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Submission: On April 17 via manual from BR — Scanned from AU
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Submission: On April 17 via manual from BR — Scanned from AU
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Help HelpManage booking Sign in FlightsHolidaysFlight + hotelHotelsCruisesDealsMore FlightsHolidaysFlight + hotelHotelsCruisesDeals Stores 133 133 Quick Contact Securing the hottest deal right now Call 133 133 Planning the best flight path for a face-to-face chat Find a store Getting the best quote for your flight Expected reply: 24-48hrs Email us now BEST OF SPAIN, 10 DAYS Spain SAVE $413* Great for cultural & historical! TOUR Best of Spain, 10 Days 10 days Travel: Valid for select departures 31 March 2023 - 31 December 2023 Deal number: 17129248 Price from$1,733*pp Call 133 133 Enquire with an expert here Travel now, pay later 0% 12 months interest free† Weekly $34^^ Monthly $145^ Plus $99 annual fee^ APPLY NOW AVAILABILITY Valid for select departures 31 March 2023 - 31 December 2023 WHAT'S INCLUDED 10 day tour departing Madrid. 9 nights accommodation in Hotels. 9 Breakfasts & 3 Dinners. Included Experiences. Explore Barcelona's Gothic beauty on a walking tour including Las Ramblas. See the medieval cathedral & bell tower in Valencia. Locally Guided Tour of the Alhambra. Tapas and a Traditional Flamenco show in the hills above Granada. WAS $2,146*, NOW $1,733*, SAVE $413*. ITINERARY * Day 1 Madrid. Welcome to Spain Join up with your new crew tonight over your first Spanish dinner in the metro magic of Madrid. Tomorrow will be a whole world of discovery, so you'll be thankful for your hotel sleep. * Day 2 Madrid to Burgos to Bilbao. We couldn't race to our night's stop without letting you in on the pretty medieval town of Burgos. We'll marvel at the French Gothic cathedral with its intricate spires before rolling on to Bilbao. * Day 3 Bilbao to San Sebastian to Pamplona. Next stop, San Sebastian This is a pretty postcard town where cobbled lanes slope towards pristine beaches. Take a walk, do some shopping or just sit and chill in a bar, enjoying endless plates of pintxos (the Basque word for tapas). * Day 4 Pamplona to Barcelona. This morning we spread our wings and take metaphorical flight once again, this time in the direction of Zaragoza with an end goal of none other than bustling Barcelona. * Day 5 Barcelona. Today is up to you to explore your way. You could take a wander through the colourful buildings & gardens of Gaudi's iconic Parc Guell or beach lovers could head to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. * Day 6 Barcelona to Valencia. This morning you'll have the chance to join a guided bike tour of the city, before getting ready for a change of scene - the port city of Valencia is calling, where beach meets culture in the happiest way possible. * Day 7 Valencia to Granada. It's been short but sweet, Valencia, and we won't forget you. This morning we'll take a orientation walk before seeking the very different vibes of Granada. How are all these places in just one country? * Day 8 Granada. We start the morning with free time to explore. You can fill yours by opting for a guided tour of the Muslim quarter of Albaicin & the Capilla Real, and while you're at it, fill up on some of Granada's incredible food, like its famous Arab pastries. This afternoon we head to Spain's number 1 visited attraction, the Alhambra Palace. We'll discover the breathtaking beauty and history of this Moorish Palace, with its intricate patterns and detailed architecture that will leave you spellbound, and wondering why you haven't been here sooner. To top it off, Alhambra offers the best views of the city. Feel the Spanish rhythm and style by opting for a traditional flamenco and tapas night with your Contiki family. Que beuno. * Day 9 Granada to Madrid. Bouncing out of bed should be no problem this morning, given the scenic adventures we have planned today on route to Madrid. * Day 10 Madrid. Tears and tissues and pinky swears for a reunion trip will mark the blur of sadness that is our morning departure. These are the memories that will stay with you a life time; make sure your next Contiki adventure is just around the corner. Show More (2) Travel now, pay later 0% 12 months interest free† Weekly $34^^ Monthly $145^ Plus $99 annual fee^ APPLY NOW * Terms & conditions / all prices subject to availability * The following product terms and conditions apply in addition to our Booking Terms and Conditions (available on our website) and terms and conditions of the relevant travel service provider. * Prices quoted valid for sale until 3 May 2023 for travel during the period specified (if applicable) unless otherwise stated or sold out prior. * All prices are per person (unless otherwise stated), subject to availability and may be withdrawn or varied without notice. Accommodation (if included) is based on twin share unless otherwise stated. * Advertised price includes bonus nights and/or stated saving (if applicable). * Additional supplier conditions and travel restrictions may apply. Please enquire for further details. * Airfare (including internal flights) is not included unless otherwise stated and, if included, is economy class unless otherwise stated. * Components of the total price including local payments, "resort fees", "national park fees", "trip kitties" and food funds (if applicable) may be payable direct to the supplier on arrival or to your travel consultant prior to your departure. Where applicable, these payments are included in the total price quoted. * Gratuities are not included unless otherwise stated. * Prices shown are fully inclusive of taxes, levies and government charges current at the time of publication. * Additional levies, government charges & other applicable fees, including additional taxes, surcharges and visa fees specific to your departure date or flight routing, may apply and are beyond our control. * Seasonal surcharges and blackout dates may apply depending on date of travel. * Prices shown are for payments made by cash in store or by BPAY. * Payments made in store by credit card will incur a surcharge (see Booking Terms and Conditions for further details). * Prices quoted are based on cheapest available at time of advertising and may be higher depending on date of purchase and date of travel. Please enquire for further details.. * Additional supplier conditions and travel restrictions may apply. * Please enquire for further details. * Components of the total price including local payments, "resort fees", "national park fees", "trip kitties" and food funds (if applicable) may be payable direct to the supplier on arrival or to your travel consultant prior to your departure. Where applicable, these payments are included in the total price quoted. * We receive payment from third party travel service providers when you use us to book travel and travel-related products and services with them on your behalf. * Our liability to you is limited in certain situations, and we may charge you a cancellation fee(s) in certain circumstances. See our booking terms and conditions for further details. * We may provide your personal information to third parties, including travel service providers with whom you make a booking. See our privacy policy for further details. TELL US ABOUT YOUR TRAVEL PLANS Travel is a hot topic right now, and we're experiencing a high volume of enquiries, which means we may be delayed getting back to you. If you're in a hurry to book, please book online, or contact one of our stores to make an appointment. We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. WHAT ARE YOUR TRIP DETAILS? Return One-way Travelling From Travelling From Destination Destination Departing Departing Returning Returning 2 days I am flexible with my travel dates Travellers Travellers What are you interested in? FlightsHotelsCruiseCar HireInsurance Questions or comments Questions or comments Continue HOW CAN WE GET IN TOUCH? WHY CHOOSE FLIGHT CENTRE? Not only do we have an incredible, worldwide team with decades of experience and a genuine passion for travel, we also have the widest choice of travel options covering tours, cruises, holiday packages and more. Flight Centre gives you free holiday planning and personalised service, Interest Free* Holiday Finance so you can book now, pay later, and 24/7 worldwide customer care on 133 133. Service Travel your way, without breaking a sweat. Whatever you need, consider it done. Value Everyone needs a friend with great taste and a nose for irresistible travel deals. Peace of mind If the unexpected happens or plans change, you can count on us, always. Expertise Get the know-how from the Travel Experts who have been there so you can too. 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CookiesPrivacyTerms & conditionsTerms of useSitemap INTEREST FREE ^Approved applicants only. Fees, terms, conditions & minimum finance amount ($400) apply, incl $99 Annual Fee charged at the time the first debit is charged to your humm90 Account and annually on the anniversary of that date. When you have met the Interest Free Criteria, the Annual Fee must be paid in full within the Interest Free Period or it will attract interest. If you do not meet the Interest Free Criteria the Annual Fee will attract interest from the date the Annual Fee is debited to your humm90 Account Minimum monthly repayment required. Interest (charged at the Expired Promotional Rate) payable on outstanding balances after any Interest Free Period in relation to a Promotional Offer. See humm90.com/au for current interest rates. ^^Indicative monthly payment assumes no additional purchases, cash advances or other fees and interest charged; is an estimate only and does not represent a quote, pre-qualification or approval. It is based on 12 months Interest Free, payable monthly, not weekly which is for illustrative purposes only. Only available at humm90 retail partners. Credit provided by humm Cards Pty Ltd ABN 31 099 651 877 Australian Credit Licence number 247415. To apply, see our Interest Free page. INTEREST FREE ^Approved applicants only. Fees, terms, conditions & minimum finance amount ($400) apply, incl $99 Annual Fee charged at the time the first debit is charged to your humm90 Account and annually on the anniversary of that date. When you have met the Interest Free Criteria, the Annual Fee must be paid in full within the Interest Free Period or it will attract interest. If you do not meet the Interest Free Criteria the Annual Fee will attract interest from the date the Annual Fee is debited to your humm90 Account Minimum monthly repayment required. Interest (charged at the Expired Promotional Rate) payable on outstanding balances after any Interest Free Period in relation to a Promotional Offer. See humm90.com/au for current interest rates. ^^Indicative monthly payment assumes no additional purchases, cash advances or other fees and interest charged; is an estimate only and does not represent a quote, pre-qualification or approval. It is based on 12 months Interest Free, payable monthly, not weekly which is for illustrative purposes only. Only available at humm90 retail partners. Credit provided by humm Cards Pty Ltd ABN 31 099 651 877 Australian Credit Licence number 247415. To apply, see our Interest Free page.