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Atri Basu (Innovation Product Manager @ Cisco), Necati Cehreli (Technical Leader
@ Cisco) & Gavin Cohen (VP Product @ Zebrium)

The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) has over 11,000 engineers handling
2.2 million Service Requests (analogous to incidents or support cases) a year.
Although 44% of them are resolved in one day or less, many take longer because
they involve log analysis to determine the root cause. This not only impacts the
time a case remains open, but at Cisco’s scale, translates to thousands of hours
spent each month analyzing logs.




In addition to employing some of the industry’s most talented support engineers,
Cisco TAC makes extensive use of automation and cutting-edge technologies such
as Natural Language Processing to help engineers find relevant content to
resolve customer issues based on the problem description and symptoms
articulated in the case notes.


As a first step towards automated log analysis, when log bundles are received
from a customer, they are scanned by a proprietary rule engine called BORG. BORG
scans each log bundle against a set of known problem signatures to determine if
there are any matches. Signatures can be as complex as pieces of code that cross
reference multiple sources, or as simple as regex rules that search for
occurrence of specific well-known patterns. The goal is to quickly see if a
particular customer is experiencing a known problem for which a signature
exists. If there’s a match, the case can be resolved quickly.


However, building and maintaining signatures manually is challenging. When a new
type of problem is uncovered, it must be characterized based on how it appears
in the logs. While this can be simple when there is a single log line that
identifies the problem, it is often more complex (e.g. when a problem presents
itself as multiple log events from multiple different sources that must occur
within a period of time). This means, there is always a back log of signatures
waiting to be created. In addition, maintaining and testing signatures is an
ongoing burden because log formats and payloads can change in new software
releases. Because of this, existing signatures can become outdated and stop
providing alerts that engineers might have expected. This can result in false
negatives that may lead an engineer astray.


In addition, using signatures to speed up problem resolution is not always
possible. For example, sometimes a signature will only catch a symptom rather
than its root cause. And since a single symptom could have many different
causes, a support engineer must still analyze the logs to determine what
happened. There is also a large class of problems that have never been seen
before. In these cases, the only option is manual log analysis.



Each month, Cisco engineers analyze over 20,000 log bundles to help resolve SRs.
The analysis typically starts with searching around the time the problem
occurred for error messages and keywords known to be related to the problem
description. Tenured engineers, with experience troubleshooting a particular
product, will also keep an eye out for rare or unexpected log lines which aren’t
usually present. Depending on what is found, the search will often continue
across multiple log files or even bundles and the engineers might need to
correlate events from these logs to uncover important details. A common method
of identifying problems is to compare logs from a working sequence and a
non-working sequence, using the difference in the log lines between the two
sequences as problem indicators. And depending upon the expertise required, the
case might need to be escalated to a developer for further analysis. In some
situations, custom scripts need to be written to extract and order a subset of
log lines to make them “human legible”.


Overall, the “log hunting” process requires skill, intuition, and experience and
can take significant time and resources. Finding the proverbial needle in the
haystack whilst poring over esoteric log bundles is hardly anyone’s favorite way
to spend their time!



For several years, our team, the Innovation, Automation & Disruption Team within
the TAC had been investigating the feasibility of using AI and ML to assist with
log analysis. We were exploring both building a tool internally as well as any
available commercial products.


In early 2021, we came across Zebrium. After seeing a demonstration, we decided
to try Zebrium with a set of logs from one of our internal systems. Within
minutes of ingesting the first log bundle, Zebrium generated a root cause report
that contained the exact log lines that explained the root cause. This promising
result allowed us to quickly gain approval to carry out a more extensive
evaluation of the Zebrium technology.


The initial trial leveraged Zebrium’s SaaS offering, but for a more thorough
proof of concept, we required a solution that could be easily used with static
log bundles. Though originally designed to analyze log streams from live
applications, the Zebrium ML engine works equally well on static log bundles.


When Zebrium ingests log data, its machine learning automatically learns the
structure of each unique type of log line and, therefore, works well with
unstructured logs of any format. All that Zebrium requires is that the logs be
in plain text and that most lines contain a timestamp.


In the case of static log files, it’s important to send each file together with
meta data about where the log came from (e.g. server name, container name, etc.)
so that Zebrium can correctly identify correlations. When using streaming log
files, this is taken care of automatically by the open-source log collectors.


Additionally, to avoid Cisco Customer data leaving Cisco premises, we also
required an on-premises solution. Fortunately, Zebrium was in the final stages
of making available it’s on-premises deployment option and was able to deliver
this to Cisco in June 2021.



The only way to realistically test Zebrium’s technology was to ingest customer
logs obtained from actual customer Service Requests (SR is the term Cisco uses
for a customer case) and see if Zebrium could assist in performing a through and
accurate Root Cause Analysis. So, an experiment was devised to take historically
solved SRs, containing log bundles and where the root cause was known, and
ingest them into Zebrium. TAC subject matter experts would then be asked to use
the incident reports generated by Zebrium to identify the root cause of the
customer’s issue and compare the results with the already known root causes. To
keep the experiment concise, but also validate the technology agnostic nature of
Zebrium’s solution, it was decided to conduct this experiment with SRs from four
different and disparate technologies and products. The experiment would be
deemed successful if we were able to meet or exceed the following success


Success Criteria (actual results are further below):


 * TAC SMEs were able to identify the correct root cause for the SRs from the
   incident reports generated by Zebrium at least 50% of the time.
 * A minimum of 100 log bundles were analyzed
 * TAC SMEs found the process of identifying the root cause using Zebrium
   simpler and more efficient than their current methods



As mentioned, for the Proof of Concept (POC), we focused on four very different
product lines:


 * Cisco Webex client
 * Cisco DNA Center (DNAC)
 * Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
 * Cisco Unified Compute Servers (UCS)


These products were specifically chosen because the log bundle structure, volume
of logs in a bundle and the individual log formats varied significantly across
each of them.


For each of these products, we selected historical Cisco Service Requests (SR)
that had already been solved by Cisco TAC engineers. Each SR that was chosen
contained notes that included the specific log lines that were identified by the
engineer handling the SR as explaining the root cause. In total, 192 log bundles
were analyzed as follows:



Once Zebrium was set up on an on-prem cluster, adapters were written for each
product to ingest an entire log bundle for that product and forward it to the
Zebrium ML engine. The adapters are designed to do the following:


 * Use the SR number to let the ML know that all files from the bundle are
   related (Zebrium uses the term “service group” for this)
 * Extract and decompress each file
 * Identify and label the namespace to which events in the log files belonged
   (Zebrium uses the term “log basename” for this)
 * Use the Zebrium API to send each file together with relevant meta data (its
   service group name, host name, log type, etc.)
 * Normalize log lines with disparate structures (e.g. JSON dumps or stack
   traces) into unstructured text that looks and feels similar to regular log


After each bundle was ingested, the root cause report generated by Zebrium was
perused by a TAC SME to identify the root cause and compare it against that
identified by the original TAC SR owner.


 * If the TAC SME was able to find an incident generated by the Zebrium ML that
   contained log lines matching those identified by the original SR owner as the
   root cause, the result was noted as “positive”
 * If the TAC SME was able to identify an incident generated by the Zebrium ML
   that highlighted log lines different from what was identified by the original
   SR owner, but still with enough necessary detail and context to pinpoint the
   actual root cause, the result was noted as “positive”. It turned out that in
   some cases, Zebrium identified log lines with a clearer explanation of root
   cause than those identified by the original engineer!
 * If the TAC SME identified a problem that was different from the reason the
   customer opened the original SR but was still pertinent to the customer and
   required fixing, it was considered a “Beyond the Fix” result. While this
   didn’t count to the success metric, it was still a positive outcome.
 * If the TAC SME was unable to identify any incident that helped identify the
   root cause of the customer’s issue, the result was noted as “negative”



Across the 192 bundles that TAC SMEs were able to analyze during the period
designated for the POC, Zebrium’s ML was able to correctly identify the results
95.8% of the time (a significant improvement over the success criterion of 50%





Just as importantly, the user feedback from TAC SMEs, highlighted just how much
of an improvement the addition of Zebrium made to the log analysis workflow:


“It was very easy to find the errors, they pop up immediately…I’ll find relevant
logs much faster.”

“It's a really smart tool that can quickly narrow down problem error messages.”


“This is amazing to see. This wasn’t an easy issue and to see that [the ML]
analysis was able to point us in right direction is very positive.”


“Zebrium added color to the drab black and white process of log analysis”



Following are the results for each of the four product lines:






In this detailed study of 192 actual customer Service Requests, Zebrium’s
machine learning was able to correctly identify the root cause in 95.8% of the
cases. User feedback praised the quality of the root cause reports and
experienced significant time savings compared to manual log analysis.


As a result of this, at the time of writing, we are in the process of rolling
this solution into production for use across an initial tranche of 8 product
lines in TAC centers around the world.


It is believed that the addition of Zebrium’s machine learning to the existing
TAC tool kit, will allow TAC to achieve a significant increase in case
resolution times for SRs that require log file analysis. This will not only
improve customer satisfaction but will also drive significant cost savings by
slashing thousands of hours of time each month that would otherwise be spent
manually analyzing logs.


 * Share


 * Zebrium RCaaS: A Natural Evolution From Datadog Watchdog Insights Log Anomaly
   Detection June 16, 2022
 * Observability: It's Time to Automate the Observer | Zebrium June 15, 2022
 * Speeding-up Root Cause Analysis with New Relic | Zebrium May 3, 2022
 * Using ELK For Observability? Speed up Troubleshooting with Zebrium April 8,
 * Root Cause as a Service | Zebrium March 22, 2022
 * How Cisco uses Zebrium ML to Analyze Logs for Root Cause March 7, 2022
 * Root Cause as a Service for Datadog | Zebrium February 28, 2022
 * Uncover Blind Spots in Your Monitoring | Zebrium and AppDynamics December 9,
 * Visualizing Root Cause Summaries from Logs | Zebrium October 26, 2021
 * How to Try Zebrium ML-based RCA Using a Realistic Cloud Native Demo App
   October 12, 2021



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