b1geye-5pace-login.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a06:98c1:3121::c  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

URL: https://b1geye-5pace-login.com/
Submission Tags: #phishing @ecarlesi Search All
Submission: On September 10 via api from FI — Scanned from NL

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Buy now


Big Eyes is the ultimate memecoin platform, and it couldn't be easier to get
your hands on the token in our presale.

You can buy directly using your card, or can use USDT or Eth already in your
wallet. After the public presale ends, you'll be able to claim your purchased
Big Eyes using the claim page.

Buy How to Buy


1 USDT = 7368.42 Big Eyes

Big Eyes remaining

Until 1 USDT = 5833.33 Big Eyes Connect Wallet

USDT Raised:$2,017,005.28/$3,200,000.00


Step 1/ 3

To begin, make sure you have a MetaMask wallet installed on your browser, or use
one of the wallets supported by Wallet Connect (we recommend Trust Wallet).

Purchasing on a desktop browser will give you a smoother purchasing experience.
For this we recommend Metamask.

If you are purchasing on mobile, we recommend using Trust Wallet and connecting
through the in built browser.

Step 2/ 3

Once you have your preferred wallet provider ready, click “Connect Wallet” and
select the appropriate option. For mobile wallet apps you will need to select
“Wallet Connect”.

You will then have 3 options:

Buy ETH or BNB with card

Visit https://www.moonpay.com/buy this will allow you to purchase ETH or BNB
that will be sent to your wallet. You will then be able to use this ETH or BNB
to purchase Big Eyes. Visit https://www.moonpay.com/buy to begin and follow the
on screen steps. We recommend purchasing a minimum of $20 worth of ETH or $5
worth of BNB to cover the minimum Big Eyes purchase.

Buy Big Eyes with ETH or BNB

Once you have sufficient ETH or BNB in your wallet (if you do not have ETH, USDT
or BNB, please read option 1 first), you can now swap your ETH or BNB for Big
Eyes. Type in the amount of Big Eyes you wish to purchase ($15 minimum ) and
then click “Buy with ETH” or “Buy with BNB”. Your wallet provider will ask you
to confirm the transaction and will also show you the cost of gas.

Buy Big Eyes with USDT

Please ensure you have at least $20 of USDT in your wallet before commencing the
transaction. Type in the amount of Big Eyes you wish to purchase ($15 minimum).
Click “Convert USDT”. You will then be asked to approve the purchase TWICE. The
first approval is for the USDT contract and the second is for the transaction
amount. Please ensure you go through both approval steps in order to complete
the transaction.

Step 3/ 3

Once the presale has concluded, you will be able to claim your Big Eyes tokens.
We will release details closer to the time, however you will need to visit the
main site: https://bigeyes.space/ and click on the pink ‘claim’ button.

Buy now


Use the contract information below to add the Big Eyes to your wallet.
Decimals Copy
Token SymbolCopy


Contract fully audited by Solidity Finance and shown to be 100% secure.
Team fully verified by CoinSniper to ensure anti-rug and complete project


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