721357 to

Acer Nitro XV320QU M5bmiiphx 31.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming Monitor;
HDMI DisplayPort; AMD...

Todays price $299.99

ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XV320QU M5bmiiphx 31.5" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
Gaming Monitor SKU 721357

View XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Zero Frame Design; Acer VisionCare Add
SKU:668871 to wishlist

Acer XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync Premium; HDR;...


Original price $349.99

Todays price $299.99

ADD TO CART - Item: XV272K V3bmiiprx Nitro 27" 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) 160Hz Gaming
Monitor SKU 668871
In Store Only
View 39GS95QE-B.AUS 39" 2K WQHD (3440 x 1440) 240Hz Wide Screen Monitor; NVIDIA
G-Sync / AMD FreeSync Premium Pro; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; 4-Side Virtually
Borderless; Black Stabilizer Add SKU:688341 to wishlist

LG 39GS95QE-B.AUS 39" 2K WQHD (3440 x 1440) 240Hz Wide Screen Monitor; NVIDIA
G-Sync / AMD FreeSync...


Original price $1,499.99

Todays price $999.99

ADD TO CART - Item: 39GS95QE-B.AUS 39" 2K WQHD (3440 x 1440) 240Hz Wide Screen
Monitor SKU 688341

View Nitro KG251Q Zbiip 24.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 250Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync; HDR; HDMI DisplayPort; Acer VisionCare; ZeroFrame Design Add
SKU:539957 to wishlist

Acer Nitro KG251Q Zbiip 24.5" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 250Hz Gaming Monitor; AMD
FreeSync; HDR; HDMI...


Original price $199.99

Todays price $139.99

Add To List
In Store Only

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In Stock
Quantity to purchase of Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
Gaming Monitor
Deincrement quantityIncrement quantity
ADD TO CART - Item: Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz
Gaming Monitor SKU 616631
Buy Nitro XV272U V3bmiiprx 27" 2K WQHD (2560 x 1440) 180Hz Gaming MonitorNow


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