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Submission: On March 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On March 27 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. PEDRO PERPÉTUA About meProjectsContacts STUDENT AND DEVELOPER PEDRO PERPÉTUA I'M A COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT AT INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TÉCNICO, PORTUGAL. I LOVE TO PROGRAM AND EXPLORE GAMEDEV AS A HOBBY. I SEEK TO WORK AS A FULL-STACK DEVELOPER. PROJECTS PROJETOSUTIL CURRENTLY ONLY AVAILABLE IN PORTUGUESE Website. ProjetosUtil is a tool specially designed for Civil Engineers to automate their "office paperwork". It features a local Python Backend and a JavaScript (Electron) Frontend that communicate with each other. It also features a small webserver that makes use of Flask to manage version updating, bug reporting, and user requests, featuring a fully fledged admin page. Packaged with Pyinstaller and destributed using Inno Setup. Notable libraries/frameworks used: * PythonEel * Python Requests * Docxtpl and Docxcompose * Pyinstaller * Flask * MaterializeCSS (on Electron) ATHENS PROJECT INTERNSHIP @ TETRAPI CREATIVE SOLUTIONS The athens project was a project exclusively developed by me while working as an intern at Tetrapi Creative Solutions. It was a proof of concept for a secure digital vote platform, making use of blockchain technology. It contained four distinct services: * Backoffice A backend service developed using DjangoRestFramework to manage users and elections. It featured user authentication using JWT and email two-factor-authentication. This service was also dockerized. * BlockchainEngine A backend service developed using Flask and web3py with the sole purpose of being the middleman between the Backoffice and Ethereum's blockchain. This service was also dockerized. * Desktop A frontend service using React and Material-UI designed to be the user interface for managing elections. A fully fledged website with login/signup, account settings, fetching information from the Backoffice, making requests, error handling, and everything that would be expected for managing elections, candidates, election's results, etc. This service was also dockerized. * VotingApp A mobile application developed with React-Native and web3js. This phone app allowed users to register for elections and vote on them, making direct contact with the Ethereum's Blockchain and holding itself an HDWallet. This platform allowed users to create elections with an extensive array of options: encrypted votes/results, blank votes, the ability to manage and stop elections early, have a real-time updated view of events, and many other features. The project was fully organized featuring extensive documentation, dockerization options, global and easy to change configurations, and a makefile to tie it all together. PEDROPERPETUA.COM I developed this website using React, integrating Material-UI, and serving it trough Github-Pages. It features a responsive design, working well both on large, medium and small devices. PAPELMAGICO.EU is a simple website that serves as a hub to multiple platforms. Developed in simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript, it features a responsive design in all devices. CONTACTS E-mail LinkedIn Pedro Perpétua GitHub PedroPerpetua * Discord Pedro (WarriorPP)#8820 Twitter Pedro_WarriorPP Instagram perpetuapedro