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The name "Takka60" is a fusion ofย KBDfans' famous "Tofu"ย and "Rakka," where
"Rakka" represents the PCB solution provider.


Explore a new dimension in design and functionality with the keyboard case, we
are excited to present theย Holy60 case, featuring aย lightweight
designย philosophy.


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Case Keyboard


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The name "Takka60" is a fusion ofย KBDfans' famous "Tofu"ย and "Rakka," where
"Rakka" represents the PCB solution provider.


Explore a new dimension in design and functionality with the keyboard case, we
are excited to present theย Holy60 case, featuring aย lightweight
designย philosophy.
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๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Ryokan
From $18.00


โš™๏ธIn Production
From $32.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
TUT Zombie 100 Cherry Profile Keycaps Set

Raptor MX Gaming Switch

Cherry MX2A Speed Silver MX2A-51NN

Raptor HE Gaming Switch

Sillyworks Hyacinth Switch

Holy60 Case

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Fairy
From $18.00


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๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Ryokan
From $18.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Fairy
From $18.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Klein Blue R2
From $15.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Soul Blossom
From $15.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Bank Account
From $15.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Rลnin
From $15.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Dolch
From $5.90

๐Ÿš€In Stock
From $5.90

๐Ÿš€In Stock
From $5.90

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTFans Classic Hangul
From $18.00

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PBTfans Keycap Trays
From $19.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
PBTfans Novelty Kit Collection
From $19.00


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Cherry MX2A Speed Silver MX2A-51NN

Raptor MX Gaming Switch

Raptor HE Gaming Switch

Sillyworks Hyacinth Switch

Strawberry cake Linear Switch

๐Ÿ“ฐInterest Check Pending
Roller Linear Switches
third party

Gateron G Pro 3.0 Blue Clicky Switches
From $10.15

Ayaka Linear Switches

Cheese Mocha Linear Switches

Gateron Magnetic Orange Linear Gaming Switch

Jerrzi Tu Linear Switches

Gateron G Pro 3.0 Red Linear Switches
From $10.15


Ready to Use KBD8X MKIII Keyboard With PBTfans BOW/WOB Base

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready to use Tofu65 2.0 PC Keyboard With EPBT AESTHETIC Alt Mods/Alt

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready To Use Tofu60 2.0 Keyboard With PBTfans Klein Blue R2

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready to Use Tofu65 2.0 Keyboard With PBTfans Klein Blue R2

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready to use Tofu65 2.0 Keyboard With PBTfans WOB/RGBY Keycaps

Ready to Use KBD8X MKIII Keyboard With PBTfans WOB Base/RGBY Text

Ready to Use KBD8X MKIII Keyboard With PBTfans Dolch Base

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready To Use Taco Keyboard with PBTfans RลŒNIN
From $343.00

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready to use Tofu65 2.0 PC Keyboard With PBTfans WOB Simple Base

๐Ÿš€In Stock
Ready To Use Taco Keyboard with PBTfans Wob Simple Base
From $323.00



Pre-order time: December 29, 2023, at 9 AM (Beijing timezone, GMT+8) - January
29, 2024 Page Links Takka 60 link: http://kbd.fans/takka60 Holy 60 link:
http://kbd.fans/holy60 TLDR -8000hz polling rate -No Hidden Dead Zone -Tap Hold
-Rapid trigger -Three brand-new Gateron magnetic switches Shipping -(Holy60)
Estimated Shipping Time: At the end of March 2024 -(Takka60) Estimated Shipping
time: Orders for Gateron Magnetic Orange Switch are expected to be shipped in
early February 2024. Orders for Gateron Magnetic Orange Switch 2.0 and Gateron
Magnetic Jade Switch are expected to be shipped in late March 2024. Takka 60 The
name "Takka60" is a fusion of KBDfans' famous "Tofu" and "Rakka," where "Rakka"
represents the PCB solution provider. The collaboration of these two entities
gave birth to the unique and distinctive name for this keyboard. Prepare to
elevate your typing and gaming experience with our upcoming Magnetic keyboard,
featuring the perfect blend of easy-to-match case (with the standard GH60
mounting holes allow for custom assembly), a full-key triggered PCB, and
cutting-edge Gateron Magnetic Switches. Holy 60 -Explore a new dimension in
design and functionality with the keyboard case, we are excited to present the
Holy60 case, featuring a lightweight design philosophy. -The overall weight of
the case is approximately 220g, crafted through CNC machining with each surface
individually processed. -This marks our first attempt at a lightweight design, a
feature not previously seen in aluminum mechanical keyboards. #keyboard
#keyboards #mechkb #keycap #keycaps #keycapdesign #design #epbt #gmk #setup
#battlestation #keyset #keysets #keycapset #keycapsets #render #tgr #programmer
#mechanical #gaming #kbwarriors #gamer #gamerlife #kbdfans
December 28 โ€ข View on Instagram


[In stock] PBTfans Ryokan Designed by @biipmk Picture Credit by @junw_nj In
stock ready to ship NOW! Page link: http://kbd.fans/ryokan #keyboard #keyboards
#mechkb #keycap #keycaps #keycapdesign #design #epbt #gmk #setup #battlestation
#keyset #keysets #keycapset #keycapsets #render #tgr #programmer #mechanical
#gaming #kbwarriors #gamer #gamerlife #kbdfans
December 26 โ€ข View on Instagram


[Interest Check] Holy 60 New updates Page Link: http://kbd.fans/holy60 Based on
the feedback we got, here are some changes on the side profile. #keyboard
#keyboards #mechkb #keycap #keycaps #keycapdesign #design #epbt #gmk #setup
#battlestation #keyset #keysets #keycapset #keycapsets #render #tgr #programmer
#mechanical #gaming #kbwarriors #gamer #gamerlife #kbdfans
December 25 โ€ข View on Instagram


[Coming Soon] PBTfans Ryokan Link: http://kbd.fans/ryokan In-stock drop in 24
hours! Designed by @biipmk Inspiration -PBTfans Ryokan is inspired by the
typical and traditional Japanese inn using the same name. -It features a
wood-ish colorway and minimalistic novelties inspired by the sliding doors and
the tatami but also by meals, futons, and onsen. The idea was to represent the
different rituals experienced during the stay visually. The horizontal gradient
is used to give volume and depth to the whole keyset while making it look quite
singular. #keyboard #keyboards #mechkb #keycap #keycaps #keycapdesign #design
#epbt #gmk #setup #battlestation #keyset #keysets #keycapset #keycapsets #render
#tgr #programmer #mechanical #gaming #kbwarriors #gamer #gamerlife #kbdfans
December 20 โ€ข View on Instagram


[Coming Soon] Holy 60 x RAKKA 60HE Page Link:
https://kbdfans.com/collections/interest-checks/products/holy60 -Explore a new
dimension in design and functionality with the keyboard case, we are excited to
present the Holy60 case, featuring a lightweight design philosophy. -The overall
weight of the case is approximately 300g, crafted through CNC machining with
each surface individually processed. -This marks our first attempt at a
lightweight design, a feature not previously seen in aluminum mechanical
keyboards. #keyboard #keyboards #mechkb #keycap #keycaps #keycapdesign #design
#epbt #gmk #setup #battlestation #keyset #keysets #keycapset #keycapsets #render
#tgr #programmer #mechanical #gaming #kbwarriors #gamer #gamerlife #kbdfans
December 20 โ€ข View on Instagram


[Interest Check] Boomerang 60 XT Link: http://kbd.fans/boomerang Designed by
@laminardesigns SPECS -Materials: Copper weight, aluminum top/bottom -Colors:
Raw, anodized green purple and silver, powder coated beige,meteorite gray.
-Plate: Dedicated ANSI/ISO plates. -PCB: Hot-swap and solder PCBs -Typing angle:
6.5 degrees -Split angle: 8 degrees -Front height: -18.1 adjusted at lowest
point. -Weight: About 2.4 kg built -O-ring: 2 mm diameter o-ring -Screws: M3x10
front screws, M3x20 back screws -Fly DB,MOLEX-MOLEX. No doughterboard cutout on
bottom of case -Through-weight design -Price: Around $350, aluminum wrist rest
will be $60 -Mounting: o-ring wraps around the plate tabs, like F1 but
self-aligning. Assembly to be shown in detail when prototype arrives. In a
nutshellthe oring wraps around the plate tabs, like Flbut self-aligning.
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