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By: John Leffler and Christopher Long

Type: General Entry

Published: 1952

Updated: March 10, 2021


Trinity County Map. Courtesy of the Texas Almanac. Image available on the
Internet and included in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.

Trinity County.Trinity County is in the East Texas Timberlands region. The
center of the county lies at 31°07' north latitude and 95°05' west longitude.
Groveton, the county seat of government, is near the center of the county and
ninety air miles north of Houston. The county's name is from the Trinity River,
which forms its southeastern boundary. Trinity County covers 692 square miles of
rolling to hilly terrain that extends diagonally from the Trinity River
northeast to the Neches River. The area is drained by these rivers and by a
number of creeks that drain into them; near the southern tip of the county the
Trinity has been dammed to form Livingston Reservoir, which provides water and
recreation for the area. Altitudes in Trinity County range from 150 to 400 feet
above sea level. Most parts of the area have reddish soils with loamy surfaces
and clayey subsoils; in the western parts of the county, the soils are light
colored with sandy surfaces and clayey subsoils. The county's climate is
subtropical and humid, with warm summers and an annual average precipitation of
forty-six inches. Temperatures range from an average low of 38° F in January to
an average high of 94° F in July; the growing season lasts 260 days.

Before the advent of the lumber industry in the 1880s, the area was covered by
forests of immense trees as large as fifty inches in diameter with first limbs
sixty to eighty feet above the ground. Though these forests were destroyed, many
areas are now reforested, and much of the county is dotted with pine and
hardwood forests. Sweet gum, black willow, hawthorn, water locust, willow,
laurel, sycamore, redbud, dogwood, magnolia, chinaberry, green ash, winged elm,
red maple, bass wood, iron wood, hickory, winged sumac, oak, and short leaf and
loblolly pine grow in abundance. Trinity County harbors a wide variety of
wildlife species, including opossum, Eastern Mole, pocket gopher, coyote, red
fox, striped skunk, river otter, mink, beaver, deer, and armadillo. The area is
also home to numerous snake species, from the harmless coachwhip and common
garter snakes to the poisonous copperhead, Western cottonmouth, and diamond back
rattler. Birds found in the area include great blue heron, ibis, marsh hawk,
whippoorwill, mourning dove, roadrunner, and pileated woodpecker. About 59
percent of the land in the county is controlled by timber interests or the
national government: almost 200,000 acres of the county's land is owned by
lumber and paper companies, while the Davy Crockett National Forest covers more
than 73,000 acres. In 1982 about 36 percent of the county was in farms and
ranches; 83 percent of the area's agricultural receipts was from livestock and
livestock products, especially cattle, milk, and hogs. Coastal and Bermuda
grasses with winter ground cover of oats and rye were raised as feed for cattle,
and local farmers also grew sweet potatoes, peaches, and pecans.

Artifacts from the Paleo-Indian and Archaic cultures have been found in the area
that is now Trinity County, suggesting that it has been occupied by humans for
perhaps 10,000 years or more. When the first Europeans explored the region it
was inhabited by various Caddoan and Atakapan Indians, but diseases, especially
smallpox, ravaged these agrarian peoples by the time the first Anglo-American
settlers arrived. Various other tribes, including the Alabama, Kickapoo,
Tantabogue, and Coushatta, settled in the area in the nineteenth century. In
1827, when the area was part of the Mexican municipality of Nacogdoches, it was
granted to Joseph Vehlein, a Mexico City merchant, by the Mexican government.
Vehlein never fulfilled the terms of his contract to settle 200 families in the
area, and Mexican authorities later made several other grants to would-be
colonizers, including María Guadalupe de Castro and Pedro José de Caro. The
Indian population controlled the land until after the Texas Revolution, however,
and the area seems to have attracted few if any European settlers until the

In 1837 the Congress of the Republic of Texas established Houston County, which
included all of the area of present Trinity County. The first recorded permanent
White settler was a Jesse James, who settled on Alabama Creek in 1844, near a
large Indian settlement. In 1845 John Gallion moved into the settlement and
purchased the Indians' livestock and improvements. Though the subsequent fate of
the area's Indian population is unknown, they seem to have moved to the Indian
Territory. The earliest White settlers in the area lived primarily by hunting,
eating the meat of their prey and sending pelts to eastern markets for whatever
cash they would bring. On February 11, 1850, the Texas legislature established
Trinity County. Jesse James, Benjamin B. Ellis, Solomon Adams, James Marsh,
Henry Ward, John Gallion, and M. Duke Hornsby were appointed "to ascertain the
centre of the county, to select two sites within five miles of the center
suitable for site of the County Seat, [and] to hold an election to determine
which would receive the most votes." In 1854 Sumpter, a primitive village, was
declared county seat, and a small courthouse and jail were built; that same year
the county's first post office was established there. By the late 1850s Trinity
County was a thriving frontier area that profited from the steamboat traffic on
the Trinity River. Though most of the county's inhabitants supported themselves
through hunting and subsistence agriculture, plantation agriculture was becoming
increasingly important to the local economy. By 1857 a number of wealthy
slaveholders, including C. C. Tallifero, George Reese, and C. O. Wagnon, had
moved into the area and established large plantations on which cotton and corn
were grown. A saw and grist mill was built at Indian Camp Springs in 1857,
providing lumber for frame houses and other structures. By 1860 there were 4,392
people, including 791 enslaved people and a free Black, living in Trinity
County. Farms covered 63,000 acres in the county, and almost 12,000 acres were
classified as "improved"; that year 94,834 bushels of corn, 2,945 bales of
cotton, and 210 pounds of tobacco were produced in Trinity County, along with
other crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans. Over 10,300 cattle were
reported in the county, along with 1,465 sheep. Meanwhile Sumpter, the county
seat, had grown to include three hotels, a grocery story, and a saloon. The
Trinity Valley, a weekly newspaper, was being published there.

Though the population of the county was divided over the issue of secession in
1860, when the Civil War began the area strongly supported the Confederacy.
Three companies of soldiers were raised in the county for the Southern cause,
including one unit which became part of Hood's Texas Brigade. The number of
slaves in the county grew significantly during the conflict, possibly due to
southerners fleeing west with their slaves; according to county tax records, the
county's slave population increased to 1,227 by 1864. The Trinity County area
also became a haven for Confederate deserters and criminals during the war, and
public order broke down. Some of the county's most prominent men organized a
vigilante committee; J. F. Moore, the county sheriff, led its operations. Though
the vigilantes resorted to summary justice and lynched a number of men, the
county was still in turmoil when the war ended. In 1866 three companies of
Illinois infantry were stationed in Sumpter as occupation troops for
Reconstruction, but the county's society continued to be turbulent and
disorganized in the years just after the Civil War. The county's White
population harbored a "spirit of resentment" against the federal troops, and the
Ku Klux Klan conducted night rides and other operations intended to intimidate
the newly freed Blacks in the area. Meanwhile, local citizens were also harassed
by outlaws such as John Wesley Hardin, who grew up in Trinity County. According
to Flora Bowles, who has written an extensive history of the county, violence
and murder were almost commonplace during this time. The county's economy was
disrupted by the Civil War and its aftermath; the number of acres in farms in
the county dropped from 62,324 in 1860 to only 19,274 by 1870. Corn production
and the number of cattle fell off in the area during the 1860s, and cotton
production declined significantly; in 1870, 2,205 bales were produced, 25
percent fewer than in 1860. While the number of Blacks living in the county rose
sightly during the 1860s, the White population declined by 10 percent. A new
town, Pennington, was established in the northwestern part of the county in
1866, but by 1870 the county's total population had declined to 4,140.

The county's social and political geography shifted after 1872, when the Great
Northern Railroad extended its tracks into the small village of Trinity, located
in the southwestern part of the county. Almost immediately people began to move
out of Sumpter to Trinity and Pennington, sometimes taking their homes and other
buildings with them. In May 1873, a few months after the Sumpter courthouse
burned with most of the county records, the town of Trinity became the seat of
government for the county. The next year, after another election, Pennington
became the county seat; its courthouse burned in 1876. Meanwhile, in 1873,
former slaves established the small town of Nigton in the northeastern part of
the county. Agriculture in the area revived during the 1870s. By 1880 there were
421 farms, encompassing 159,000 acres, in the county, and 25,000 acres were
classified as "improved." That year local farmers devoted 6,802 acres to cotton
and produced 2,666 bales; another 9,184 acres were planted in corn, and 4,048
acres were planted in wheat. The county's population had also begun to grow
again, and by 1880 there were 4,915 people (3,740 Whites and 1,162 Blacks)
living in the area.

In the early 1880s, after the Sabine branch of the International-Great Northern
Railroad was built through the county, the area's economy and way of life were
fundamentally changed. Attracted by the area's spectacular old-growth forests, a
number of lumber operations, including the Trinity Lumber Company (1881), the
Thompson-Tucker Lumber Company, (1883), and the J. T. Cameron Lumber Company
(1883), rapidly moved into the area and opened sawmills. A new town, Groveton,
appeared around the Trinity Lumber Company's mill and grew so quickly that in
1882 the county's voters chose to make it the county seat. New towns
subsequently appeared in the county around other mills, as the lumber companies
built houses, churches, schools, and eventually electric plants and waterworks,
to accommodate their workers. By the early twentieth century company towns such
as Willard (1909 population: 1,200), Josserand (900), Saron (1,200), and
Westville (1,000) were home to the thousands of workers who cut, hauled, and
sawed the area's timber. Black workers lived in segregated housing and attended
segregated schools, churches, and meeting halls. The lumber industry also
attracted a large number of transient workers who lived in portable camps that
moved around the forests; as soon as these crews cleared the trees from an area,
their houses would be placed on railroad flatbeds and carried to the next
logging site.

While Trinity County's lumber operations dominated the local economy and drained
labor away from the agricultural sector, farming nevertheless expanded in the
county during the late nineteenth century. By 1900 there were 1,271 farms,
encompassing 323,000 acres, in the area. Production of corn and cotton, the
county's most important crops, increased steadily during this period and
particularly during the 1890s; by 1900, 15,448 acres in the area were planted in
corn, while 13,704 acres were devoted to cotton. The area's ranching industry
also grew, and by 1900 over 20,000 cattle and 5,000 goats were reported in the
county. Largely because of the lumber industry, but also because of this farm
expansion, Trinity County's population grew to 7,648 by 1890 and to 10,976 by
1900. Lumbering in the county intensified during the early 1900s. Production was
prodigious; one mill alone, owned by Thompson-Tucker Lumber, turned out 100,000
boardfeet of lumber daily in 1909. By that time, however, the county's old
forests were almost played out. The town of Josserand died in 1909, when its
mill closed that year, and Willard folded up in 1911 for the same reason; Saron
died in 1919 and Westville in 1921. By 1928 only the lumber operations in
Groveton and Trinity were still operating, and the companies that owned these
mills were reaching into Tyler and Houston counties for their logs. Only ugly
stumps and brush covered much of Trinity County, and the once-thriving sites of
Willard, Josserand, Saron, and Westville were only "waste places covered with
brambles." The Groveton mill closed at midnight on December 31, 1930, blowing
its steam whistle for two hours to signal the end of an era in the county's
history. Farming had declined in the county during the lumber boom of the early
1900s, but as the mill industry began to die, many of its former workers turned
to farming. They were encouraged by Helen Kerr Thompson, the wife of the
president of the defunct Thompson-Tucker mill. In her attempt to revive
agriculture in the area, Mrs. Thompson built chickenhouses and filled them with
purebred leghorn hens, stocked a ranch with registered Hereford cattle, and
began a diversified farming program that focused on growing cotton, sugar cane,
and various grains. She took on tenant farmers to work some of her lands. About
100,000 acres of the county were in farms in 1925, but by 1930 farmland in the
area had expanded to encompass more than 143,000 acres. During that same period
the number of farms in the county grew from 1,330 to 1,569. By 1930 almost
25,000 acres in the county were planted in cotton, more than twice the figure
for 1920. Many of the new farmers were tenants; the number of farms in the area
operated by tenants grew from 465 in 1920 to 726 by 1930. The expansion of
agriculture in the area helps to explain why the county's population did not
drop after the mills closed. There were 12,768 people living in the area in
1910, 13,623 in 1920, and 13,637 in 1930.

Despite the agricultural expansion, the closing of the mills and the onset of
the Great Depression had severely undermined the local economy. By the early
1930s a number of people had already moved out of Groveton, the county seat, and
the town had lost some of its finest buildings to fires. The main railroads in
the area stopped running, and the county had almost no paved roads aside from
State Highway 94, which was completed between Groveton and Trinity in 1929. New
Deal projects sponsored by the federal government did much to revive the area
and to prepare it for the future, however. The Civilian Conservation Corps
established camps at Trinity, Apple Springs, and Groveton and hired a number of
young men for reforestation work, road construction, and erosion prevention
measures. Sewing rooms were opened in the county to employ local women, and the
Work Projects Administration built a new county jail and constructed high
schools for Apple Springs, Pennington, Saglen, Centerville, and Groveton.
Meanwhile, the Woodlake area became the site of an experimental federal commune
under the Texas Rural Community Project. About 100 houses were built on
three-acre tracts and filled with families selected from the relief rolls. The
Woodlake community also became the base for a National Youth Administration
camp, where as many as 150 young people at a time were trained in industrial
crafts. The population of the area increased slightly during the 1930s to reach
13,705 by 1940.

Trinity County's population declined significantly during the 1940s and 1950s as
farms mechanized and consolidated; by 1950 there were only 975 farms in the
county, and young people left to look for new opportunities elsewhere. Thanks to
reforestation efforts, however, the lumber industry eventually revived, and by
the 1960s there were two sawmills operating in the county. By the 1980s the
area's timber production exceeded the yields of the timber boom of the early
1900s, and timber sales provided most of the county's revenue. Natural gas and
oil were discovered in the county in 1946, but production levels remained low
into the 1990s. About 20,000 barrels of crude were produced in the area in 1960,
under 5,000 barrels in 1974, about 1,800 barrels in 1982, and about 64,000
barrels in 1990. In the 1960s the Trinity River was dammed to form Lake
Livingston, which immersed part of the county and now provides recreation for
the area's inhabitants and tourists. The population of the county steadily
increased after the 1960s, reaching 7,628 in 1970, 9,450 in 1980, and 11,445 by

The voters of Trinity County supported the Democratic candidates in every
election from 1852 through 1968. The area’s sympathies began to change in 1972,
however, when Republican Richard Nixon carried the county, as Ronald Reagan did
in 1984. Though Democratic presidential candidates won majorities in the county
in 1976, 1980, and 1988, the elections of 1972 and 1984 marked the beginnings of
a shift away from the area’s traditional leanings. Democrat Bill Clinton won a
plurality in the county in 1992 and won outright in 1996, but Republican George
W. Bush won solid majorities in the 2000 and 2004 elections.

In 2014 the census counted 14,224 people living in Trinity County. About 78.9
percent were Anglo, 9.6 percent were African American, and 9.2 percent were
Hispanic. More than 73 percent of residents older age twenty-five had four years
of high school, and more than 9 percent had college degrees. In the early
twenty-first century forestry, cattle, and tourism were important elements of
the area’s economy. In 2002 the county had 555 farms and ranches covering
104,724 acres, 41 percent of which were devoted to crops, 39 percent to pasture,
and 18 percent to woodlands. In that year local farmers and ranchers earned
$8,953,000, with crop sales accounting for $8,605,000 of that total. Beef cattle
and horses were among the chief agricultural products. More than 19,271,000
cubic feet of pinewood and 3,680,000 cubic feet of hardwood were harvested in
the county in 2003. Groveton (population, 985) is the county’s seat of
government and Trinity (2,545) its largest town. Other communities include Apple
Springs (350), Sebastapol (300), Woodlake (180), Pennington (67), and Centralia
(190). The town of Trinity holds a spring festival each May and a community fair
in September.


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 * Bibliography
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 * Citation
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 * Published

Flora G. Bowles, A History of Trinity County, Texas, 1827 to 1928 (M.A. thesis,
University of Texas, 1928; rpt., Groveton, Texas: Groveton Independent School
District, 1966). Patricia B. and Joseph W. Hensley, eds., Trinity County
Beginnings (Groveton, Texas: Trinity County Book Committee, 1986). Adele
Mansell, History of Trinity County (M.A. thesis, Sam Houston State Teachers
College, 1941). Trinity Historical Society, A History of Trinity (Crockett,
Texas, 1984).


 * Counties

The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the
preferred citation for this entry.

John Leffler and Christopher Long, “Trinity County,” Handbook of Texas Online,
accessed December 23, 2023,

Published by the Texas State Historical Association.


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Original Publication Date: 1952 Most Recent Revision Date: March 10, 2021


Texas Almanac 2024-2025
Trinity County


Linked Data from the Texas Almanac:
Place Trinity County
Currently Exists Yes
Place Type County
Altitude Range 131 ft – 410 ft
Civilian Labor Counts

People Year 5,101 2019

Land Area

Area (mi2) Year 693.6 2019

Total Area Values

Area (mi2) Year 714.0 2019

Per Capita Income

USD ($) Year 34,514 2019

Property Values

USD ($) Year 1,903,378,695 2019


Rainfall (inches) Year 49.3 2019

Retail Sales

USD ($) Year 75,549,049 2019

Temperature Ranges

Min (°F) Max (°F) Year 35.1 92.9 2019


Unemployment Percentage Year 9.0 2019


USD ($) Year 20,213,731 2019

Population Counts

People Year 14,651 2019

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