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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Effective URL: https://www.bwrrc.org.cn/
Submission: On August 16 via api from US
TLS certificate: Issued by TrustAsia TLS RSA CA on May 29th 2021. Valid for: a year.
This is the only time www.bwrrc.org.cn was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 1 | | 132203 (TENCENT-N...) (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building) | |
7 | | 4837 (CHINA169-...) (CHINA169-BACKBONE CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone) | |
7 | 1 |
ASN132203 (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, CN)
bwrrc.org |
ASN4837 (CHINA169-BACKBONE CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone, CN)
www.bwrrc.org.cn |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
7 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn |
336 KB |
1 |
1 redirects
bwrrc.org |
193 B |
7 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
7 | www.bwrrc.org.cn |
1 | bwrrc.org | 1 redirects |
7 | 2 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
beian.miit.gov.cn |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
www.bwrrc.org.cn TrustAsia TLS RSA CA |
2021-05-29 - 2022-05-28 |
a year | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: DEC52CB8FB5B57F8FA1E76A3F62D5F93
Requests: 7 HTTP requests in this frame
Page URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 302
https://www.bwrrc.org.cn/ Page URL
Detected technologies
Element UI (JavaScript Frameworks) ExpandDetected patterns
- html /<(?:div|button) class="el-(?:table-column|table-filter|popper|pagination|pager|select-group|form|form-item|color-predefine|color-hue-slider|color-svpanel|color-alpha-slider|color-dropdown|color-picker|badge|tree|tree-node|select|message|dialog|checkbox|checkbox-button|checkbox-group|container|steps|carousel|menu|menu-item|submenu|menu-item-group|button|button-group|card|table|select-dropdown|row|tabs|notification|radio|progress|progress-bar|tag|popover|tooltip|cascader|cascader-menus|cascader-menu|time-spinner|spinner|spinner-inner|transfer|transfer-panel|rate|slider|dropdown|dropdown-menu|textarea|input|input-group|popup-parent|radio-group|main|breadcrumb|time-range-picker|date-range-picker|year-table|date-editor|range-editor|time-spinner|date-picker|time-panel|date-table|month-table|picker-panel|collapse|collapse-item|alert|select-dropdown|select-dropdown__empty|select-dropdown__wrap|select-dropdown__list|scrollbar|switch|carousel|upload|upload-dragger|upload-list|upload-cover|aside|input-number|header|message-box|footer|radio-button|step|autocomplete|autocomplete-suggestion|loading-parent|loading-mask|loading-spinner|)/i
jQuery (JavaScript Libraries) Expand
Detected patterns
- script /jquery.*\.js(?:\?ver(?:sion)?=([\d.]+))?/i
Page Statistics
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: 京ICP备2021016707号-1
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 302
https://www.bwrrc.org.cn/ Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
7 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H/1.1 |
Primary Request
www.bwrrc.org.cn/ Redirect Chain
11 KB 4 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/ |
87 KB 31 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/ |
14 KB 6 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/ |
350 KB 90 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/ |
550 KB 142 KB |
text/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/ |
227 KB 35 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
www.bwrrc.org.cn/static/fonts/ |
28 KB 29 KB |
application/font-woff |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
659 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| onbeforexrselect object| ontransitionrun object| ontransitionstart object| ontransitioncancel object| cookieStore function| showDirectoryPicker function| showOpenFilePicker function| showSaveFilePicker boolean| originAgentCluster object| trustedTypes boolean| crossOriginIsolated function| $ function| jQuery function| axios object| emptyObject function| isUndef function| isDef function| isTrue function| isFalse function| isPrimitive function| isObject function| _toString function| toRawType function| isPlainObject function| isRegExp function| isValidArrayIndex function| isPromise function| toString function| toNumber function| makeMap function| isBuiltInTag function| isReservedAttribute function| remove function| hasOwnProperty function| hasOwn function| cached object| camelizeRE function| camelize function| capitalize object| hyphenateRE function| hyphenate function| polyfillBind function| nativeBind function| bind function| toArray function| extend function| toObject function| noop function| no function| identity function| genStaticKeys function| looseEqual function| looseIndexOf function| once string| SSR_ATTR object| ASSET_TYPES object| LIFECYCLE_HOOKS object| config object| unicodeRegExp function| isReserved function| def object| bailRE function| parsePath boolean| hasProto boolean| inBrowser boolean| inWeex boolean| weexPlatform string| UA boolean| isIE boolean| isIE9 boolean| isEdge boolean| isAndroid boolean| isIOS boolean| isChrome boolean| isPhantomJS object| isFF undefined| nativeWatch boolean| supportsPassive object| opts boolean| _isServer function| isServerRendering undefined| devtools function| isNative boolean| hasSymbol function| _Set function| warn function| tip function| generateComponentTrace function| formatComponentName boolean| hasConsole object| classifyRE function| classify function| repeat number| uid function| Dep object| targetStack function| pushTarget function| popTarget function| VNode object| prototypeAccessors function| createEmptyVNode function| createTextVNode function| cloneVNode object| arrayProto object| arrayMethods object| methodsToPatch object| arrayKeys boolean| shouldObserve function| toggleObserving function| Observer function| protoAugment function| copyAugment function| observe function| defineReactive$$1 function| set function| del function| dependArray object| strats function| mergeData function| mergeDataOrFn function| mergeHook function| dedupeHooks function| mergeAssets function| defaultStrat function| checkComponents function| validateComponentName function| normalizeProps function| normalizeInject function| normalizeDirectives function| assertObjectType function| mergeOptions function| resolveAsset function| validateProp function| getPropDefaultValue function| assertProp object| simpleCheckRE function| assertType function| getType function| isSameType function| getTypeIndex function| getInvalidTypeMessage function| styleValue function| isExplicable function| isBoolean function| handleError function| invokeWithErrorHandling function| globalHandleError function| logError boolean| isUsingMicroTask object| callbacks boolean| pending function| flushCallbacks function| timerFunc object| p undefined| counter undefined| observer undefined| textNode function| nextTick function| mark function| measure object| perf function| initProxy function| allowedGlobals function| warnNonPresent function| warnReservedPrefix boolean| hasProxy function| isBuiltInModifier object| hasHandler object| getHandler object| seenObjects function| traverse function| _traverse function| normalizeEvent function| createFnInvoker function| updateListeners function| mergeVNodeHook function| extractPropsFromVNodeData function| checkProp function| simpleNormalizeChildren function| normalizeChildren function| isTextNode function| normalizeArrayChildren function| initProvide function| initInjections function| resolveInject function| resolveSlots function| isWhitespace function| normalizeScopedSlots function| normalizeScopedSlot function| proxyNormalSlot function| renderList function| renderSlot function| resolveFilter function| isKeyNotMatch function| checkKeyCodes function| bindObjectProps function| renderStatic function| markOnce function| markStatic function| markStaticNode function| bindObjectListeners function| resolveScopedSlots function| bindDynamicKeys function| prependModifier function| installRenderHelpers function| FunctionalRenderContext function| createFunctionalComponent function| cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult function| mergeProps object| componentVNodeHooks object| hooksToMerge function| createComponent function| createComponentInstanceForVnode function| installComponentHooks function| mergeHook$1 function| transformModel number| SIMPLE_NORMALIZE number| ALWAYS_NORMALIZE function| createElement function| _createElement function| applyNS function| registerDeepBindings function| initRender object| currentRenderingInstance function| renderMixin function| ensureCtor function| createAsyncPlaceholder function| resolveAsyncComponent function| isAsyncPlaceholder function| getFirstComponentChild function| initEvents undefined| target function| add function| remove$1 function| createOnceHandler function| updateComponentListeners function| eventsMixin object| activeInstance boolean| isUpdatingChildComponent function| setActiveInstance function| initLifecycle function| lifecycleMixin function| mountComponent function| updateChildComponent function| isInInactiveTree function| activateChildComponent function| deactivateChildComponent function| callHook number| MAX_UPDATE_COUNT object| queue object| activatedChildren object| has object| circular boolean| waiting boolean| flushing number| index function| resetSchedulerState number| currentFlushTimestamp function| getNow function| flushSchedulerQueue function| callUpdatedHooks function| queueActivatedComponent function| callActivatedHooks function| queueWatcher number| uid$2 function| Watcher object| sharedPropertyDefinition function| proxy function| initState function| initProps function| initData function| getData object| computedWatcherOptions function| initComputed function| defineComputed function| createComputedGetter function| createGetterInvoker function| initMethods function| initWatch function| createWatcher function| stateMixin number| uid$3 function| initMixin function| initInternalComponent function| resolveConstructorOptions function| resolveModifiedOptions function| Vue function| initUse function| initMixin$1 function| initExtend function| initProps$1 function| initComputed$1 function| initAssetRegisters function| getComponentName function| matches function| pruneCache function| pruneCacheEntry object| patternTypes object| KeepAlive object| builtInComponents function| initGlobalAPI function| isReservedAttr function| acceptValue function| mustUseProp function| isEnumeratedAttr function| isValidContentEditableValue function| convertEnumeratedValue function| isBooleanAttr string| xlinkNS function| isXlink function| getXlinkProp function| isFalsyAttrValue function| genClassForVnode function| mergeClassData function| renderClass function| concat function| stringifyClass function| stringifyArray function| stringifyObject object| namespaceMap function| isHTMLTag function| isSVG function| isPreTag function| isReservedTag function| getTagNamespace object| unknownElementCache function| isUnknownElement function| isTextInputType function| query function| createElement$1 function| createElementNS function| createTextNode function| createComment function| insertBefore function| removeChild function| appendChild function| parentNode function| nextSibling function| tagName function| setTextContent function| setStyleScope object| nodeOps object| ref function| registerRef object| emptyNode object| hooks function| sameVnode function| sameInputType function| createKeyToOldIdx function| createPatchFunction object| directives function| updateDirectives function| _update object| emptyModifiers function| normalizeDirectives$1 function| getRawDirName function| callHook$1 object| baseModules function| updateAttrs function| setAttr function| baseSetAttr object| attrs function| updateClass object| klass object| validDivisionCharRE function| parseFilters function| wrapFilter function| baseWarn function| pluckModuleFunction function| addProp function| addAttr function| addRawAttr function| addDirective function| prependModifierMarker function| addHandler function| getRawBindingAttr function| getBindingAttr function| getAndRemoveAttr function| getAndRemoveAttrByRegex function| rangeSetItem function| genComponentModel function| genAssignmentCode number| len undefined| str undefined| chr number| index$1 undefined| expressionPos undefined| expressionEndPos function| parseModel function| next function| eof function| isStringStart function| parseBracket function| parseString function| warn$1 string| RANGE_TOKEN string| CHECKBOX_RADIO_TOKEN function| model function| genCheckboxModel function| genRadioModel function| genSelect function| genDefaultModel function| normalizeEvents undefined| target$1 function| createOnceHandler$1 boolean| useMicrotaskFix function| add$1 function| remove$2 function| updateDOMListeners object| events undefined| svgContainer function| updateDOMProps function| shouldUpdateValue function| isNotInFocusAndDirty function| isDirtyWithModifiers object| domProps function| parseStyleText function| normalizeStyleData function| normalizeStyleBinding function| getStyle object| cssVarRE object| importantRE function| setProp object| vendorNames object| emptyStyle function| normalize function| updateStyle object| style object| whitespaceRE function| addClass function| removeClass function| resolveTransition function| autoCssTransition boolean| hasTransition string| TRANSITION string| ANIMATION string| transitionProp string| transitionEndEvent string| animationProp string| animationEndEvent function| raf function| nextFrame function| addTransitionClass function| removeTransitionClass function| whenTransitionEnds object| transformRE function| getTransitionInfo function| getTimeout function| toMs function| enter function| leave function| checkDuration function| isValidDuration function| getHookArgumentsLength function| _enter object| transition object| platformModules object| modules function| patch object| directive function| setSelected function| actuallySetSelected function| hasNoMatchingOption function| getValue function| onCompositionStart function| onCompositionEnd function| trigger function| locateNode object| show object| platformDirectives object| transitionProps function| getRealChild function| extractTransitionData function| placeholder function| hasParentTransition function| isSameChild function| isNotTextNode function| isVShowDirective object| Transition object| props object| TransitionGroup function| callPendingCbs function| recordPosition function| applyTranslation object| platformComponents object| defaultTagRE object| regexEscapeRE function| buildRegex function| parseText function| transformNode function| genData object| klass$1 function| transformNode$1 function| genData$1 object| style$1 object| decoder object| he function| isUnaryTag function| canBeLeftOpenTag function| isNonPhrasingTag object| attribute object| dynamicArgAttribute string| ncname string| qnameCapture object| startTagOpen object| startTagClose object| endTag object| doctype object| comment object| conditionalComment function| isPlainTextElement object| reCache object| decodingMap object| encodedAttr object| encodedAttrWithNewLines function| isIgnoreNewlineTag function| shouldIgnoreFirstNewline function| decodeAttr function| parseHTML object| onRE object| dirRE object| forAliasRE object| forIteratorRE object| stripParensRE object| dynamicArgRE object| argRE object| bindRE object| modifierRE object| slotRE object| lineBreakRE object| whitespaceRE$1 object| invalidAttributeRE function| decodeHTMLCached string| emptySlotScopeToken function| warn$2 undefined| delimiters object| transforms object| preTransforms object| postTransforms function| platformIsPreTag function| platformMustUseProp function| platformGetTagNamespace function| maybeComponent function| createASTElement function| parse function| processPre function| processRawAttrs function| processElement function| processKey function| processRef function| processFor function| parseFor function| processIf function| processIfConditions function| findPrevElement function| addIfCondition function| processOnce function| processSlotContent function| getSlotName function| processSlotOutlet function| processComponent function| processAttrs function| checkInFor function| parseModifiers function| makeAttrsMap function| isTextTag function| isForbiddenTag object| ieNSBug object| ieNSPrefix function| guardIESVGBug function| checkForAliasModel function| preTransformNode function| cloneASTElement object| model$1 object| modules$1 function| text function| html object| directives$1 object| baseOptions function| isStaticKey function| isPlatformReservedTag function| genStaticKeysCached function| optimize function| genStaticKeys$1 function| markStatic$1 function| markStaticRoots function| isStatic function| isDirectChildOfTemplateFor object| fnExpRE object| fnInvokeRE object| simplePathRE object| keyCodes object| keyNames function| genGuard object| modifierCode function| genHandlers function| genHandler function| genKeyFilter function| genFilterCode function| on function| bind$1 object| baseDirectives function| CodegenState function| generate function| genElement function| genStatic function| genOnce function| genIf function| genIfConditions function| genFor function| genData$2 function| genDirectives function| genInlineTemplate function| genScopedSlots function| hash function| containsSlotChild function| genScopedSlot function| genChildren function| getNormalizationType function| needsNormalization function| genNode function| genText function| genComment function| genSlot function| genComponent function| genProps function| transformSpecialNewlines object| prohibitedKeywordRE object| unaryOperatorsRE object| stripStringRE function| detectErrors function| checkNode function| checkEvent function| checkFor function| checkIdentifier function| checkExpression number| range function| generateCodeFrame function| repeat$1 function| createFunction function| createCompileToFunctionFn function| createCompilerCreator function| createCompiler object| ref$1 function| compile function| compileToFunctions object| div function| getShouldDecode boolean| shouldDecodeNewlines boolean| shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref function| idToTemplate function| mount function| getOuterHTML object| __core-js_shared__ object| ELEMENT function| downloadFile object| preapp object| loading object| app0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
4 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.