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                        <h1 class="fontSizeH1 marginBottom1 marginBottom1Desktop" style="font-size: 3em"><span
                            style=" background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #0078d4, #c218ec); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background-clip: text; color: transparent; ">Celebrating Skype’s 20 Year
                        <p class="marginTop2 marginBottom3 x-hidden-focus">Embrace a legacy of communication as Skype marks two decades of connecting hearts across borders to bring smiles and, enabling conversations that transcend miles. Join the
                          global celebration of human connections that have shaped our world.</p>
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                          <a data-bi-area="open-skype-in-browser-main-page" data-bi-name="open-skype-in-browser-main-page" data-campaign-id="open-skype-in-browser-main-page" data-m="open-skype-in-browser-main-page" data-position="open-skype-in-browser-main-page" data-tracking-type="click" href="https://web.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/"><span class="x-no-user-name-content">Open Skype in your browser</span> <span class="x-user-name-content x-hidden">Continue as <span class="x-user-name">#UserName</span></span> </a>
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                      <h1 class="fontSizeH1 marginTop1 marginBottom1" style="font-size: 2.5em; line-height: 1.15em"><span
                          style=" background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #0078d4, #c218ec); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background-clip: text; color: transparent; ">Celebrating Skype’s 20 Year Journey
                      <p class="marginTop2 marginBottom3 x-hidden-focus">Embrace a legacy of communication as Skype marks two decades of connecting hearts across borders to bring smiles and, enabling conversations that transcend miles. Join the
                        global celebration of human connections that have shaped our world.</p>
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                            <a class="marginTop2 marginBottom1 x-hidden-focus" data-bi-name="skype-download-home-page" href="https://web.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/" style="display: inline-block; color: #006fbb; font-weight: 600"><span class="x-no-user-name-content">Open Skype in your browser</span> <span class="x-user-name-content x-hidden">Continue as <span class="x-user-name">#UserName</span></span> </a></span>
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              <h2 class="fontSizeH1 marginTop2 marginTop2Desktop">Discover more from Skype</h2>
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                      <div class="featureCardImg" role="img" aria-label="Picture of Tone Rewrite in Skype mobile app" style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/thumbnail_snap_filters.png)"> </div>
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Launching Creativity: Our New Skype Camera, with fun new Snap AR Lenses </h3>
                          <p>We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new camera featuring dozens of engaging and fun Lenses, powered by Snap’s augmented reality (AR) technology. </p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2024-06-skype-snap-lenses/" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Read more about Skype's Tone Selection" data-bi-name="home.page.snapar"> Read more </a>
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                      <div class="featureCardImg" role="img" aria-label="Picture of Tone Rewrite in Skype mobile app" style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/tone-rewrite/main-blogs-page-template.png)">
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> From Text to Emotion: Skype’s New Tone Selection Feature </h3>
                          <p>‘The right tone’ does matter. Conveying the right tone and intent through text-based messages have always been a challenge to many of us. But not anymore! Meet Skype’s new feature, the “Tone Selection” which is to assist
                            you to put your intent just right.</p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2023-09-tone-selection" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Read more about Skype's Tone Selection" data-bi-name="home.page.toneselection"> Read more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item active" data-slide="3" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
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                      <div class="featureCardImg" role="img" aria-label="Picture of Skype messaging features" style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/messaging-thunder/main-page-page-template-copy.png)">
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Your Chat, Reimagined: Meet Skype Messaging 2.0 ​ </h3>
                          <p>We are thrilled to take you on a trip around our new version of Skype messaging. Brace yourself for a complete revamp that promises to redefine your messaging experience. From a modernized Context Menu to a sleek UI
                            redesign, file sharing innovations to a media heaven - we've got it all covered.</p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2024-02-messaging-skype-media" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype's Messaging features" data-bi-name="home.page.messaging"> Learn more </a>
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                      <div class="featureCardImg" role="img" aria-label="" style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/home/features/livesubtitles.jpg)"> </div>
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                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Live subtitles </h3>
                          <p>Read the words that are spoken during an audio or video call.</p>
                        </div> <a href="https://support.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/faq/FA34877" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="How to set subtitles" data-bi-name="home.page.call.recording"> How to set subtitles </a>
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                      <div class="featureCardImg" role="img" aria-label="Picture shows super reactions in Skype call in action"
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/posts/custom-reactions/home-page-super-reactions.jpg)"> </div>
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Super Reactions are worth a thousand words </h3>
                          <p>Show your support by flashing a thumbs-up&nbsp;or celebrate with a birthday cake <img aria-hidden="true" height="5%" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/posts/custom-reactions/cake.png"
                              style="display: inline;" width="5%"> and balloons.</p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-06-custom-and-super-reactions" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Custom Reactions mode feature" data-bi-name="home.page.super.reactions.tab"> Learn more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item" data-slide="6" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
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                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="Picture of Skype modern message chat with side bar."
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/messaging/home-page-modern-tab.jpg)"> </div>
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                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Your chats are about to get much better, Skype's new and improved messaging is here! </h3>
                          <p>Last month we revealed our big plans for an improved, faster, reliable, and super modern-looking Skype. Now we're making good on our promise by rolling out the first of the new upgrades.</p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-10-skype-modern-messaging" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Modern Messaging" data-bi-name="home.page.messaging"> Learn more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item" data-slide="7" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
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                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="Family calling grandfather to stay connected."
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/evergreen/home-page-tab-template.jpg)"> </div>
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Preserving the connections that matter most with Skype </h3>
                          <p>And thanks to Skype, it’s also never been easier. Here’s how people across the globe used technology to stay connected through it all. </p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-10-stay-connected" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Togetherness" data-bi-name="home.page.evergreen"> Learn more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item" data-slide="8" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
                    <div class="featureCard nonUnderlineLink ">
                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="Picture shows super reactions in Skype call in action"
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/posts/together-mode/home-page-together-mode-tab.jpg)"> </div>
                      <div class="featureCardContent">
                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Coffee shop meetings <img aria-hidden="true" height="5%" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/posts/together-mode/coffee.png" style="display: inline;" width="5%"> and family
                            holidays <img aria-hidden="true" height="5%" src="https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/posts/together-mode/island.gif" style="display: inline;" width="5%"> are back — virtually </h3>
                          <p>Our brand-new digital environments take virtual get-togethers to a whole new level, so you can travel the world without ever leaving home. </p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-05-together-mode" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Together mode feature" data-bi-name="home.page.together.mode.tab"> Learn more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item" data-slide="9" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
                    <div class="featureCard nonUnderlineLink ">
                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="Picture of Skype light stage call in progress with bing backgrounds and text Bing backgrounds in Skype."
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/bing/skype-bing-thumbnail.jpg)"> </div>
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                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> ​Want to be the hero on your next call? 🦸 </h3>
                          <p>Did you know <b>Skype Bing mashup</b> happened? Here are the results - <b>a unique high-quality background images in your Skype calls!</b> And that's not all, you can now kill time by searching up the image and exploring
                            more about the beautiful scenery and places you see on your background! </p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-12-bing-backgrounds-in-skype/" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Bing Backgrounds" data-bi-name="home.page.bing"> Learn more </a>
                  <div class="item SkySlider-item" data-slide="10" style="margin-right: 30px; width: auto;">
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                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="A man is calling in Skype with multiple people. "
                        style="background-image: url(https://secure.skypeassets.com/content/dam/scom/blogs/announcement/new/home-page-together-mode-tab.jpg)"> </div>
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                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> The future of Skype: Buttery smooth, fast, playful, &amp; delightful </h3>
                          <p>We are presenting plans on improved, faster, less buggy, and super modern looking Skype. We’ve been listening closely to your feedback and below you’ll find some of the highlights we want to bring to you over the next few
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-08-announcement-modern-skype" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Improvements" data-bi-name="home.page.announcement"> Learn more </a>
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                        <div class="featureCardText">
                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Use Skype to call phones </h3>
                          <p>Call landlines and mobiles from anywhere in the world at great low rates using Skype.</p>
                        </div> <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/international-calls/" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="See our rates" data-bi-name="home.page.skype.to.phone"> See our rates </a>
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                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Skype Number </h3>
                          <p>Get a local phone number in another country or region and answer calls on Skype.</p>
                        </div> <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/skype-number/" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Get your number" data-bi-name="home.page.skype.number"> Get your number </a>
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                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> Get social with the new Bing in Skype </h3>
                          <p>The new Bing in Skype is your AI-powered copilot, and can provide helpful answers to your questions. Whether you need a quick answer or something more in-depth, Bing uses the latest advancements in AI technology to
                            provide you with the most real-time answers and insights.</p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2023-02-bing-bot-in-skype/" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Bing in Skype" data-bi-name="home.page.bing"> Learn more </a>
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                      <div class="featureCardImg lazyLoad" role="img" aria-label="Picture of James and Naya, could who held their wedding online through Skype"
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                          <h3 class="fontSizeH3"> How Skype became the link between two college sweethearts </h3>
                          <p>From marathon video calls to wedding bells, this couple relied on Skype to stay connected while living thousands of miles apart. Now, they’re live-streaming their wedding for guests on the other side of the world. </p>
                        <a href="https://www.skype.com.office.rp1.abangaritest.govshn.net/en/blogs/2021-10-skype-wedding" class="paragraph featureCardLink" aria-label="Learn more about Skype Wedding" data-bi-name="home.page.wedding"> Learn more </a>
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Embrace a legacy of communication as Skype marks two decades of connecting
hearts across borders to bring smiles and, enabling conversations that transcend
miles. Join the global celebration of human connections that have shaped our

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Embrace a legacy of communication as Skype marks two decades of connecting
hearts across borders to bring smiles and, enabling conversations that transcend
miles. Join the global celebration of human connections that have shaped our

Download Skype
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We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new camera featuring dozens of
engaging and fun Lenses, powered by Snap’s augmented reality (AR) technology.

Read more


‘The right tone’ does matter. Conveying the right tone and intent through
text-based messages have always been a challenge to many of us. But not anymore!
Meet Skype’s new feature, the “Tone Selection” which is to assist you to put
your intent just right.

Read more


We are thrilled to take you on a trip around our new version of Skype messaging.
Brace yourself for a complete revamp that promises to redefine your messaging
experience. From a modernized Context Menu to a sleek UI redesign, file sharing
innovations to a media heaven - we've got it all covered.

Learn more


Read the words that are spoken during an audio or video call.

How to set subtitles


Show your support by flashing a thumbs-up or celebrate with a birthday cake and

Learn more


Last month we revealed our big plans for an improved, faster, reliable, and
super modern-looking Skype. Now we're making good on our promise by rolling out
the first of the new upgrades.

Learn more


And thanks to Skype, it’s also never been easier. Here’s how people across the
globe used technology to stay connected through it all.

Learn more


Our brand-new digital environments take virtual get-togethers to a whole new
level, so you can travel the world without ever leaving home.

Learn more


Did you know Skype Bing mashup happened? Here are the results - a unique
high-quality background images in your Skype calls! And that's not all, you can
now kill time by searching up the image and exploring more about the beautiful
scenery and places you see on your background!

Learn more


We are presenting plans on improved, faster, less buggy, and super modern
looking Skype. We’ve been listening closely to your feedback and below you’ll
find some of the highlights we want to bring to you over the next few months.

Learn more


Call landlines and mobiles from anywhere in the world at great low rates using

See our rates


Get a local phone number in another country or region and answer calls on Skype.

Get your number


The new Bing in Skype is your AI-powered copilot, and can provide helpful
answers to your questions. Whether you need a quick answer or something more
in-depth, Bing uses the latest advancements in AI technology to provide you with
the most real-time answers and insights.

Learn more


From marathon video calls to wedding bells, this couple relied on Skype to stay
connected while living thousands of miles apart. Now, they’re live-streaming
their wedding for guests on the other side of the world.

Learn more

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Limited emergency calling
Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and has limited emergency calling
capabilities depending on your country.
Learn more about emergency calling supporting.

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