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Submission: On November 03 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content


 * Isotope v1.5.25

 * An exquisite jQuery plugin for magical layouts



 * Commercial use requires one-time license fee



 * Copyright 2012 David DeSandro / Metafizzy


/*jshint asi: true, browser: true, curly: true, eqeqeq: true, forin: false, immed: false, newcap: true, noempty: true, strict: true, undef: true */

/*global jQuery: false */

(function( window, $, undefined ){

  'use strict';

  // get global vars

  var document = window.document;

  var Modernizr = window.Modernizr;

  // helper function

  var capitalize = function( str ) {

    return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);


  // ========================= getStyleProperty by kangax ===============================


  var prefixes = 'Moz Webkit O Ms'.split(' ');

  var getStyleProperty = function( propName ) {

    var style =,


    // test standard property first

    if ( typeof style[propName] === 'string' ) {

      return propName;


    // capitalize

    propName = capitalize( propName );

    // test vendor specific properties

    for ( var i=0, len = prefixes.length; i < len; i++ ) {

      prefixed = prefixes[i] + propName;

      if ( typeof style[ prefixed ] === 'string' ) {

        return prefixed;




  var transformProp = getStyleProperty('transform'),

      transitionProp = getStyleProperty('transitionProperty');

  // ========================= miniModernizr ===============================

  // <3<3<3 and thanks to Faruk and Paul for doing the heavy lifting


   * Modernizr v1.6ish: miniModernizr for Isotope



   * Developed by:

   * - Faruk Ates

   * - Paul Irish


   * Copyright (c) 2009-2010

   * Dual-licensed under the BSD or MIT licenses.




   * This version whittles down the script just to check support for

   * CSS transitions, transforms, and 3D transforms.


  var tests = {

    csstransforms: function() {

      return !!transformProp;


    csstransforms3d: function() {

      var test = !!getStyleProperty('perspective');

      // double check for Chrome's false positive

      if ( test ) {

        var vendorCSSPrefixes = ' -o- -moz- -ms- -webkit- -khtml- '.split(' '),

            mediaQuery = '@media (' + vendorCSSPrefixes.join('transform-3d),(') + 'modernizr)',

            $style = $('<style>' + mediaQuery + '{#modernizr{height:3px}}' + '</style>')


            $div = $('<div id="modernizr" />').appendTo('html');

        test = $div.height() === 3;




      return test;


    csstransitions: function() {

      return !!transitionProp;



  var testName;

  if ( Modernizr ) {

    // if there's a previous Modernzir, check if there are necessary tests

    for ( testName in tests) {

      if ( !Modernizr.hasOwnProperty( testName ) ) {

        // if test hasn't been run, use addTest to run it

        Modernizr.addTest( testName, tests[ testName ] );



  } else {

    // or create new mini Modernizr that just has the 3 tests

    Modernizr = window.Modernizr = {

      _version : '1.6ish: miniModernizr for Isotope'


    var classes = ' ';

    var result;

    // Run through tests

    for ( testName in tests) {

      result = tests[ testName ]();

      Modernizr[ testName ] = result;

      classes += ' ' + ( result ?  '' : 'no-' ) + testName;


    // Add the new classes to the <html> element.

    $('html').addClass( classes );


  // ========================= isoTransform ===============================


   *  provides hooks for .css({ scale: value, translate: [x, y] })

   *  Progressively enhanced CSS transforms

   *  Uses hardware accelerated 3D transforms for Safari

   *  or falls back to 2D transforms.


  if ( Modernizr.csstransforms ) {

        // i.e. transformFnNotations.scale(0.5) >> 'scale3d( 0.5, 0.5, 1)'

    var transformFnNotations = Modernizr.csstransforms3d ?

      { // 3D transform functions

        translate : function ( position ) {

          return 'translate3d(' + position[0] + 'px, ' + position[1] + 'px, 0) ';


        scale : function ( scale ) {

          return 'scale3d(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ', 1) ';


      } :

      { // 2D transform functions

        translate : function ( position ) {

          return 'translate(' + position[0] + 'px, ' + position[1] + 'px) ';


        scale : function ( scale ) {

          return 'scale(' + scale + ') ';




    var setIsoTransform = function ( elem, name, value ) {

          // unpack current transform data

      var data =  $.data( elem, 'isoTransform' ) || {},

          newData = {},


          transformObj = {},


      // i.e. newData.scale = 0.5

      newData[ name ] = value;

      // extend new value over current data

      $.extend( data, newData );

      for ( fnName in data ) {

        transformValue = data[ fnName ];

        transformObj[ fnName ] = transformFnNotations[ fnName ]( transformValue );


      // get proper order

      // ideally, we could loop through this give an array, but since we only have

      // a couple transforms we're keeping track of, we'll do it like so

      var translateFn = transformObj.translate || '',

          scaleFn = transformObj.scale || '',

          // sorting so translate always comes first

          valueFns = translateFn + scaleFn;

      // set data back in elem

      $.data( elem, 'isoTransform', data );

      // set name to vendor specific property[ transformProp ] = valueFns;


    // ==================== scale ===================

    $.cssNumber.scale = true;

    $.cssHooks.scale = {

      set: function( elem, value ) {

        // uncomment this bit if you want to properly parse strings

        // if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {

        //   value = parseFloat( value );

        // }

        setIsoTransform( elem, 'scale', value );


      get: function( elem, computed ) {

        var transform = $.data( elem, 'isoTransform' );

        return transform && transform.scale ? transform.scale : 1;



    $.fx.step.scale = function( fx ) {

      $.cssHooks.scale.set( fx.elem, );


    // ==================== translate ===================

    $.cssNumber.translate = true;

    $.cssHooks.translate = {

      set: function( elem, value ) {

        // uncomment this bit if you want to properly parse strings

        // if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {

        //   value = value.split(' ');

        // }


        // var i, val;

        // for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {

        //   val = value[i];

        //   if ( typeof val === 'string' ) {

        //     val = parseInt( val );

        //   }

        // }

        setIsoTransform( elem, 'translate', value );


      get: function( elem, computed ) {

        var transform = $.data( elem, 'isoTransform' );

        return transform && transform.translate ? transform.translate : [ 0, 0 ];




  // ========================= get transition-end event ===============================

  var transitionEndEvent, transitionDurProp;

  if ( Modernizr.csstransitions ) {

    transitionEndEvent = {

      WebkitTransitionProperty: 'webkitTransitionEnd',  // webkit

      MozTransitionProperty: 'transitionend',

      OTransitionProperty: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',

      transitionProperty: 'transitionend'

    }[ transitionProp ];

    transitionDurProp = getStyleProperty('transitionDuration');


  // ========================= smartresize ===============================


   * smartresize: debounced resize event for jQuery


   * latest version and complete README available on Github:



   * Copyright 2011 @louis_remi

   * Licensed under the MIT license.


  var $event = $.event,

      dispatchMethod = $.event.handle ? 'handle' : 'dispatch',


  $event.special.smartresize = {

    setup: function() {

      $(this).bind( "resize", $event.special.smartresize.handler );


    teardown: function() {

      $(this).unbind( "resize", $event.special.smartresize.handler );


    handler: function( event, execAsap ) {

      // Save the context

      var context = this,

          args = arguments;

      // set correct event type

      event.type = "smartresize";

      if ( resizeTimeout ) { clearTimeout( resizeTimeout ); }

      resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {

        $event[ dispatchMethod ].apply( context, args );

      }, execAsap === "execAsap"? 0 : 100 );



  $.fn.smartresize = function( fn ) {

    return fn ? this.bind( "smartresize", fn ) : this.trigger( "smartresize", ["execAsap"] );


// ========================= Isotope ===============================

  // our "Widget" object constructor

  $.Isotope = function( options, element, callback ){

    this.element = $( element );

    this._create( options );

    this._init( callback );


  // styles of container element we want to keep track of

  var isoContainerStyles = [ 'width', 'height' ];

  var $window = $(window);

  $.Isotope.settings = {

    resizable: true,

    layoutMode : 'masonry',

    containerClass : 'isotope',

    itemClass : 'isotope-item',

    hiddenClass : 'isotope-hidden',

    hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0, scale: 0.001 },

    visibleStyle: { opacity: 1, scale: 1 },

    containerStyle: {

      position: 'relative',

      overflow: 'hidden'


    animationEngine: 'best-available',

    animationOptions: {

      queue: false,

      duration: 800


    sortBy : 'original-order',

    sortAscending : true,

    resizesContainer : true,

    transformsEnabled: true,

    itemPositionDataEnabled: false


  $.Isotope.prototype = {

    // sets up widget

    _create : function( options ) {

      this.options = $.extend( {}, $.Isotope.settings, options );

      this.styleQueue = [];

      this.elemCount = 0;

      // get original styles in case we re-apply them in .destroy()

      var elemStyle = this.element[0].style;

      this.originalStyle = {};

      // keep track of container styles

      var containerStyles = isoContainerStyles.slice(0);

      for ( var prop in this.options.containerStyle ) {

        containerStyles.push( prop );


      for ( var i=0, len = containerStyles.length; i < len; i++ ) {

        prop = containerStyles[i];

        this.originalStyle[ prop ] = elemStyle[ prop ] || '';


      // apply container style from options

      this.element.css( this.options.containerStyle );



      // sorting

      var originalOrderSorter = {

        'original-order' : function( $elem, instance ) {

          instance.elemCount ++;

          return instance.elemCount;


        random : function() {

          return Math.random();



      this.options.getSortData = $.extend( this.options.getSortData, originalOrderSorter );

      // need to get atoms


      // get top left position of where the bricks should be

      this.offset = {

        left: parseInt( ( this.element.css('padding-left') || 0 ), 10 ),

        top: parseInt( ( this.element.css('padding-top') || 0 ), 10 )


      // add isotope class first time around

      var instance = this;

      setTimeout( function() {

        instance.element.addClass( instance.options.containerClass );

      }, 0 );

      // bind resize method

      if ( this.options.resizable ) {

        $window.bind( 'smartresize.isotope', function() {




      // dismiss all click events from hidden events

      this.element.delegate( '.' + this.options.hiddenClass, 'click', function(){

        return false;



    _getAtoms : function( $elems ) {

      var selector = this.options.itemSelector,

          // filter & find

          $atoms = selector ? $elems.filter( selector ).add( $elems.find( selector ) ) : $elems,

          // base style for atoms

          atomStyle = { position: 'absolute' };

      // filter out text nodes

      $atoms = $atoms.filter( function( i, atom ) {

        return atom.nodeType === 1;


      if ( this.usingTransforms ) {

        atomStyle.left = 0; = 0;


      $atoms.css( atomStyle ).addClass( this.options.itemClass );

      this.updateSortData( $atoms, true );

      return $atoms;


    // _init fires when your instance is first created

    // (from the constructor above), and when you

    // attempt to initialize the widget again (by the bridge)

    // after it has already been initialized.

    _init : function( callback ) {

      this.$filteredAtoms = this._filter( this.$allAtoms );


      this.reLayout( callback );


    option : function( opts ){

      // change options AFTER initialization:

      // signature: $('#foo').bar({ cool:false });

      if ( $.isPlainObject( opts ) ){

        this.options = $.extend( true, this.options, opts );

        // trigger _updateOptionName if it exists

        var updateOptionFn;

        for ( var optionName in opts ) {

          updateOptionFn = '_update' + capitalize( optionName );

          if ( this[ updateOptionFn ] ) {

            this[ updateOptionFn ]();





    // ====================== updaters ====================== //

    // kind of like setters

    _updateAnimationEngine : function() {

      var animationEngine = this.options.animationEngine.toLowerCase().replace( /[ _\-]/g, '');

      var isUsingJQueryAnimation;

      // set applyStyleFnName

      switch ( animationEngine ) {

        case 'css' :

        case 'none' :

          isUsingJQueryAnimation = false;


        case 'jquery' :

          isUsingJQueryAnimation = true;


        default : // best available

          isUsingJQueryAnimation = !Modernizr.csstransitions;


      this.isUsingJQueryAnimation = isUsingJQueryAnimation;



    _updateTransformsEnabled : function() {



    _updateUsingTransforms : function() {

      var usingTransforms = this.usingTransforms = this.options.transformsEnabled &&

        Modernizr.csstransforms && Modernizr.csstransitions && !this.isUsingJQueryAnimation;

      // prevent scales when transforms are disabled

      if ( !usingTransforms ) {

        delete this.options.hiddenStyle.scale;

        delete this.options.visibleStyle.scale;


      this.getPositionStyles = usingTransforms ? this._translate : this._positionAbs;


    // ====================== Filtering ======================

    _filter : function( $atoms ) {

      var filter = this.options.filter === '' ? '*' : this.options.filter;

      if ( !filter ) {

        return $atoms;


      var hiddenClass    = this.options.hiddenClass,

          hiddenSelector = '.' + hiddenClass,

          $hiddenAtoms   = $atoms.filter( hiddenSelector ),

          $atomsToShow   = $hiddenAtoms;

      if ( filter !== '*' ) {

        $atomsToShow = $hiddenAtoms.filter( filter );

        var $atomsToHide = $atoms.not( hiddenSelector ).not( filter ).addClass( hiddenClass );

        this.styleQueue.push({ $el: $atomsToHide, style: this.options.hiddenStyle });


      this.styleQueue.push({ $el: $atomsToShow, style: this.options.visibleStyle });

      $atomsToShow.removeClass( hiddenClass );

      return $atoms.filter( filter );


    // ====================== Sorting ======================

    updateSortData : function( $atoms, isIncrementingElemCount ) {

      var instance = this,

          getSortData = this.options.getSortData,

          $this, sortData;


        $this = $(this);

        sortData = {};

        // get value for sort data based on fn( $elem ) passed in

        for ( var key in getSortData ) {

          if ( !isIncrementingElemCount && key === 'original-order' ) {

            // keep original order original

            sortData[ key ] = $.data( this, 'isotope-sort-data' )[ key ];

          } else {

            sortData[ key ] = getSortData[ key ]( $this, instance );



        // apply sort data to element

        $.data( this, 'isotope-sort-data', sortData );



    // used on all the filtered atoms

    _sort : function() {

      var sortBy = this.options.sortBy,

          getSorter = this._getSorter,

          sortDir = this.options.sortAscending ? 1 : -1,

          sortFn = function( alpha, beta ) {

            var a = getSorter( alpha, sortBy ),

                b = getSorter( beta, sortBy );

            // fall back to original order if data matches

            if ( a === b && sortBy !== 'original-order') {

              a = getSorter( alpha, 'original-order' );

              b = getSorter( beta, 'original-order' );


            return ( ( a > b ) ? 1 : ( a < b ) ? -1 : 0 ) * sortDir;


      this.$filteredAtoms.sort( sortFn );


    _getSorter : function( elem, sortBy ) {

      return $.data( elem, 'isotope-sort-data' )[ sortBy ];


    // ====================== Layout Helpers ======================

    _translate : function( x, y ) {

      return { translate : [ x, y ] };


    _positionAbs : function( x, y ) {

      return { left: x, top: y };


    _pushPosition : function( $elem, x, y ) {

      x = Math.round( x + this.offset.left );

      y = Math.round( y + );

      var position = this.getPositionStyles( x, y );

      this.styleQueue.push({ $el: $elem, style: position });

      if ( this.options.itemPositionDataEnabled ) {

        $'isotope-item-position', {x: x, y: y} );



    // ====================== General Layout ======================

    // used on collection of atoms (should be filtered, and sorted before )

    // accepts atoms-to-be-laid-out to start with

    layout : function( $elems, callback ) {

      var layoutMode = this.options.layoutMode;

      // layout logic

      this[ '_' +  layoutMode + 'Layout' ]( $elems );

      // set the size of the container

      if ( this.options.resizesContainer ) {

        var containerStyle = this[ '_' +  layoutMode + 'GetContainerSize' ]();

        this.styleQueue.push({ $el: this.element, style: containerStyle });


      this._processStyleQueue( $elems, callback );

      this.isLaidOut = true;


    _processStyleQueue : function( $elems, callback ) {

      // are we animating the layout arrangement?

      // use plugin-ish syntax for css or animate

      var styleFn = !this.isLaidOut ? 'css' : (

            this.isUsingJQueryAnimation ? 'animate' : 'css'


          animOpts = this.options.animationOptions,

          onLayout = this.options.onLayout,

          objStyleFn, processor,

          triggerCallbackNow, callbackFn;

      // default styleQueue processor, may be overwritten down below

      processor = function( i, obj ) {

        obj.$el[ styleFn ](, animOpts );


      if ( this._isInserting && this.isUsingJQueryAnimation ) {

        // if using styleQueue to insert items

        processor = function( i, obj ) {

          // only animate if it not being inserted

          objStyleFn = obj.$el.hasClass('no-transition') ? 'css' : styleFn;

          obj.$el[ objStyleFn ](, animOpts );


      } else if ( callback || onLayout || animOpts.complete ) {

        // has callback

        var isCallbackTriggered = false,

            // array of possible callbacks to trigger

            callbacks = [ callback, onLayout, animOpts.complete ],

            instance = this;

        triggerCallbackNow = true;

        // trigger callback only once

        callbackFn = function() {

          if ( isCallbackTriggered ) {



          var hollaback;

          for (var i=0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) {

            hollaback = callbacks[i];

            if ( typeof hollaback === 'function' ) {

     instance.element, $elems, instance );



          isCallbackTriggered = true;


        if ( this.isUsingJQueryAnimation && styleFn === 'animate' ) {

          // add callback to animation options

          animOpts.complete = callbackFn;

          triggerCallbackNow = false;

        } else if ( Modernizr.csstransitions ) {

          // detect if first item has transition

          var i = 0,

              firstItem = this.styleQueue[0],

              testElem = firstItem && firstItem.$el,


          // get first non-empty jQ object

          while ( !testElem || !testElem.length ) {

            styleObj = this.styleQueue[ i++ ];

            // HACK: sometimes styleQueue[i] is undefined

            if ( !styleObj ) {



            testElem = styleObj.$el;


          // get transition duration of the first element in that object

          // yeah, this is inexact

          var duration = parseFloat( getComputedStyle( testElem[0] )[ transitionDurProp ] );

          if ( duration > 0 ) {

            processor = function( i, obj ) {

              obj.$el[ styleFn ](, animOpts )

                // trigger callback at transition end

                .one( transitionEndEvent, callbackFn );


            triggerCallbackNow = false;




      // process styleQueue

      $.each( this.styleQueue, processor );

      if ( triggerCallbackNow ) {



      // clear out queue for next time

      this.styleQueue = [];


    resize : function() {

      if ( this[ '_' + this.options.layoutMode + 'ResizeChanged' ]() ) {




    reLayout : function( callback ) {

      this[ '_' +  this.options.layoutMode + 'Reset' ]();

      this.layout( this.$filteredAtoms, callback );


    // ====================== Convenience methods ======================

    // ====================== Adding items ======================

    // adds a jQuery object of items to a isotope container

    addItems : function( $content, callback ) {

      var $newAtoms = this._getAtoms( $content );

      // add new atoms to atoms pools

      this.$allAtoms = this.$allAtoms.add( $newAtoms );

      if ( callback ) {

        callback( $newAtoms );



    // convienence method for adding elements properly to any layout

    // positions items, hides them, then animates them back in <--- very sezzy

    insert : function( $content, callback ) {

      // position items

      this.element.append( $content );

      var instance = this;

      this.addItems( $content, function( $newAtoms ) {

        var $newFilteredAtoms = instance._filter( $newAtoms );

        instance._addHideAppended( $newFilteredAtoms );



        instance._revealAppended( $newFilteredAtoms, callback );



    // convienence method for working with Infinite Scroll

    appended : function( $content, callback ) {

      var instance = this;

      this.addItems( $content, function( $newAtoms ) {

        instance._addHideAppended( $newAtoms );

        instance.layout( $newAtoms );

        instance._revealAppended( $newAtoms, callback );



    // adds new atoms, then hides them before positioning

    _addHideAppended : function( $newAtoms ) {

      this.$filteredAtoms = this.$filteredAtoms.add( $newAtoms );


      this._isInserting = true;

      // apply hidden styles

      this.styleQueue.push({ $el: $newAtoms, style: this.options.hiddenStyle });


    // sets visible style on new atoms

    _revealAppended : function( $newAtoms, callback ) {

      var instance = this;

      // apply visible style after a sec

      setTimeout( function() {

        // enable animation


        // reveal newly inserted filtered elements

        instance.styleQueue.push({ $el: $newAtoms, style: instance.options.visibleStyle });

        instance._isInserting = false;

        instance._processStyleQueue( $newAtoms, callback );

      }, 10 );


    // gathers all atoms

    reloadItems : function() {

      this.$allAtoms = this._getAtoms( this.element.children() );


    // removes elements from Isotope widget

    remove: function( $content, callback ) {

      // remove elements immediately from Isotope instance

      this.$allAtoms = this.$allAtoms.not( $content );

      this.$filteredAtoms = this.$filteredAtoms.not( $content );

      // remove() as a callback, for after transition / animation

      var instance = this;

      var removeContent = function() {


        if ( callback ) {

 instance.element );



      if ( $content.filter( ':not(.' + this.options.hiddenClass + ')' ).length ) {

        // if any non-hidden content needs to be removed

        this.styleQueue.push({ $el: $content, style: this.options.hiddenStyle });


        this.reLayout( removeContent );

      } else {

        // remove it now




    shuffle : function( callback ) {

      this.updateSortData( this.$allAtoms );

      this.options.sortBy = 'random';


      this.reLayout( callback );


    // destroys widget, returns elements and container back (close) to original style

    destroy : function() {

      var usingTransforms = this.usingTransforms;

      var options = this.options;


        .removeClass( options.hiddenClass + ' ' + options.itemClass )


          var style =;

          style.position = '';

 = '';

          style.left = '';

          style.opacity = '';

          if ( usingTransforms ) {

            style[ transformProp ] = '';



      // re-apply saved container styles

      var elemStyle = this.element[0].style;

      for ( var prop in this.originalStyle ) {

        elemStyle[ prop ] = this.originalStyle[ prop ];




        .undelegate( '.' + options.hiddenClass, 'click' )

        .removeClass( options.containerClass )




    // ====================== LAYOUTS ======================

    // calculates number of rows or columns

    // requires columnWidth or rowHeight to be set on namespaced object

    // i.e. this.masonry.columnWidth = 200

    _getSegments : function( isRows ) {

      var namespace = this.options.layoutMode,

          measure  = isRows ? 'rowHeight' : 'columnWidth',

          size     = isRows ? 'height' : 'width',

          segmentsName = isRows ? 'rows' : 'cols',

          containerSize = this.element[ size ](),


                    // i.e. options.masonry && options.masonry.columnWidth

          segmentSize = this.options[ namespace ] && this.options[ namespace ][ measure ] ||

                    // or use the size of the first item, i.e. outerWidth

                    this.$filteredAtoms[ 'outer' + capitalize(size) ](true) ||

                    // if there's no items, use size of container


      segments = Math.floor( containerSize / segmentSize );

      segments = Math.max( segments, 1 );

      // i.e. this.masonry.cols = ....

      this[ namespace ][ segmentsName ] = segments;

      // i.e. this.masonry.columnWidth = ...

      this[ namespace ][ measure ] = segmentSize;


    _checkIfSegmentsChanged : function( isRows ) {

      var namespace = this.options.layoutMode,

          segmentsName = isRows ? 'rows' : 'cols',

          prevSegments = this[ namespace ][ segmentsName ];

      // update cols/rows

      this._getSegments( isRows );

      // return if updated cols/rows is not equal to previous

      return ( this[ namespace ][ segmentsName ] !== prevSegments );


    // ====================== Masonry ======================

    _masonryReset : function() {

      // layout-specific props

      this.masonry = {};

      // FIXME shouldn't have to call this again


      var i = this.masonry.cols;

      this.masonry.colYs = [];

      while (i--) {

        this.masonry.colYs.push( 0 );



    _masonryLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          props = instance.masonry;


        var $this  = $(this),

            //how many columns does this brick span

            colSpan = Math.ceil( $this.outerWidth(true) / props.columnWidth );

        colSpan = Math.min( colSpan, props.cols );

        if ( colSpan === 1 ) {

          // if brick spans only one column, just like singleMode

          instance._masonryPlaceBrick( $this, props.colYs );

        } else {

          // brick spans more than one column

          // how many different places could this brick fit horizontally

          var groupCount = props.cols + 1 - colSpan,

              groupY = [],



          // for each group potential horizontal position

          for ( i=0; i < groupCount; i++ ) {

            // make an array of colY values for that one group

            groupColY = props.colYs.slice( i, i+colSpan );

            // and get the max value of the array

            groupY[i] = Math.max.apply( Math, groupColY );


          instance._masonryPlaceBrick( $this, groupY );




    // worker method that places brick in the columnSet

    //   with the the minY

    _masonryPlaceBrick : function( $brick, setY ) {

      // get the minimum Y value from the columns

      var minimumY = Math.min.apply( Math, setY ),

          shortCol = 0;

      // Find index of short column, the first from the left

      for (var i=0, len = setY.length; i < len; i++) {

        if ( setY[i] === minimumY ) {

          shortCol = i;




      // position the brick

      var x = this.masonry.columnWidth * shortCol,

          y = minimumY;

      this._pushPosition( $brick, x, y );

      // apply setHeight to necessary columns

      var setHeight = minimumY + $brick.outerHeight(true),

          setSpan = this.masonry.cols + 1 - len;

      for ( i=0; i < setSpan; i++ ) {

        this.masonry.colYs[ shortCol + i ] = setHeight;



    _masonryGetContainerSize : function() {

      var containerHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, this.masonry.colYs );

      return { height: containerHeight };


    _masonryResizeChanged : function() {

      return this._checkIfSegmentsChanged();


    // ====================== fitRows ======================

    _fitRowsReset : function() {

      this.fitRows = {

        x : 0,

        y : 0,

        height : 0



    _fitRowsLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          containerWidth = this.element.width(),

          props = this.fitRows;

      $elems.each( function() {

        var $this = $(this),

            atomW = $this.outerWidth(true),

            atomH = $this.outerHeight(true);

        if ( props.x !== 0 && atomW + props.x > containerWidth ) {

          // if this element cannot fit in the current row

          props.x = 0;

          props.y = props.height;


        // position the atom

        instance._pushPosition( $this, props.x, props.y );

        props.height = Math.max( props.y + atomH, props.height );

        props.x += atomW;



    _fitRowsGetContainerSize : function () {

      return { height : this.fitRows.height };


    _fitRowsResizeChanged : function() {

      return true;


    // ====================== cellsByRow ======================

    _cellsByRowReset : function() {

      this.cellsByRow = {

        index : 0


      // get this.cellsByRow.columnWidth


      // get this.cellsByRow.rowHeight



    _cellsByRowLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          props = this.cellsByRow;

      $elems.each( function(){

        var $this = $(this),

            col = props.index % props.cols,

            row = Math.floor( props.index / props.cols ),

            x = ( col + 0.5 ) * props.columnWidth - $this.outerWidth(true) / 2,

            y = ( row + 0.5 ) * props.rowHeight - $this.outerHeight(true) / 2;

        instance._pushPosition( $this, x, y );

        props.index ++;



    _cellsByRowGetContainerSize : function() {

      return { height : Math.ceil( this.$filteredAtoms.length / this.cellsByRow.cols ) * this.cellsByRow.rowHeight + };


    _cellsByRowResizeChanged : function() {

      return this._checkIfSegmentsChanged();


    // ====================== straightDown ======================

    _straightDownReset : function() {

      this.straightDown = {

        y : 0



    _straightDownLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this;

      $elems.each( function( i ){

        var $this = $(this);

        instance._pushPosition( $this, 0, instance.straightDown.y );

        instance.straightDown.y += $this.outerHeight(true);



    _straightDownGetContainerSize : function() {

      return { height : this.straightDown.y };


    _straightDownResizeChanged : function() {

      return true;


    // ====================== masonryHorizontal ======================

    _masonryHorizontalReset : function() {

      // layout-specific props

      this.masonryHorizontal = {};

      // FIXME shouldn't have to call this again

      this._getSegments( true );

      var i = this.masonryHorizontal.rows;

      this.masonryHorizontal.rowXs = [];

      while (i--) {

        this.masonryHorizontal.rowXs.push( 0 );



    _masonryHorizontalLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          props = instance.masonryHorizontal;


        var $this  = $(this),

            //how many rows does this brick span

            rowSpan = Math.ceil( $this.outerHeight(true) / props.rowHeight );

        rowSpan = Math.min( rowSpan, props.rows );

        if ( rowSpan === 1 ) {

          // if brick spans only one column, just like singleMode

          instance._masonryHorizontalPlaceBrick( $this, props.rowXs );

        } else {

          // brick spans more than one row

          // how many different places could this brick fit horizontally

          var groupCount = props.rows + 1 - rowSpan,

              groupX = [],

              groupRowX, i;

          // for each group potential horizontal position

          for ( i=0; i < groupCount; i++ ) {

            // make an array of colY values for that one group

            groupRowX = props.rowXs.slice( i, i+rowSpan );

            // and get the max value of the array

            groupX[i] = Math.max.apply( Math, groupRowX );


          instance._masonryHorizontalPlaceBrick( $this, groupX );




    _masonryHorizontalPlaceBrick : function( $brick, setX ) {

      // get the minimum Y value from the columns

      var minimumX  = Math.min.apply( Math, setX ),

          smallRow  = 0;

      // Find index of smallest row, the first from the top

      for (var i=0, len = setX.length; i < len; i++) {

        if ( setX[i] === minimumX ) {

          smallRow = i;




      // position the brick

      var x = minimumX,

          y = this.masonryHorizontal.rowHeight * smallRow;

      this._pushPosition( $brick, x, y );

      // apply setHeight to necessary columns

      var setWidth = minimumX + $brick.outerWidth(true),

          setSpan = this.masonryHorizontal.rows + 1 - len;

      for ( i=0; i < setSpan; i++ ) {

        this.masonryHorizontal.rowXs[ smallRow + i ] = setWidth;



    _masonryHorizontalGetContainerSize : function() {

      var containerWidth = Math.max.apply( Math, this.masonryHorizontal.rowXs );

      return { width: containerWidth };


    _masonryHorizontalResizeChanged : function() {

      return this._checkIfSegmentsChanged(true);


    // ====================== fitColumns ======================

    _fitColumnsReset : function() {

      this.fitColumns = {

        x : 0,

        y : 0,

        width : 0



    _fitColumnsLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          containerHeight = this.element.height(),

          props = this.fitColumns;

      $elems.each( function() {

        var $this = $(this),

            atomW = $this.outerWidth(true),

            atomH = $this.outerHeight(true);

        if ( props.y !== 0 && atomH + props.y > containerHeight ) {

          // if this element cannot fit in the current column

          props.x = props.width;

          props.y = 0;


        // position the atom

        instance._pushPosition( $this, props.x, props.y );

        props.width = Math.max( props.x + atomW, props.width );

        props.y += atomH;



    _fitColumnsGetContainerSize : function () {

      return { width : this.fitColumns.width };


    _fitColumnsResizeChanged : function() {

      return true;


    // ====================== cellsByColumn ======================

    _cellsByColumnReset : function() {

      this.cellsByColumn = {

        index : 0


      // get this.cellsByColumn.columnWidth


      // get this.cellsByColumn.rowHeight



    _cellsByColumnLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this,

          props = this.cellsByColumn;

      $elems.each( function(){

        var $this = $(this),

            col = Math.floor( props.index / props.rows ),

            row = props.index % props.rows,

            x = ( col + 0.5 ) * props.columnWidth - $this.outerWidth(true) / 2,

            y = ( row + 0.5 ) * props.rowHeight - $this.outerHeight(true) / 2;

        instance._pushPosition( $this, x, y );

        props.index ++;



    _cellsByColumnGetContainerSize : function() {

      return { width : Math.ceil( this.$filteredAtoms.length / this.cellsByColumn.rows ) * this.cellsByColumn.columnWidth };


    _cellsByColumnResizeChanged : function() {

      return this._checkIfSegmentsChanged(true);


    // ====================== straightAcross ======================

    _straightAcrossReset : function() {

      this.straightAcross = {

        x : 0



    _straightAcrossLayout : function( $elems ) {

      var instance = this;

      $elems.each( function( i ){

        var $this = $(this);

        instance._pushPosition( $this, instance.straightAcross.x, 0 );

        instance.straightAcross.x += $this.outerWidth(true);



    _straightAcrossGetContainerSize : function() {

      return { width : this.straightAcross.x };


    _straightAcrossResizeChanged : function() {

      return true;



  // ======================= imagesLoaded Plugin ===============================


   * jQuery imagesLoaded plugin v1.1.0



   * MIT License. by Paul Irish et al.


  // $('#my-container').imagesLoaded(myFunction)

  // or

  // $('img').imagesLoaded(myFunction)

  // execute a callback when all images have loaded.

  // needed because .load() doesn't work on cached images

  // callback function gets image collection as argument

  //  `this` is the container

  $.fn.imagesLoaded = function( callback ) {

    var $this = this,

        $images = $this.find('img').add( $this.filter('img') ),

        len = $images.length,

        blank = '',

        loaded = [];

    function triggerCallback() { $this, $images );


    function imgLoaded( event ) {

      var img =;

      if ( img.src !== blank && $.inArray( img, loaded ) === -1 ){

        loaded.push( img );

        if ( --len <= 0 ){

          setTimeout( triggerCallback );

          $images.unbind( '.imagesLoaded', imgLoaded );




    // if no images, trigger immediately

    if ( !len ) {



    $images.bind( 'load.imagesLoaded error.imagesLoaded',  imgLoaded ).each( function() {

      // cached images don't fire load sometimes, so we reset src.

      var src = this.src;

      // webkit hack from

      // data uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones)

      this.src = blank;

      this.src = src;


    return $this;


  // helper function for logging errors

  // $.error breaks jQuery chaining

  var logError = function( message ) {

    if ( window.console ) {

      window.console.error( message );



  // =======================  Plugin bridge  ===============================

  // leverages data method to either create or return $.Isotope constructor

  // A bit from jQuery UI


  // A bit from jcarousel


  $.fn.isotope = function( options, callback ) {

    if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {

      // call method

      var args = arguments, 1 );


        var instance = $.data( this, 'isotope' );

        if ( !instance ) {

          logError( "cannot call methods on isotope prior to initialization; " +

              "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );



        if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {

          logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for isotope instance" );



        // apply method

        instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );


    } else {

      this.each(function() {

        var instance = $.data( this, 'isotope' );

        if ( instance ) {

          // apply options & init

          instance.option( options );

          instance._init( callback );

        } else {

          // initialize new instance

          $.data( this, 'isotope', new $.Isotope( options, this, callback ) );




    // return jQuery object

    // so plugin methods do not have to

    return this;


})( window, jQuery );