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LITESOFTDIARY.BITBALLOON.COM * Search for: Navigation Menu 12/26 95 7 SPEED READING SOFTWARE FULL VERSION Posted in:admin var q 7speedreadingsoftwarefullversionYou can go to fast download option and set it to 4. Now your download speed will be significantly higher. How to view memes on vidmate In vidmate, you can enjoy a. Speed Up Windows 7 Ultimate Tweaks For a Blazing Fast Windows 7. Windows 7 is Engineered for speed. Special attention has been given by the Windows team for making Windows 7 faster than the previous operating systems. Screen readers are computer software that assist the blind or visually impaired in using computers, by either reading the text that shows up on the screen or by. Windows 10 quick tips 7 ways to speed up your PC Want Windows 10 to run faster Take a few minutes to try out these tips, and your machine will be zippier and less. Windows 7 is much faster than Windows Vista, but even then most of us dont get satisfied with it. There are many who still have their old PC. Installing Windows 7 on them wont be as soothing as they would work with XP and even with latest hardware installed, some users would still be avaricious for more performance. So, if youd like to squeeze out the best from your OS, read on the Ultimate Guide To Speed Up Windows 7. The Minimum Requirements You need To Run Windows 7. GHz processor 3. GB of main memory. GB of available disk space. Support for DX9 graphics with 1. MB of memory for the Aero interface5 A DVD RW drive. If youre on windows 8, check out our exclusive guide to The Best Tweaks Softwares To Speed Up Windows 8. So, lets start The Ultimate Guide to Speed up Windows 7. Most Windows 7 users are not likely to do frequent file search in their system. The Search Indexing service in Windows 7 will index and keep track of the files, so that they could be found out quickly when needed. This feature is useful only if you perform frequent searches on your system. For those who doesnt rely much on the windows search, the Search Indexing service in Windows 7 can be disabled as it would hog up resources. If youd like to completely disable the search indexing feature in Windows 7 you may set the Search Indexing Service to Disabled See the above method about disabling unwanted services. The aero user interface certainly adds some Eyecandy to Windows 7 but it requires a good hardware and system resources to run smoothly. Older graphics cards would be squeezed to their maximum when aero is forcefully enabled. So if you are on the same line, Disabling the Aero in Windows 7 certainly adds an extra speed boost to it. Disabling the aero theme in Windows 7 will speed things up as the hardware could now be allocated more resources and you could try checking the memory consumption when aero is turned on and off. Even though we have tuned off the aero effects in Windows 7 still there are many unwanted visual effects that could be safely disabled to speed up windows 7 performance. Disabling the Unwanted Services to Speed up Windows 7. There are many services in windows 7 that we dont depend on for our daily use. There are some exceptional cases though. Services such as print spooler are used only when there is a need to print a document. If you doest own a printer, you could safely turn off that service in Windows 7 and turn it on only when there is need to take a print. I have previously prepared a,Disabling the unneeded services in Windows 7 can really speed up the system boot time too. Disable the User account control UAC Feature in Windows 7. Disabling UAC is recommended for advanced users only its not recommend doing it if not. The User account control UAC feature in Windows 7 is very annoying for experienced windows users and for others it could protect your pc from harmful virus activity etc. If you do software installations more frequently on your system, turning off the uac feature would definitely save you extra time. Set. Up the Windows 7 Ready Boost Service for an Extra Speed Boost. To configure the Ready Boost Feature in Windows 7 you need to have a high speed USB Flash Drive with you which is ready boost compatible. After plugging your pendrive, open Computer Right click the on USB DrivePendrive select Ready Boost tab tick the Use this device checkbox. You may configure the amount of space on your Pendrive to be used as Ram. The ready boost feature in Windows 7 will help you to use your usb flash drive as Ram there by improving the performance and speed of windows 7 greatly. Youd certainly experience it when launching bulky applications such as Adobe Photoshop etc. Note Ready Boost would be beneficial for systems which have low amount of ram installed less than 1. GB. Turn off Unused Windows 7 Features. Open up Programs and Features from Control Panel. Click the Turn Windows features on or off from the left pane. Now un check all the Feature that you dont use in Windows 7 and restart the system for the changes to take effect. There are many features in windows 7 that we often dont use. Disabling these unused features in Windows 7 would help in speeding things up. Speeding Up, Tweaking and Optimizing Your SSDIf youve got a new ssd for your system, then you should definitely consider checking out this guide which explains 9 tweaks to properly speed up, optimize your ssd and prolong the life of your ssd, while getting the best performance from it. The guide have some added tips which includes, using a ram cache for speeding up your disk performance, enabling caching etc. So be sure that you dont miss out those awesome tweaks. Disable the Windows 7 Sidebar The GadgetsRight click on the sidebar and choose Properties. On the properties windows un tick the check box showing Start sidebar when Windows Starts From now on windows sidebar wont start when windows 7 start up. Disabling the window 7 sidebar help you free up resources and gain a few more seconds during start up time. Disable the Aero Peek and Aero Snap features in Windows 7. Aero Snap will help you to maximize, minimize and resize the windows just by dragging and dropping it into the screen corners. I wont advice you to turn off this useful feature, as the Aero Snap feature helps to speed up working with windows by arranging them. But, if you are not a regular user of the same, you may proceed by turning of aero snap in windows 7. Open the Windows 7 Control Panel and double click on Ease of Access Center icon. Now click on the Make it easier to focus on tasks seen at the bottom in there. Now untick the check box saying Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen. Right click on the Windows 7 taskbar and select Properties. Now untick the Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop option from there. Now To Disable the Aero Peek feature in Windows 7. The Aero Peek feature in Windows 7 helps you to peek through all open windows by hiding all other windows and showing only the outlines of all windows. Aero Peek is similar to the Show Desktop Feature in XP and Vista. If you have followed step 3 then Aero Peek will be automatically disabled. If not,Right Click the Taskbar and choose Properties. Un select the Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop option. The aero peek feature will now be disabled in windows 7. The Power settings in Windows 7 is not automatically set for maximum performance. By default the power plan in Windows 7 is set for a balanced performance with energy consumption on hardware. So you may not get the optimal performance from windows 7 in this case. So we need to change the power plan to High Performance Mode. Disable the Thumbnail Preview Feature to speed up File browsing in Windows 7. For disabling thumbnails in Windows 7,The thumbnail preview feature in Windows 7 will show the small thumbnails of the contents of a folder instead of showing its icon. But this feature really do take up some system resources by generating thumbnails when you view a folder and keeps building up cache. So by disabling the Thumbnail Preview feature the file browsing can be speed up. 12/26 4 PROGRAM LAPORAN KEUANGAN SEDERHANA RESTORAN Posted in:admin var q programlaporankeuangansederhanarestoranKOMPAS. com Seorang pegawai Google atau kerap disebut Googler memilih tinggal di sebuah truk sederhana yang terparkir di sudut Googleplex, Mountain View. PT Bank Mega Syariah tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dan tidak pernah bekerjasama dengan Pihak ke3 untuk proses rekrutmen karyawan. Apabila ada pihakpihak. Sempena berada di bulan Ramadhan ini, marilah kita bersamasama menadah tangan. Memohon sebanyakbanyaknya doa kepada Allah S. W. T. SIKDA Generik. Latar Belakang. Aplikasi SIKDA Generik adalah aplikasi sistem informasi kesehatan daerah yang berlaku secara nasional yang menghubungkan secara online dan terintegrasi seluruh puskesmas, rumah sakit, dan sarana kesehatan lainnya, baik itu milik pemerintah maupun swasta, dinas kesehatan kabupatenkota, dinas kesehatan provinsi, dan Kementerian Kesehatan. Aplikasi SIKDA Generik dikembangkan dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan serta meningkatkan ketersediaan dan kualitas data dan informasi manajemen kesehatan melalui pemanfaatan teknologi informasi komunikasi. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi komunikasi di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan sudah dimulai sejak dekade delapan puluhan. Pada masa itu Departemen Kesehatan RI melalui Pusat Data Kesehatan PUSDAKES memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dengan sistem Electronic Data Processing EDP namun hal ini baru diterapkan di tingkat pusat. PP membuat SIK kurang optimal dan belum berdayaguna. Pada era sembilan puluhan Departemen Kesehatan telah mengembangkan Sistem Informasi Puskesmas SP2. 1 menghormati hakhak dasar manusia, tujuan, serta asas yang terkandung dalam piagam PBB. Dari atas, kiri ke kanan Kota Tua Jakarta, Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Cakrawala Jakarta, Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Monumen Nasional. Kota Tangerang dikenal dengan kota seribu industri. Kawasan Industri tersebar di seluruh kecamatan dan kelurahan di Tangerang. Sebagai contoh beberapa daerah seperti. Pengembang template yang melayani pendaftaran nama domain serta jasa pembuatan website dan toko online. TP, Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit, Sistem Surveilans Penyakit bahkan Sistem Informasi Penelitian Pengembangan Kesehatan. Namun masing masing sistem tersebut belum terintegrasi dengan baik dan sempurna. Pada tahun 2. 00. Menteri Kesehatan mengeluarkan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan No. Kebijakan Strategi Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Nasional SIKNAS dan Kepmenkes No. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Daerah SIKDA. Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Daerah SIKDA di Kabupatenkota adalah sebagai bagian sub sistem SIKDAyang ada di provinsi, sedangkan SIKDA yang ada di provinsi adalah bagian sub sistem Informasi Kesehatan Nasional SIKNAS. SIKDA seharusnya bertujuan untuk mendukung SIKNAS, namun dengan terjadinya desentralisasi sektor kesehatan ternyata mempunyai dampak negatif. Terjadi kemunduran dalam pelaksanaan sistem informasi kesehatan secara nasional, seperti menurunnya kelengkapan dan ketepatan waktu penyampaian data SP2. TPSIMPUS, SP2. RS dan profil kesehatan. Dengan desentralisasi, pengembangan sistem informasi kesehatan daerah merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah daerah. Namun belum adanya kebijakantentang standar pelayanan bidang kesehatan termasuk mengenai data dan informasi mengakibatkan persepsi masing masing pemerintah daerah berbeda beda. Hal ini menyebabkan sistem informasi kesehatan yang dibangun tidak standar juga. Pasar Afrika Selatan cukup menggiurkan bagi Indonesia. Selain masih terbuka peluang untuk menerima produk Indonesia, Afrika Selatan juga jadi pintu ke negaranegara. Sekilas GAPEKSINDO. GAPEKSINDO merupakan wadah organisasi perusahaan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa konstruksi yang dimana meliputi bidang arsitektural. SIKDA Generik telah memiliki versi terbaru. Versi terbaru dari SIKDA Generik ini memiliki konten yang telah disempurnakan dengan beberapa fungsionalitas pendukung. Variabel maupun format inputoutput yang berbeda, sistem dan aplikasi yang dibangun tidak dapat saling berkomunikasi. Selain di daerah, di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan pun belum tersusun satu sistem informasi yang standar sehingga masing masing program membangun sistem informasinya masing masing dengan sumber data dari kabupatenkotaprovinsi. Akibat keadaan di atas, data yang dihasilkan dari masingmasingdaerah tidak seragam, ada yang tidak lengkap dan ada data variabel yang sama dalam sistem informasi satu program kesehatan berbeda dengan di sistem informasi program kesehatan lainnya. Maka validitas dan akurasi data diragukan, apalagi jika verifikasi data tidak terlaksana. Ditambah dengan lambatnya pengiriman data,baik ke Dinas Kesehatan maupun ke Kementerian Kesehatan, mengakibatkan informasi yang diterima sudah tidak up to date lagi dan proses pengolahan dan analisis data terhambat. Pada akhirnya para pengambil keputusan pemangku kepentingan mengambil keputusan dan kebijakan kesehatan tidak berdasarkan data yang akurat. Melihat berbagai kondisi di atas maka dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi sistem informasi kesehatan yang berstandar nasional dengan format input maupun output data yang diharapkan dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan dari tingkat pelayanan kesehatan, kabupatenkota, provinsi, hingga pusat. Untuk itu awal tahun 2. Kementerian Kesehatan melalui Pusat data dan Informasi akan meluncurkan aplikasi SIKDA Generik. Seluruh unit pelayanan kesehatan yang meliputi puskesmas dan rumah sakit, baik pemerintah maupun swasta, dapat terhubung jejaring kerjasamanya melalui aplikasi SIKDA Generik. Selain itu aplikasi SIKDA Generik dirancang dan dibuatuntuk memudahkan petugas puskesmas saat melakukan pelaporan ke berbagai program di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan. Dengan demikian diharapkan aliran data dari level paling bawah sampai ke tingkat pusat dapat berjalan lancar, terstandar, tepat waktu, dan akurat sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Diharapkan aplikasi tersebut dapat berguna secara efektif sebagai alat komunikasi pengelola datainformasi di daerah, dapat saling tukar menukar data dan informasi, serta membantu pengelola datainformasi agar selalu siap memberikan data atau gambaran kondisi kesehatan secara utuh dan berdasarkan bukti. Aplikasi SIKDA Generik merupakan penerapan standarisasi Sistem Informasi Kesehatan, sehingga diharapkan dapat tersedia data dan informasi kesehatan yang cepat, tepat dan akurat dengan mendayagunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pengambilan keputusankebijakan dalam bidang kesehatan. Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Daerah Sistem kesehatan di Indonesia dapat dikelompokkan dalam beberapa tingkat sebagai berikut Tingkat KabupatenKota, dimana terdapat puskesmas dan pelayanan kesehatan dasar lainnya, dinas kesehatan kabupatenkota, instalasi farmasi kabupaten kota, rumah sakit kabupatenkota, serta pelayanan kesehatan rujukan primer lainnya. Tingkat Provinsi, dimana terdapat dinas kesehatan provinsi, rumah sakit provinsi, dan pelayanan kesehatan rujukan sekunder lainnya. Tingkat Pusat, dimana terdapat Departemen Kesehatan, Rumah Sakit Pusat, dan Pelayanan kesehatan rujukan tersier lainnya. Pada saat ini di Indonesia terdapat 3 tiga model pengelolaan SIK, yaitu Pengelolaan SIK manual, dimana pengelolaan informasi di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dilakukan secara manual atau paper based melalui proses pencatatan pada buku register, kartu, formulir formulir khusus, mulai dari proses pendaftaran sampai dengan pembuatan laporan. Hal ini terjadi oleh karena adanya keterbatasan infrastruktur, dana, dan lokasi tempat pelayanan kesehatan itu berada. Pengelolaan secara manual selain tidak efisien juga menghambat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan manajemen dan proses pelaporan. Pengelolaan SIK komputerisasi offline, pada jenis ini pengelolaan informasi di pelayanan kesehatan sebagian besarseluruhnya sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat komputer, baik itu dengan menggunakan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen SIM maupun dengan aplikasi perkantoran elektronik biasa, namun masih belum didukung oleh jaringan internet online ke dinas kesehatan kabupatenkota dan provinsibank data kesehatan nasional. Pengelolaan SIK komputerisasi online, pada jenis ini pengelolaan informasi di pelayanan kesehatan sebagian besarseluruhnya sudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat komputer, dengan menggunakan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan sudah terhubung secara online melalui jaringan internet ke dinas kesehatan kabupatenkota dan provinsibank data kesehatan nasional untuk memudahkan dalam komunikasi dan sinkronisasi data. Dalam proses pengelolaan datainformasi kesehatan di Indonesia, standar standar yang dibutuhkan, baik standar proses pengelolaan informasi kesehatan maupun teknologi yang digunakan, belum memadai. Akses dan sumber daya kesehatan juga tidak merata, lebih banyak dimiliki oleh daerah daerah tertentu, terutama di pulau Jawa. 12/26 90 FALCON 5.5 5 HD Posted in:admin var q Falcon5. 55HdHome Fly. Sat Satellite Chart. Fashion One Fars 1. H on Al Yah 1 5. East Arafat TV 1. V left Trksat 3. A 4. 2 East Yldz TV 1. V left Trksat 4. A 4. 2 East Kakar Karadeniz TV 1. V left Trksat 4. Watch Euro GF gets her ass fucked and creamed on TNAFlix, the best xxx hd porn site. Overview of satellite channels from around the world. Canon EOS 750D DSLR 18135mm F3. 55. 6 IS STM kit. The Canon EOS 750D DSLR 18135mm features that latest technology to help make your pictures look fantastic. English DTSHD Master Audio 6. 1 48kHz, 24bit French DTS 5. 1 French Dolby Digital 5. 1 448 kbps Portuguese Dolby Digital 5. 1 Spanish Dolby Digital 5. 1 448 kbps. Moto G5S, Moto G5S Plus announced Price, specifications and more With the Moto G5S Plus, Motorola has brought the dualcamera feature to its midrange portfolio. A 4. 2 East New Vision TV 1. H on Astra 2. G 2. East ARY Digital UK 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East NOW 8. 0s 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East Takbeer TV 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East Ideal World 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East Create Craft 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East Shopping Nation TV 1. H left Astra 2. G 2. East Epic Drama Antik. Sat, 1. 09. 28 H on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 6 East Pikaboo Total, 1. H on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 6 East OK Bambino Total, 1. H left Eutelsat 1. A 1. 6 East Radio Mrap HD promo TV 1. H on Eutelsat 7. A 7 East 4th update for 0. Radio Mrap promo TV 1. H on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East VH1 Italia 1. V on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East Spike Italia 1. V on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East RTV San Marino 1. V back on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East Paw Patrol Blaze Sky Italia, 1. H on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East Nick Jr Italia 1 Sky Italia, 1. H left Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East 3rd update for 0. Amedia Hit NTV Plus Dalniy Vostok, 1. R on Express AT2 1. East. Amedia Premium NTV Plus Dalniy Vostok, 1. R on Express AT2 1. East. Match HD Tricolor TV, 1. L on Express AMU1 Eutelsat 3. C 3. 6 East ARY Digital UK 1. H on Astra 2. G 2. East Al Nabaa HD 1. H on Hot Bird 1. C 1. 3 East VH1 Polska MPEG 4, 1. H on Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East 2nd update for 0. El Hoggar TV 1. 09. H started program on Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West BBI info card 1. H on Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West MBC Masr 2 1. V on Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West E Cinema 1. H on Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West Misr Elbalad 2 info card 1. H on Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West Al Ghari TV 1. H left Eutelsat 8 West B 8 West MOH TV 1. H on Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Bayti info card 1. H on Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Dzair M 1. 23. V on Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Bayti info card 1. V on Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Florya TV 1. V left Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Istanbul TV 1. V left Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West Al Rayyan 1. V left Eutelsat 7 West A 7. West 1st update for 0. Kashmir Vojk TV 3. V on Asia. Sat 7 1. East C Band1. 5 Channel 3. V on Asia. Sat 7 1. East C Band7. XM 3. V left Asia. Sat 7 1. East C BandSky Cinema 3. V on Asia. Sat 7 1. East C BandKashmir TV 3. V left Asia. Sat 7 1. East C BandDocu. BOX HD 1. 19. 19 H on Badr 4 2. East be. Out Q Sports HD 1 1. H left Badr 4 2. East English Club TV 1. V on Badr 4 2. East Fast Fun. BOX HD 1. 22. 07 V left Badr 4 2. East Zoom. Oman TV 1. V left Badr 6 2. East 6th update for 0. Hum TV 3. 84. 5 V after a break, back on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandMasala TV 3. V after a break, back on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandHum Sitaray 3. V after a break, back on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandRTV San Marino 1. V left Hot Bird 1. B 1. 3 East PSTV 3. R on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 0 East C bandHeritage TV 3. R on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 0 East C bandRTNB 3. R on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 0 East C bandDCLM HD 3. R on Eutelsat 1. A 1. 0 East C bandST World Football Star. Times TV, 3. 73. 7 R encrypted again Eutelsat 1. A 1. 0 East C bandRTV 2. Macedonia 1. 14. V left Intelsat 9. West. Arta 1. 14. V left Intelsat 9. West. Rrokum TV 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. RTV 2. 1 Sat 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. RTV 2. 1 Sat HD 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. Klan Kosova 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. Klan Kosova HD 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. KTV Kohavision 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. KTV Kohavision HD 1. V left Intelsat 9. West. 5th update for 0. Mega Suare 1. 26. V left Trksat 3. A 4. 2 East B Medya TV 1. H left Trksat 3. A 4. 2 East One Bal TV 1. H left Trksat 3. A 4. 2 East ART Yaren TV 1. H left Trksat 3. A 4. 2 East Nickelodeon Bulgaria 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Fen Folk TV 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Folklor TV 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Kanal 3 1. 25. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Fen TV 1. 25. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Balkanika Music TV 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Planeta Folk TV 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Bulsatcom package 1. H left Hellas Sat 2 3. East Amedia Premium Magti, 1. H on Astra 5. B 3. East Russkij Bestseller Magti, 1. H left Astra 5. B 3. East Amedia Hit Magti, 1. V on Astra 5. B 3. East Eurosport News Magti, 1. V left Astra 5. B 3. East Discovery Channel Total, 1. H FTA now Eutelsat 1. A 1. 6 East UHD test 2. Viasat, 1. 13. 85 H encrypted again SES 5 5 East RT Franais 1. V on Eutelsat 5 West A 5 West 4th update for 0. Sasa TV 3. 83. 1 L left Intelsat 2. East C BandSpark TV 3. R on Intelsat 3. East C bandChannel 4. R on Intelsat 3. East C bandBukedde TV 2 3. R on Intelsat 3. East C bandWBS 3. R left Intelsat 3. East C bandLife 3. R left Intelsat 3. East C bandEbru Africa 3. R on Intelsat 3. East C bandTi. Gray TV 3. 64. 5 L left NSS 1. East C BandVTV Vivacom, 1. V left Intelsat 9. East. Yemen 2 Day test card 1. H on Badr 4 2. East 3rd update for 0. G Movie 4. 03. 8 V on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandDunya News 4. V on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandLahore News HD 4. V on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandDunya International 4. V on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandDunya Entertainment 4. V on Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandHum TV 3. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandMasala TV 3. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandHum Sitaray 3. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandVirtual TV 1 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandVirtual TV 2 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandVirtual TV 3 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandVirtual TV 4 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandKohenoor News 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C BandHope TV 4. V left Pak. Sat 1. R 3. 8 East C Band2nd update for 0. Disha TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Vrinda TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Channel Divya Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Aastha TV Dish TV India, 1. H on G Sat 1. 5 9. East Sanskar TV Dish TV India, 1. H on G Sat 1. 5 9. East Dish TV Offers Dish TV India, 1. H on G Sat 1. 5 9. East DD News Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East DD Sports Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East DD Girnar Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East DD Kashir Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East DD National Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East SD to HD promo Dish TV India, 1. H left G Sat 1. East Zing TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Shubs TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Ishwar TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Satsang TV Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Zee Kalinga News Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Zee Bihar Jharkhand Dish TV India, 1. H encrypted now G Sat 1. East Perviy kanal 0h 3. L encrypted now Express AM7 4. East C bandGTRK Sankt Peterburg 3. L encrypted now Express AM7 4. East C band1st update for 0. Zhejiang Satellite TV HD 1. V on Asia. Sat 5 1. East CCTV 1. 3 1. H left Asia. Sat 5 1. East GTRK Irkutsk 4. R FTA now Express AM3. East C bandTRK Sever Surgut 3. R left Express AM3. East C bandMV Lao 3. V on Thaicom 6 7. East C BandFive 3. V on Thaicom 6 7. East C BandDoo Channel 3. Moto G5. S, Moto G5. S Plus announced Price, specifications and more. Lenovo owned Motorola on Wednesday introduced two new smartphones, Moto G5. S and Moto G5. S Plus. As the nomenclature suggests, the new smartphones are upgraded variants of the Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus, which debuted at the Mobile World Congress MWC in February earlier this year. The two new Moto Gs will be available in select markets starting this month. Theres no word on the availability of the smartphones in India yet. The Moto G5. S starts at EUR 2. Rs 1. 8,8. 60 approximately whereas the Moto G5. S Plus starts at EUR 2. Rs 2. 2,6. 50 approximately. The Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus 3. GB variant currently retail in India for Rs 1. Rs 1. 4,9. 99 respectively. Moto G5. S Specifications. The Moto G5. S sports a 5. HD display with Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It runs Android 7. Nougat and is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 4. GB of RAM. It comes with 3. GB built in storage and supports up to 1. GB of expandable storage via a micro. SD card. The smartphone has 1. PDAF and LED flash. It features a 5 megapixel front facing camera. It draws power from a 3,0. Ah battery. The smartphone features a front facing fingerprint scanner embedded into the home button. In comparison, the older Moto G5 comes with 1. GB of onboard storage, 1. Ah battery. The rest of the specifications are very similar to the Moto G5. S. Moto G5. S Plus Specifications The Moto G5. S Plus sports a 5. HD resolution. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 6. GB4. GB of RAM and 3. GB6. 4GB storage. Theres also option to expand storage up to 1. GB via a micro. SD card. A 3,0. 00m. Ah battery powers the smartphone. The main highlight of the Moto G5. S Plus is the dual camera setup on the back. It sports two 1. 3 megapixel sensors. Details of the dual camera configuration are sketchy at the moment, but the company says the smartphone will be able to deliver blurred background effect. The smartphone can shoot 4. K Ultra HD videos 3. The front camera has 8 megapixel resolution. In comparison, the Moto G5 Plus has a smaller 5. HD display and 1. 12/25 38 AUTO TUNE PRESETS Posted in:admin var q autotunepresetsFree Lightroom Presets Download the BEST Lightroom Presets for free. Free Lightroom presets are very different to premium Lightroom presets that have been made free Keep that in mind when you read through this postThe bundle that you can download below is definitely the latter i. Lightroom that have been made free solely for Shotkit. Normally these presets are part of a much larger bundle which retails for 9. Ive teamed up with my friend Jon from Contrastly, whos an expert at creating premium Lightroom presets. Jon has kindly put together an exclusive pack of 2. Integra and DTS PlayFi Make MultiRoom Music Easy from Smartphone and Tablet. UPPER SADDLE RIVER, NJ. August 1, 2017 Integra, designers and manufacturers of. TASCAMs TA1VP Vocal Processor was codeveloped with Antares Audio Technologies to bring together everything you need for a polished vocal sound. Magic Lantern is a free firmware addon for Canon EOS DSLR cameras that adds a host of features to assist photographers and videographers. Unlock your Canon DSLR. Wired for smartphones Built with Android and iPhone in mind, JVCs KWV620BT DVD receiver offers HDMI and USB inputs for direct smartphone control. This. The new VSCO Mobile Presets take the presets youve loved on mobile and give them to the Lightroom user. It makes sense well, in most ways it does. The AVH2330NEX also features Android Auto which extends the Android platform into the car in a way thats purposebuilt for driving and automatically brings you. A curated selection of free Lightroom Presets to speed up photography editing workflow. Free portrait presets for Lightroom, Landscape presets and moreJons also offering Shotkit fans a huge 9. While were on the topic of presets, grab these free Lightroom presets for wedding photographers on the More Brides blog, which I also author. Whats the Free Lightroom Presets Bundle Included in the Shotkit x Contrastly free preset bundle are 2. HDR, black and white and portrait presets for Lightroom. You can download and use the presets straight away to apply different looks to your photo in just one click of the mouse. Used properly, presets can take lifeless and dull photos from yawnto WOW in seconds Heres a list of the premium Lightroom presets that are included for free in the downloadable bundle at the end of this post 1. Film Agfa Color Portrait 1. Film Agfa Vista Plus 2. Film Agfachrome RSX II 2. Film Fujicolor Pro 8. Z5. Film Kodak Ektacolor Pro 1. Film Konica Minolta Centuria Super 2. HDR Exposure High. HDR Exposure Low. HDR General. 10. Rose Fade Dehaze High. Rose Fade Dehaze Low. Rose Fade Dehaze Medium. Rose Fade High. Rose Fade Low. 15. Rose Fade Medium. Sierras 1. 17. Sierras 2. Sierras 3. 19. Sierras 4. Sierras 5. 21. Sweetheart 1. Sweetheart 2. 23. Sweetheart 3. 24. Sweetheart 4. 25. Sweetheart 5. BeforeAfter Image Examples. Here are a few beforeafter examples for you to get an idea of what you can achieve. All the photos were edited in seconds with just one click using the Shotkit x Contrastly Lightroom presets bundle, which you can download for free below. 1 Free Film Presets for Lightroom. The selection of film presets in the bundle are arguably similar to VSCO presets for Lightroom in that they emulate popular vintage film stock, taking the digital look away from your image, leaving you with something with more character. There are 5 free film look presets for you to experiment with, each with different qualities to suit various lighting situations. 2 Free Landscape Presets for Lightroom. If youre looking for free landscape Lightroom presets that will give your photos punch, clarity and vibrance, the HDR ones included in this bundle are perfect. Just choose the strength of the effect Low vs High, then tweak the sliders from there. The look of HDR photography isnt for everyone, but for those who want a one click solution to maximise the dynamic range of a photo, give these presets a whirl. If you want to produce amazing landscape images without an HDR effect, check out these landscape photography tips. 3 Free Wedding Presets for Lightroom. For all the wedding photographers out there, or those who want a soft, romantic mood to their images, these free Lightroom wedding presets will be right up your alley. The Rose Fade series of 6 presets allows you to quickly control the strength of the effect Low, Medium, High without having to resort to adjusting each individual slider. By experimenting a little, you can find a custom look to suit your style of wedding photography. 4 Free Black and White Presets for Lightroom. Most people know that you can change an image from colour to black and white in Lightroom just by clicking the V key in the Develop module see here for more Lightroom Tips. However, theres so much more to a B W conversion than just this. Sierras 1 5 will open your eyes up to what is possible in black and white. Each of the 5 free presets modify the shadows, highlights, contrast, blacks, whites theres a lot going on under the hood Have a play around yourself and pick the black and white preset that suits your mood. 5 Free Portrait Presets for Lightroom. Sweetheart 1 4 are a range of free Lightroom presets for portraits that will give you a one click solution to getting a unique look to your people shots. My favourite of the 4 portrait presets is 2 shown above, which does a fine job at lightening shadows to clean out minor imperfections in the skin, as well as bringing some light into the eyes. Remember that presets cant take a badly lit portrait photo and make it look great you have to concentrate on getting the picture right in camera before you apply the preset. How to Install your Free Lightroom Presets. There are a few ways you can install Lightroom presets, but heres by far the easiest method Open Lightroom, and press the letter G to make sure you are in the Library module. Select all the presets in the bundle and drag and drop them into the Lightroom Library where all your photo thumbnails are. Your cursor will change to a symbol. Press your enter button repeatedly to confirm that you wish to install the free presets. Lightroom calls these templates, but theyre the same thing. Then navigate to your Develop module by pressing D and look for your new presets on the left hand side, under Presets and User Presets. Hovering over each preset name will allow you to preview the effect before applying it to your photo. Clicking the effect applies the preset. Ive written a book on more advanced Lightroom techniques to speed up your workflow if youre interested. How to Use your Free Lightroom Presets. Presets for Lightroomcan save us hours of time editing our photos. Theyre also a great way to learn about post processing, by seeing how the various features in Lightroom affect the way our final image looks. If youre lucky, a Lightroom preset can take your photo from looking flat and boring to lively and powerful with one click. More often than not though, using a preset will take your photo 9. To get it looking exactly how you want it, you can have some fun experimenting a little further with the editing. You can tweak the sliders of any of the 2. I recommend you do this to achieve a truly custom look to your image. In some cases, you are able to alter the strength of the preset simply by selecting a low, medium or high variant. This allows you to fine tune the result to your personal taste. Just remember this Lightroom presets arent the magic bullet for your images. Think of them as a head start to getting to where you want with your post processing. Above all, have fun with the presets. In Lightroom, its so easy to apply a preset, tweak some of the settings, then hit Reset to get back to your original image if you dont like the end result. You can learn a lot from examining how and why a preset is altering your image, and I encourage you to have a play around. As a side note, if youre interested to see whats capable in Lightroom and have a professional retoucher work on your images, check out my review of the best photo editing service. should have mentioned much earlier on that youll need a copy of Lightroom Heres the best place to buy Lightroom. Download your Free Lightroom Presets Zip. Contrastly premium Lightroom presets take a long time to create. Testing they work with all types of camera in a broad range of situations is a time consuming and complicated process. 12/25 72 TANGO CARLOS SAURA Posted in:admin var q tangocarlossauraCarlos Saura Wikipedia. Carlos Saura Atars born 4 January 1. Spanish film director, photographer and writer. His name, with those of Luis Buuel and Pedro Almodvar, forms a triad of Spains most renowned filmmakers. He has a long and prolific career that spans over half a century. A great numbers of his films have won many international awards. Unter dem Oberbegriff Tango wird sowohl der Tanz als auch die Musikrichtung Tango verstanden. Dabei hat der Tango auch in der Dichtung und im Gesang eigenstndige. El tango es un gnero musical y una danza, caracterstica de la regin del Ro de la Plata y su zona de influencia, principalmente de las ciudades de Buenos Aires. Saura began his career in 1. He quickly gained international prominence when his first feature length film premiered at Cannes Film Festival in 1. Although he started filming as a neorealist, Saura quickly switched to films encoded with metaphors and symbolisms in order to get around the Spanish censors. In 1. 96. 6, he was thrust into the international spotlight when his film La Caza won the Silver Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival. In the following years, he forged an international reputation for his cinematic treatment of emotional and spiritual responses to repressive political conditions. By the 1. 97. 0s, Saura was the best known filmmaker working in Spain. His films employed complex narrative devices and were frequently controversial. He won Special Jury Awards for La Prima Anglica 1. Cra Cuervos 1. 97. Cannes and an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film nomination in 1. Mama Cumple 1. 00 Aos. In the 1. 98. 0s, Saura was in the spotlight for his Flamenco trilogy Bodas de Sangre, Carmen and El Amor Brujo. He continued to appear in worldwide competitions earning numerous awards, and received another two Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film nominations, for Carmen 1. Tango 1. 99. 8. His films are sophisticated expression of time and space fusing reality with fantasy, past with present and memory with hallucination. In the last two decades, Saura has concentrated on works uniting music, dance and images. Early lifeeditSaura was born in Huesca, Aragn, Spain on 4 January 1. His father, Antonio Saura Pacheco, who came from Murcia, was an attorney and civil servant. His mother, Fermina Atares Torrente, was a concert pianist. The second of their four children, Carlos had two younger sisters, Pilar and Angeles, and an older brother, Antonio Saura, who became a well known abstract expressionist painter. From their parents, the four siblings received a liberal understanding education. Because his father was working for the Ministry of the Interior, the Saura family moved to Barcelona, Valencia and in 1. Madrid. Sauras childhood was marked by the Spanish Civil War, during which Franco and his allies rebelled against the established republican government. Saura has vivid recollection of his childhood during the war, some of them later evoked in his films the games he played, and the songs he sang, as well as darker memories of bombing and hunger, blood and death. He was taught to read by a priest a relative whom his parents sheltered from anticlerical extremists. At the wars end, Saura was separated from his parents and sent back to live with his maternal grandmother and aunts in Huesca. He described these relatives as right wings and very religiouscitation needed who imposed in the child the very antithesis of the kind of liberal education he had received in the republican zone. In 1. 95. 7 1. 95. Saura created his first film Cuenca. In 1. 96. 2 his film Los Golfos was recognized for its strong sociological impact in the betterment of the Spanish youth by tackling juvenile delinquency in Madrids poorest districts. Four years later 1. Berlin International Film Festival, where he received the Silver Bear for Best Director for his film La caza. 1 In 1. Peppermint Frapp also received the Silver Bear for Best Director at the 1. Berlin International Film Festival. 2 He won the Golden Bear in 1. Berlin International Film Festival for his film Deprisa, Deprisa. 3The films La prima Anglica Cousin Anglica of 1. Cra cuervos Raising Ravens from the Spanish phrase Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos Raise ravens and they will peck out your eyes of 1. Cannes Film Festival. His film Mama cumple 1. Mom is celebrating her 1. Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 1. Academy Awards. 4Saura later become known for movies featuring flamenco and other traditional dances. His Flamenco Trilogy of the 1. Bodas de Sangre Blood Wedding, Carmen, and El amor brujo featuring the work of Spanish flamenco dancer Cristina Hoyos. He later made the movies Flamenco 1. Tango 1. 99. 8, and Fados 2. His 1. 98. 9 film La noche oscura was entered into the 3. Berlin International Film Festival. 5Saura considers his film on surrealist master Luis Buuel to be his best cinematic work. In an interview to an online film magazine,6 he says about Buuel y la mesa del rey Salomn Buuel and the table of King Solomon 2. Thats the greatest film Ive ever made. I like the film but nobody else seems to like it. Im sure Buuel would have loved this film. But perhaps only he would have loved it. Everything you see in the film is actually based on conversations I had with him. In 1. Goya Award for the best director and best script for Ay, Carmela He was chosen as director for the official film of the 1. Olympic Games of Barcelona, Marathon 1. In 2. 00. 8, Carlos Saura was honoured with a Global Life Time Achievement Award at the 1. Mumbai International Film Festival, organized by the Mumbai Academy of the Moving Image. 7In 2. Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1. International Film Festival of Kerala. 8Personal lifeeditCarlos Saura was married three times. TANGO, una pelcula de Carlos Saura 1998 TANGO, a film by Carlos Saura 1998 Escena Pelicula Tango Trio de Tango Scene film Tango Tango threesome. Argentine tango is a musical genre and accompanying social dance originating at the end of the 19th century in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Revolucin Artstica Femenina Una historia secreta Women Art Revolution A Secret History Lynn Hershman Leeson, EUA, 2010 Al fuego, bomberos Carlos Saura, Writer Cra cuervos. Spanish director, writer, producer 2 films and actor 2 films. His interest on cinema started when he was very young. His. He first married Adela Medrano in Barcelona in 1. They had two sons, Carlos b. Antonio b. 1. 96. On 2. 7 December 1. Mercedes Prez. They had three sons, Manuel b. Adrin b. 1. 98. Diego b. 1. 98. 7. Between those two marriages, Saura had at least one known son, Shane b. Geraldine Chaplin. 9 His relationship history led some to believe he may have fathered more children. citation needed He is also the father of a daughter named Ana b. December 1. 99. 4 from his third marriage to actress Eulalia Ramn. FilmographyeditAs directoreditSelected awards and nominationsedit1. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Mam cumple 1. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Carmen. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Tango. Won Special Award Film Direction with a Special Visual Sensitivity. Won Cinematographer Director Duo Award shared with Vittorio Storaro. Nominated Golden Palm Los golfos. Nominated Golden Palm Ana y los lobos. Won Jury Prize at the 1. Cannes Film Festival for his film La prima Anglica. Nominated Golden Palm La prima Anglica. Won Grand Prix of the Jury at the 1. Cannes Film Festival for his film Cra cuervos. Nominated Golden Palm Cra cuervos. Nominated Golden Palm Elisa, vida ma. Nominated Golden Palm Los ojos vendados. Won Technical Grand Prize at the 1. Cannes Film Festival for his film Carmen. Won Award for Best Artistic Contribution at the 1. Cannes Film Festival for his film Carmen. Nominated Golden Palm Carmen. Nominated Golden Palm El Dorado. Won Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominated Best Documentary Award Fados. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Cra cuervos. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Carmen. Nominated Best Foreign Language Film Tango. Won Special Prize of the Jury Bodas de sangre. Won Special Prize for Outstanding Contribution to World Cinema. Won Most Popular Film of the Festival Carmen. 12/25 71 ADOBE DOWNLOAD ADOBE FLASH PLAYER Posted in:admin var q adobedownloadadobeflashplayerDownload free trials and updates for Adobe products including Creative Cloud, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, Acrobat Pro DC, and many more. JavaScript is currently disabled in your browser and is required to download Shockwave Player. Over 450 million Internetenabled desktops have Adobe Shockwave Player. Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications. In our tradition of providing the direct download links for Adobe products, here are the links for the new Adobe Flash Player 10. 1 without DLM. Adobe Flash Player 2. Free Download. Playing online games, using various applications, viewing business presentations, watching videos and many others, all are possible when you have installed Adobe Flash Player on your computer. Gain early access to developing Adobe technologies including preview and beta software, prerelease plugins, related samples, documentation, tutorials and more. Download free Adobe Flash Player software for your Windows, Mac OS, and Unixbased devices to enjoy stunning audiovideo playback, and exciting gameplay. By clicking the Download now button, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Adobe Software Licensing Agreement. Free Download Adobe Flash Player 27. 0. 0. 187 28. 0. 0. 120 Beta Highperformance client runtime that enable you to enjoy nearly all types of media o. This program, occupying a small space on your memory disk, makes it possible to enjoy a complete web experience, regardless of the browser you use. A very large number of websites use Flash, so Adobe Flash Player is one of the most important plug ins for the majority of Internet browsers. Most times, this piece of software is included with the web browser. Adobe Flash Player supports a variety of formats, both data AMF, AWF, XML, JSON and media MP3, FLV, JPEG, GIF, PNG, RTMP. Furthermore, this virtual item comes with some advanced features, as well, such as accelerated graphics rendering, webcam support for Stage. Video, multithread video decoding, extensive privacy controls and many others. Adobe Flash Player continues to have its features developed with each new release, so users can enjoy reliable support when it comes to multimedia content on the Internet. The newest technologies are included in each new version and, regardless of the operating system and device you use there is a version of Adobe Flash Player for every type of user. Adobe Flash Player is used by millions of people worldwide as a Flash Player Active. X Control, which plays the file only through the web browser. This means that youll enjoy media contents while browsing the Internet, without needing to consciously use Adobe Flash Player. In case you want to play Flash videos offline, you will need a different application. We suggest you to install Play. FLV, if you want to play them in Windows Media Player or a standalone Flash player, as FLV Player or Moyea FLV Player. A discreet, but powerful presence, Adobe Flash Player is a piece of software which gives life and color to your web browsing experience. IMPORTANT At the request of Adobe, download links have been removed. AdobeFlashPlayer2. 12/25 82 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 Posted in:admin var q airtrafficcontrol37 Things Pilots Say that Nobody Wants to Hear. Dont Be The Unprofessional One Duration 827. Friendly Skies Film 423,236 views. How to Be an Air Traffic Controller. Air traffic controllers do more than tell Captain Oveur what vector hes been assigned. They tell pilots which runways to taxi. Trump Announces Plan To Privatize Air Traffic Control Its an idea long supported by most of the commercial airlines and the union, which say the system is. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Air traffic controllers must be able to coordinate the actions of multiple flights. There are several different paths to becoming an air traffic controller. A candidate must have either 3 years of progressively responsible work experience, a bachelors degree, a combination of postsecondary education and work experience totaling three years, or obtain a degree through an Federal Aviation Administration FAA approved Air Traffic Collegiate Training Initiative AT CTI program. Additionally, to become an air traffic controller, candidates mustbe a U. The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization or PATCO was a United States trade union that operated from 1968 until its decertification in 1981 following a. Brazilian general strike, Airline Strike, airport Strike, air traffic control strike, Airport Security, industrial action, Update,Spain,British Airway. S. citizen pass a medical evaluation, including drug screening, and background checks pass the FAA preemployment test, which includes a biographical assessment pass the Air Traffic Controller Specialists Skills Assessment Battery ATSA andcomplete a training course at the FAA Academy and start it before turning 3. The biographical assessment, also known as a biodata test, is a behavioral consistency exam that evaluates a candidates personality fitness to become an air traffic controller. For more information, see the Office of Personnel Management OPM page on biodata tests. Applicants who pass both the ATSA and the biographical assessment are eligible to enroll in the FAA Academy. Controllers also must pass a physical exam each year and a job performance exam twice per year. In addition, they must pass periodic drug screenings. Some learn their skills and become air traffic controllers while in the military. Education. Candidates who want to become air traffic controllers typically need an associates or a bachelors degree from an AT CTI program. Other candidates must have 3 years of progressively responsible work experience, have completed 4 years of college, or have a combination of both. The FAA sets guidelines for schools that offer the AT CTI program. AT CTI schools offer 2 or 4 year degrees that are designed to prepare students for a career in air traffic control. The curriculum is not standardized, but courses focus on subjects that are fundamental to aviation. Topics include aviation weather, airspace, clearances, reading charts, federal regulations, and related topics. Training. Most newly hired air traffic controllers are trained at the FAA Academy, located in Oklahoma City, OK. The length of training varies with the applicants background. Applicants must be hired by their 3. After graduating from the Academy, trainees are assigned to an air traffic control facility as developmental controllers, until they complete all requirements for becoming a certified air traffic controller. Developmental controllers begin their careers by supplying pilots with basic flight data and airport information. They then advance to positions within the control room that have more responsibility. As the developmental controllers master various duties, they earn increases in pay and advance in their training. Those with previous controller experience may take less time to become fully certified. There are opportunities for a controller to switch from one position to another, provided that additional training is completed. For example, a controller may transfer from an en route position to an airport tower position with additional Academy training. Within both of these positions, controllers can transfer to jobs at different locations or advance to supervisory positions. Work Experience in a Related Occupation. Applicants may need to have up to 3 years of progressively responsible generalized work experience in any occupation, or a combination of work experience and college education. More work experience is necessary to substitute for less postsecondary education. Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations. All air traffic controllers must hold an Air Traffic Control Tower Operator Certificate or be appropriately qualified and supervised as stated in Title 1. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 6. They must be at least 1. English, and comply with all knowledge and skill requirements. Important Qualities. Communication skills. Air traffic controllers must be able to give clear, concise instructions, listen carefully to pilots requests, and respond by speaking clearly in English. Concentration skills. Controllers must be able to concentrate in a room where multiple conversations occur at once. For example, in a large airport tower, several controllers may be speaking with several pilots at the same time. Decisionmaking skills. Controllers must make quick decisions. For example, when a pilot requests a change of altitude to avoid poor weather, the controller must respond quickly so that the plane can operate safely. Math skills. Controllers must be able to do arithmetic accurately and quickly. They often need to compute speeds, times, and distances, and they recommend heading and altitude changes. Organizational skills. Controllers must be able to coordinate the actions of multiple flights. Controllers need to be able to prioritize tasks, because they may be required to guide several pilots at the same time. Problem solving skills. Controllers must be able to understand complex situations, such as the impact of changing weather patterns on a planes flight path. Controllers must be able to review important information and provide pilots with appropriate solutions. 12/25 7 NARNIA 1 FULL MOVIE FREE DOWNLOAD Posted in:admin var q narnia1fullmoviefreedownloadFree Chronicles of Narnia Resource Unit. Ah, The Chronicles of Narnia. Its been such a pleasure to introduce my own children to these wonderful stories and see them fall in love with them as I did many years ago. This post contains affiliate links to help support this site. Heres my full disclosure page. These classic books by C. The Chronicles of Narnia C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes on Amazon. com. FREEshipping on qualifying offers. Experience all seven tales of C. S. Lewiss classic. Read the latest news and updates on your favorite movies, tv shows stars. Moviefone is your source for entertainment, movie, DVD, online streaming TV news. Bionicle Heroes BioShock v1. 1 Bioshock Infinite Complete Edition Inclu ALL DLC BioShock 2 Complete Full Game with ALL DLCs Bird Assassin v2. 0. 05. S. Lewis have long been friends of mine since childhood and now are just as beloved by my own children. Insert a big happy dance here. Outside of the books and the major motion pictures, our family is also crazy about the The Chronicles of Narnia audiobooks done by Focus on the Familys Radio Theatre. They are very well done and we really enjoy listening to them on road trips. We also enjoy The Chronicles of Narnia movies done by BBC. These are a great introduction to the stories on film for children who are not quite old enough to handle the more intense scenes in the newer Narnia movies. It has been a few years since we last read the series together and we decided we should include them in our family read alouds for this year. And because I am THAT homeschool mom, I started trying to hunt down free educational resources for Narnia to use with the books. You can see what we did in our homeschool for the first two books here Activities for The Magicians Nephew. Activities for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Free Chronicles of Narnia Resources. Free Printables. Lasting Thumbprints The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Book Study. Walking by the Way Into the Wardrobe Lesson Plans. Oncoloring Narnia Coloring pages. Educational. Coloring. Unlocked 2017 Full Movie Watch Online or Download bloom instant free on your Desktop, Laptop, notepad, smart phone, iPhone, Apple, all others. Pages The Chronicles of Narnia Coloring Pages. C. S. Lewis Foundation Chronicles of Narnia Teachers Guides Teacher Vision Narnia Activity Guide. Youth. ESource A Visit to Narnia Bible Studyabcteach Chronicles of Narnia Worksheets. The Lions Call Lucy Pevensie Paper Doll Printable. Church. Leaders Narnia Activity Package. Narnia. Web Map of Narnia. Lucy Learns The Lion, the Witch, the Wardrobe Printables. Smyth Helwys Chronicles of Narnia Study Guide Free Copywork Pages. Walking by the Way C. S. Lewis Quotation Copywork. Free Unit Studies. Includes downloads, cheats, reviews, and articles. The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels by C. S. Lewis. It is considered a classic of childrens literature and is the authors bestknown work. Home. Scholar Books Narnia Unit Study. Free. Unit. Studies. The Silver Chair. Youth. ESource A Visit to Narnia Bible Study. Chronicles of Narnia Unit Study. Copyright stefanoventuri 1. RF Stock Photo. Free Lapbooks. Notebooking Nook Voyage of the Dawn Treader Lapbook. Homeschool Share The Lion, the Witch, the Wardrobe Lapbook. Homeschool Share The Horse and His Boy Lapbook. Homeschool Share The Magicians Nephew Lapbook. Free Audiobooks. Ancient Faith Radio Chronicles of Narnia Audiobooks. Free Online Resources. The Narnia Academy Beyond the Wardrobe 2 different 2. Love 2 Learn Online Chronicles of Narnia Study Questions BBC Schools Growing Up in War Time History. BBC Schools C. S. Lewis Biography. Free Crafts Activitiesikat bag Dawn Treader Craft Tutorial. Harpers Collins Childrens Chronicles of Narnia Online Games. Fictional Fare Narnia Recipes. The Spruce Turkish Delight Recipe. Deviant Art Narnia Wardrobe Cube. Activity Village Narnia Themed Craft Ideas. Yummy Books Tea with Mr. Tumnus. I know my children are really going to love what Ive started putting together for our Narnia adventures beginning next month. There are so many different directions you could go when planning a unit study around The Chronicles of NarniaPS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC Gaming News, Reviews, Cheats. Loot boxes, microtransactions, and a lot of salt from gamers. 12/25 4 MAP S FOR UNIDEN Posted in:admin var q mapsforunidenOwners Manuals. The product namemodel number is on the products ID label on the back, bottom or in the battery compartment of the product. Uniden UHF CB radio, Uniden. We are a fully AUTHORISED Australian dealer and warranty service centre approved to sell and service Uniden UHF Radios and Accessories. Cobra 19dx in box and Uniden Bearcat, and CB center console for cartruck and 3 antenas all for 60. Call or text for info, but not after 9pm its family time thanks. Search titles only has image posted today bundle duplicates include nearby areas akron canton cak altoonajohnstown aoo. 12/25 4 G4 AGP GRAPHICS MANUAL Posted in:admin var q g4agpgraphicsmanualApple Cinema Display Wikipedia. The Apple Cinema Display is a line of flat panel computer monitors developed and sold by Apple Inc. It was initially sold alongside the older line of Studio Displays, but eventually replaced them. Apple offered 2. 0, 2. LED backlighting. There have been three designs for the Cinema Display, one featuring polycarbonate plastic and two featuring anodized aluminum. The first displays were designed to match the colorful plastic of the Power Mac G3 and later the Power Mac G4, while the second revisions were designed to match the aluminum aesthetics of the Power Mac G5 and Power. This comparison of todays computers to those from 1995 shows just how far technology has come since its beginnings. Book G4. The last available design matched the unibody laptops released in October 2. The Apple Cinema Display name was retired in July 2. Apple Thunderbolt Display, and the Cinema Display models were no longer offered on the Apple Store website as of August 2. Cinema DisplayeditThe first modelthe 2. Apple Cinema Displaywas introduced in September 1. Power Mac G4 and used DVI for video input. It was enclosed in a high density plastic frame with an easel style stand and had a display resolution of 1. Shop from the worlds largest selection and best deals for Apple PowerPC G4 Desktops. Shop with confidence on eBay From millions of real job salary data. 0 salary data. Average salary is Detailed starting salary, median salary, pay scale, bonus data report. This model was upgraded in July 2. Apple Display Connector ADC, which ran DVI, USB, and 2. V power through a single connector. It was eventually replaced by a 2. January 2. 8, 2. 00. The 2. 0 Cinema Display was updated again June 2. Cinema HD Display. It retained the 1. USD price point. 1 Apple continued to sell this display with no further changes until February 2. Cinema HD DisplayeditThe 2. Cinema HD Display, was introduced on March 2. On June 2. 8, 2. 00. Apple introduced a redesigned line of Cinema Displays, along with a new 3. Cinema HD Display name. The new models had an anodized aluminum enclosure that matched Apples high end lines of professional products. An alternative stand or a wall mount could be used with a VESA mount adapter kit that was sold separately. Though the display enclosures had not been redesigned for a long period of time, several silent improvements were made to the brightness levels and contrast ratios. 23. Due to the high resolution 2. DVI. Currently, no Macintosh is sold with a dual link DVI port. However, all current Macs come with a Thunderbolt connector which can be used with a separately sold adapter3 to run the 3. All Power Mac G5, Power. Book G4 1. 5 or 1. Mac Pro Mid 2. 00. Mid 2. 01. 0 models from are capable of supporting it without the use of any adapters. Discrete Mac. Book Pros are also capable of driving the 3. Macs released after October 2. The 3. 0 inch Cinema Display was introduced together with the Ge. Force 6. 80. 0, which supports two DVI DL ports. ATIs aftermarket AGP X8. Mac Edition also supports dual link DVI, but has only one port. The Radeon 9. 60. MacPC was another aftermarket graphics card that supported dual link DVI and was also compatible with older AGP based Power Macs. If a computer with a single link DVI port such as a Mac laptop with a mini DVI connector is connected to the 3. LED Cinema DisplayeditOn October 1. Cinema HD Display was replaced with a 2. Mac, Mac. Book Pro and unibody Mac. Book designs. The display features a built in i. Sight camera, microphone and dual speaker system. A Mag. Safe cable runs from the back of the display for charging notebooks. It is the first Cinema Display to use LED backlighting and Mini Display. Port for video input however, the LED backlighting is edge lit as opposed to the fully back lit CCFL of the previous models, resulting in a lower brightness cdm. This display is only officially compatible with Macs that have the Mini Display. Port connector. A third party converter must be used in order to use this display with older Macs. With the introduction of LCD panels, the matte, anti glare screen panels were retired, except for the 3. Cinema Display. Apple had already moved away from matte screens in its line of i. Mac desktop computers on August 7, 2. Apple no longer offers any equipment with a matte, anti glare screen after the 1. Retina Mac. Book Pro was discontinued in October 2. This has caused concern among users who want matte screens for their particular area of work, particularly graphic designers, photographers and users who extensively view their screens. 4 Matte screens, like matte surface photographs, diffuse reflected light and so cannot provide for as deep blacks as glossy screens. The Wall Street Journal referred to Apples removal of the matte screen as one of Apples worst design decisions. 5On July 2. Cinema Displays were replaced by a 2. This model was sold for 9. USD. 6On July 2. LED Cinema Display was discontinued, and replaced by the Apple Thunderbolt Display. Technical specificationseditTable of models. Component. LCDModel. Apple Cinema Display. Apple Cinema HD Display. Apple Cinema Display. Apple Cinema HD Display. Model number. M5. M8. 14. 9M8. 53. 6A1. A1. 08. 1A1. 08. 2A1. Apple Order Number. NAM8. 05. 8ZMAM8. ZMAM8. 89. 3ZMAM9. LLAM9. 17. 8LLAM9. LLARelease datesSeptember 1, 1. July 1. 9, 2. 00. March 2. 0, 2. 00. January 2. 8, 2. 00. June 2. 8, 2. 00. Discontinued. July 1. January 2. 8, 2. 00. June 2. 8, 2. 00. February 1. 9, 2. November 1. 7, 2. July 2. 6, 2. 01. Displayall widescreen unless otherwise stated2. LCD, 1. 60. 0 1. LCD, 1. 92. 0 1. LCD, 1. 68. 0 1. LCD, 1. 92. 0 1. LCD, 2. 56. 0 1. Pixel densityin pixels per inch8. Brightness. 18. 0 cdm. Contrast Ratio. 30. Response time. Unknown. Power. 627. 7 W7. W6. 0 W6. 5 W9. 0 W1. WMaterial. Polycarbonate frame. Aluminum frame. Input. DVI DApple Display Connector. DVI DDual link DVI DOn August 7, 2. Aluminium Cinema displays had a silent upgrade that boosted the brightness and contrast ratios to 3. These last Cinema displays are still very desirable to photo and video professionals being the last anti glare displays made by Apple and having a true IPS 8 bit no dithering back lit panel. Their brightness of 4. Apple Thunderbolt display, which has a reflective glossy screen and an edge lit panel. Table of models. Component. Light emitting diodebacklit LCDModel. LED Cinema Display 2. LED Cinema Display 2. Inch8Model number. A1. 26. 7A1. 31. 6Order number. MB3. 82. LLAMC0. LLARelease date. October 1. 4, 2. 00. July 2. 7, 2. 01. Discontinued Date. July 2. 6, 2. 01. December 2, 2. 01. Displayall widescreen2. LCD, 1. 92. 0 1. LED edge lit backlighting. LCD, 2. 56. 0 1. LED edge lit backlighting. Built in Camerai. Sighti. Sight. Brightness. Colors. 16. 7 million maximum True Color. True Color. Pixel densityin pixels per inch9. Response time. 13 ms. Power. Up to 2. 12 W while charging a Mac. Book ProUp to 2. W while charging a Mac. Book ProMaterial. Aluminum frame and glass front. PortsConnectors. Mini Display. Port, 3 USB 2. Original Price. USD 8. USD 9. 99. ReferenceseditApple Cinema Display 2. Inch Aluminum Specs. Taghap, Herschell March 2. Apples 3. 0 Cinema Display gets quiet upgrade. Ars Technica. Retrieved August 3, 2. Apple Mini Display. Port to Dual Link DVI Adapter. Apple Inc. Retrieved September 2. Which Magazine poll shows 8. Which magazine, June 9, 2. Steve Jobss Worst Design Decisions The Wall Street Journal, August 2. Apple Cinema Display LED 2. Inch Specs. LED Cinema Display Technical Specifications. Apple Inc. Retrieved June 9, 2. LED Cinema Display 2. Technical Specifications. Apple Inc. Retrieved June 9, 2. External linksedit. Quick. Specs Overview. 12/25 13 INVALID INCONSISTENT LICENSE KEY SOLIDWORKS VIEWER Posted in:admin var q invalidinconsistentlicensekeysolidworksviewerUG license installation error solution. If u have question Licence Server not Found. License server not started yet. UG FLEXlm Error. UG Installation error. UG license installation error. Tips Tricks Converting Part Files to CATIA V4 Without STEP License. Then you are used to using the ctrl key for rotate. CATIA products FAQ Index Back to. Melania Trumps personal Twitter account has been dormant since election day. Once a prolific tweeter, the first lady has since transferred her activity to the. 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Invalid license key inconsistent authentication code. Author Chander Palhttp hIDSERP,5154. 1CAD Help Center UG license installation error solution. SolidWorks, DraftSight, Catia, Unigraphics. INVALIDINCONSISTENT LICENSE KEY OR SIGNATURE, THE LICENSE KEYSIGNATURE AND DATA FOR THE FEATURE. Author Chander Palhttpsforum. solidworks. com hIDSERP,5168. 1Welcome SOLIDWORKS ForumsAbout the Forums. Solidworks 2017 installation keeps failing at 8, I collected logs but where do I send them 2 hours ago in General. Teamcenter Visualization 10 1 README Free. which you can use to configure the viewer to work with a. press 7 or the arrow down key to select the Disable. 12/25 20 VISTA ST CAR PARK MOSMAN Posted in:admin var q vistastcarparkmosmanIMS Press. Display Zeitungen aus der ganzen Welt. Applicant Project Description Funding ANGLICAN CHURCH PROPERTY TRUST DIOCESE OF SYDNEY REPAIRS TO ROOF AND SOLAR INSTALLATION AT ST. Our Car Mobile Locksmith Service Areas. 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