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            <h3 class="title">TDWI Executive Summit</h3>
            <h1 class="type"><span>Data Management</span> in the Era of AI</h1>
            <h2 class="date"><span>Nov.</span> 6–7, 2023</h2>
            <a href="/events/executive-summits/orlando/courses/agenda.aspx" class="cta_btn gtm_btn">Executive Summit Agenda</a>
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<h1><a href="/Events/Executive-Summits/Orlando/Home.aspx">Executive <br />
Summit for <br />
Data Management</a></h1>
            <h3>Co-Located with <br> TDWI Orlando</h3>
            <h4>November 6—7, 2023</h4>
          <div class="intro-desc">
            <h3>Succeed with Data Management in the Era of AI</h3>
            <h2>An interactive summit at TDWI Orlando for business and technical leaders who select, implement, and oversee advanced analytics and data platforms, tools, and applications.</h2>
            <p>The AI era is upon us and succeeding with data management is an imperative for the evolution of analytics. Generative AI, including LLMs, has taken the world by storm, just as organizations were starting to address deployment of more
              advanced analytics such as machine learning and natural language processing. Your organization must be able to support modern architectures that scale, provide support for diverse data and compute-intensive analytics, create and manage
              complex pipelines, and have a sound data and analytics governance strategy in place.</p>
            <p>The TDWI Executive Summit for Data Management in Orlando focuses on technologies and methods to enable successful data management in this new age.</p>
            <p>Join us November 6–7 to learn how data leaders around the world are building and managing the teams, processes, and infrastructure to enable advanced analytics and AI including:</p>
              <li>Trends that are impacting data management</li>
              <li>What a next-generation data strategy and architecture look like to support AI</li>
              <li>Skills needed to support evolving data management strategies</li>
              <li>Impacts of generative AI/LLMs on data management</li>
              <li>Governing modern data and analytics</li>
            <p>Register for the Executive Summit today and maximize your time at the event: come for the summit, stay for the courses at TDWI Orlando. The agenda includes courses on data strategy, analytics for business users, data literacy, and
            <p><a href="/events/executive-summits/orlando/courses/agenda.aspx" class="cta_btn gtm_btn">View Executive Summit Agenda</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" class="cta_btn gtm_btn">Register Now</a></p>
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          <h3>Co-Located with <span>TDWI Orlando</span></h3>
          <a class="cta_btn gtm_btn" href="/events/conferences/orlando/home.aspx">Learn More</a>
      <div id="contentbox1_2_divBlockBox" class="boxWhy">
        <h3 id="contentbox1_2_h3Header">What <span>to Expect</span></h3>
        <div id="contentbox1_2_divBody" class="summary">
          <p class="tease">You will leave the TDWI Executive Summit in Orlando with strategies for leveraging data-driven emerging technologies in responsible data and analytics.</p>
            <li class="kt">
              <h4>Curated Case Studies</h4>
              <p>Each summit attendee will receive an exclusive copy of “Profiles in Data Management”—a collection of case studies that reveal the actions three diverse enterprises took to address key analytics challenges. Coupled with session
                content, leaders will leave equipped with digital and printed content to help apply key takeaways and make an impact quickly after the event.</p>
            <li class="ag">
              <h4>Hands-On Workshop</h4>
              <p>Participate in an engaging workshop designed for executives and data leaders to maximize time at the event with a meaningful impact upon return. Align strategy with company goals and build a framework that you can bring back to your
    <li class="da">
    <h4>Best-Practice Case Studies</h4>
    <p>Case studies from leading organizations, featuring real-world best practices and war stories, will help you realize the potential of modern data and analytics.</p>
            <li class="es">
              <h4>Expert Sessions</h4>
              <p>Take advantage of TDWI’s renowned faculty and analyst team, collaborating to share best practices, new research, and the latest data-driven technologies, alongside invited thought leaders from around the world who discuss how they
                are moving the market forward.</p>
            <li class="cs">
              <h4>Productive Time OOO</h4>
              <p>If you’re going to travel or take time for professional development, it better be productive. TDWI Orlando is the perfect event for teams to get hands-on training in half-day courses, while executives collaborate in the two-day
                Executive Summit.</p>
      <div id="contentbox1_3_divBlockBox" class="boxConfCallout">
        <h3 id="contentbox1_3_h3Header">Beyond <span>Summit</span></h3>
        <div id="contentbox1_3_divBody" class="summary">
          <p class="tease">Optimize your ROI and Learning Experience</p>
          <p>Take advantage of conference courses before and after the Executive Summit – ideal for data leaders seeking to enhance their skill set and stay on top of industry trends.</p>
                <a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/sunday/ba-all-becoming-a-data-driven-organization-how-to-build-a-growth-driven-business-data-strategy.aspx">Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: How to Build a Growth-Driven Business Data Strategy</a>
                <a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/sunday/dwt-all-ta-all-data-science-and-generative-ai-leveraging-best-practices-and-avoiding-pitfalls.aspx">Data Science and Generative AI: Leveraging Best Practices and Avoiding Pitfalls</a>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/wednesday/biz-all-data-strategy-bootcamp-building-your-companys-data-strategy.aspx">Data Strategy Bootcamp // Building Your Company's Data Strategy</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/wednesday/arch-all-diq-all-modern-master-data-management.aspx">Modernizing Master Data Management to Effectively Support Business Processes</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/wednesday/arch-all-biz-all-is-a-data-lakehouse-in-your-future.aspx">Is a Data Lakehouse in Your Future?</a></p>
              <!--<p><a href="/Events/Conferences/Orlando/Courses/Thursday/BIZ-ALL-Data-Strategy-Bootcamp-Building-Your-Companys-Analytics-and-Data-Warehouse-Plan.aspx">Data Strategy Bootcamp // Building Your Company&rsquo;s Analytics and Data Warehouse Plan</a></p>--->
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/thursday/arch-all-architecting-a-data-platform-for-enterprise-use.aspx">Architecting a Data Platform for Enterprise Use</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/thursday/arch-all-diq-all-tdwi-data-warehouse-automation-better-faster-cheaper.aspx">TDWI Data Warehouse Automation: Better, Faster, Cheaper … You Can Have It All</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/thursday/arch-all-diq-all-tdwi-data-virtualization-solving-complex-data-integration-challenges.aspx">TDWI Data Virtualization: Solving Complex Data Integration Challenges</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/friday/biz-all-arch-all-agile-cloud-migration.aspx">Agile Cloud Migration: A Business-Sensitive Framework for Cloud Adoption</a></p>
              <p><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/courses/friday/arch-all-platforms-and-architecture-for-analytics-and-the-modern-data-warehouse.aspx">Platforms and Architecture for Analytics and the Modern Data Warehouse</a> <span>NEW!</span>
      <div id="contentbox1_4_divBlockBox" class="boxWhyTDWI">
        <h3 id="contentbox1_4_h3Header">Why <span>Attend</span></h3>
        <div id="contentbox1_4_divBody" class="summary">
          <p class="tease">Learn how to prepare for what’s ahead in data management and AI and how to get ready for the change:</p>
          <ul class="checklist">
            <li>How chief business and economic trends are driving demand for advanced analytics and AI and the implications for data management</li>
            <li>How AI will impact your data strategy and implementations</li>
            <li>What investments are needed to support the new data estate</li>
            <li>What real-world businesses are doing to implement a data strategy that can support AI, analytics applications, and data products</li>
            <li>When organizations should implement specific platforms, services, tools, technologies, methodologies, and staffing models for AI</li>
        <p id="contentbox1_4_pFooter" class="footer"><a href="" class="gtm_btn">Explore the Executive Summit Agenda</a></p>
      <div id="contentbox1_5_divBlockBox" class="boxWho">
        <h3 id="contentbox1_5_h3Header">Who's <span>Attending</span></h3>
        <div id="contentbox1_5_divBody" class="summary">
          <ul class="checklist">
            <li>CIOs, CDOs, CAOs, VPs, and directors of IT</li>
            <li>Business executives and line-of-business managers</li>
            <li>Business users who depend on modern data management </li>
            <li>BI and data warehousing directors</li>
            <li>Managers of technology teams</li>
      <div id="contentbox1_6_divBlockBox" class="boxHotel">
        <h3 id="contentbox1_6_h3Header">Let's <span>Network</span></h3>
        <div id="contentbox1_6_divBody" class="summary">
          <p>TDWI Orlando will have lots of opportunities for you to engage with one another you can connect, share tips of the trade, and validate data and analytics plans with leaders from around the world. Attendees come from industry-leading
            companies such as 3M, Bloomberg LP, Caterpillar, USAA, and many others in the <em>Fortune</em> 500.</p>
            <li>Executive Summit Networking Lunch – Monday</li>
            <li>Evening Receptions – Monday and Tuesday</li>
            <li>Exhibit Hall and Demo Theater lunch – Tuesday</li>
            <li><a href="/events/conferences/orlando/information/activities-and-events.aspx">Team-building opportunities with your team!</a></li>
          <!--<a href="/Events/Conferences/Orlando/Information/Travel-and-Accommodations.aspx" class="cta_btn">View Hotel &amp; Travel Info</a>-->
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        <h3 id="ph_prefooter2_0_h3Header">Connect with the Hottest Solutions in Data and Analytics</h3>
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            <h4>Diamond Sponsorship</h4>
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            <h4>Emerald Sponsorship</h4>
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<h4>Ruby Sponsorship</h4>
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          <p>Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld<br> Orlando, FL<br> November 7–8</p>
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< TDWI Executive Summits



 * Agenda
   * Full Agenda
   * Hands-On Labs
   * Bootcamps
   * Topical Spotlights
   * Choose Your Training
 * Executive Summit
   * Summit Overview
   * Summit Agenda
 * Pricing
 * Travel
   * Travel & Accommodations
   * Activities & Events
 * Sponsors
 * Why TDWI?
 * Sell Your Boss
 * Register Now



NOV. 6–7, 2023

Executive Summit Agenda


Register Now
23 Days
5 Hours
50 Minutes


NOVEMBER 6—7, 2023



The AI era is upon us and succeeding with data management is an imperative for
the evolution of analytics. Generative AI, including LLMs, has taken the world
by storm, just as organizations were starting to address deployment of more
advanced analytics such as machine learning and natural language processing.
Your organization must be able to support modern architectures that scale,
provide support for diverse data and compute-intensive analytics, create and
manage complex pipelines, and have a sound data and analytics governance
strategy in place.

The TDWI Executive Summit for Data Management in Orlando focuses on technologies
and methods to enable successful data management in this new age.

Join us November 6–7 to learn how data leaders around the world are building and
managing the teams, processes, and infrastructure to enable advanced analytics
and AI including:

 * Trends that are impacting data management
 * What a next-generation data strategy and architecture look like to support AI
 * Skills needed to support evolving data management strategies
 * Impacts of generative AI/LLMs on data management
 * Governing modern data and analytics

Register for the Executive Summit today and maximize your time at the event:
come for the summit, stay for the courses at TDWI Orlando. The agenda includes
courses on data strategy, analytics for business users, data literacy, and more.

View Executive Summit Agenda   Register Now


Learn More


You will leave the TDWI Executive Summit in Orlando with strategies for
leveraging data-driven emerging technologies in responsible data and analytics.

   Each summit attendee will receive an exclusive copy of “Profiles in Data
   Management”—a collection of case studies that reveal the actions three
   diverse enterprises took to address key analytics challenges. Coupled with
   session content, leaders will leave equipped with digital and printed content
   to help apply key takeaways and make an impact quickly after the event.

   Participate in an engaging workshop designed for executives and data leaders
   to maximize time at the event with a meaningful impact upon return. Align
   strategy with company goals and build a framework that you can bring back to
   your organization.


   Take advantage of TDWI’s renowned faculty and analyst team, collaborating to
   share best practices, new research, and the latest data-driven technologies,
   alongside invited thought leaders from around the world who discuss how they
   are moving the market forward.

   If you’re going to travel or take time for professional development, it
   better be productive. TDWI Orlando is the perfect event for teams to get
   hands-on training in half-day courses, while executives collaborate in the
   two-day Executive Summit.


Optimize your ROI and Learning Experience

Take advantage of conference courses before and after the Executive Summit –
ideal for data leaders seeking to enhance their skill set and stay on top of
industry trends.

   Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: How to Build a Growth-Driven Business
   Data Strategy
   Data Science and Generative AI: Leveraging Best Practices and Avoiding

   Data Strategy Bootcamp // Building Your Company's Data Strategy
   Modernizing Master Data Management to Effectively Support Business Processes
   Is a Data Lakehouse in Your Future?

   Architecting a Data Platform for Enterprise Use
   TDWI Data Warehouse Automation: Better, Faster, Cheaper … You Can Have It All
   TDWI Data Virtualization: Solving Complex Data Integration Challenges

   Agile Cloud Migration: A Business-Sensitive Framework for Cloud Adoption
   Platforms and Architecture for Analytics and the Modern Data Warehouse NEW!


Learn how to prepare for what’s ahead in data management and AI and how to get
ready for the change:

 * How chief business and economic trends are driving demand for advanced
   analytics and AI and the implications for data management
 * How AI will impact your data strategy and implementations
 * What investments are needed to support the new data estate
 * What real-world businesses are doing to implement a data strategy that can
   support AI, analytics applications, and data products
 * When organizations should implement specific platforms, services, tools,
   technologies, methodologies, and staffing models for AI

Explore the Executive Summit Agenda


 * CIOs, CDOs, CAOs, VPs, and directors of IT
 * Business executives and line-of-business managers
 * Business users who depend on modern data management
 * BI and data warehousing directors
 * Managers of technology teams


TDWI Orlando will have lots of opportunities for you to engage with one another
you can connect, share tips of the trade, and validate data and analytics plans
with leaders from around the world. Attendees come from industry-leading
companies such as 3M, Bloomberg LP, Caterpillar, USAA, and many others in the
Fortune 500.

 * Executive Summit Networking Lunch – Monday
 * Evening Receptions – Monday and Tuesday
 * Exhibit Hall and Demo Theater lunch – Tuesday
 * Team-building opportunities with your team!








 * * 23days
   * 5hours
   * 50mins
   * 17secs
 * Save 20% thru Sept. 15
 * Register Now


 * LinkedIn
 * Facebook
 * YouTube
 * Instagram
 * Podcast

 * Agenda
 * Pricing
 * Travel & Accommodations
 * Sponsors
 * Why TDWI?


Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld
Orlando, FL
November 7–8




 * Modern Data
 * Platforms and
 * Data Strategy and
   Program Leadership
 * Analytics and
   Business Intelligence


 * Data Governance
 * Data Science
 * Data Strategy
 * Machine Learning

Informizely customer feedback surveys

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