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Delivering resourceful content to the right people, at the right time.






4th Ave Marketing is a multi-targeted content engagement company. We reach,
drive & captivate users with specific targeted messaging and content via
multiple data touch points. We provide a variety of verticals of resourceful
content within financial services, education opportunities, medical assistance
and discounts on everyday items and services such as dining, automotive,
entertainment, shopping, travel, home improvement, and more.



Happy Home Insider
Mammoth Awards
Good Nesting
American Hope resources
Single Parents of America
United Family Network
Section 8 assist
Hardship recovery


The team at Happy Home Insider knows that your house may be the most important
and expensive investment you’ll ever make. To make your home as efficient,
affordable, and comfortable as possible, we’ll provide you with the latest tips
and tricks on everything from minimizing monthly bills to mortgages,
maintenance, and more. To see our latest content without skipping a beat,
subscribe to our newsletter. Doing so will instantly make you part of our
exclusive member benefits site that is entirely free to join.

 * 522k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 80k Monthly Page Views
 * 1-2k New Users (YTD)
 * 61k Monthly New Users

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Mammoth Awards & Savings strives to give you all of the latest information you
need to start saving and making more money today. Whether it's through hacks on
how to get free products or tips to score high-paying side gigs, you'll find
plenty of ways to boost your bottom line here.  

What's the best way to see our new and exclusive content as soon as it's
released? Subscribe to our newsletter now. Doing so will automatically make you
part of our member benefits site that's 100 percent free to join.

 * 163k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 81k Monthly Page Views
 * 32k New Users (YTD)
 * 8k Monthly New Users

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Home is more than a place to live, it’s an investment. Good Nesting helps its
members get value from their home. We have dedicated resources to get the most
out of the place you call home. This includes special loans to help fix up your
place, best tips to turn home into a working office, and we’ll share hundreds of
opportunities to reduce the most common bills so you keep more. Membership is
free and only requires an email address to get started. From day one you’ll
receive our top resources for the day and immediately begin creating value from
your home. If you own a home already you’ll learn how to protect your home, how
to pull cash out of it, and help to make your home more safe.

 * 321k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 127k Monthly Page Views
 * 98k New Users (YTD)
 * 31k Monthly New Users

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American Hope Resources (AHR) is a free membership site that provides access to
hundreds of resources for anyone who is facing temporary financial hardship.
With our membership base we work hard to find savings on everyday essentials
from subsidized housing programs to discounts on various insurance products.
Subscribing with your email address is all it takes to stay current with various
exclusive resources from hundreds of partners. Whether you are at the beginning,
middle, or nearing the end of your financial hardship this site can help with
useful guides and first access to many promotions that may not be published

 * 213k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 29k Monthly Page Views
 * 293k New Users (YTD)
 * 38k Monthly New Users

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Single Parents Alliance of America (SPAOA) started out as a small group of
single parents and saw there were so many others across the country who could
benefit from being a part of this community. Our small group grew into a large
network of not just single parents but families, and those wanting to improve
their living situation. On this site you’ll find stories of people who started
with not much, accepted a little help along the way, and are now doing well
enough to support others. Join our newsletter to see how others are raising
healthy families and pursuing their best life despite any temporary hardships.

 * 58k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 16k Monthly Page Views
 * 112k New Users (YTD)
 * 14k Monthly New Users


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United Family Network (UFN) is all about helping families thrive. We offer an
absolutely free membership that immediately puts you into a network of caring
folks who work on your behalf.

You’ll receive a unique member id and each time you show interest in one of our
resources we’ll go out and find similar programs that can help support your
family. Signing up with your email is all it takes to get access to discounts on
essential programs like housing and food assistance.  We also seek out more
practical benefits like helping you find affordable transportation, access to
financial products, and guides to reduce everyday expenses.

 * 163k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 70k Monthly Page Views
 * 32k New Users (YTD)
 * 9k Monthly New Users

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We believe that growth and prosperity always start with a place to call home and
Section8Assist.com is the place to get information on affordable housing. The
Section 8 and public housing programs are among the most important public
initiatives supporting millions of Americans. But the process for applying is
not easy and often is not entirely clear either, so Section8Assist.com is a
resource to help readers navigate all affordable housing options. Housing is our
focus but you’ll also find great resources for food assistance, access to
funding, and work from home opportunities.

 * 101k Unique Page Views (YTD)
 * 23k Monthly Page Views
 * 90k New Users (YTD)
 * 37k Monthly New Users

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Anyone can fall into hardship. When it happens, it can feel as though there is
no way out but knowing where to turn makes all the difference. Whether you’re
dealing with medical bills, rent, or something smaller, HardshipRecovery.com is
here to help. Subscribe for information on resources, helpful tips, and plainly
written guides on accessing public benefits entitled to all taxpayers.

 * ??k Active Users
 * ??% Mobile Traffic
 * ?-??k Daily Acquisition Of New Members

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We reach, drive & engage users with specific targeted messaging and content via
multiple data touch points.


Our marketing strategies maximize the impact and exposure to our members through
mobile engagement.


Our brands total 1.6 Million page views per month giving us the unique capacity
to create micro targeted lists tailored to your needs.


Our content promotes user engagement and interaction, and as a result our user’s
average time spent on sites is 20-30 minutes.


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