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Search Search * Home * Chess Pieces ECONOMY TOURNAMENT CHESS PIECES MID-RANGE STAUNTON CHESS PIECES LUXURY CHESS PIECES REPRODUCED JAQUES VINTAGE COLLECTION CHESS PIECES REPRODUCED ANTIQUE CHESS PIECES SET REPRODUCED RUSSIAN / SOVIET COLLECTION CHESS PIECES REPRODUCED EUROPEAN TIMELESS COLLECTION CHESS PIECES PLASTIC CHESS PIECES BONE CHESS PIECES PAINTED CHESS PIECES METAL CHESS PIECES * Chess Boards SPANISH VENEER CHESS BOARDS EBONY WOOD CHESS BOARDS INDIAN ROSEWOOD CHESS BOARDS BUD ROSEWOOD CHESS BOARDS SHEESHAM WOOD CHESS BOARDS LEATHER CHESS BOARDS PVC PLASTIC CHESS BOARDS PRINTED CHESS BOARDS MOUSE PAD CHESS BOARDS CHESS BOARD WITH COORDINATES SILICONE CHESS BOARDS VINYL ROLL-UP CHESS BOARDS * Chess Sets ANALYSIS CHESS SETS MAGNETIC CHESS SETS DGT CHESS SET TOURNAMENT CHESS SETS STAUNTON CHESS SETS COMBO LUXURY CHESS SETS METAL CHESS SETS PLASTIC CHESS SETS PAINTED CHESS SETS BONE CHESS SETS DELUXE CHESS SET COMBOS CHESS PIECES WITH CHESS BOARD CHESS PIECES WITH CHESS BOX CHESS PIECE WITH CHESS BOARD AND BOX * Chess Accessories STORAGE CHESS BOX CHESS BOOKS CHESS PAPER WEIGHT CHESS CLOCKS SMOKING PIPES * Wooden Games CHECKERS BACKGAMMON TODDLER TOYS * Offers CLEARANCE SALE IMPERFECT CHESS SETS * Backorder * Daily Deals Menu * Chess Pieces * All Chess Pieces * Economy Tournament Chess Pieces * Mid-Range Staunton Chess Pieces * Luxury Chess Pieces * Reproduced Jaques Vintage Collection Chess Pieces * Reproduced Antique Chess Pieces Set * Reproduced Russian / Soviet Collection Chess Pieces * Reproduced European Timeless Collection Chess Pieces * Plastic Chess Pieces * Bone Chess Pieces * Painted Chess Pieces * Metal Chess Pieces * Chess Boards * All Chess Boards * Spanish Veneer Chess Boards * Ebony Wood Chess Boards * Indian Rosewood Chess Boards * Bud Rosewood Chess Boards * Sheesham Wood Chess Boards * Leather Chess Boards * PVC Plastic Chess Boards * Printed Chess Boards * Mouse Pad Chess Boards * Chess Board with Coordinates * Silicone Chess Boards * Vinyl Roll-up Chess Boards * Chess Sets * All Chess Sets * Analysis Chess Sets * Magnetic Chess Sets * DGT Chess Set * Tournament Chess Sets * Staunton Chess Sets Combo * Luxury Chess Sets * Plastic Chess Sets * Painted Chess Sets * Bone Chess Sets * Deluxe Chess Set Combos * Chess Pieces with Chess Board * Chess Pieces with Chess Box * Chess Piece with Chess Board and Box * Chess Accessories * All Chess Accessories * Storage Chess Box * Chess Books * Chess Paper Weight * Chess Clocks * Smoking Pipes * Wooden Games * All Wooden Games * Checkers * Backgammon * Toddler Toys * Offers * All Offers * Clearance Sale * Imperfect Chess Sets * Backorder * Daily Deals Account * My Account * My Wish List * Sign In * Compare Products * * Create an Account Sign In Create an Account BlogRegister ‹› TOP CATEGORIES Chess Pieces Chess Boards Chess Sets Magnetic Chess Sets Storage Chess Box Offers BEST SELLING 1. Combo of The Collector Series Handcarved Staunton Chess Pieces in Ebonized Boxwood & Natural Boxwood - 2.7" King with Folding Solid Wood Chess Board - 12.5" and Leatherette Storage Pouch Special Price $287.98 You Save 20% Regular Price $359.98 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 2. Folding Cardboard 19" Chess Board with Notations in Brown and Off White square - 55mm square Rating: 100% 1 Review $50.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 3. The Study Tournament Plastic Chess Pieces & Roll Up Chess Board Combo - 3.1" King $50.70 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 4. The Checkmate Series Tournament Plastic Chess Set (34 Pieces) Heavily Weighted with Extra Queens - 3.75" King Rating: 93% 2 Reviews $50.00 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 5. Clearance - Old 1959 Russian Zagreb Staunton Chess Pieces in Rosewood / Natural Boxwood - 3.8" King Rating: 99% 7 Reviews Special Price $117.50 You Save 50% Regular Price $234.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare View More... NEW ARRIVALS 1. Reproduced Vintage Series Original Austrian Coffee House Old Vienna Chess Pieces in Sheesham Wood and Boxwood V2.0- 3.75" King Special Price $239.99 You Save 20% Regular Price $299.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 2. The 1961 Soviet Championship Weighted Wooden Chess Pieces in Sheesham & Boxwood - 4” King Special Price $170.99 You Save 10% Regular Price $189.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 3. The 1961 Soviet Championship Weighted Wooden Chess Pieces in Ebonized Wood & Antique Box Wood - 4” King $195.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 4. Deluxe Bud Rosewood / Maple Wooden Chess Board 23" - 60 mm Special Price $311.99 You Save 20% Regular Price $389.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare 5. Deluxe Indian Rosewood / Maple Wooden Chess Board 23" - 60 mm Special Price $311.99 You Save 20% Regular Price $389.99 Add to Cart Add to Wish List Add to Compare View More... WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING Previous REPRODUCED 1963-1966 PIATIGORSKY CUP CHESS PIECES IN BUD ROSE / BOX WOOD - 4.2" KING Beautiful set. I now own in both rosewood and ebony. One of their best designs. Read More SPECIAL EDITION REPRODUCED VINTAGE 1950'S CIRCA BOHEMIA STAUNTON SERIES GERMAN CHESS PIECES This set is remarkable! The price is right, when it's on sale. The crimson color is a delight. Children and adults alike find it fun and fascinating. This was my second set from CHESSBAZZAR. A well made chess set. Read More REPRODUCED ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN NATIONAL TOURNAMENT WEIGHTED CHESS PIECES I have just received the Indian Rosewood Hungarian set I ordered, and am entirely satisfied. The wood is handsome, the carving seems to have been very well done, and all the pieces arrived in great condition. One of the black knights is a little lighter in color (a more open grain, I think) than the other but, considering the deal I got on this set, I'm OK with that. I went with the free shipping, and the package still went from India to near Chicago in only four days... Read More DESERT GOLD STAUNTON SERIES WOODEN CHESS PIECES IN ROSEWOOD & BOX WOOD - 4.0" KING This is a basic Staunton style value priced no-frills set. The pieces are a bit on the smaller side for a set with a 4 inch king, and are suitable for a board with 2 inch squares, but will probably work adequately on a standard tournament sized board with 2.25" squares. The dark pieces seemed to be Indian Rosewood... Read More COMBO OF REPRODUCED FRENCH LARDY EXCLUSIVE TOURNAMENT SIZE WEIGHTED WOODEN CHESS PIECES WITH CHESS BOARD This is my first nice wooden chess set, and boy am I glad I paid a little more and got this instead of buying some cheap crap on Amazon. The Lardy-style pieces aren't going to win a design contest, but they are well-made and feel great in the hand. The board itself is beautiful. It's just a joy to play chess with this set. If you're looking to get your first "real" chess set, do yourself a favor and get one from Chess Bazaar. Make sure to use one of the frequent discounts they offer. Read More THE 1950S SOVIET (RUSSIAN) LATVIAN REPRODUCED CHESS PIECES IN EBONIZED BOXWOOD & NATURAL BOXWOOD - 4.1" KING To be honest I really have nothing negative to say regarding my purchase of this set. Just as described, packed extremely well, Delivery from India as followed by FedEx was nothing short of unbelievable, 3 days and waiting in the Denmark Customs. I wait often longer for goods within DK. Bottom line very good product and... Read More REPRODUCED 1963-1966 PIATIGORSKY CUP CHESS PIECES IN BUD ROSE / BOX WOOD - 4.2" KING Beautiful set. I now own in both rosewood and ebony. One of their best designs. Read More SPECIAL EDITION REPRODUCED VINTAGE 1950'S CIRCA BOHEMIA STAUNTON SERIES GERMAN CHESS PIECES This set is remarkable! The price is right, when it's on sale. The crimson color is a delight. Children and adults alike find it fun and fascinating. This was my second set from CHESSBAZZAR. A well made chess set. Read More REPRODUCED ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN NATIONAL TOURNAMENT WEIGHTED CHESS PIECES I have just received the Indian Rosewood Hungarian set I ordered, and am entirely satisfied. The wood is handsome, the carving seems to have been very well done, and all the pieces arrived in great condition. One of the black knights is a little lighter in color (a more open grain, I think) than the other but, considering the deal I got on this set, I'm OK with that. I went with the free shipping, and the package still went from India to near Chicago in only four days... Read More DESERT GOLD STAUNTON SERIES WOODEN CHESS PIECES IN ROSEWOOD & BOX WOOD - 4.0" KING This is a basic Staunton style value priced no-frills set. The pieces are a bit on the smaller side for a set with a 4 inch king, and are suitable for a board with 2 inch squares, but will probably work adequately on a standard tournament sized board with 2.25" squares. The dark pieces seemed to be Indian Rosewood... Read More COMBO OF REPRODUCED FRENCH LARDY EXCLUSIVE TOURNAMENT SIZE WEIGHTED WOODEN CHESS PIECES WITH CHESS BOARD This is my first nice wooden chess set, and boy am I glad I paid a little more and got this instead of buying some cheap crap on Amazon. The Lardy-style pieces aren't going to win a design contest, but they are well-made and feel great in the hand. The board itself is beautiful. It's just a joy to play chess with this set. If you're looking to get your first "real" chess set, do yourself a favor and get one from Chess Bazaar. Make sure to use one of the frequent discounts they offer. Read More THE 1950S SOVIET (RUSSIAN) LATVIAN REPRODUCED CHESS PIECES IN EBONIZED BOXWOOD & NATURAL BOXWOOD - 4.1" KING To be honest I really have nothing negative to say regarding my purchase of this set. Just as described, packed extremely well, Delivery from India as followed by FedEx was nothing short of unbelievable, 3 days and waiting in the Denmark Customs. I wait often longer for goods within DK. Bottom line very good product and... Read More REPRODUCED 1963-1966 PIATIGORSKY CUP CHESS PIECES IN BUD ROSE / BOX WOOD - 4.2" KING Beautiful set. I now own in both rosewood and ebony. One of their best designs. Read More SPECIAL EDITION REPRODUCED VINTAGE 1950'S CIRCA BOHEMIA STAUNTON SERIES GERMAN CHESS PIECES This set is remarkable! The price is right, when it's on sale. The crimson color is a delight. Children and adults alike find it fun and fascinating. This was my second set from CHESSBAZZAR. A well made chess set. Read More REPRODUCED ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN NATIONAL TOURNAMENT WEIGHTED CHESS PIECES I have just received the Indian Rosewood Hungarian set I ordered, and am entirely satisfied. The wood is handsome, the carving seems to have been very well done, and all the pieces arrived in great condition. One of the black knights is a little lighter in color (a more open grain, I think) than the other but, considering the deal I got on this set, I'm OK with that. I went with the free shipping, and the package still went from India to near Chicago in only four days... Read More Next ONLINE HAND-CRAFTED WOODEN STAUNTON CHESS SETS FROM CHESSBAZAAR® With a huge range of handmade Staunton Chess Sets, chessbazaar® strives to provide the best and high-quality chess sets to our customers at most affordable prices. Started in 2007, we have been serving chess collectors, players and enthusiasts by providing the best and most affordable chess sets all over the world. chessbazaar® is focused to provide the best online shopping experience to our buyers by providing a vast range of unique wooden chess sets, quick and reliable after-sales service and limited lifetime warranty. chessbazaar® is the largest chess manufacturer of Chess Pieces, Chess Boards, Chess Set Combos, Chess Accessories, Chess Storage Box, DGT Chess Clocks, and Travelling Sets. Our USP is FREE Shipping worldwide. Our online chess store justifies quality and commitment as we work around the clock to the most unique, tournament, traditional, vintage and English chess sets which are great for casual playing at schools, clubs, and home. We have unique and personalized chess gifts that are just right for every occasion, designed and handcrafted with great care by our artisans. Wooden chess set is an exclusive item for a gift as well as home decor. ANTIQUE REPRODUCED CHESS SETS - CRAFTSMANSHIP AT ITS BEST! chessbazaar.com is based in India. We use some of the most beautiful woods to manufacture chess sets. Some of the woods used are Sheesham(Golden Rosewood), Ebony, Boxwood, Padauk(Bud Rosewood), Indian Rosewood and the pieces and boards are buff and Lacquer polished. Apart from this, chessbazaar.com has an extensive range of reproduced antique chess sets in Camel Bone and Antiqued Wood. We also have an exclusive range of Jaques Reproduced Chess Sets, Tournament Chess Sets, Russian Reproductions and amazing Analysis Chess Sets. Don't forget to check out our blog where you can find new chess products, tactics, moves, and tricks to improve your chess game online. Get started and try out to achieve your dream chess set by using our custom chess set order feature. We are the world's leading chess supplier and have the widest range of wooden chess sets made with the finest quality. View More... ...View Less Online Hand-crafted Wooden Staunton Chess Sets from chessbazaar® With a huge range of handmade Staunton Chess Sets, chessbazaar® strives to provide the best and high-quality chess sets to our customers at most affordable prices. Started in 2007, we have been serving chess collectors, players and enthusiasts by providing the best and most affordable chess sets all over the world. chessbazaar® is focused to provide the best online shopping experience to our buyers by providing a vast range of unique wooden chess sets, quick and reliable after-sales service and limited lifetime warranty. chessbazaar® is the largest chess manufacturer of Chess Pieces, Chess Boards, Chess Set Combos, Chess Accessories, Chess Storage Box, DGT Chess Clocks, and Travelling Sets. Our USP is FREE Shipping worldwide. ABOUT US At chessbazaar, we strive to offer our esteemed customers nothing but the finest chess sets in design and quality at the most affordable prices. We offer the widest range of chess sets to suit every taste and budget. Our chess store has something for everyone, be it a chess player, a chess collector or a chess club. * (0091)172-466-0488 * TAKE SURVEY * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * YouTube * Pinterest NEWSLETTER GIVE US YOUR EMAIL AND YOU WILL GET VOUCHERS & LATEST OFFERS IN YOUR INBOX. Newsletter Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Subscribe OUR COMPANY * Who we are * Contact us * Reward Points * Backorder * Environment * Why chessbazaar * Low Price Guarantee EXPLORE * Blog * Order Custom Design * Gift Cards * Customer Stories * Customer Videos * Layaway Plan * Wholesale HELP * FAQ * Payment * Shipping * Cancellation & Returns * Order Tracking * Affiliate Program * Warranty © 2023 chessbazaar. 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