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Submission: On April 03 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On April 03 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOMGET /search
<form class="site-search d-inline-block" data-bef-auto-submit-full-form="" data-bef-auto-submit="" data-bef-auto-submit-delay="500" data-drupal-selector="views-exposed-form-hero-search-hero-search" action="/search" method="get"
id="views-exposed-form-hero-search-hero-search" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-once="bef-auto-submit">
<div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-search-api-autocomplete form-item-search-api-fulltext js-form-item-search-api-fulltext">
<label for="edit-search-api-fulltext">Search</label>
<input placeholder="What can we help you find?" data-drupal-selector="edit-search-api-fulltext" type="text" id="edit-search-api-fulltext" name="search_api_fulltext" value="" size="30" maxlength="128" class="form-text">
<div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-select form-item-field-filter-search js-form-item-field-filter-search">
<select data-drupal-selector="edit-field-filter-search" id="edit-field-filter-search" name="field_filter_search" class="form-select">
<option value="All" selected="selected">- Any -</option>
<option value="articles">Articles & Tip Sheets</option>
<option value="links">Links</option>
<option value="events">Events</option>
<option value="resources">Additional Resources</option>
<option value="services">Services</option>
<option value="other">All Other Pages</option>
<div data-drupal-selector="edit-actions" class="form-actions js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" id="edit-actions--2">
<input data-bef-auto-submit-click="" class="input-search button js-form-submit form-submit" data-drupal-selector="edit-submit-hero-search" type="submit" id="edit-submit-hero-search" value="Apply">
POST /user/login
<form class="user-login-form container" data-drupal-selector="user-login-form" action="/user/login" method="post" id="user-login-form" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<h1>User Login</h1>
<div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-textfield form-item-name js-form-item-name">
<label for="edit-name" class="js-form-required form-required">Username</label>
<input autocorrect="none" autocapitalize="none" spellcheck="false" autofocus="autofocus" data-drupal-selector="edit-name" aria-describedby="edit-name--description" type="text" id="edit-name" name="name" value="" size="60" maxlength="60"
class="form-text required" required="required" aria-required="true">
<div id="edit-name--description" class="description"> Enter your VirginiaNavigator username. </div>
<div class="js-form-item form-item js-form-type-password form-item-pass js-form-item-pass">
<label for="edit-pass" class="js-form-required form-required">Password</label>
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-pass" aria-describedby="edit-pass--description" type="password" id="edit-pass" name="pass" size="60" maxlength="128" class="form-text required" required="required" aria-required="true">
<div id="edit-pass--description" class="description"> Enter the password that accompanies your username. </div>
<input autocomplete="off" data-drupal-selector="form-3ozbe1drbmlwh1df-yfaohu2-oqmii9i-aefuvlzgvy" type="hidden" name="form_build_id" value="form-3OzBE1DRbmlWH1dF-yfaOhU2_oQMIi9i_AefUVlZGvY">
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-user-login-form" type="hidden" name="form_id" value="user_login_form">
<div data-drupal-selector="edit-actions" class="form-actions js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" id="edit-actions">
<input class="btn button js-form-submit form-submit" data-drupal-selector="edit-submit" type="submit" id="edit-submit" name="op" value="Log in">
<a href="/user/password">Request new password</a>
Text Content
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