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Sun/Moon Compatibility Sun in Libra/Moon in Sagittarius · Sun in Libra/Moon in
Capricorn · Sun in Libra/Moon in Aquarius · Sun in Libra/Moon in Pisces · Sun .


Capricorn Moon Compatibility: Cautious Connection Primary Sidebar

Libra Moon compatibility would be increased greatly if you could learn that not
everyone is as demonstrative as you are — and that this is OK. Libra as a sign
always seeks balance and fairness, and with your Moon in Libra you will find
that your sense of emotional wellbeing is intricately connected with the
atmosphere around you being peaceful. Although generally a positive trait, this
can again be a disadvantage to Libra Moon compatibility if your partner is
manipulative in any way.

 * Starstruck: What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Romantic Compatibility |
 * Sun-Moon Compatibility — .
 * Capricorn Moon Compatibility: Cautious Connection ⋆ Astromatcha!
 * Mercury enters Aries;
 * cancer moon man and sagittarius moon woman compatibility.

On the plus side, however, you are able to run a wonderfully harmonious home and
when things are going well the atmosphere you create for your family cannot be
beaten. Capricorn chooses a well-defined, secure, path over one that involves a
lot of unknowns. Sagittarius needs to soar in some way either literally,
intellectually, or spiritually while Capricorn needs to have both feet planted
firmly on earth.


Also, Capricorn has good focus and concentration and the ability to persevere
through difficult or dry periods, while Sagittarius is often impatient and
flighty. Sagittarius can be too lax, careless, and irresponsible at times.
Capricorn is inclined to make a commitment in a relationship and wants a firm
commitment in return, while Sagittarius shies away from anything that will
restrict freedom of movement and self-expression too much.

Both of you have a sober, realistic, and at times cynical or pessimistic
attitude towards life. Work, concrete accomplishment, and material assets give
you a sense of security, and you can easily become too immersed in work-related
responsibilities, neglecting your home life and your own needs for relaxation,
play, and sustaining close emotional ties with others.

Both of you are ambitious and you are often hard on yourselves if you do not
achieve enough. Showing feelings of vulnerability, neediness, or sentimentality,
even to those closest to you, does not come easily to you. You can seem
emotionally distant and inaccessible to others. You express caring more by being
faithful and constant and doing something concrete like shouldering financial
responsibilities for the people you love. Emotional caution, self-control,
seriousness, and a tendency to expect and prepare for the worst are ingrained
emotional habits of yours.

Both of you would benefit by learning to trust, to laugh playfully, not
cynically or ruefully , and to be kinder to yourselves. Your emotional needs and
deeply ingrained attitudes are often at odds. Aquarius has a very independent
nature, and resists being dictated to by Authority, society, convention, or

Capricorn, on the other hand, cherishes tradition and is far more cautious about
venturing into unknown territory or changing the standard, tried-and-true ways
of doing things. Capricorn is conservative and respects the time-honored, proven
ways. Even if Capricorn is philosophically liberal, emotionally there is a very
cautious, conservative element that is disinclined to take risks in either
emotional or spiritual ways.

Both of you can have difficulty letting your feelings and emotions flow.
Aquarius intellectualizes rather than feels, and is often unaware of emotional
needs in self or others. Capricorn also represses emotions and is afraid of
being vulnerable or dependent. Pisces is very, very sensitive and responds
emotionally and sympathetically to people while Capricorn is emotionally
detached and often distant or inaccessible.

Capricorn also ignores or downplays emotions in general, and has a rather
serious, sober, no-nonsense attitude towards life. Pisces is a bit of a dreamer
or drifter and is far less practical, organized, efficient, and ambitious about
material matters than Capricorn is. What you need: To not be rushed. You move at
your own pace. Sagittarius moons are explorers at heart. Your heart is fed by
meeting new people, in learning from new cultures in non-appropriative ways!

This is what you teach others how to do: to live in the moment, to find joie de
vivre in their current situation. What turns you on: Someone who helps you
expand your mind. Who introduces you to new concepts. What you need: To be
trusted by your person. You want to be in charge of how you present to the
world. And how you present which emotions to the world, and when.

Scheduling emotional shit into your calendar? Sounds like something you do. What
is your own personal awareness of your emotions like? Can you locate your
feelings in your body at any given time?


It might be time to break out that journal and start getting in touch with the
connection between your body and your emotions. What turns you on: Safety —
which is to say, someone you feel safe with and seen by. What you need:
Consistency — whatever that looks like to you. Aquarius moons are probably one
of the most fearless moons of the zodiac, which is to say, you could
legitimately give two fucks what anyone thinks.

What turns you on: A sense of purpose, or calling, or vocation. Aquarians are
often called the humanitarians of the zodiac, and folks with Aquarius moons feel
strongly about being emotionally connected to a community. What you want:
Independence. Many folks in astrology take the easy road and say that your
independent streak makes you more open to polyamory and open relationships.

Folks with strong Aquarian energy require the freedom to build their own kind of
system, no matter their relationship orientation. You need freedom within
whatever relationship system you are building with your partner s , who
themselves have to be thoughtful and considerate and open-minded people.

Sensitivity is strength.

Pisces moons know this better than most; you feel more deeply and are more
psychically in tune with this world than others are capable of grasping. Your
capacity for empathy is inspirational to those around you, but you also pick up
on everything in your environment like whoa. Developing boundaries. Not feeling
everything going around you, everything people put on you.

It is not your responsibility, alone, to take on the cares of the world, or even
the cares of those closest to you. Learning to filter out, and feel through, the
various layers is a difficult road, but one that leads to deep and fulfilling
relationships that build you up. What you want: Big, romantic gestures. Everyone
loves to be appreciated, but you, more than most, appreciate the grand gesture,
the one that is specifically attuned to your interests, the one that is over the
top. What you need: Tenderness. Friends and lovers who are real with you and who
understand you, and who, for this reason, can challenge you and push you while
cherishing you.

Who know how to be tough and tender at the same time. There are many places you
can go, but to do your own chart, go to astro. To get the most accurate chart,
you need your exact time of birth in addition to your date and place of birth;
however, you can still do a chart without a time of birth.

Go forth and learn! For starters, your sun sign is far from the whole story when
it comes to your astrological profile, aka your natal birth chart. Your chart
serves as a snapshot of not just the sun but also the moon and the planets'
placements in the sky at the precise moment you were born. It also takes the
vantage point from your birth location into consideration. And when you work
with a professional astrologer, they can tell you what each of those placements
— and how they interact with one another — mean not only for your personality
and life path but for your most intimate relationships, as well.

In terms of location, it also pays to look at astrocartography, the astrology of
travel. When it comes to your emotional connections, one of the most important
building blocks to zero in on is your moon sign. By understanding your moon sign
, then comparing it to a partner's moon sign as well as other characteristics of
their chart , you'll be able to get a sense of your emotional compatibility.
Here, why your moon sign matters in love, the basics of how to judge moon sign
compatibility, and what to look for based on your moon sign.

 * Libra Moon Sign Compatibility?
 * taurus horoscope and love;
 * virgo dark side astrology.
 * love match horoscope aquarius and capricornus.
 * Here’s How to Do Moon Sign Compatibility Yourself!;
 * Venus enters Taurus!

The luminous, bright, bold sun speaks to who you are at your core — your
identity, your sense of self, plus how you experience self-esteem and confidence
— but it's the intuitive, shimmering, at-times-mysterious moon that helps color
your emotional identity. In astrology, the moon is your inner emotional compass,
which also influences the experiences, people, and material items in life that
offer you a sense of security.

It also impacts how you connect emotionally with others, which is why
understanding your moon sign and your moon sign's meaning can aid you in
identifying partners with whom you have similar emotional wiring and therefore
an organic harmony and the ability to build a lasting bond. If you don't yet
know your sun, moon, or Venus sign, use an online tool to get a natal chart
breakdown or a moon sign calculator , if that's all you need to know. When
looking for natural compatibility between two charts, or practicing what we
astrologers refer to as "synastry," you'll want to look for the following
positive aspects another word for the relationship, as well as distance, between
two celestial bodies.

One important thing to look at is which element water, fire, earth, air , your
moon sign falls into. Together, your home will be harmonious and peaceful,
because you both value balance and conflict. With a strong desire to please each
other, your zodiac compatibility seems strong. But your indecisiveness may be
your downfall, as both of you moon signs cannot decide on things; it might not
matter if you both are together.

Your insecurities and negative feelings will bounce off each other and amplify,
making you both miserable together. You both love to talk things out, which is
beneficial for your relationship. However, you will have to come up with a
compromise you both can agree on, which will be harder than it sounds. Overall,
you are a compatible pair when it comes to Libra moon astrology. You like the
same things and have the same values in life.

You know each other well, but you need to find a way to address conflicts
without compromising too much. Libra, you and Moon Scorpio can get along well,
but you are very different people deep down. If you can tolerate the
differences, then you might be able to have a long lasting romance relationship.
However, you and Moon in Scorpio could have a good business relationship due to
your differences.

You like to socialize, which Scorpio Moon finds superficial. Libra, you see the
good in people, while Scorpio is naturally suspicious and focuses on the darker


Sagittarius Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility Pisces Man and Cancer Woman
Compatibility A Complementary Relationship Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman

Perhaps the most positive aspect of their relationship is their unique blend of
temperaments. But when it comes to love, it's a Pisces man's emotional and
romantic nature that creates the magic. A Pisces man is romantic, and he'll
bring out the romance in a Capricorn woman. He'll show her love and make her
feel very special with a continual display of affection, and all of his loving
attention will soften a Capricorn woman and teach her how to show love and
affection in return.

A Capricorn woman is a pragmatist who sees things as they are, while a Pisces
man is a dreamer who often sees things and people as he wants them to be.


A Capricorn woman can be his reality check, separate the fanciful from the
doable, and help him plan out the best way for him to realize his dreams. He, on
the other hand, can teach her that dreams are a prerequisite to accomplishment.
The major problem that these two could have is the Capricorn woman's strength,
tenacity, and willingness to take care of her gentle, sensitive and malleable
Pisces man.

This can set up a codependent relationship in which there's an unconscious
agreement that she will be strong so he can be weak. Though on the other hand, I
dont know if I am ready for another relationship. I am so scared…so scared to do
this all over again, to try to trust someone again. Ive been pondering these
past aquaintences with this Pisces man and my gut is telling me to for now to
keep being his friend. After talking with him each time I dont know if its my
heart or my mind telling me its a good thing, that I dont have doubts or a bad
feeling about him.

Ugh I am just so scared. I like being independent, doing the things to keep me a
float and focusing on work. We live together and are fully committed. The minute
I stopped obsessing over love it appeared. Things to keep in mind, Pisces men
are more daydreamers and adventurers where we sags are steadfast and detailed so
there in lies room for struggle BUT the steadfastness and strength of a sag
woman can be extremely alluring as long as you remember to embrace his
lightheartedness. Our friendship overshadows the intimacy and when we are
intimate it makes it that much greater.

So moral is…. Friendship first….. I love him for him and he accepts me for me
but all because we built on a strong foundation. Good luck and much happiness to
you all. Wow, this is kind of accurate, I suppose. I am a sagittarius and am in
a relationship with a pisces as of 2 months ago. I have to say things went
pretty fast and it got serious. I was at a bus stop, wearing a pretty skirt and
then this Black Audi pulls up next to my bus stop and stops right next to me.
Well, he did offer a ride but I declined due to my mistrust of strangers and
their cars..

He told me, even if you told me to go away and not speak to you, I had to stop
to tell you how beautiful you are and I would feel good just to have let you
know that. I was confused by his assertive approach for a date but I was also
intrigued and quite attracted to that. So I agreed!! I am glad I did because we
went to the beach and out to eat and we had the most fun and he was so sweet and

We spent a lot of time together and I look forward to spending more time. Plus
all the build up is going to make our reunion so much greater. He has talked
about settling down with me, and creating a future and I like the ideas we
share. After I finish college and get my degree I am moving to wherever he is
because it is becoming clear to me that the heart is my home. Ahhh the wonders
of life and romance… So far so good. I am a very typical Pisces man.. Like a spa
bath in my soul. Internally bubbling. However, I realize now that from the
outside, when that happens, it looks a bit like I am switched off, cold,
distant, or stoned.

In those moments, I am certainly not cold at all!! I am so warm and full of love
that my body sinks into a kind of blissful stillness. It can also be emotions of
some kind.. But either way. I am much more interested in actually feeling
whatever I am feeling at that moment than speaking some words about feelings. I
find that many people seem to be afraid of their own feelings. Alternatively,
you could try sitting with me and holding my hand, then close your eyes. Hi
Natalie…Pisces men need some space at times. We like balance or we just get
tired out by swimming are asses off. Balancing of Water and Fire can be done but
it takes two to tango!

As in any relationship, yes I agree communication is key if you want it to work.
Patience and compromise is a must for sag women! LOL I know I have been with
many sag ladies. Thats the fun part….


Vicky Pisces man and pisces woman compatibility in urdu 10th, It is passing
critical and loves motility to new territorial dominion and new high, like fire
moving quick to in a straight line to go through new fuel. Burning Love
Questions? With a pisces u have to make ur feelings known for him to open up
about how he feels coz we are kinda shy lol. This is hard because sagittarius
are light. So, while they are drawn to each other, a Pisces man doesn't want to
be tied down, and a Capricorn woman doesn't want to make a mistake, so progress
will be slow as they date and take their time and get to know one. August: love,
hate, marriage ceremony, divorce, contradictory influences. My advice to u is to
sit him down and tell him exactly how u feel before he gets married. She is
quite the optimistic creature, looking toward the future with high hopes and
pisces man and pisces woman compatibility in urdu worrying about the negative
outcomes. But they just want to be heard. Also, Show Sagitarius how to
understand and be patient. Table of Contents 1. I feel like he is such a
wonderful person in and out, although he admitted that sometimes he can be cold
which I will keep in mind. A grounded and trustworthy Taurus guy is definitely a
perfect match for the Cancer woman.

Peace CJ. But our communication sucks when were not together, in person we get
along great. Im starting to that im sabotaging something good. My word of advice
to my fellow Pisceans…just be open, honest and talk dirty from the heart. Also,
Show Sagitarius how to understand and be patient. Communication is key…both
verbally and physically. Pisces-Sagitarius relationships are a complex match…but
importantly understanding and supporting each other will go a long way…trust me
I know. Im a pisces man and im with a sagitarius women.

Im gona tell you like this……us pisces know the importance of life. James84 Thank
you so much for this insight!! I have been trying for months to figure out if
this Pisces guy is interested but he is so elusive i just cannot tell for sure.
But after reading your post i am more confident now then ever.

We are extremely observant and notice what is occuring around us- we just prefer
to keep our thoughts to ourselves. Everyone communicates through body language
did you know that we do most our communication through body language?

Qualities of pisces men in love - lovetoknow // pisces man in love - astrostyle

I believe that derives from the fact that Pisces are more defensive in a
romantic relatoinship. I unfortunately have a horrednous streak when it comes to
relationships- the past relationships taught me to shield myself more often and
not to invest too much emotions in a single person because well it hurts so much
when they back-stab you.

Nevertheless, we Pisces need to remind ourselves that to have someone so damn
amazing and beautiful, we need to willing to face the risks just like everybody
else. Some of us forget that reminder often and need to be reminded. I
personally love it when I am reminded how much appreciated and loved I am
because it keeps me feel secure.


Still, you do deserve our thoughts and feelings so if you need to hear it from
us, simply approach us and tell us how you would appreciate it if we reminded
you how we felt about you. They might not say them verbally, but he will
definitely respond to your proposal beccause we are hopeless romantics and
emotional. We are in the best mood when we make our loved ones happy and
content. However, if the man does not respond in the least…. Yeah, I can be
ruthless sometimes. Andrea im a pisces female I may be able to help out. Im kind
of seeing a sag guy. I do prefer to do so in private though lol typical pisces.

His drive and positism. I told him I love him, but got not response. I feel he
craves my company, and somehow pushes me away. After couple of weeks he
decidedtot be fruends with me.. My emotichanging hurt because of his changing
mood. I keep on coming back.

At this time we broke up again.. I have been exclusivly dating a Pisces man for
8 months now. The above comments have been very helpful in allowing me to
understand him better. I too have doubts and insecurities sometimes regarding
our relationship,as he is an extremely shy man who does not have the gift of
easy speech. But, like my own, I know of the failed relationships of his past,
and allows me to see why he is moving forward with me at a snails pace! I tried
a couple of months ago to tell him that I thought I was falling in love with him
and he instantly went into deer in the headlights mode.


Pisces Marriage and Life Partner Compatibility حوت کے جیون ساتھی کا انتخاب,
Details about Pisces Husband, Wife, Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Life partner. Love
and Romantic Side of Pisces حوت رومانس ایک نظر میں, How are Pisces Men, Women,
Boys and Girls in a relationship. Are they loyal or not? Are they faithful.

Then I told him what I was looking for. A committed relationship with a
good,kind,gentle man. Not a perfect one. As I got up to leave to go to work he
half crawled onto my lap, buried his face in my neck, put his arms around me and
held me as if he thought I was going to float away. Held me for quite awhile. I
think as women, not just Sag women, we need to understand that most men show
their love and affection largely thru their actions,not words.

Especially Pisces men,who have difficulty talking about their feelings period!


Fresh Astrology Posts: New Moons, Full Moons + All Your Horoscope Updates
Aquarius Daily Horoscope - Free Aquarius Horoscope for Today From the AstroTwins
Aquarius Daily Horoscope LEARN ASTROLOGY WITH US

At the end of the week you may find yourself super busy, with the full moon in
your 3rd house. You could be running around, coming into contact with different
people. You may also be making a lot of progress on writing or public speaking
related projects. In addition, you may realise how you can improve your
communication skills. August 23 — September You might be craving intensity in
your relationships, and it could be that a partner is helping you to transform.

You may also be interested in reading about topics related to psychology or self
help. At the end of the week, you will be focused on your financial situation,
with the full moon in your 2nd house. You could be met with opportunities to
make money, or you might be realising your worth at your job. September 24 —
October At the end of the week, you will be shifting your attention back to


You may realise what goals you want to accomplish, or you could be practicing
setting boundaries with people in order to conserve your own energy. October 24
— November At the end of the week, you may feel a little antisocial, with the
full moon in your 12th house. Repressed emotions might come up, and you may
become aware of the ways in which you work against yourself. You will want to
release yourself from any negative patterns.

November 24 — December You will be letting loose and having fun this week,
Sagittarius, with the sun and Venus in your 5th house. You could be making plans
with friends, or you might be pouring your energy into your own hobbies and
artistic projects. In addition, you may have more motivation to start dating. At
the end of the week, you will be busy with virtual events. December 22 — January
You might be decorating your room or bonding with a roommate. You could also
just feel more emotionally grounded, and you may be surrounding yourself with
family or people who feel like family to you.


At the end of the week, your mind will shift to career related matters, with the
full moon in your 10th house. You may realise what direction you want to go in
next with work, or you could see your role and responsibilities evolving.

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January 21 — February You might be enjoying daily walks around the neighbourhood
or in nature, and you may end up running into people you know. You could also be
busy with tasks related to writing, video making, or public speaking.

At the end of week, you will be thinking about the bigger picture, with the full
moon in your 9th house. You might be reconsidering your core beliefs, or you
could realise that you want to learn more about a particular topic. February 20
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March 25, Bring some balance back to your closest bonds under today's
stabilizing moon-Jupiter opposition. No more burning the midnight oil! Instead
of toiling away into the evening, power down and have a heart-to-heart with a
loved one. The Astro Twins forecast every sign's horoscope for today, this week,
this month, and your love compatibility matches. Find out your Aquarius Daily

Aries Weekly Horoscope. Leo Monthly Horoscope. Aries Monthly Horoscope.


Gemini Monthly Horoscope. Pisces Monthly Horoscope. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope. Taurus Monthly Horoscope.

Libra Monthly Horoscope. Scorpio Monthly Horoscope. Sagittarius Monthly
Horoscope. Cancer Monthly Horoscope. Virgo Monthly Horoscope.

The 10 Best Star Projectors.


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