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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submitted URL: https://netflixfacturation.com/
Effective URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Submission: On November 17 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Submission: On November 17 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
7 forms found in the DOMPOST
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<legend class="wmde-banner-form-field-group-legend">I will donate:</legend>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-container select-interval">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option interval-0"><label><input type="radio" name="select-interval" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="0"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">one-time</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option interval-1"><label><input type="radio" name="select-interval" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="1"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">monthly</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option interval-3"><label><input type="radio" name="select-interval" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="3"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">quarterly</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
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<fieldset class="wmde-banner-form-field-group">
<legend class="wmde-banner-form-field-group-legend">Amount:</legend>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-container select-amount">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-5"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="5"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€5</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-10"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="10"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€10</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-20"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="20"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€20</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-25"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="25"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€25</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-50"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="50"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€50</span></label><!--v-if--></div>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option amount-100"><label><input type="radio" name="select-amount" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="100"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label">€100</span></label><!--v-if--></div><label
class="wmde-banner-select-custom-amount"><input class="wmde-banner-select-custom-amount-radio" type="radio" name="select-amount" value=""><span class="wmde-banner-select-custom-amount-input-container"><!--v-if--><input
class="wmde-banner-select-custom-amount-input t-custom-amount" tabindex="-1" type="text" size="3" maxlength="8" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Other amount"></span></label>
</div><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-error-message"><span class="wmde-banner-error-icon">How much would you like to donate?</span></span>
<fieldset class="wmde-banner-form-field-group">
<legend class="wmde-banner-form-field-group-legend">Using:</legend>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-container select-payment-method">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group">
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option payment-ppl"><label><input type="radio" name="select-payment-method" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="PPL"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label with-logos paypal"><svg
class="paypal-logo" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 127 35" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule: evenodd; clip-rule: evenodd; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-miterlimit: 2;">
<title>PayPal Logo</title>
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348.326 -3167.57,348.582 -3167.57,348.839C-3167.57,351.555 -3165.33,353.79 -3162.62,353.79L-3126.45,
353.79C-3123.82,353.79 -3121.58,351.874 -3121.17,349.274L-3112.21,292.486C-3111.8,289.886 -3109.56,
287.97 -3106.93,287.97L-3074.05,287.97C-3035.63,287.97 -3003.02,259.941 -2997.07,221.96C-2991.06,
183.659 -3020.99,150.259 -3063.39,150.176L-3131.73,150.176ZM-3096.58,193.346L-3070.27,193.346C-3048.61,
193.346 -3041.56,206.124 -3043.79,220.256C-3046.02,234.418 -3056.97,244.849 -3077.92,244.849L-3104.7,
244.849L-3096.58,193.346ZM-2923.52,206.491C-2932.65,206.525 -2943.16,208.396 -2954.95,213.309C-2982.01,
224.587 -2995,247.895 -3000.52,264.888C-3000.52,264.888 -3018.09,316.732 -2978.41,345.214C-2978.41,
345.214 -2941.6,372.635 -2900.18,343.525L-2900.89,348.072C-2900.93,348.326 -2900.95,348.582 -2900.95,
348.839C-2900.95,351.552 -2898.72,353.786 -2896.01,353.79L-2861.68,353.79C-2859.04,353.79 -2856.81,
351.874 -2856.39,349.274L-2835.51,216.847C-2835.47,216.59 -2835.45,216.331 -2835.45,216.072C-2835.45,
213.358 -2837.68,211.125 -2840.39,211.121L-2874.72,211.121C-2877.36,211.121 -2879.6,213.037 -2880.01,
215.637L-2881.13,222.765C-2881.13,222.765 -2896.12,206.389 -2923.52,206.491L-2923.52,206.491ZM-2922.4,
248.319C-2918.45,248.319 -2914.85,248.863 -2911.61,249.902C-2896.8,254.657 -2888.4,268.887 -2890.83,
284.311C-2893.83,303.303 -2909.41,317.287 -2929.38,317.287C-2933.32,317.287 -2936.92,316.747 -2940.16,
315.708C-2954.97,310.953 -2963.42,296.723 -2960.99,281.299C-2957.99,262.307 -2942.37,248.315 -2922.4,248.315L-2922.4,248.319Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-primary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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348.326 -2673.2,348.582 -2673.2,348.839C-2673.2,351.555 -2670.97,353.79 -2668.25,353.79L-2632.09,
353.79C-2629.46,353.79 -2627.22,351.874 -2626.81,349.274L-2617.85,292.486C-2617.44,289.886 -2615.2,
287.97 -2612.57,287.97L-2579.69,287.97C-2541.27,287.97 -2508.67,259.941 -2502.71,221.96C-2496.7,
183.659 -2526.62,150.259 -2569.03,150.176L-2637.37,150.176ZM-2602.21,193.346L-2575.91,193.346C-2554.25,
193.346 -2547.2,206.124 -2549.43,220.256C-2551.66,234.418 -2562.61,244.849 -2583.56,244.849L-2610.34,
244.849L-2602.21,193.346ZM-2429.16,206.491C-2438.29,206.525 -2448.8,208.396 -2460.6,213.309C-2487.65,
224.587 -2500.65,247.895 -2506.16,264.888C-2506.16,264.888 -2523.72,316.732 -2484.04,345.214C-2484.04,
345.214 -2447.24,372.635 -2405.81,343.525L-2406.53,348.072C-2406.57,348.326 -2406.59,348.582 -2406.59,
348.839C-2406.59,351.555 -2404.35,353.79 -2401.64,353.79L-2367.31,353.79C-2364.68,353.79 -2362.44,
351.874 -2362.03,349.274L-2341.14,216.847C-2341.1,216.59 -2341.08,216.331 -2341.08,216.072C-2341.08,
213.356 -2343.31,211.121 -2346.03,211.121C-2346.03,211.121 -2380.36,211.121 -2380.36,211.121C-2382.99,
211.121 -2385.24,213.037 -2385.64,215.637L-2386.77,222.765C-2386.77,222.765 -2401.76,206.389 -2429.16,
206.491L-2429.16,206.491ZM-2428.04,248.319C-2424.1,248.319 -2420.49,248.863 -2417.26,249.902C-2402.44,
254.657 -2394.05,268.887 -2396.47,284.311C-2399.47,303.303 -2415.05,317.287 -2435.02,317.287C-2438.96,
317.287 -2442.57,316.747 -2445.8,315.708C-2460.61,310.953 -2469.07,296.723 -2466.63,281.299C-2463.64,
262.307 -2448.01,248.315 -2428.04,248.315L-2428.04,248.319Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-secondary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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388.195C-2821.09,390.867 -2819.17,394.318 -2816.03,394.318L-2775.81,394.318C-2773.47,394.316 -2771.3,
393.09 -2770.09,391.09L-2664.98,217.206C-2663.37,214.534 -2665.29,211.117 -2668.42,211.117L-2708.63,
211.117C-2710.99,211.119 -2713.18,212.37 -2714.39,214.401L-2755.76,284.254L-2776.76,214.919C-2777.45,
212.663 -2779.53,211.117 -2781.89,211.117L-2819.22,211.121Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-primary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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348.32 -2337.98,348.579 -2337.98,348.839C-2337.98,351.555 -2335.74,353.79 -2333.03,353.79C-2333.03,
353.79 -2296.87,353.79 -2296.87,353.79C-2294.24,353.79 -2291.99,351.874 -2291.58,349.274L-2261.09,
155.894C-2261.05,155.64 -2261.03,155.384 -2261.03,155.127C-2261.03,152.414 -2263.26,150.18 -2265.97,
150.176L-2302.13,150.176Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-secondary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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255.485 -3454.07,251.981 -3449.26,251.981L-3402.22,251.981C-3354.88,251.981 -3314.71,217.448 -3307.37,
170.65C-3306.83,167.156 -3306.52,163.629 -3306.45,160.093C-3318.48,153.785 -3332.61,150.176 -3348.1,150.176L-3433.21,150.176Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-overlap-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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251.985 -3402.22,251.985L-3449.26,251.985C-3454.07,251.985 -3458.17,255.485 -3458.92,260.243L-3473.68,
353.794L-3482.92,412.482C-3482.99,412.895 -3483.02,413.312 -3483.02,413.73C-3483.02,418.084 -3479.44,
421.667 -3475.08,421.667C-3475.08,421.667 -3475.08,421.667 -3475.08,421.667L-3424.03,421.667C-3419.23,
421.663 -3415.11,418.141 -3414.37,413.408L-3400.92,328.116C-3400.17,323.38 -3396.04,319.858 -3391.25,
319.858L-3361.19,319.858C-3313.85,319.858 -3273.68,285.324 -3266.34,238.526C-3261.13,205.312 -3277.86,
175.09 -3306.45,160.101L-3306.45,160.097Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-secondary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
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353.794 -3533.08,353.794L-3473.67,353.794L-3458.92,260.243L-3442.87,158.438C-3442.12,153.705 -3438,
150.184 -3433.21,150.18L-3348.1,150.18C-3332.61,150.18 -3318.48,153.793 -3306.45,160.097C-3305.62,
117.491 -3340.78,82.314 -3389.12,82.314L-3491.21,82.314Z" style="fill:var( --paypal-primary-fill );fill-rule:nonzero;"></path>
<div class="wmde-banner-select-group-option payment-mcp"><label><input type="radio" name="select-payment-method" class="wmde-banner-select-group-input" value="MCP"><span class="wmde-banner-select-group-label with-logos credit-cards"><svg
class="visa-logo" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 79 27" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule: evenodd; clip-rule: evenodd; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-miterlimit: 2;">
<title>Visa Logo</title>
<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-631,-644)">
<g id="Visa" transform="matrix(0.0787915,0,0,0.0787915,670.604,657.472)">
<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-500,-162.342)">
<path id="path3789" d="M651.185,0.5C580.252,0.5 516.863,37.266 516.863,105.194C516.863,183.094 629.286,188.474 629.286,
227.609C629.286,244.087 610.402,258.838 578.149,258.838C532.376,258.838 498.165,238.227 498.165,
238.227L483.527,306.774C483.527,306.774 522.937,324.184 575.261,324.184C652.813,324.184 713.837,
285.612 713.837,216.523C713.837,134.208 600.946,128.987 600.946,92.663C600.946,79.755 616.448,
65.611 648.609,65.611C684.896,65.611 714.501,80.601 714.501,80.601L728.827,14.397C728.827,14.397 696.614,
0.5 651.185,0.5ZM2.218,5.497L0.5,15.49C0.5,15.49 30.342,20.951 57.219,31.846C91.825,44.338 94.291,
51.611 100.119,74.199L163.63,319.031L248.767,319.031L379.926,5.497L294.985,5.497L210.707,218.67L176.317,
37.974C173.163,17.294 157.187,5.497 137.632,5.497L2.218,5.497ZM414.083,5.497L347.449,319.031L428.448,
319.031L494.847,5.497L414.083,5.497ZM865.842,5.497C846.31,5.497 835.962,15.954 828.368,34.227L709.699,
5.497L865.842,5.497ZM876.889,90.204L902.067,207.857L834.613,207.857L876.889,90.204Z" style="fill: var( --visa-fill ); fill-rule: nonzero;"></path>
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style="fill-rule: evenodd; clip-rule: evenodd; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-miterlimit: 2;">
<title>Mastercard Logo</title>
<g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-722,-639)">
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695.4 104.7,690.2 91.8,690.2C83.2,690.2 74.6,692.8 67.8,702.2L67.8,691.9L49.8,691.9L49.8,774.3L67.8,
774.3L67.8,728.8C67.8,714.2 75.5,707.3 87.5,707.3C99.5,707.3 105.5,715 105.5,728.8L105.5,774.3L123.5,
774.3L123.5,728.8C123.5,714.2 132.1,707.3 143.2,707.3C155.2,707.3 161.2,715 161.2,728.8L161.2,774.3L181.1,
746C400.9,764.9 408.6,776 429.2,776C436.9,776 445.5,773.4 451.5,770L446.3,754.5C441.1,757.9 435.1,758.8 430.8,
758.8C422.2,758.8 418.8,753.6 418.8,745.1L418.8,708.2L448,708.2L448,691.9L448.1,691.9ZM600.9,690.1C590.6,
690.1 583.7,695.3 579.4,702.1L579.4,691.8L561.4,691.8L561.4,774.2L579.4,774.2L579.4,727.8C579.4,714.1 585.4,706.3 596.6,
706.3C600,706.3 604.3,707.2 607.8,708L613,690.8C609.4,690.1 604.3,690.1 600.9,690.1ZM370,698.7C361.4,692.7 349.4,
690.1 336.5,690.1C315.9,690.1 302.2,700.4 302.2,716.7C302.2,730.4 312.5,738.2 330.5,740.7L339.1,741.6C348.5,
743.3 353.7,745.9 353.7,750.2C353.7,756.2 346.8,760.5 334.8,760.5C322.8,760.5 313.3,756.2 307.3,751.9L298.7,
765.6C308.1,772.5 321,775.9 333.9,775.9C357.9,775.9 371.7,764.7 371.7,749.3C371.7,734.7 360.5,727 343.4,724.4L334.8,
723.5C327.1,722.6 321.1,720.9 321.1,715.8C321.1,709.8 327.1,706.4 336.6,706.4C346.9,706.4 357.2,710.7 362.4,
713.3L370,698.7ZM848.9,690.1C838.6,690.1 831.7,695.3 827.4,702.1L827.4,691.8L809.4,691.8L809.4,774.2L827.4,
774.2L827.4,727.8C827.4,714.1 833.4,706.3 844.6,706.3C848,706.3 852.3,707.2 855.8,708L861,691C857.5,690.1 852.4,
690.1 848.9,690.1ZM618.9,733.1C618.9,758 636.1,776 662.7,776C674.7,776 683.3,773.4 691.9,766.6L683.3,752C676.4,
757.2 669.6,759.7 661.8,759.7C647.2,759.7 636.9,749.4 636.9,733.1C636.9,717.6 647.2,707.3 661.8,706.5C669.5,
706.5 676.4,709.1 683.3,714.2L691.9,699.6C683.3,692.7 674.7,690.2 662.7,690.2C636.1,690.1 618.9,708.2 618.9,
733.1ZM785.4,774.3L785.4,691.9L767.4,691.9L767.4,702.2C761.4,694.5 752.8,690.2 741.6,690.2C718.4,690.2 700.4,
708.2 700.4,733.1C700.4,758 718.4,776 741.6,776C753.6,776 762.2,771.7 767.4,764L767.4,774.3L785.4,774.3ZM719.3,
733.1C719.3,718.5 728.7,706.5 744.2,706.5C758.8,706.5 769.1,717.7 769.1,733.1C769.1,747.7 758.8,759.7 744.2,
759.7C728.8,758.8 719.3,747.6 719.3,733.1ZM503.9,690.1C479.9,690.1 462.7,707.3 462.7,733C462.7,758.8 479.9,
775.9 504.8,775.9C516.8,775.9 528.8,772.5 538.3,764.7L529.7,751.8C522.8,757 514.2,760.4 505.7,760.4C494.5,
760.4 483.4,755.2 480.8,740.7L541.7,740.7L541.7,733.8C542.5,707.3 527,690.1 503.9,690.1ZM503.9,705.6C515.1,
705.6 522.8,712.5 524.5,725.3L481.6,725.3C483.3,714.2 491,705.6 503.9,705.6ZM951.1,774.3L951.1,659.3L933.1,
659.3L933.1,702.2C927.1,694.5 918.5,690.2 907.3,690.2C884.1,690.2 866.1,708.2 866.1,733.1C866.1,758 884.1,
776 907.3,776C919.3,776 927.9,771.7 933.1,764L933.1,774.3L951.1,774.3ZM885,733.1C885,718.5 894.4,706.5 909.9,
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November 17th, 9:21 am: “Wikipedia still can't be sold.” - An important update for readers in Germany. Today is the day. We're sorry to interrupt, but it's Sunday, November 17th, and this message will be up for only a few hours. We ask you to reflect on the number of times you visited Wikipedia in the past year and if you're able to give €5 back. If everyone reading this gave just €5, we'd hit our goal in a few hours. In the age of AI, access to verifiable facts is crucial. Wikipedia is at the heart of online information, powering everything from your personal searches to emerging AI technologies. Your gift strengthens the knowledge of today and tomorrow. Just 1% of our readers donate, so if you have given in the past and Wikipedia still provides you with €5 worth of knowledge, kindly donate today. If you are undecided, remember that any contribution helps, whether it's €5 or €25. Thank you. €3.7M Donation target: €9.3M €3.7M €9.3M I will donate: one-time monthly quarterly yearly How often would you like to donate? Amount: €5 €10 €20 €25 €50 €100 How much would you like to donate? Using: PayPal Logo Visa LogoMastercard Logo €5 by text messageText "WIKI" to 81190. Additional costs for sending text messages may apply. How would you like to pay your donation? Proceed with the donation Can you make it €0 yearly? Every year we are dependent on the support of people like you. Yearly donations help sustainably and enable long term development. No risks attached, you can tell us to stop at any time. No, I'll donate €0 one time.Yes, I'll donate €0 each year. Donation account: Wikimedia e. V. BIC: BFSWDE33XXX IBAN: DE09 3702 0500 0003 2873 00 I've already donated Where does my donation go? WHERE DOES MY DONATION GO?* It is for a Wikipedia that is always reliable in terms of organizational and technical aspects, now and in the future. For free access to encyclopedic, trustworthy knowledge at all times and wherever you are. It is also for you – and for all other people around the world. Infrastructure 20.4% The technical, social, and financial infrastructure of free knowledge should be resilient and sustainable. With the greatest possible participation of the various communities, we shall work to create, maintain, and develop essential elements of this infrastructure as well as potentially no longer supporting less forward-looking and sustainable aspects. International and Technology 34.1% Wikipedia is a global project. Therefore, we make a substantial contribution to funding the international activities that develop Wikipedia further. In this way, we also co-fund the global server infrastructure to run all Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia in German. Community Support 10.6% We want to nurture and strengthen communities within the free knowledge network that share our vision and values. Toward this goal we shall support existing communities and encourage many more people to join them. Diversity and Participation 5.1% We want to make it possible for more people from structurally disadvantaged groups, who have experienced discrimination caused by societal power structures, to meaningfully participate in all areas of our work. By breaking down barriers that currently prevent participation, we intend to fulfill our obligation as an influential player in the network of free knowledge. Usage and Access 3.8% We want to see the content of Wikimedia projects used much more by many more people. At the same time, we want to pave the way toward easier and more equitable access to this content. Society 4.8% We shall bring more decision-makers in politics and society to use their skills and influence to create a world in which all people can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Operating Costs 21.2% The people in our Berlin team make sure that the organizational and financial processes run reliably. One aspect of their work is to raise public awareness for our projects. And they process all incoming donations and send out the donation receipts. The annual plans of Wikimedia Deutschland and the Wikimedia Foundation provide a detailed insight into our international activities and our activities in Germany. HOW YOUR DONATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE * Your donation is a vital contribution to provide everybody around the world with free access to knowledge at all times. * Your donation is a contribution to maintaining Wikipedia’s secure and stable infrastructure and user-friendly interface in the future. * Your donation backs our efforts to promote the global establishment of regional Wikipedia communities. * Your donation is our most important source of income. It ensures that Wikipedia can remain independent of advertising, commercial interests or third-party funding. * Last, but not least, your donation is your contribution towards making sure you always have Wikipedia at your fingertips as your personal source of knowledge, offering a uniquely wide range of information to help you find answers to your questions. WHY WE ONLY NEED €9,300,000 Our goal to reach €9.3 million in donations is an important part of our total planned revenue for 2025. Without a doubt, this is a lot of money. However, if you consider that Wikipedia ranks as the fifth most visited website worldwide, this figure is put into perspective. Because compared to other top websites, we only need an extraordinarily small budget to cover our running costs and for investments into the future. The only reason why this is possible is because Wikipedia does not pursue a “business model”, all contributions to Wikipedia are written by volunteers and we only have around 900 members of staff worldwide. In addition, we are a non-profit organization, which obliges us to handle our revenue responsibly and efficiently. ANNUAL REVENUE – A COMPARISON * Google $306bSource * Amazon $575bSource * Facebook $135bSource * Wikipedia $0.21b WHO RECEIVES THE DONATIONS FOR WIKIPEDIA? Donations from Germany go to Wikimedia Deutschland in Berlin. Since our founding in 2004, we have been promoting Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in Germany. As a non-profit association, we are entitled to issue tax-deductible donations receipts and to carry out the Wikipedia donation campaign. A portion of the donation is forwarded to the Wikimedia Foundation , a non-profit organisation that operates and develops Wikipedia and related projects worldwide. 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Color (beta) * Automatic Light Dark This page is always in light mode. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WELCOME TO WIKIPEDIA , the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. 6,911,841 articles in English FROM TODAY'S FEATURED ARTICLE SMS Friedrich Carl was an armored cruiser of the Imperial German Navy. A member of the Prinz Adalbert class, the ship was intended to act as a scout for the fleet's battleships and to patrol the German colonial empire. The Prinz Adalbert class was based on the earlier armored cruiser Prinz Heinrich, but with improved armament and armor. Built in the early 1900s, Friedrich Carl served in the German fleet from 1904 to 1909, which included a period as flagship of the reconnaissance squadron and a cruise to the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was then used as a torpedo test vessel from 1909 until the start of World War I in July 1914. Friedrich Carl was assigned to the Cruiser Division of the Baltic Sea, serving as its flagship. On 17 November 1914, the ship struck a Russian naval mine off Memel and sank, though only seven or eight men were killed in the sinking. (This article is part of a featured topic: Armored cruisers of Germany.) Recently featured: * Atrociraptor * Walden–Wallkill Rail Trail * Costello's * Archive * By email * More featured articles * About DID YOU KNOW ... Campaign poster for the 1917 Łódź City Council election * ... that socialists received 31 percent of the vote in the 1917 Łódź City Council election (campaign poster pictured), but the system implemented by the German occupying authorities only gave them 8 percent of the seats? * ... that Samuel Lander founded the Williamston Female College in an abandoned hotel? * ... that Leon Trotsky frequented a Jewish dairy restaurant in the Bronx but refused to tip, and the waiters retaliated by spilling hot soup on him? * ... that Roger Farmer, the first NFL player from Barbados, reached the league after playing for schools that a newspaper described as having "terrible records"? * ... that a recurrent famine has haunted Madagascar's southern regions since the 1930s? * ... that Georgina Sutton was the first woman to be appointed the chief pilot of an Australian airline? * ... that the ballot summary for 2024 Ohio Issue 1 was a flashpoint for legal action? * ... that ballerina Marina Kondratyeva served the Bolshoi Ballet and its school for over 70 years? * ... that Eternity in Flames, now commonly shown in Chinese schools, was banned during the Cultural Revolution? * Archive * Start a new article * Nominate an article IN THE NEWS Samantha Harvey * Samantha Harvey (pictured) wins the Booker Prize for her novel Orbital. * Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby announces his resignation as a result of the John Smyth abuse scandal in the Church of England. * In Zhuhai, China, 35 people are killed in a vehicle-ramming attack. * Alliance for Change, led by Navin Ramgoolam, wins the Mauritian general election. Ongoing: * Israel–Hamas war * Israeli invasion of Lebanon * Russian invasion of Ukraine * timeline * Sudanese civil war * timeline Recent deaths: * Dorothy Allison * Trevor Sorbie * Daim Zainuddin * Jürgen Becker * Christine Görner * Timothy West * Nominate an article ON THIS DAY November 17 H. H. Holmes * 1796 – French Revolutionary Wars: French forces won the Battle of Arcole in a manoeuvre to cut the Austrians' line of retreat. * 1894 – H. H. Holmes (pictured), one of the first modern serial killers, was arrested in Boston after killing at least nine people. * 1968 – NBC controversially cut away from an American football game between the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets to broadcast Heidi, causing viewers in the Eastern United States to miss the game's dramatic ending. * 1989 – Walt Disney Pictures released The Little Mermaid to theatres, beginning the Disney Renaissance. * 2009 – Administrators at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit discovered that their servers had been hacked, and thousands of emails and files on climate change had been stolen. * Nikephoros Melissenos (d. 1104) * Agnes of Jesus (b. 1602) * Maria Antonia Ferdinanda of Spain (b. 1729) * Nicolas Appert (b. 1749) More anniversaries: * November 16 * November 17 * November 18 * Archive * By email * List of days of the year * About TODAY'S FEATURED PICTURE The European bison (Bison bonasus), also known as the wisent, is a mammal in the family Bovidae, one of two extant species of bison. Having been hunted to extinction in the wild by the early 20th century, the European bison was reintroduced to the wild in various European countries by the 2010s, following captive breeding programmes. It is the heaviest wild land animal in Europe, and individuals in the past may have been even larger than their modern-day descendants. The largest bulls of the species have a mass of up to 1,000 kilograms (2,200 lb). The European bison is a herd animal, which lives in both mixed and solely male groups. Mixed groups consist of adult females, calves, young aged two to three years, and young adult bulls. A typical herd numbers around eight to thirteen animals on average. This male European bison was photographed in the Białowieża Forest, Poland. Photograph credit: Charles J. 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