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Submitted URL: http://www.shop-apotheke.com/rezeptbonus.
Effective URL: https://www.shop-apotheke.com/rezeptbonus.
Submission: On October 09 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.shop-apotheke.com/rezeptbonus.
Submission: On October 09 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
6 forms found in the DOMName: search-box — GET /search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia
<form action="/search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia" name="search-box" method="get" data-clientside-hook="chargeUrlSearchParams">
<div class="m-InputWithButton l-flex l-flex--stretch-children"><label for="h-SearchBox__input" class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel has-js" data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel formControlContainer">
<div class="FormControlWithFloatingLabel__inner"><input type="search" name="query"
class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl a-inputWithClear a-h3 u-font-weight--normal m-InputWithButton__input m-InputWithButton__input--gray-bg m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl--rounded-left-only"
id="h-SearchBox__input" placeholder="z.B. Produkt, Hersteller, Symptom, ..." autocomplete="off" data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel__formControl formControlValidation" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" value=""
<p class="a-ErrorMessage" data-clientside-hook="formControlValidation__error" aria-live="polite"></p>
</label><button name="query-button" data-qa-id="search-box-query-button" type="submit" data-submit-styles="standard" class="a-Button a-Button--secondary m-InputWithButton__button a-Button--inline a-Button--rounded-right">
<div class="l-flex m-TextWithIcon">
<div class="m-TextWithIcon__icon u-margin-xx-small--right"><svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="30" height="30" class="a-icon a-icon--default" alt="">
d="M43.75 16.6667C28.7923 16.6667 16.6667 28.7923 16.6667 43.75C16.6667 58.7077 28.7923 70.8333 43.75 70.8333C58.7077 70.8333 70.8333 58.7077 70.8333 43.75C70.8333 28.7923 58.7077 16.6667 43.75 16.6667ZM8.33334 43.75C8.33334 24.1899 24.1899 8.33333 43.75 8.33333C63.3101 8.33333 79.1667 24.1899 79.1667 43.75C79.1667 52.0286 76.3262 59.6438 71.5668 65.6742L90.4463 84.5537C92.0735 86.1809 92.0735 88.8191 90.4463 90.4463C88.8191 92.0735 86.1809 92.0735 84.5537 90.4463L65.6742 71.5668C59.6438 76.3262 52.0286 79.1667 43.75 79.1667C24.1899 79.1667 8.33334 63.3101 8.33334 43.75Z">
<div class="m-TextWithIcon__text"><span class="u-hidden u-visible@large">Suchen</span><span class="u-hidden@medium"></span></div>
Name: search-results — GET /search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia
<form name="search-results" method="get" action="/search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia"><button name="show-all-results-button" data-qa-id="search-results-show-all-results-button" class="a-Button o-SearchBox__show-all-button a-Button--ghost"
data-submit-styles="standard">Alle Ergebnisse anzeigen</button></form>
Name: logout-form — POST /logout/
<form name="logout-form" method="POST" action="/logout/"><button name="logoutForm-submit-button" data-qa-id="form-Menubar.Logout" type="submit" class="a-Button" data-submit-styles="standard">Abmelden</button></form>
<form class="l-content u-padding--bottom o-HeaderSmall__background" action="/search.htm?i=1"><input type="hidden" name="i" value="1">
<div class="m-InputWithButton l-flex l-flex--stretch-children"><label for="q" class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel has-js" data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel formControlContainer">
<div class="FormControlWithFloatingLabel__inner"><input type="search" name="q"
class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl a-inputWithClear a-h3 u-font-weight--normal m-InputWithButton__input m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl--rounded-left-only" id="q"
placeholder="z.B. Produkt, Hersteller, Symptom, ..." data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel__formControl formControlValidation" value="" data-qa-id="form-q"></div>
<p class="a-ErrorMessage" data-clientside-hook="formControlValidation__error" aria-live="polite"></p>
</label><button name="q-button" data-qa-id="form-q-button" type="submit" data-submit-styles="standard" class="a-Button a-Button--secondary m-InputWithButton__button a-Button--inline a-Button--rounded-right">
<div class="l-flex m-TextWithIcon">
<div class="m-TextWithIcon__icon u-margin-xx-small--right"><svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="30" height="30" class="a-icon a-icon--default" alt="">
d="M43.75 16.6667C28.7923 16.6667 16.6667 28.7923 16.6667 43.75C16.6667 58.7077 28.7923 70.8333 43.75 70.8333C58.7077 70.8333 70.8333 58.7077 70.8333 43.75C70.8333 28.7923 58.7077 16.6667 43.75 16.6667ZM8.33334 43.75C8.33334 24.1899 24.1899 8.33333 43.75 8.33333C63.3101 8.33333 79.1667 24.1899 79.1667 43.75C79.1667 52.0286 76.3262 59.6438 71.5668 65.6742L90.4463 84.5537C92.0735 86.1809 92.0735 88.8191 90.4463 90.4463C88.8191 92.0735 86.1809 92.0735 84.5537 90.4463L65.6742 71.5668C59.6438 76.3262 52.0286 79.1667 43.75 79.1667C24.1899 79.1667 8.33334 63.3101 8.33334 43.75Z">
<div class="m-TextWithIcon__text"><span class="u-hidden@small-tiny">Search</span><span class="u-hidden@medium"></span></div>
Name: search-box — GET /search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia
<form class="l-flex__primary" name="search-box" method="get" data-clientside-hook="chargeUrlSearchParams" action="/search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia"><label for="query" class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel has-js"
data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel formControlContainer">
<div class="FormControlWithFloatingLabel__inner"><input type="search" name="query"
class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl a-inputWithClear a-h3 u-font-weight--normal o-SearchBox__input m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__formControl--rounded-none" id="query" autocomplete="off"
data-clientside-hook="floatingLabel__formControl search__input--mobile formControlValidation" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" value="" data-qa-id="search-box-query">
<div class="m-FormControlWithFloatingLabel__label u-font-weight--normal">z.B. Produkt, Hersteller, Symptom, ...</div>
<p class="a-ErrorMessage" data-clientside-hook="formControlValidation__error" aria-live="polite"></p>
Name: search-results — GET /search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia
<form name="search-results" method="get" action="/search.htm?i=1&searchChannel=algolia"><button name="show-all-results-button" data-qa-id="search-results-show-all-results-button" class="a-Button o-SearchBox__show-all-button"
data-submit-styles="standard">Alle Ergebnisse anzeigen</button></form>
Text Content
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