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 * Friday 16 Dec 2022

 * 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm

 * English

 * Webinar session. No physical attendance is required.

 * HKCGI Member, Graduate, Student, Affiliated Person & Non-Member



 * Mr Leon Mao, Head of Advisory and Managing Director, Vistra North Asia
 * Mr Edmond Chiu FCG HKFCG(PE), Council Member, HKCGI; Managing Director,
   Corporate Services, Vistra Corporate Services (HK) Limited (Chair)


British Virgin Islands (BVI) companies are a popular choice for offshore entity
set-ups; and have been a common feature in all corporate governance portfolios
in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Asia since the 1990s.

Recently, the BVI government enacted significant new changes to the
jurisdiction’s company laws and regulations. The BVI Business Companies
(Amendment) Act 2022, and the BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Regulations
2022, will take effect as from 1 January 2023.

With a view to ensuring that governance professionals are well-informed on this
topic, Vistra, one of the leading global firms when it comes to offshore
services and regulatory compliance in the BVI, will provide a practical overview
on the new regulatory requirements, recommend best practice approaches,  and
where applicable identify solutions.

In this webinar, a corporate governance perspective will be applied to review
the key changes, and assess required actions and forward planning which
governance professionals as well as other compliance officers and administrators
should be planning for now, towards ensuring that in the new year, their BVI
entities are fully compliant with the new regime.

The following new changes will be covered: 

 * Changes to the striking-off system
 * Fast track Dissolution and impact on assets
 * Restoration of dissolved companies
 * Changes to the requirements for liquidators in solvent liquidations
 * Bearer shares system to disappear
 * Financial records and accounts obligations
 * Annual returns
 * Directors names to become publicly available
 * Persons with significant control

Level: Intermediate

Speaker's and Chair's bio:
Mr Leon Mao
Mr Edmond Chiu

Seat guarantee will only be given to HKCGI Fellows and/or Practitioner’s
Endorsement (PE) holders if registered 10 clear working days with payment prior
to the date of the seminar.

 * HKCGI (ECPD Point(s)):1.5
 * The Law Society of HK (CPD Point(s)):TBC

 * MemberHK$320
 * GraduateHK$320
 * StudentHK$230
 * Affiliated PersonHK$320
 * Non-MemberHK$420

 * Registration Status: OPEN



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