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User Guide Feedback Preferences AWS SECURITY HUB USER GUIDE * What is AWS Security Hub? * Terminology and concepts * Prerequisites and recommendations * Using Organizations * Enabling AWS Config * Setting up Security Hub * Enabling Security Hub manually * Managing accounts * Effects of an administrator-member relationship * Restrictions and recommendations * Making the transition to Organizations * Allowed actions for accounts * Designating a Security Hub administrator account * Managing organization member accounts * Enabling new accounts automatically * Enabling member accounts * Disassociating member accounts * Managing member accounts by invitation * Adding and inviting member accounts * Responding to an invitation * Disassociating member accounts * Deleting member accounts * Disassociating from your administrator account * Effect of account actions on Security Hub data * Cross-Region aggregation * How cross-Region aggregation works * Viewing the current configuration * Enabling cross-Region aggregation * Updating the configuration * Stopping cross-Region aggregation * Findings * Creating and updating findings * Using BatchImportFindings * Using BatchUpdateFindings * Viewing a cross-Region finding summary * Viewing finding lists and details * Filtering and grouping findings (console) * Viewing finding details * Taking action on findings * Setting the workflow status of findings * Sending findings to a custom action * Finding format * ASFF syntax * Consolidation and ASFF * ASFF examples * Required attributes * Optional top-level attributes * Resources * Resource attributes * AwsAmazonMQ * AwsApiGateway * AwsAppSync * AwsAthena * AwsAutoScaling * AwsBackup * AwsCertificateManager * AwsCloudFormation * AwsCloudFront * AwsCloudTrail * AwsCloudWatch * AwsCodeBuild * AwsDynamoDB * AwsEc2 * AwsEcr * AwsEcs * AwsEfs * AwsEks * AwsElasticBeanstalk * AwsElasticSearch * AwsElb * AwsEventBridge * AwsGuardDuty * AwsIam * AwsKinesis * AwsKms * AwsLambda * AwsNetworkFirewall * AwsOpenSearchService * AwsRds * AwsRedshift * AwsS3 * AwsSageMaker * AwsSecretsManager * AwsSns * AwsSqs * AwsSsm * AwsStepFunctions * AwsWaf * AwsXray * Container * Other * Insights * Viewing and filtering the list of insights * Viewing insight results and findings * Managed insights * Custom insights * Automations * Automation rules * Automated response and remediation * Types of EventBridge integration * EventBridge event formats * Configuring a rule for automatically sent findings * Configuring and using custom actions * Product integrations * Managing product integrations * AWS service integrations * Third-party product integrations * Using custom product integrations * Standards and controls * IAM permissions for standards and controls * Security checks and scores * AWS Config rules and security checks * Required AWS Config resources for control findings * Schedule for running security checks * Generating and updating control findings * Determining the control status * Determining security scores * Standards reference * AWS FSBP * CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0 and v1.4.0 * NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 * PCI DSS * Service-managed standards * Service-Managed Standard: AWS Control Tower * Viewing and managing security standards * Enabling and disabling standards * Viewing details for a standard * Enabling and disabling controls in specific standards * Controls reference * AWS account controls * AWS Certificate Manager controls * API Gateway controls * AWS AppSync controls * Athena controls * CloudFormation controls * CloudFront controls * CloudTrail controls * CloudWatch controls * CodeBuild controls * AWS Config controls * AWS DMS controls * Amazon DocumentDB controls * DynamoDB controls * Amazon ECR controls * Amazon ECS controls * Amazon EC2 controls * Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling controls * Amazon EC2 Systems Manager controls * Amazon EFS controls * Amazon EKS controls * ElastiCache controls * Elastic Beanstalk controls * Elastic Load Balancing controls * Amazon EMR controls * Elasticsearch controls * GuardDuty controls * IAM controls * Kinesis controls * AWS KMS controls * Lambda controls * Neptune controls * Network Firewall controls * OpenSearch Service controls * Amazon RDS controls * Amazon Redshift controls * Amazon S3 controls * SageMaker controls * Secrets Manager controls * Amazon SNS controls * Amazon SQS controls * Step Functions controls * AWS WAF controls * Viewing and managing security controls * Control categories * Enabling and disabling controls in all standards * Enabling new controls in enabled standards automatically * Controls that you might want to disable * Viewing details for a control * Filtering and sorting controls * Viewing and taking action on control findings * Viewing finding and resource details * Sample control findings * Filtering and sorting findings * Taking action on control findings * Creating resources with CloudFormation * Subscribing to Security Hub announcements * Security * Data protection * AWS Identity and Access Management * How AWS Security Hub works with IAM * Using service-linked roles * AWS managed policies * Compliance validation * Infrastructure security * VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) * Logging API calls * Quotas * Regional limits * Disabling Security Hub * Controls change log * Beta features * Document history Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud controls - AWS Security Hub AWSDocumentationAWS Security HubUser Guide [EC2.1] Amazon EBS snapshots should not be publicly restorable[EC2.2] VPC default security groups should not allow inbound or outbound traffic[EC2.3] Attached Amazon EBS volumes should be encrypted at-rest[EC2.4] Stopped Amazon EC2 instances should be removed after a specified time period[EC2.6] VPC flow logging should be enabled in all VPCs[EC2.7] EBS default encryption should be enabled[EC2.8] EC2 instances should use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2)[EC2.9] Amazon EC2 instances should not have a public IPv4 address[EC2.10] Amazon EC2 should be configured to use VPC endpoints that are created for the Amazon EC2 service[EC2.12] Unused Amazon EC2 EIPs should be removed[EC2.13] Security groups should not allow ingress from to port 22[EC2.14] Ensure no security groups allow ingress from to port 3389[EC2.15] Amazon EC2 subnets should not automatically assign public IP addresses[EC2.16] Unused Network Access Control Lists should be removed[EC2.17] Amazon EC2 instances should not use multiple ENIs[EC2.18] Security groups should only allow unrestricted incoming traffic for authorized ports[EC2.19] Security groups should not allow unrestricted access to ports with high risk[EC2.20] Both VPN tunnels for an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection should be up[EC2.21] Network ACLs should not allow ingress from to port 22 or port 3389[EC2.22] Unused Amazon EC2 security groups should be removed[EC2.23] Amazon EC2 Transit Gateways should not automatically accept VPC attachment requests[EC2.24] Amazon EC2 paravirtual instance types should not be used[EC2.25] Amazon EC2 launch templates should not assign public IPs to network interfaces[EC2.28] EBS volumes should be covered by a backup plan[EC2.29] EC2 instances should be launched in a VPC AMAZON ELASTIC COMPUTE CLOUD CONTROLS PDFRSS These controls are related to Amazon EC2 resources. These controls may not be available in all AWS Regions. For more information, see Availability of controls by Region. [EC2.1] AMAZON EBS SNAPSHOTS SHOULD NOT BE PUBLICLY RESTORABLE Related requirements: PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.2.1,PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.3.1,PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.3.4,PCI DSS v3.2.1/7.2.1, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(9) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: Critical Resource type: AWS::::Account AWS Config rule: ebs-snapshot-public-restorable-check Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: None This control checks whether Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots are not public. The control fails if Amazon EBS snapshots are restorable by anyone. EBS snapshots are used to back up the data on your EBS volumes to Amazon S3 at a specific point in time. You can use the snapshots to restore previous states of EBS volumes. It is rarely acceptable to share a snapshot with the public. Typically the decision to share a snapshot publicly was made in error or without a complete understanding of the implications. This check helps ensure that all such sharing was fully planned and intentional. To make a public EBS snapshot private, see Share a snapshot in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. For Actions, Modify permissions, choose Private. [EC2.2] VPC DEFAULT SECURITY GROUPS SHOULD NOT ALLOW INBOUND OR OUTBOUND TRAFFIC Related requirements: PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.2.1,PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.3.4,PCI DSS v3.2.1/2.1, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0/4.3, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0/5.3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(5) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: vpc-default-security-group-closed Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether the default security group of a VPC allows inbound or outbound traffic. The control fails if the security group allows inbound or outbound traffic. The rules for the default security group allow all outbound and inbound traffic from network interfaces (and their associated instances) that are assigned to the same security group. We recommend that you don't use the default security group. Because the default security group cannot be deleted, you should change the default security group rules setting to restrict inbound and outbound traffic. This prevents unintended traffic if the default security group is accidentally configured for resources such as EC2 instances. REMEDIATION To remediate this issue, start by creating new least-privilege security groups. For instructions, see Create a security group in the Amazon VPC User Guide. Then, assign the new security groups to your EC2 instances. For instructions, see Change an instance's security group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. After you assign the new security groups to your resources, remove all inbound and outbound rules from the default security groups. For instructions, see Delete security group rules in the Amazon VPC User Guide. [EC2.3] ATTACHED AMAZON EBS VOLUMES SHOULD BE ENCRYPTED AT-REST Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-3(6), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-13, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-28, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-28(1), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(10), NIST.800-53.r5 SI-7(6) Category: Protect > Data protection > Encryption of data at rest Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::EC2::Volume AWS Config rule: encrypted-volumes Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether the EBS volumes that are in an attached state are encrypted. To pass this check, EBS volumes must be in use and encrypted. If the EBS volume is not attached, then it is not subject to this check. For an added layer of security of your sensitive data in EBS volumes, you should enable EBS encryption at rest. Amazon EBS encryption offers a straightforward encryption solution for your EBS resources that doesn't require you to build, maintain, and secure your own key management infrastructure. It uses KMS keys when creating encrypted volumes and snapshots. To learn more about Amazon EBS encryption, see Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. REMEDIATION There's no direct way to encrypt an existing unencrypted volume or snapshot. You can only encrypt a new volume or snapshot when you create it. If you enabled encryption by default, Amazon EBS encrypts the resulting new volume or snapshot using your default key for Amazon EBS encryption. Even if you have not enabled encryption by default, you can enable encryption when you create an individual volume or snapshot. In both cases, you can override the default key for Amazon EBS encryption and choose a symmetric customer managed key. For more information, see Creating an Amazon EBS volume and Copying an Amazon EBS snapshot in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.4] STOPPED AMAZON EC2 INSTANCES SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER A SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2, NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2(2) Category: Identify > Inventory Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-stopped-instance Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: * allowedDays: 30 This control checks whether any EC2 instances have been stopped for more than the allowed number of days. An EC2 instance fails this check if it is stopped for longer than the maximum allowed time period, which by default is 30 days. A failed finding indicates that an EC2 instance has not run for a significant period of time. This creates a security risk because the EC2 instance is not being actively maintained (analyzed, patched, updated). If it is later launched, the lack of proper maintenance could result in unexpected issues in your AWS environment. To safely maintain an EC2 instance over time in a nonrunning state, start it periodically for maintenance and then stop it after maintenance. Ideally this is an automated process. REMEDIATION After 30 days of inactivity, we recommend terminating an EC2 instance. For instructions, see Terminating an instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.6] VPC FLOW LOGGING SHOULD BE ENABLED IN ALL VPCS Related requirements: CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0/2.9, PCI DSS v3.2.1/10.3.3,PCI DSS v3.2.1/10.3.4,PCI DSS v3.2.1/10.3.5,PCI DSS v3.2.1/10.3.6, CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0/3.9, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(26), NIST.800-53.r5 AU-12, NIST.800-53.r5 AU-2, NIST.800-53.r5 AU-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AU-6(3), NIST.800-53.r5 AU-6(4), NIST.800-53.r5 CA-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SI-7(8) Category: Identify > Logging Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::EC2::VPC AWS Config rule: vpc-flow-logs-enabled Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: * trafficType: REJECT This control checks whether Amazon VPC Flow Logs are found and enabled for VPCs. The traffic type is set to Reject. With the VPC Flow Logs feature, you can capture information about the IP address traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. After you create a flow log, you can view and retrieve its data in CloudWatch Logs. To reduce cost, you can also send your flow logs to Amazon S3. Security Hub recommends that you enable flow logging for packet rejects for VPCs. Flow logs provide visibility into network traffic that traverses the VPC and can detect anomalous traffic or provide insight during security workflows. By default, the record includes values for the different components of the IP address flow, including the source, destination, and protocol. For more information and descriptions of the log fields, see VPC Flow Logs in the Amazon VPC User Guide. REMEDIATION To create a VPC Flow Log, see Create a Flow Log in the Amazon VPC User Guide. After you open the Amazon VPC console, choose Your VPCs. For Filter, choose Reject or All. [EC2.7] EBS DEFAULT ENCRYPTION SHOULD BE ENABLED Related requirements: CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0/2.2.1, NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-3(6), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-13, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-28, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-28(1), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(10), NIST.800-53.r5 SI-7(6) Category: Protect > Data protection > Encryption of data at rest Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::::Account AWS Config rule: ec2-ebs-encryption-by-default Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: None This control checks whether account-level encryption is enabled by default for Amazon Elastic Block Store(Amazon EBS). The control fails if the account level encryption is not enabled. When encryption is enabled for your account, Amazon EBS volumes and snapshot copies are encrypted at rest. This adds an additional layer of protection for your data. For more information, see Encryption by default in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. Note that following instance types do not support encryption: R1, C1, and M1. REMEDIATION To configure default encryption for Amazon EBS volumes, see Encryption by default in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.8] EC2 INSTANCES SHOULD USE INSTANCE METADATA SERVICE VERSION 2 (IMDSV2) Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(15), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6 Category: Protect > Network security Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-imdsv2-check Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether your EC2 instance metadata version is configured with Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2). The control passes if HttpTokens is set to required for IMDSv2. The control fails if HttpTokens is set to optional. You use instance metadata to configure or manage the running instance. The IMDS provides access to temporary, frequently rotated credentials. These credentials remove the need to hard code or distribute sensitive credentials to instances manually or programmatically. The IMDS is attached locally to every EC2 instance. It runs on a special "link local" IP address of This IP address is only accessible by software that runs on the instance. Version 2 of the IMDS adds new protections for the following types of vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities could be used to try to access the IMDS. * Open website application firewalls * Open reverse proxies * Server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities * Open Layer 3 firewalls and network address translation (NAT) Security Hub recommends that you configure your EC2 instances with IMDSv2. REMEDIATION To configure EC2 instances with IMDSv2, see Recommended path to requiring IMDSv2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.9] AMAZON EC2 INSTANCES SHOULD NOT HAVE A PUBLIC IPV4 ADDRESS Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(9) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration > Public IP addresses Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-instance-no-public-ip Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether EC2 instances have a public IP address. The control fails if the publicIp field is present in the EC2 instance configuration item. This control applies to IPv4 addresses only. A public IPv4 address is an IP address that is reachable from the internet. If you launch your instance with a public IP address, then your EC2 instance is reachable from the internet. A private IPv4 address is an IP address that is not reachable from the internet. You can use private IPv4 addresses for communication between EC2 instances in the same VPC or in your connected private network. IPv6 addresses are globally unique, and therefore are reachable from the internet. However, by default all subnets have the IPv6 addressing attribute set to false. For more information about IPv6, see IP addressing in your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide. If you have a legitimate use case to maintain EC2 instances with public IP addresses, then you can suppress the findings from this control. For more information about front-end architecture options, see the AWS Architecture Blog or the This Is My Architecture series. REMEDIATION Use a non-default VPC so that your instance is not assigned a public IP address by default. When you launch an EC2 instance into a default VPC, it is assigned a public IP address. When you launch an EC2 instance into a non-default VPC, the subnet configuration determines whether it receives a public IP address. The subnet has an attribute to determine if new EC2 instances in the subnet receive a public IP address from the public IPv4 address pool. You cannot manually associate or disassociate an automatically-assigned public IP address from your EC2 instance. To control whether your EC2 instance receives a public IP address, do one of the following: * Modify the public IP addressing attribute of your subnet. For more information, see Modifying the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide. * Enable or disable the public IP addressing feature during launch. This overrides the subnet's public IP addressing attribute. For more information, see Assign a public IPv4 address during instance launch in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. For more information, see Public IPv4 addresses and external DNS hostnames in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. If your EC2 instance is associated with an Elastic IP address, then your EC2 instance is reachable from the internet. You can disassociate an Elastic IP address from an instance or network interface at any time. To disassociate an Elastic IP address, see Disassociate an Elastic IP address in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.10] AMAZON EC2 SHOULD BE CONFIGURED TO USE VPC ENDPOINTS THAT ARE CREATED FOR THE AMAZON EC2 SERVICE Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration > API private access Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::EC2::VPC AWS Config rule: service-vpc-endpoint-enabled Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: * serviceName: ec2 This control checks whether a service endpoint for Amazon EC2 is created for each VPC. The control fails if a VPC does not have a VPC endpoint created for the Amazon EC2 service. This control evaluates resources in single account. It cannot describe resources that are outside of the account. Because AWS Config and Security Hub do not conduct cross-account checks, you will see FAILED findings for VPCs that are shared across accounts. Security Hub recommends that you suppress these FAILED findings. To improve the security posture of your VPC, you can configure Amazon EC2 to use an interface VPC endpoint. Interface endpoints are powered by AWS PrivateLink, a technology that enables you to access Amazon EC2 API operations privately. It restricts all network traffic between your VPC and Amazon EC2 to the Amazon network. Because endpoints are supported within the same Region only, you cannot create an endpoint between a VPC and a service in a different Region. This prevents unintended Amazon EC2 API calls to other Regions. To learn more about creating VPC endpoints for Amazon EC2, see Amazon EC2 and interface VPC endpoints in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. REMEDIATION To create an interface endpoint to Amazon EC2 from the Amazon VPC console, see Create a VPC endpoint in the AWS PrivateLink Guide. For Service name, choose com.amazonaws.region.ec2. You can also create and attach an endpoint policy to your VPC endpoint to control access to the Amazon EC2 API. For instructions on creating a VPC endpoint policy, see Create an endpoint policy in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.12] UNUSED AMAZON EC2 EIPS SHOULD BE REMOVED Related requirements: PCI DSS v3.2.1/2.4, NIST.800-53.r5 CM-8(1) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: Low Resource type: AWS::EC2::EIP AWS Config rule: eip-attached Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether Elastic IP (EIP) addresses that are allocated to a VPC are attached to EC2 instances or in-use elastic network interfaces (ENIs). A failed finding indicates you may have unused EC2 EIPs. This will help you maintain an accurate asset inventory of EIPs in your cardholder data environment (CDE). To release an unused EIP, see Release an Elastic IP address in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.13] SECURITY GROUPS SHOULD NOT ALLOW INGRESS FROM TO PORT 22 Related requirements: CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0/4.1, PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.2.1,PCI DSS v3.2.1/1.3.1,PCI DSS v3.2.1/2.2.2, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(5) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: restricted-ssh Schedule type: Change triggered Security groups provide stateful filtering of ingress and egress network traffic to AWS resources. CIS recommends that no security group allow unrestricted ingress access to port 22. Removing unfettered connectivity to remote console services, such as SSH, reduces a server's exposure to risk. REMEDIATION To prohibit ingress to port 22, remove the rule that allows such access for each security group associated with a VPC. For instructions, see Update security group rules in the Amazon VPC User Guide. After selecting a security group in the Amazon VPC Console, choose Actions, Edit inbound rules. Remove the rule that allows access to port 22. [EC2.14] ENSURE NO SECURITY GROUPS ALLOW INGRESS FROM TO PORT 3389 Related requirements: CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0/4.2 Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: restricted-common-ports Schedule type: Change triggered The name of the associated AWS Config managed rule is restricted-common-ports. However, the rule that is created uses the name restricted-rdp. Security groups provide stateful filtering of ingress and egress network traffic to AWS resources. CIS recommends that no security group allow unrestricted ingress access to port 3389. Removing unfettered connectivity to remote console services, such as RDP, reduces a server's exposure to risk. REMEDIATION To prohibit ingress to port 3389, remove the rule that allows such access for each security group associated with a VPC. For instructions, see Update security group rules in the Amazon VPC User Guide. After selecting a security group in the Amazon VPC Console, choose Actions, Edit inbound rules. Remove the rule that allows access to port 3389. [EC2.15] AMAZON EC2 SUBNETS SHOULD NOT AUTOMATICALLY ASSIGN PUBLIC IP ADDRESSES Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(9) Category: Protect > Network security Severity: Medium Resource type: AWS::EC2::Subnet AWS Config rule: subnet-auto-assign-public-ip-disabled Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether the assignment of public IPs in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) subnets have MapPublicIpOnLaunch set to FALSE. The control passes if the flag is set to FALSE. All subnets have an attribute that determines whether a network interface created in the subnet automatically receives a public IPv4 address. Instances that are launched into subnets that have this attribute enabled have a public IP address assigned to their primary network interface. REMEDIATION To configure a subnet to not assign public IP addresses, see Modify the public IPv4 addressing attribute for your subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide. Clear the check box for Enable auto-assign public IPv4 address. [EC2.16] UNUSED NETWORK ACCESS CONTROL LISTS SHOULD BE REMOVED Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CM-8(1) Category: Prevent > Network security Severity: Low Resource type: AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl AWS Config rule: vpc-network-acl-unused-check Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether there are any unused network access control lists (ACLs). The control checks the item configuration of the resource AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl and determines the relationships of the network ACL. If the only relationship is the VPC of the network ACL, then the control fails. If other relationships are listed, then the control passes. REMEDIATION For instructions on deleting an unused network ACL, see Deleting a network ACL in the Amazon VPC User Guide. You can't delete the default network ACL or an ACL that is associated with subnets. [EC2.17] AMAZON EC2 INSTANCES SHOULD NOT USE MULTIPLE ENIS Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21) Category: Network security Severity: Low Resource type: AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-instance-multiple-eni-check Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: * Adapterids (Optional) – A list of network interface IDs that are attached to EC2 instances This control checks whether an EC2 instance uses multiple Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) or Elastic Fabric Adapters (EFAs). This control passes if a single network adapter is used. The control includes an optional parameter list to identify the allowed ENIs. This control also fails if an EC2 instance that belongs to an Amazon EKS cluster uses more than one ENI. If your EC2 instances need to have multiple ENIs as part of an Amazon EKS cluster, you can suppress those control findings. Multiple ENIs can cause dual-homed instances, meaning instances that have multiple subnets. This can add network security complexity and introduce unintended network paths and access. REMEDIATION To detach a network interface from an EC2 instance, see Detach a network interface from an instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.18] SECURITY GROUPS SHOULD ONLY ALLOW UNRESTRICTED INCOMING TRAFFIC FOR AUTHORIZED PORTS Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(5) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration > Security group configuration Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: vpc-sg-open-only-to-authorized-ports Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: * authorizedTcpPorts (Optional) – Comma-separated list of ports to which to allow unrestricted access. For example: '80, 443'. For this rule, the default values for authorizedTcpPorts are 80 and 443. This control checks whether the security groups that are in use allow unrestricted incoming traffic. Optionally the rule checks whether the port numbers are listed in the authorizedTcpPorts parameter. * If the security group rule port number allows unrestricted incoming traffic, but the port number is specified in authorizedTcpPorts, then the control passes. The default value for authorizedTcpPorts is 80, 443. * If the security group rule port number allows unrestricted incoming traffic, but the port number is not specified in authorizedTcpPorts input parameter, then the control fails. * If the parameter is not used, then the control fails for any security group that has an unrestricted inbound rule. Security groups provide stateful filtering of ingress and egress network traffic to AWS. Security group rules should follow the principal of least privileged access. Unrestricted access (IP address with a /0 suffix) increases the opportunity for malicious activity such as hacking, denial-of-service attacks, and loss of data. Unless a port is specifically allowed, the port should deny unrestricted access. REMEDIATION To modify a security group, see Add, remove, or update rules in the Amazon VPC User Guide. [EC2.19] SECURITY GROUPS SHOULD NOT ALLOW UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO PORTS WITH HIGH RISK Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2, NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2(2), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(5) Category: Protect > Restricted network access Severity: Critical Resource type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: vpc-sg-restricted-common-ports (custom Security Hub rule) Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether unrestricted incoming traffic for the security groups is accessible to the specified ports that have the highest risk. This control fails if any of the rules in a security group allow ingress traffic from '' or '::/0' for those ports. Unrestricted access ( increases opportunities for malicious activity, such as hacking, denial-of-service attacks, and loss of data. Security groups provide stateful filtering of ingress and egress network traffic to AWS resources. No security group should allow unrestricted ingress access to the following ports: * 20, 21 (FTP) * 22 (SSH) * 23 (Telnet) * 25 (SMTP) * 110 (POP3) * 135 (RPC) * 143 (IMAP) * 445 (CIFS) * 1433, 1434 (MSSQL) * 3000 (Go, Node.js, and Ruby web development frameworks) * 3306 (mySQL) * 3389 (RDP) * 4333 (ahsp) * 5000 (Python web development frameworks) * 5432 (postgresql) * 5500 (fcp-addr-srvr1) * 5601 (OpenSearch Dashboards) * 8080 (proxy) * 8088 (legacy HTTP port) * 8888 (alternative HTTP port) * 9200 or 9300 (OpenSearch) REMEDIATION To delete rules from a security group, see Delete rules from a security group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.20] BOTH VPN TUNNELS FOR AN AWS SITE-TO-SITE VPN CONNECTION SHOULD BE UP Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CP-10, NIST.800-53.r5 CP-6(2), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-36, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-5(2), NIST.800-53.r5 SI-13(5) Category: Resilience > Recover > High availability Severity: Medium Resource type:AWS::EC2::VPNConnection AWS Config rule: vpc-vpn-2-tunnels-up Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None A VPN tunnel is an encrypted link where data can pass from the customer network to or from AWS within an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection. Each VPN connection includes two VPN tunnels which you can simultaneously use for high availability. Ensuring that both VPN tunnels are up for a VPN connection is important for confirming a secure and highly available connection between an AWS VPC and your remote network. This control checks that both VPN tunnels provided by AWS Site-to-Site VPN are in UP status. The control fails if one or both tunnels are in DOWN status. REMEDIATION To modify VPN tunnel options, see Modifying Site-to-Site VPN tunnel options in the AWS Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. [EC2.21] NETWORK ACLS SHOULD NOT ALLOW INGRESS FROM TO PORT 22 OR PORT 3389 Related requirements: CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0/5.1, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2, NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2(2), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(5) Category: Protect > Secure Network Configuration Severity: Medium Resource type:AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl AWS Config rule: nacl-no-unrestricted-ssh-rdp Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether a network access control list (NACL) allows unrestricted access to the default TCP ports for SSH/RDP ingress traffic. The rule fails if a NACL inbound entry allows a source CIDR block of '' or '::/0' for TCP ports 22 or 3389. Access to remote server administration ports, such as port 22 (SSH) and port 3389 (RDP), should not be publicly accessible, as this may allow unintended access to resources within your VPC. REMEDIATION For more information about NACLs, see Network ACLs in the VPC User Guide. [EC2.22] UNUSED AMAZON EC2 SECURITY GROUPS SHOULD BE REMOVED IMPORTANT DEPRECATED – Security Hub removed this control on September 20, 2023 from the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard and the NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5. This AWS control produces a passed finding if security groups are attached to EC2 instances or to an elastic network interface. However, for certain use cases, unattached security groups don't pose a security risk. You can use other EC2 controls—such as EC2.2, EC2.13, EC2.14, EC2.18, and EC2.19—to monitor your security groups. Category: Identify > Inventory Severity: Medium Resource type:AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface, AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup AWS Config rule: ec2-security-group-attached-to-eni-periodic Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: None This AWS control checks that security groups are attached to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances or to an elastic network interface. The control will fail if the security group is not associated with an Amazon EC2 instance or an elastic network interface. REMEDIATION To create, assign and delete security groups, see Security groups in Amazon EC2 user guide. [EC2.23] AMAZON EC2 TRANSIT GATEWAYS SHOULD NOT AUTOMATICALLY ACCEPT VPC ATTACHMENT REQUESTS Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 CA-9(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2 Category: Protect > Secure network configuration Severity: High Resource type:AWS::EC2::TransitGateway AWS Config rule: ec2-transit-gateway-auto-vpc-attach-disabled Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks if EC2 transit gateways are automatically accepting shared VPC attachments. This control fails for a transit gateway that automatically accepts shared VPC attachment requests. Turning on AutoAcceptSharedAttachments configures a transit gateway to automatically accept any cross-account VPC attachment requests without verifying the request or the account the attachment is originating from. To follow the best practices of authorization and authentication, we recommended turning off this feature to ensure that only authorized VPC attachment requests are accepted. REMEDIATION To modify a transit gateway, see Modify a transit gateway in the Amazon VPC Developer Guide. [EC2.24] AMAZON EC2 PARAVIRTUAL INSTANCE TYPES SHOULD NOT BE USED Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2, NIST.800-53.r5 CM-2(2) Category: Identify > Vulnerability, patch, and version management Severity: Medium Resource type:AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-paravirtual-instance-check Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks whether the virtualization type of an EC2 instance is paravirtual. The control fails if the virtualizationType of the EC2 instance is set to paravirtual. Linux Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) use one of two types of virtualization: paravirtual (PV) or hardware virtual machine (HVM). The main differences between PV and HVM AMIs are the way in which they boot and whether they can take advantage of special hardware extensions (CPU, network, and storage) for better performance. Historically, PV guests had better performance than HVM guests in many cases, but because of enhancements in HVM virtualization and the availability of PV drivers for HVM AMIs, this is no longer true. For more information, see Linux AMI virtualization types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. REMEDIATION To update an EC2 instance to a new instance type, see Change the instance type in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. [EC2.25] AMAZON EC2 LAUNCH TEMPLATES SHOULD NOT ASSIGN PUBLIC IPS TO NETWORK INTERFACES Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(9) Category: Protect > Secure network configuration > Resources not publicly accessible Severity: High Resource type:AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate AWS Config rule: ec2-launch-template-public-ip-disabled Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks if Amazon EC2 launch templates are configured to assign public IP addresses to network interfaces upon launch. The control fails if an EC2 launch template is configured to assign a public IP address to network interfaces or if there is at least one network interface that has a public IP address. A public IP address is one that is reachable from the internet. If you configure your network interfaces with a public IP address, then the resources associated with those network interfaces may be reachable from the internet. EC2 resources shouldn't be publicly accessible because this may permit unintended access to your workloads. REMEDIATION To update an EC2 launch template, see Change the default network interface settings in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide. [EC2.28] EBS VOLUMES SHOULD BE COVERED BY A BACKUP PLAN Category: Recover > Resilience > Backups enabled Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 CP-10, NIST.800-53.r5 CP-6, NIST.800-53.r5 CP-6(1), NIST.800-53.r5 CP-6(2), NIST.800-53.r5 CP-9, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-5(2), NIST.800-53.r5 SI-12, NIST.800-53.r5 SI-13(5) Severity: Low Resource type: AWS::EC2::Volume AWS Config rule: ebs-resources-protected-by-backup-plan Schedule type: Periodic Parameters: None This control evaluates if Amazon EBS volumes are covered by backup plans. The control fails if an Amazon EBS volume isn't covered by a backup plan. This control only evaluates Amazon EBS volumes that are in the in-use state. Backups help you recover more quickly from a security incident. They also strengthen the resilience of your systems. Including Amazon EBS volumes in a backup plan helps you protect your data from unintended loss or deletion. REMEDIATION To add an Amazon EBS volume to an AWS Backup backup plan, see Assigning resources to a backup plan in the AWS Backup Developer Guide. [EC2.29] EC2 INSTANCES SHOULD BE LAUNCHED IN A VPC IMPORTANT DEPRECATED – Security Hub deprecated this control and removed it from all standards on September 20, 2023. Amazon EC2 has migrated EC2-Classic instances to a VPC. Category: Protect > Secure network configuration > Resources within VPC Related requirements: NIST.800-53.r5 AC-21, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-3(7), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4, NIST.800-53.r5 AC-4(21), NIST.800-53.r5 AC-6, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7, NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(11), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(16), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(20), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(21), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(3), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(4), NIST.800-53.r5 SC-7(9) Severity: High Resource type: AWS::EC2::Instance AWS Config rule: ec2-instances-in-vpc Schedule type: Change triggered Parameters: None This control checks if Amazon EC2 instances are launched in a virtual private cloud (VPC). This control fails if an EC2 instance is launched in the EC2-Classic network. The EC2-Classic network retired on August 15, 2022. The EC2-Classic network model was flat, with public IP addresses assigned at launch time. The EC2-VPC network offers more scalability and security features and should be the default for launching EC2 instances. REMEDIATION To migrate instances to the EC2-VPC network, see Migrate from EC2-Classic to a VPC in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. Javascript is disabled or is unavailable in your browser. To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. Please refer to your browser's Help pages for instructions. Document Conventions Amazon ECS controls Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling controls Did this page help you? - Yes Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! If you've got a moment, please tell us what we did right so we can do more of it. Did this page help you? - No Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. We're sorry we let you down. If you've got a moment, please tell us how we can make the documentation better. DID THIS PAGE HELP YOU? 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ON THIS PAGE * [EC2.1] Amazon EBS snapshots should not be publicly restorable * [EC2.2] VPC default security groups should not allow inbound or outbound traffic * [EC2.3] Attached Amazon EBS volumes should be encrypted at-rest * [EC2.4] Stopped Amazon EC2 instances should be removed after a specified time period * [EC2.6] VPC flow logging should be enabled in all VPCs * [EC2.7] EBS default encryption should be enabled * [EC2.8] EC2 instances should use Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) * [EC2.9] Amazon EC2 instances should not have a public IPv4 address * [EC2.10] Amazon EC2 should be configured to use VPC endpoints that are created for the Amazon EC2 service * [EC2.12] Unused Amazon EC2 EIPs should be removed * [EC2.13] Security groups should not allow ingress from to port 22 * [EC2.14] Ensure no security groups allow ingress from to port 3389 * [EC2.15] Amazon EC2 subnets should not automatically assign public IP addresses * [EC2.16] Unused Network Access Control Lists should be removed * [EC2.17] Amazon EC2 instances should not use multiple ENIs * [EC2.18] Security groups should only allow unrestricted incoming traffic for authorized ports * [EC2.19] Security groups should not allow unrestricted access to ports with high risk * [EC2.20] Both VPN tunnels for an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection should be up * [EC2.21] Network ACLs should not allow ingress from to port 22 or port 3389 * [EC2.22] Unused Amazon EC2 security groups should be removed * [EC2.23] Amazon EC2 Transit Gateways should not automatically accept VPC attachment requests * [EC2.24] Amazon EC2 paravirtual instance types should not be used * [EC2.25] Amazon EC2 launch templates should not assign public IPs to network interfaces * [EC2.28] EBS volumes should be covered by a backup plan * [EC2.29] EC2 instances should be launched in a VPC DID THIS PAGE HELP YOU? - NO Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. 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