lpsneed.insure.cpai.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://lpsneed.insure.cpai.com/
Submission: On January 25 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: CarouselNeedsPOST form_handler.php

<form method="post" action="form_handler.php" name="CarouselNeeds" id="CarouselNeeds" onsubmit="return validate_form(this);" novalidate="">
  <div id="main">
    <div id="header">
      <div id="bannerImage1"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage2"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage3"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage4"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage5"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage6"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage7"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage8"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage9"></div>
      <div id="bannerImage10"></div>
      <div id="customBannerLogo"></div>
      <div id="customBannerText"></div>
    <div id="menu_mainform"><!--for progressbar 1 of 6-->
      <li class="active first">CarouselNeeds</li>
      <li class="">CarouselResults</li>
      <li class="">CarouselPlans</li>
      <li class="">Temporary&nbsp;Artboard</li>
      <li class="">CarouselPlansWIP</li>
      <li class="">Unused</li>
    <div id="post_menu"></div>
    <div id="brochurePage" class="resizable ">
      <div id="mainColumn" class="">
        <div class="textLeft ">
            <div id="div_MemberInfo_Main" class="">
                <div class="javascriptwarning">SORRY: This site requires Javascript. <br> Please enable javascript before you continue.</div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trDirectSetter" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625536"></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" qid="625537"><!--hidden input used by the element--><input type="hidden" name="DirectAccess" id="DirectAccess" value=""></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" qid="625538"><!--hidden input used by the element--><input type="hidden" name="Referrer" id="Referrer" value=""></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625540">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(LifeInsuranceAmount)</div>
                  <div><input name="LifeInsuranceAmount" id="LifeInsuranceAmount" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625540,false);" value="15,000"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnLifeInsuranceAmount() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#LifeInsuranceAmount')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanLifeInsuranceAmountWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625542">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(MortgageDebts)</div>
                  <div><input name="MortgageDebts" id="MortgageDebts" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625542,false);" value="0"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnMortgageDebts() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#MortgageDebts')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanMortgageDebtsWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625543">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(CollegeCapital)</div>
                  <div><input name="CollegeCapital" id="CollegeCapital" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625543,false);" value="0"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnCollegeCapital() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#CollegeCapital')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanCollegeCapitalWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625544">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(CurrentResources)</div>
                  <div><input name="CurrentResources" id="CurrentResources" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625544,false);" value="0"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnCurrentResources() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#CurrentResources')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanCurrentResourcesWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625545">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(AdditionalNeeds)</div>
                  <div><input name="AdditionalNeeds" id="AdditionalNeeds" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625545,false);" value="15,000"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnAdditionalNeeds() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#AdditionalNeeds')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanAdditionalNeedsWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625546">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(HouseholdInformation)</div>
                  <div><input name="HouseholdInformation" id="HouseholdInformation" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625546,false);"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnHouseholdInformation() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#HouseholdInformation')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanHouseholdInformationWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625547">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(CapitalRequired)</div>
                  <div><input name="CapitalRequired" id="CapitalRequired" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625547,false);" value="0"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnCapitalRequired() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#CapitalRequired')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanCapitalRequiredWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625548">
                  <div class="require"></div>
                  <div class="spacer questionprompt">MemberAgeRange</div>
                  <div class="answer">
                    <input type="hidden" name="MemberAgeRange" id="MemberAgeRange" value="">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    $(document).ready(function() {
                      $("#MemberAge").bind("blur change click", function() {
                        $("#MemberAgeRange").val(findRangeValue(setupRange_625548(), $(this).val())).change();

                    function setupRange_625548() {
                      return (new Array({
                        atleast: 0,
                        lessthan: 29,
                        value: "<30"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 30,
                        lessthan: 34,
                        value: "30-34"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 35,
                        lessthan: 39,
                        value: "35-39"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 40,
                        lessthan: 44,
                        value: "40-44"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 45,
                        lessthan: 49,
                        value: "45-49"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 50,
                        lessthan: 54,
                        value: "50-54"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 55,
                        lessthan: 59,
                        value: "55-59"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 60,
                        lessthan: 64,
                        value: "60-64"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 65,
                        lessthan: 69,
                        value: "65-69"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 70,
                        lessthan: 74,
                        value: "70-74"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 75,
                        lessthan: 79,
                        value: "75-79"
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625549">
                  <div class="require"></div>
                  <div class="spacer questionprompt">SpouseAgeRange</div>
                  <div class="answer">
                    <input type="hidden" name="SpouseAgeRange" id="SpouseAgeRange" value="">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    $(document).ready(function() {
                      $("#SpouseAge").bind("blur change click", function() {
                        $("#SpouseAgeRange").val(findRangeValue(setupRange_625549(), $(this).val())).change();

                    function setupRange_625549() {
                      return (new Array({
                        atleast: 0,
                        lessthan: 29,
                        value: "<30"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 30,
                        lessthan: 34,
                        value: "30-34"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 35,
                        lessthan: 39,
                        value: "35-39"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 40,
                        lessthan: 44,
                        value: "40-44"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 45,
                        lessthan: 49,
                        value: "45-49"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 50,
                        lessthan: 54,
                        value: "50-54"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 55,
                        lessthan: 59,
                        value: "55-59"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 60,
                        lessthan: 64,
                        value: "60-64"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 65,
                        lessthan: 69,
                        value: "65-69"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 70,
                        lessthan: 74,
                        value: "70-74"
                      }, {
                        atleast: 75,
                        lessthan: 79,
                        value: "75-79"
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trSetTermTo10ByDefault" aria-expanded="true" qid="625550"></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625551">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    // /* javascript to manage the carousel is in portal settings.  
                    //   This script merely calls the function
                    // */
                    // $(document).ready(function(){
                    //     setupCarousel(); /* see portalsettings for usage */
                    // });
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625552">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    /* javascript to manage the LifeCalcWorksheet logic is in portal settings.  
   This script merely creates the object and binds to it.
                    $('document').ready(function() {
                      // debugger;
                      debugging = true;
                      calc = new LifeCalcWorksheet(debugging);
                      outputs = {
                        capital_needed_for_income: 'CapitalRequired',
                        life_insurance_needed: 'LifeInsuranceAmount',
                        funeral_expenses: 'AdditionalNeeds',
                        mortage_and_debts: 'MortgageDebts',
                        capital_needed_for_college: 'CollegeCapital',
                        total_income_producing_assets: 'CurrentResources'
                      var inputs = {
                        total_annual_income_needed: 'PreTaxIncome',
                        total_annual_income_received: 'PreTaxIncome',
                        years_income_required: 'YearsIncome',
                        num_children: 'NumberOfKids',
                        child_1_age: 'AgeOfChild1',
                        child_2_age: 'AgeOfChild2',
                        child_3_age: 'AgeOfChild3',
                        child_4_age: 'AgeOfChild4',
                        child_5_age: 'AgeOfChild5',
                        child_6_age: 'AgeOfChild6',
                        mortgage_and_debts: 'Debt',
                        present_life_insurance: 'ExistingLife',
                        savings_and_investments: 'Savings',
                        additional_income: 'AdditionalIncome'
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625580">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(SetupPronouns)</div>
                    <div><input name="SetupPronouns" id="SetupPronouns" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      $(document).ready(function() {
                      $(function() {
                        $('#WhoApplying').on('blur change', function(event) {

                      function fnSetupPronouns() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#SetupPronouns')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanSetupPronounsWarning');
                        var test_val = realValue($("#WhoApplying")),
                          just_you = (test_val == "Myself");
                        window.debugging & console.log('Updating pronouns');
                        $('#YourORYourSpouses').val(just_you ? "your" : "your spouse's").change();
                        $('#YourORYourSpousesCap').val(just_you ? "Your" : "Your spouse's").change();
                        $('#YouORYouAndYourSpouse').val(just_you ? "you" : "you and your spouse").change();
                        $('#YouORYourFamily').val(just_you ? "you" : "your family").change();
                        $('#YouAreORYourSpouseIs').val(just_you ? "you are" : "your spouse is").change();
                        $('#DoYouORDoesYourSpouse').val(just_you ? "do you" : "does your spouse").change();
                        $('#YouORYourSpouse').val(just_you ? "you" : "your spouse").change();
                        $('#CPAORSpouseLPT').val(just_you ? "CPA" : "Spouse LPT").change();
                        $('#PeriodORForYourSpousePeriod').val(just_you ? "." : " for your spouse.").change();
                        $('#BlankORForYourSpouse').val(just_you ? " " : " for your spouse").change();
                        $('#ProductName').val(just_you ? "Level Premium Term Life Insurance Needs Estimator" : "Spouse Level Premium Term Life Insurance Needs Estimator").change();
                        $('#BlankOrSpouse').val(just_you ? " " : " Spouse").change();
                        $('#ControlNumberSwitch').val(just_you ? "1034116-00009-00" : "1034116-00010-00").change();
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625581">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YourORYourSpouses)</div>
                    <div><input name="YourORYourSpouses" id="YourORYourSpouses" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="your"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYourORYourSpouses() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YourORYourSpouses')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYourORYourSpousesWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="630099">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YourORYourSpousesCap)</div>
                    <div><input name="YourORYourSpousesCap" id="YourORYourSpousesCap" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="Your"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYourORYourSpousesCap() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YourORYourSpousesCap')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYourORYourSpousesCapWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625582">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YouORYouAndYourSpouse)</div>
                    <div><input name="YouORYouAndYourSpouse" id="YouORYouAndYourSpouse" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="you"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYouORYouAndYourSpouse() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YouORYouAndYourSpouse')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYouORYouAndYourSpouseWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625583">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YouORYourFamily)</div>
                    <div><input name="YouORYourFamily" id="YouORYourFamily" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="you"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYouORYourFamily() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YouORYourFamily')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYouORYourFamilyWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625584">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YouAreORYourSpouseIs)</div>
                    <div><input name="YouAreORYourSpouseIs" id="YouAreORYourSpouseIs" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="you are"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYouAreORYourSpouseIs() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YouAreORYourSpouseIs')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYouAreORYourSpouseIsWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625585">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(DoYouORDoesYourSpouse)</div>
                    <div><input name="DoYouORDoesYourSpouse" id="DoYouORDoesYourSpouse" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="do you"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnDoYouORDoesYourSpouse() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#DoYouORDoesYourSpouse')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanDoYouORDoesYourSpouseWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625586">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(YouORYourSpouse)</div>
                    <div><input name="YouORYourSpouse" id="YouORYourSpouse" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="you"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnYouORYourSpouse() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#YouORYourSpouse')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanYouORYourSpouseWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625587">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(CPAORSpouseLPT)</div>
                    <div><input name="CPAORSpouseLPT" id="CPAORSpouseLPT" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="CPA"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnCPAORSpouseLPT() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#CPAORSpouseLPT')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanCPAORSpouseLPTWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625588">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(PeriodORForYourSpousePeriod)</div>
                    <div><input name="PeriodORForYourSpousePeriod" id="PeriodORForYourSpousePeriod" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="."></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnPeriodORForYourSpousePeriod() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#PeriodORForYourSpousePeriod')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanPeriodORForYourSpousePeriodWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="625589">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(SpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpace)</div>
                    <div><input name="SpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpace" id="SpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpace" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      $(function() {
                        $('#ExistingLife').on('blur change', function(event) {

                      function fnSpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpace() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#SpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpace')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanSpaceAdditionalSpaceORSpaceWarning');
                        var existing_coverage = parseInt(fromCurrency($("#ExistingLife").val())) != 0;
                        thisCtl.val(existing_coverage ? ' additional ' : ' ');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="630098">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(BlankORForYourSpouse)</div>
                    <div><input name="BlankORForYourSpouse" id="BlankORForYourSpouse" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value=" "></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnBlankORForYourSpouse() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#BlankORForYourSpouse')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanBlankORForYourSpouseWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="633475">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(ProductName)</div>
                    <div><input name="ProductName" id="ProductName" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="Level Premium Term Life Insurance Needs Estimator"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnProductName() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#ProductName')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanProductNameWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="633476">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(BlankOrSpouse)</div>
                    <div><input name="BlankOrSpouse" id="BlankOrSpouse" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value=" "></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnBlankOrSpouse() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#BlankOrSpouse')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanBlankOrSpouseWarning');
                  <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="638696">
                    <div class="questionprompt">(ControlNumberSwitch)</div>
                    <div><input name="ControlNumberSwitch" id="ControlNumberSwitch" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="1034116-00009-00"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                      function fnControlNumberSwitch() {
                        var thisCtl = $('#ControlNumberSwitch')
                        var thisWarning = $('#spanControlNumberSwitchWarning');
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="638699">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(ControlNumberChange)</div>
                  <div><input name="ControlNumberChange" id="ControlNumberChange" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    $(document).ready(function() {
                    $(function() {
                      $('#testvalidator').on('click', function(event) {
                      $('.nextButton').on('click', function(event) {
                      $('#WhoApplying').on('blur change', function(event) {

                    function fnControlNumberChange() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#ControlNumberChange')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanControlNumberChangeWarning');
                      $(document).ready(function() {
                        var test_val = realValue($("#WhoApplying")),
                          just_you = (test_val == "Myself");
                        if (just_you) {
                        } else {
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625560"></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  known optional" style="display:none" qid="633474"></div>
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              <div class="needs-rb-header needs mt-35-desktop desktop-mb100">
                <div class="elementcontainer trmt100 mt100 optional" id="trNavBarDirect" aria-expanded="true" qid="625561">
                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                    <div class="mt100-header"></div>
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                      <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
                        <div class="container">
                          <div class="row">
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                              <img class="logo" src="/uploads/00001316/AICPA_Member%20Insurance%20Programs.svg" alt="AICPA logo">
                            <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
                              <h3 class="calc-tool-title"><span class="substituteProductName">Level Premium Term Life Insurance Needs Estimator</span></h3>
                    <div class="mt100-footer"></div>
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trNavBarInDirect" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625562">
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                        <div class="pull-right colored">
                          <span class="substituteReturnLink"><span class="strm-debug-only">direct is and referrer is so </span><span class="strm-debug-only">LIFE
                              SPOUSE</span><a href="?ProductID=1317&amp;Page=Landing"></a></span><a href="?ProductID=1317&amp;Page=Landing"><img class="closeOut" src="/uploads/00001316/icons/X-Close.svg" alt="AICPA logo"></a>
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                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="697502">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    $('document').ready(function() {
                      $(".dl-calc-needs-btn").on('click', function() {
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="697503">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(DlCalcNeedsButtonClicked)</div>
                  <div><input name="DlCalcNeedsButtonClicked" id="DlCalcNeedsButtonClicked" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,697503,false);"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnDlCalcNeedsButtonClicked() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#DlCalcNeedsButtonClicked')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanDlCalcNeedsButtonClickedWarning');
              <div class="life-rb rebrand life-tool-card tool-rb"> <!--</div>-->
                <div class="container rebrand"> <!--</div>-->
                  <div class="mt25 pb25 row"> <!--</div>-->
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                                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" qid="626299">
                                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                                    <div class="-header"></div>
                                    <div class=" resizable">
                                      <p class="step-heading pl-15 pb15"><span class="tool-step">Step 1 of 3:</span> About You</p>
                                    <div class="-footer"></div>
                          <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 pb40 pt20 question-card"> <!--</div>-->
                            <div class="row button-state-fill-2"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer preserved  known mandatory" qid="625647">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="WhoApplying" class="mandatory">Who are you applying for?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="WhoApplying" id="WhoApplying"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625647,false);" value="Myself" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState active strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="true"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#WhoApplying');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#WhoApplying');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="My Spouse" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#WhoApplying');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>My Spouse</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanWhoApplyingWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please indicate who is applying</span></div>
                            <div class="row"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" qid="625592">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="DateOfBirth" class="mandatory">When were you born?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="DateOfBirth" id="DateOfBirth" type="text" class="" mask="date-us" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625592,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes','betweendates','01/25/1944', '01/25/2008')"></span><br><span id="spanDateOfBirthWarning" class="warning"
                                      aria-expanded="false">A valid date must be supplied</span></div>
                            <div class="row"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPSpouseDOB" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trstrm-debug-only strm-debug-only strm-debug-highlight optional" id="trOnlyShowingAsWhoapplyingIsWhoapplying" qid="625594">
                                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                                    <div class="strm-debug-only strm-debug-highlight-header"></div>
                                    <div class="strm-debug-only strm-debug-highlight resizable">Only showing as WhoApplying is <span class="substituteWhoApplying">Myself</span></div>
                                    <div class="strm-debug-only strm-debug-highlight-footer"></div>
                                <div class="elementcontainer preserved  mandatory" id="trSpouseDateOfBirth" qid="625595">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="SpouseDateOfBirth" class="mandatory">When was your spouse born?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="SpouseDateOfBirth" id="SpouseDateOfBirth" type="text" class="" mask="date-us" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625595,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes','betweendates','01/25/1944', '01/25/2008')"></span><br><span id="spanSpouseDateOfBirthWarning" class="warning"
                                      aria-expanded="false">A valid date must be supplied</span></div>
                            <div class="row button-state-fill-2"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" qid="625597">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="Gender" class="mandatory">What is <span class="substituteYourORYourSpouses">your</span> gender?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="Gender" id="Gender" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625597,false);"
                                        value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Gender');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Gender');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="Female" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#Gender');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>Female</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanGenderWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please select a Gender</span></div>
                            <div class="row"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer preserved trnative-styled native-styled mandatory" qid="625599">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="State" class="mandatory">What is your state of residence?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="State" id="State" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625599,false);"
                                        <option class="dropdownPlaceholder" value="-- Please Select --">-- Please Select --</option>
                                        <option value="AL">AL</option>
                                        <option value="AK">AK</option>
                                        <option value="AZ">AZ</option>
                                        <option value="AR">AR</option>
                                        <option value="CA">CA</option>
                                        <option value="CO">CO</option>
                                        <option value="CT">CT</option>
                                        <option value="DE">DE</option>
                                        <option value="FL">FL</option>
                                        <option value="GA">GA</option>
                                        <option value="HI">HI</option>
                                        <option value="ID">ID</option>
                                        <option value="IL">IL</option>
                                        <option value="IN">IN</option>
                                        <option value="IA">IA</option>
                                        <option value="KS">KS</option>
                                        <option value="KY">KY</option>
                                        <option value="LA">LA</option>
                                        <option value="ME">ME</option>
                                        <option value="MD">MD</option>
                                        <option value="MA">MA</option>
                                        <option value="MI">MI</option>
                                        <option value="MN">MN</option>
                                        <option value="MS">MS</option>
                                        <option value="MO">MO</option>
                                        <option value="MT">MT</option>
                                        <option value="NE">NE</option>
                                        <option value="NV">NV</option>
                                        <option value="NH">NH</option>
                                        <option value="NJ">NJ</option>
                                        <option value="NM">NM</option>
                                        <option value="NY">NY</option>
                                        <option value="NC">NC</option>
                                        <option value="ND">ND</option>
                                        <option value="OH">OH</option>
                                        <option value="OK">OK</option>
                                        <option value="OR">OR</option>
                                        <option value="PA">PA</option>
                                        <option value="RI">RI</option>
                                        <option value="SC">SC</option>
                                        <option value="SD">SD</option>
                                        <option value="TN">TN</option>
                                        <option value="TX">TX</option>
                                        <option value="UT">UT</option>
                                        <option value="VT">VT</option>
                                        <option value="VA">VA</option>
                                        <option value="WA">WA</option>
                                        <option value="WV">WV</option>
                                        <option value="WI">WI</option>
                                        <option value="WY">WY</option>
                                      </select></span><span id="spanStateWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please select a State of Residence</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20 button-state-fill-2 hidden"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer preserved  mandatory" qid="625601">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="StateSocietyMember" class="mandatory">Are you a member of a State Society of CPAs?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="StateSocietyMember" id="StateSocietyMember"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625601,false);" value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#StateSocietyMember');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#StateSocietyMember');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="No" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#StateSocietyMember');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>No</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanStateSocietyMemberWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'</span></div>
                            <div class="row pb25"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trdollar-prefixed dollar-prefixed mandatory" qid="625603">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="PreTaxIncome" class="mandatory">What is <span class="substituteYourORYourSpouses">your</span> annual gross income?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="PreTaxIncome" id="PreTaxIncome" class="" placeholder="XXX,XXX" type="text" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625603,false);"
                                        onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')"></span><br><span id="spanPreTaxIncomeWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please enter a valid figure</span></div>
                        <div class="row mt50" id="trDivRowFamily" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none"> <!--</div>-->
                          <div class="col-xs-12" id="trFamilyHeading"> <!--</div>-->
                            <div class="row pl0" id="trFamilyHeadingRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2" id="trDivColMd8">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trFamilyHeading" qid="626399">
                                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                                    <div class="-header"></div>
                                    <div class=" resizable">
                                      <p class="step-heading pl-15 pb15"><span class="tool-step">Step 2 of 3:</span> Your Family</p>
                                    <div class="-footer"></div>
                          <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 pb40 pt20 question-card" id="trQuestionsColMd8"> <!--</div>-->
                            <div class="row pl20 button-state-fill-2" id="trCPSpouseRow" aria-expanded="true"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPSpouse" aria-expanded="true">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" id="trSpouse" qid="625605">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="Spouse" class="mandatory">Do you have a Spouse?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="Spouse" id="Spouse" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625605,false);"
                                        value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Spouse');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Spouse');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="No" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#Spouse');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>No</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanSpouseWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20 button-state-fill-2" id="trCPChildrenRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPChildren">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" id="trChildren" qid="625607">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="Children" class="mandatory">Do <span class="substituteYouORYouAndYourSpouse">you</span> have any children?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="Children" id="Children"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625607,false);" value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Children');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#Children');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="No" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#Children');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>No</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanChildrenWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20 button-state-fill-2" id="trCPNumChildrenRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 mt20" id="trCPNumChildren" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" id="trNumberOfKids" qid="625609">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="NumberOfKids" class="mandatory">How many?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="NumberOfKids" id="NumberOfKids"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625609,false);" value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-2 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-3 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-4 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-5 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-6 strm-bs-group-6" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="6 +" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#NumberOfKids');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>6</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanNumberOfKidsWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please indicate the number of children</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20 pb25" id="trCPChildrenAgesRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-10 mt40" id="trCPChildrenAges" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trWhatAreTheirAges" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625611">
                                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                                    <div class="-header"></div>
                                    <div class=" resizable">What are their ages?</div>
                                    <div class="-footer"></div>
                                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trWhatIsTheirAge" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625612">
                                  <div class="fullwidthelement">
                                    <div class="-header"></div>
                                    <div class=" resizable">What is their age?</div>
                                    <div class="-footer"></div>
                                <div class="inline" id="trInlineQuestions">
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mr15 mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild1" qid="625625">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild1" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild1" id="AgeOfChild1" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625625,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild1Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mr15 mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild2" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625626">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild2" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild2" id="AgeOfChild2" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625626,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild2Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild3" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625627">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild3" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild3" id="AgeOfChild3" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625627,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild3Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mr15 mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild4" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625628">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild4" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild4" id="AgeOfChild4" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625628,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild4Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mr15 mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild5" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625629">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild5" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild5" id="AgeOfChild5" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625629,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild5Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                                  <div class="elementcontainer trnative-styled native-styled mt17 mandatory" id="trAgeOfChild6" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625630">
                                    <div class="require">*</div>
                                    <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AgeOfChild6" class="mandatory"></label></div>
                                    <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><select name="AgeOfChild6" id="AgeOfChild6" class="fieldValue " onclick="updatevisibilityrules(this);"
                                          onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625630,false);" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                          <option value="-- Please Select --" class="placeholder dropdownPlaceholder">Age</option>
                                          <option value="1 and Younger">1</option>
                                          <option value="2">2</option>
                                          <option value="3">3</option>
                                          <option value="4">4</option>
                                          <option value="5">5</option>
                                          <option value="6">6</option>
                                          <option value="7">7</option>
                                          <option value="8">8</option>
                                          <option value="9">9</option>
                                          <option value="10">10</option>
                                          <option value="11">11</option>
                                          <option value="12">12</option>
                                          <option value="13">13</option>
                                          <option value="14">14</option>
                                          <option value="15">15</option>
                                          <option value="16">16</option>
                                          <option value="17">17</option>
                                          <option value="18">18</option>
                                          <option value="19 and Older">19</option>
                                        </select></span><span id="spanAgeOfChild6Warning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">A valid age must be supplied</span></div>
                          <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="626404">
                            <div class="questionprompt">(ShowStep3Eval)</div>
                            <div><input name="ShowStep3Eval" id="ShowStep3Eval" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);"></div>
                            <script type="text/javascript">
                              $(document).ready(function() {
                              $(function() {
                                $('#NumberOfKids').on('blur change', function(event) {
                                $('#Children').on('blur change', function(event) {

                              function fnShowStep3Eval() {
                                var thisCtl = $('#ShowStep3Eval')
                                var thisWarning = $('#spanShowStep3EvalWarning');
                                // var chil = $('#Children').val()
                                // var numChil = $('#NumberOfKids').val()
                                // if(chil == 'No'){
                                //     $('#trDivRowFinancial').show()
                                // } else if(chil == 'Yes' && numChil != ''){
                                //     $('#trDivRowFinancial').show()
                                // } else $('#trDivRowFinancial').hide()
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                                      <p class="step-heading pl-15 pb15"><span class="tool-step">Step 3 of 3:</span> Your Finances</p>
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                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" id="trSpouseNO" qid="694704">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="SpouseNO" class="mandatory">Do you have a spouse?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="SpouseNO" id="SpouseNO"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,694704,false);" value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-2" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#SpouseNO');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
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                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#SpouseNO');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="No" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#SpouseNO');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>No</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanSpouseNOWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20 repl-years" id="trCPYearsIncomeRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 mt20" id="trCPYearsIncome">
                                <div class="elementcontainer  mandatory" id="trYearsIncome" qid="625615">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="YearsIncome" class="mandatory">How many years would <span class="substituteYouORYourFamily">you</span> need replacement income after <span
                                        class="substituteYouAreORYourSpouseIs">you are</span> <span class="no-break">gone? <span class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="collapse" href="#hoverYears"></span></span>
                                      <div class="collapse overlay" id="hoverYears">
                                        <div class="pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" href="#hoverYears"><img class="tooltipCloseOut" src="/uploads/00001316/icons/X-Close-white.svg"></div>
                                        <p>Average selection is 20 years.</p>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input type="hidden" class="validate-checkparent" data-type="ButtonState" name="YearsIncome" id="YearsIncome"
                                        onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625615,false);" value="" onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')">
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-1 strm-bs-group-7" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
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                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
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                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
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                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
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                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-6 strm-bs-group-7" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                      <div class="buttonState inactive strm-bs-pos-7 strm-bs-group-7" tabindex="0" aria-checked="false"
                                        onclick="var allow_deselect=!0,is_on=$(this).hasClass('active'),ctl=$('#YearsIncome');is_on&amp;&amp;allow_deselect?ctl.val('').blur().change():ctl.val(this.dataset.value).blur().change();$(this).parent().find('.buttonState.active').removeClass('active').attr('aria-checked','false');$(this).toggleClass('active',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0).attr('aria-checked',allow_deselect?!is_on:!0)"
                                        data-value="40" onfocusout="$ctl=$('#YearsIncome');$ctl.blur().change();"><span><span>40</span></span></div>
                                    </span><span id="spanYearsIncomeWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please indicate the number of years required</span></div>
                            <div class="row" id="trCPSavingsRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPSavings">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trdollar-prefixed dollar-prefixed mandatory" id="trSavings" qid="625617">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="Savings" class="mandatory">How much in savings/investments do <span class="substituteYouORYouAndYourSpouse">you</span> have? <span class="fa fa-info-circle"
                                        data-toggle="collapse" href="#hoverSavings"></span>
                                      <div class="collapse overlay" id="hoverSavings">
                                        <div class="pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" href="#hoverSavings"><img class="tooltipCloseOut" src="/uploads/00001316/icons/X-Close-white.svg"></div>
                                        <p>General Savings: Bank accounts, money market accounts, CDs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, etc.<br><br>Retirement Savings: IRAs, 401(k)s, SEP plans, SIMPLE IRA plans, pension, and profit sharing
                                          plans. Note that distributions from most retirement savings plans are subject to ordinary income tax rules.</p>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="Savings" id="Savings" class="" placeholder="Estimates OK" type="text" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625617,false);"
                                        onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')"></span><br><span id="spanSavingsWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please enter a valid figure</span></div>
                            <div class="row" id="trCPDebtRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPDebt">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trdollar-prefixed dollar-prefixed mandatory" id="trDebt" qid="625619">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="Debt" class="mandatory">How much debt/mortgage do <span class="substituteYouORYouAndYourSpouse">you</span> have? <span class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="collapse"
                                      <div class="collapse overlay" id="hoverDebt">
                                        <div class="pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" href="#hoverDebt"><img class="tooltipCloseOut" src="/uploads/00001316/icons/X-Close-white.svg"></div>
                                        <p>Include mortgage balance, credit card balance, car loans, etc.</p>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="Debt" id="Debt" class="" placeholder="Estimates OK" type="text" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625619,false);"
                                        onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')"></span><br><span id="spanDebtWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please enter a valid figure</span></div>
                            <div class="row pl20" id="trCPAdditionalIncomeRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPAdditionalIncome">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trdollar-prefixed dollar-prefixed mandatory" id="trAdditionalIncome" qid="694551">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="AdditionalIncome" class="mandatory"><span class="substituteAdditQuestion">Would your family receive any annual income from other sources after your spouse is
                                        gone?</span> <span class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="collapse" href="#addIncome"></span>
                                      <div class="collapse overlay" id="addIncome">
                                        <div class="pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" href="#addIncome"><img class="tooltipCloseOut" src="/uploads/00001316/icons/X-Close-white.svg"></div>
                                        <p><span class="substituteAdditTooltip">For example, a fixed pension (do not include income earned on your assets).</span></p>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="AdditionalIncome" id="AdditionalIncome" class="" placeholder="Estimates OK" type="text" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,694551,false);"
                                        onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')"></span><br><span id="spanAdditionalIncomeWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please enter a valid figure</span></div>
                            <div class="row" id="trCPExistingLifeRow"> <!--</div>-->
                              <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6 mt20" id="trCPExistingLife">
                                <div class="elementcontainer trdollar-prefixed dollar-prefixed mandatory" id="trExistingLife" qid="625621">
                                  <div class="require">*</div>
                                  <div class="elementcaption spacer"><label for="ExistingLife" class="mandatory">How much life insurance <span class="substituteDoYouORDoesYourSpouse">do you</span> already have?</label></div>
                                  <div class="answer"><span class="productField"><input name="ExistingLife" id="ExistingLife" class="" placeholder="Estimates OK" type="text" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,625621,false);"
                                        onblur="flagblank(this,'Yes')"></span><br><span id="spanExistingLifeWarning" class="warning" aria-expanded="false">Please enter a valid figure</span></div>
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                                  <li><a href="https://trustsecureapply.cpai.com/STP/LandingPage?productCode=R">CPA Spouse Life Insurance</a></li>
                                  <li><a class="dynamic-apply" href="https://trustsecureapply.cpai.com/stpsi/landingpage/selectapplication?productCode=Q&amp;applicationSource=cpai&amp;refID=life">CPA Life Insurance</a></li>
                                  <li><a href="https://trustsecureapply.cpai.com/STP/LandingPage?productCode=J">Level Premium Term Life</a></li>
                                  <li><a href="https://insurance-trust.cpai.com/">Group Variable Universal Life</a></li>
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                                  <p>This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality. Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the information inputed and are subject to change.</p>
                                  <p>This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.</p>
                                  <p>Not for residents of New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p>Not for use in New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS.</p>
                                  <p>Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA &amp; MN,
                                    AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency
                                    and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is not affiliated with Prudential.</p>
                                  <p>Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions,
                                    limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.</p>
                                  <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                      <div class="pull-left"><span class="ctl-num-insert">1034116-00013-00</span></div>
                                      <div class="pull-right">AIC10_WE_GI73_01</div>
                                  <div class="row pt10 footer-links">
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                                      <p class="ptm">© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.</p>
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                                <hr class="pb25">
                                <div class="">
                                  <p>This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality. Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the information inputed and are subject to change.</p>
                                  <p>This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.</p>
                                  <p>Not for residents of New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p>Not for use in New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS.</p>
                                  <p>Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA &amp; MN,
                                    AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency
                                    and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is not affiliated with Prudential.</p>
                                  <p>Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions,
                                    limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.</p>
                                  <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                      <div class="pull-left"><span class="ctl-num-insert">1034116-00013-00</span></div>
                                      <div class="pull-right">AIC10_WE_GI73_01</div>
                                  <div class="row pt10 footer-links">
                                    <div class="col-lg-5 pt10">
                                      <p class="ptm">© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.</p>
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                                        <li class="active" role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/privacy-center" target="_blank">Privacy Center</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/terms-conditions" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/business-integrity" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Business Integrity</a></li>
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                                <hr class="pb25">
                                <div class="">
                                  <p>This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality. Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the information inputed and are subject to change.</p>
                                  <p>This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.</p>
                                  <p>Not for residents of New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p>Not for use in New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS.</p>
                                  <p>Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA &amp; MN,
                                    AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency
                                    and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is not affiliated with Prudential.</p>
                                  <p>Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions,
                                    limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.</p>
                                  <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                      <div class="pull-left"><span class="ctl-num-insert">1034116-00013-00</span></div>
                                      <div class="pull-right">AIC10_WE_GI73_01</div>
                                  <div class="row pt10 footer-links">
                                    <div class="col-lg-5 pt10">
                                      <p class="ptm">© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-7">
                                      <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                                        <li class="active" role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/privacy-center" target="_blank">Privacy Center</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/terms-conditions" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/business-integrity" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Business Integrity</a></li>
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                            <div class=" resizable"><span class="substituteLPTFooterInsert">
                                <hr class="pb25">
                                <div class="">
                                  <p>This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality. Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the information inputed and are subject to change.</p>
                                  <p>This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.</p>
                                  <p>Not for residents of New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p>Not for use in New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS.</p>
                                  <p>Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA &amp; MN,
                                    AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency
                                    and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is not affiliated with Prudential.</p>
                                  <p>Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions,
                                    limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.</p>
                                  <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                      <div class="pull-left"><span class="ctl-num-insert">1034116-00013-00</span></div>
                                      <div class="pull-right">AIC10_WE_GI73_01</div>
                                  <div class="row pt10 footer-links">
                                    <div class="col-lg-5 pt10">
                                      <p class="ptm">© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-7">
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                                        <li class="active" role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/privacy-center" target="_blank">Privacy Center</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/terms-conditions" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/business-integrity" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Business Integrity</a></li>
                            <div class="-footer"></div>
                        <div class="elementcontainer  optional" id="trSpouseLifeFooter" aria-expanded="false" style="display:none" qid="625645">
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                            <div class=" resizable"><span class="substituteLPTFooterInsert">
                                <hr class="pb25">
                                <div class="">
                                  <p>This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality. Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the information inputed and are subject to change.</p>
                                  <p>This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.</p>
                                  <p>Not for residents of New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p>Not for use in New Mexico.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.</p>
                                  <p class="hidden">IMPORTANT NOTICE - THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR SICKNESS.</p>
                                  <p>Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA &amp; MN,
                                    AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency
                                    and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is not affiliated with Prudential.</p>
                                  <p>Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions,
                                    limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.</p>
                                  <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-xs-12">
                                      <div class="pull-left"><span class="ctl-num-insert">1034116-00013-00</span></div>
                                      <div class="pull-right">AIC10_WE_GI73_01</div>
                                  <div class="row pt10 footer-links">
                                    <div class="col-lg-5 pt10">
                                      <p class="ptm">© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.</p>
                                    <div class="col-lg-7">
                                      <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                                        <li class="active" role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/privacy-center" target="_blank">Privacy Center</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/terms-conditions" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Terms and Conditions</a></li>
                                        <li role="presentation"><a href="https://www.prudential.com/links/business-integrity" target="_blank" class="footer-link">Business Integrity</a></li>
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                      $('#Spouse').on('blur change', function(event) {

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                      var thisWarning = $('#spanSetUpSpouseSwitchWarning');
                      var spo = (realValue($("#WhoApplying")) == "My Spouse") || (realValue($("#Spouse")) == "Yes");
                      $("#AdditQuestion").val(spo ? "Do you or your family have any annual income from other sources?" : "Would your family receive any annual income from other sources after your spouse is gone?").change();
                      $("#AdditTooltip").val(spo ? "For example, your spouse's annual gross income or a fixed pension (do not include income earned on your assets)." : "For example, a fixed pension (do not include income earned on your assets).")
                <div class="elementcontainer  optional" style="display:none" qid="694700">
                  <div class="questionprompt">(AdditQuestion)</div>
                  <div><input name="AdditQuestion" id="AdditQuestion" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);"
                      value="Would your family receive any annual income from other sources after your spouse is gone?"></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnAdditQuestion() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#AdditQuestion')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanAdditQuestionWarning');
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                  <div><input name="AdditTooltip" id="AdditTooltip" type="hidden" class="" onchange="updatevisibilityrules(this);ajaxSend(this,0,false);" value="For example, a fixed pension (do not include income earned on your assets)."></div>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                    function fnAdditTooltip() {
                      var thisCtl = $('#AdditTooltip')
                      var thisWarning = $('#spanAdditTooltipWarning');
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            function saveFocussed() {
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            function updatevisibilityrules(ctl) {
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                  console.log('no change. ignoring');
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                  if (window.debug) console.log("The setter DirectSetter has become visible. I need to run its rules now");
                  if ($("#DirectAccess").length) {
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                      if ("true".search("on") >= 0) {
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                  if (window.debug) console.log("DirectSetter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trDirectSetter").is(":visible")) {
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                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
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                    necessary = false;
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                        necessary = false;
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                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
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                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
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                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
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                  if (necessary) {
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                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("DirectSetter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Term") {
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                  if (window.debug) console.log("The setter SetTermTo10ByDefault has become visible. I need to run its rules now");
                  if ($("#Term").length) {
                    if ($("#Term").is(":checkbox")) { //special treatment is required
                      if ("10 Year".search("on") >= 0) {
                        $("#Term").attr("checked", true);
                      } else {
                        $("#Term").attr("checked", false);
                    } else {
                      $("#Term").val("10 Year").change().blur();
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                    if (window.debug) console.log("Setter target Term was not on this page. I am adding it now");
                    $("#main").append('<textarea style="display:none;" name="Term" id="Term">10 Year</textarea>');
                  $(".substituteTerm").html("10 Year");
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                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SetTermTo10ByDefault rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trSetTermTo10ByDefault").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#SetTermTo10ByDefault");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
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                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
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                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
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                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
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                      if ($("#trSetTermTo10ByDefault").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trSetTermTo10ByDefault").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trSetTermTo10ByDefault").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=SetTermTo10ByDefault]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#SetTermTo10ByDefault"))) {
                    if ("Setter" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#SetTermTo10ByDefault").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#SetTermTo10ByDefault").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("SetTermTo10ByDefault")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("SetTermTo10ByDefault");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("SetTermTo10ByDefault triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "CurrentURL") {
                if (("https://lpsneed.insure.cpai.com/" == "http://memberenroll-stage.com/index.php?ProductID=1259&Page=CarouselNeeds")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter]")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("The setter LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter has become visible. I need to run its rules now");
                  if ($("#Referrer").length) {
                    if ($("#Referrer").is(":checkbox")) { //special treatment is required
                      if ("LPTS".search("on") >= 0) {
                        $("#Referrer").attr("checked", true);
                      } else {
                        $("#Referrer").attr("checked", false);
                    } else {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("Setter target Referrer was not on this page. I am adding it now");
                    $("#main").append('<textarea style="display:none;" name="Referrer" id="Referrer">LPTS</textarea>');
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter === "object")) triggerOnShow_LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trLPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter"))) {
                    if ("Setter" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("LPTSpouseURLReferrerSetter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "DirectAccess" || ctl.name == "DirectAccess") {
                if ((!hasValue($("#DirectAccess")) || (realValue($("#DirectAccess"))) == "true")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("NavBarDirect rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trNavBarDirect]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_NavBarDirect === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_NavBarDirect === "object")) triggerOnShow_NavBarDirect();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("NavBarDirect rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trNavBarDirect").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#NavBarDirect");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trNavBarDirect").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trNavBarDirect").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trNavBarDirect").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=NavBarDirect]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#NavBarDirect"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#NavBarDirect").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#NavBarDirect").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("NavBarDirect")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("NavBarDirect");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("NavBarDirect triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "DirectAccess") {
                if ((realValue($("#DirectAccess")) == "false")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("NavBarInDirect rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trNavBarInDirect]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_NavBarInDirect === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_NavBarInDirect === "object")) triggerOnShow_NavBarInDirect();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("NavBarInDirect rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trNavBarInDirect").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#NavBarInDirect");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trNavBarInDirect").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trNavBarInDirect").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trNavBarInDirect").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=NavBarInDirect]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#NavBarInDirect"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#NavBarInDirect").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#NavBarInDirect").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("NavBarInDirect")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("NavBarInDirect");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("NavBarInDirect triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "WhoApplying") {
                if ((realValue($("#WhoApplying")) == "My Spouse")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouseDOB rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPSpouseDOB]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouseDOB === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouseDOB === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPSpouseDOB();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouseDOB rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPSpouseDOB").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPSpouseDOB");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPSpouseDOB").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPSpouseDOB").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPSpouseDOB").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPSpouseDOB]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPSpouseDOB"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPSpouseDOB").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPSpouseDOB").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPSpouseDOB")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPSpouseDOB");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPSpouseDOB triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "WhoApplying" || ctl.name == "DateOfBirth" || ctl.name == "Gender" || ctl.name == "State") {
                if ((hasValue($("#WhoApplying"))) && (hasValue($("#DateOfBirth"))) && (hasValue($("#Gender"))) && (hasValue($("#State")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("DivRowFamily rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trDivRowFamily]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_DivRowFamily === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_DivRowFamily === "object")) triggerOnShow_DivRowFamily();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("DivRowFamily rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trDivRowFamily").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#DivRowFamily");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trDivRowFamily").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trDivRowFamily").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trDivRowFamily").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=DivRowFamily]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#DivRowFamily"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#DivRowFamily").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#DivRowFamily").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("DivRowFamily")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("DivRowFamily");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("DivRowFamily triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "WhoApplying") {
                if ((realValue($("#WhoApplying")) == "Myself")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouseRow rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPSpouseRow]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouseRow === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouseRow === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPSpouseRow();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouseRow rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPSpouseRow").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPSpouseRow");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPSpouseRow").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPSpouseRow").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPSpouseRow").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPSpouseRow]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPSpouseRow"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPSpouseRow").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPSpouseRow").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPSpouseRow")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPSpouseRow");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPSpouseRow triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "WhoApplying") {
                if ((realValue($("#WhoApplying")) == "Myself")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouse rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPSpouse]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouse === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPSpouse === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPSpouse();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPSpouse rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPSpouse").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPSpouse");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPSpouse").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPSpouse").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPSpouse").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPSpouse]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPSpouse"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPSpouse").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPSpouse").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPSpouse")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPSpouse");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPSpouse triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Children") {
                if ((realValue($("#Children")) == "Yes")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPNumChildren rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPNumChildren]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPNumChildren === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPNumChildren === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPNumChildren();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPNumChildren rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPNumChildren").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPNumChildren");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPNumChildren").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPNumChildren").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPNumChildren").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPNumChildren]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPNumChildren"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPNumChildren").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPNumChildren").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPNumChildren")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPNumChildren");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPNumChildren triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((hasValue($("#NumberOfKids")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPChildrenAges rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPChildrenAges]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPChildrenAges === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPChildrenAges === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPChildrenAges();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPChildrenAges rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPChildrenAges").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPChildrenAges");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPChildrenAges").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPChildrenAges").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPChildrenAges").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPChildrenAges]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPChildrenAges"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPChildrenAges").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPChildrenAges").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPChildrenAges")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPChildrenAges");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPChildrenAges triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("1".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("WhatAreTheirAges rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trWhatAreTheirAges]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_WhatAreTheirAges === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_WhatAreTheirAges === "object")) triggerOnShow_WhatAreTheirAges();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("WhatAreTheirAges rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trWhatAreTheirAges").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#WhatAreTheirAges");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trWhatAreTheirAges").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trWhatAreTheirAges").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trWhatAreTheirAges").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=WhatAreTheirAges]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#WhatAreTheirAges"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#WhatAreTheirAges").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#WhatAreTheirAges").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("WhatAreTheirAges")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("WhatAreTheirAges");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("WhatAreTheirAges triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((realValue($("#NumberOfKids")) == "1")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("WhatIsTheirAge rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trWhatIsTheirAge]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_WhatIsTheirAge === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_WhatIsTheirAge === "object")) triggerOnShow_WhatIsTheirAge();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("WhatIsTheirAge rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trWhatIsTheirAge").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#WhatIsTheirAge");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trWhatIsTheirAge").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trWhatIsTheirAge").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trWhatIsTheirAge").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=WhatIsTheirAge]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#WhatIsTheirAge"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#WhatIsTheirAge").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#WhatIsTheirAge").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("WhatIsTheirAge")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("WhatIsTheirAge");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("WhatIsTheirAge triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("1".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild2 rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trAgeOfChild2]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild2 === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild2 === "object")) triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild2();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild2 rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trAgeOfChild2").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#AgeOfChild2");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trAgeOfChild2").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trAgeOfChild2").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trAgeOfChild2").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=AgeOfChild2]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#AgeOfChild2"))) {
                    if ("Dropdown" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#AgeOfChild2").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#AgeOfChild2").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("AgeOfChild2")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("AgeOfChild2");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("AgeOfChild2 triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("2".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild3 rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trAgeOfChild3]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild3 === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild3 === "object")) triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild3();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild3 rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trAgeOfChild3").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#AgeOfChild3");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trAgeOfChild3").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trAgeOfChild3").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trAgeOfChild3").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=AgeOfChild3]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#AgeOfChild3"))) {
                    if ("Dropdown" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#AgeOfChild3").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#AgeOfChild3").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("AgeOfChild3")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("AgeOfChild3");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("AgeOfChild3 triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("3".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild4 rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trAgeOfChild4]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild4 === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild4 === "object")) triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild4();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild4 rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trAgeOfChild4").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#AgeOfChild4");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trAgeOfChild4").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trAgeOfChild4").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trAgeOfChild4").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=AgeOfChild4]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#AgeOfChild4"))) {
                    if ("Dropdown" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#AgeOfChild4").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#AgeOfChild4").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("AgeOfChild4")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("AgeOfChild4");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("AgeOfChild4 triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("4".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild5 rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trAgeOfChild5]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild5 === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild5 === "object")) triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild5();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild5 rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trAgeOfChild5").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#AgeOfChild5");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trAgeOfChild5").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trAgeOfChild5").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trAgeOfChild5").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=AgeOfChild5]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#AgeOfChild5"))) {
                    if ("Dropdown" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#AgeOfChild5").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#AgeOfChild5").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("AgeOfChild5")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("AgeOfChild5");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("AgeOfChild5 triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "NumberOfKids") {
                if ((parseFloat(realValue($("#NumberOfKids")).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")) > parseFloat("5".replace(/[^0-9.-]/g, "")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild6 rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trAgeOfChild6]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild6 === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild6 === "object")) triggerOnShow_AgeOfChild6();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("AgeOfChild6 rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trAgeOfChild6").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#AgeOfChild6");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trAgeOfChild6").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trAgeOfChild6").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trAgeOfChild6").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=AgeOfChild6]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#AgeOfChild6"))) {
                    if ("Dropdown" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#AgeOfChild6").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#AgeOfChild6").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("AgeOfChild6")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("AgeOfChild6");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("AgeOfChild6 triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Children") {
                if ((hasValue($("#Children")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("DivRowFinancial rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trDivRowFinancial]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_DivRowFinancial === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_DivRowFinancial === "object")) triggerOnShow_DivRowFinancial();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("DivRowFinancial rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trDivRowFinancial").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#DivRowFinancial");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trDivRowFinancial").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trDivRowFinancial").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trDivRowFinancial").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=DivRowFinancial]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#DivRowFinancial"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#DivRowFinancial").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#DivRowFinancial").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("DivRowFinancial")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("DivRowFinancial");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("DivRowFinancial triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "WhoApplying") {
                if ((realValue($("#WhoApplying")) == "Myself")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPCSpouseRow rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trCPCSpouseRow]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_CPCSpouseRow === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_CPCSpouseRow === "object")) triggerOnShow_CPCSpouseRow();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("CPCSpouseRow rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trCPCSpouseRow").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#CPCSpouseRow");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trCPCSpouseRow").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trCPCSpouseRow").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trCPCSpouseRow").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=CPCSpouseRow]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#CPCSpouseRow"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#CPCSpouseRow").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#CPCSpouseRow").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("CPCSpouseRow")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("CPCSpouseRow");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("CPCSpouseRow triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Children") {
                if ((hasValue($("#Children")))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("ActionRow rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trActionRow]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_ActionRow === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_ActionRow === "object")) triggerOnShow_ActionRow();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("ActionRow rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trActionRow").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#ActionRow");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trActionRow").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trActionRow").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trActionRow").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=ActionRow]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#ActionRow"))) {
                    if ("Div" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#ActionRow").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#ActionRow").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("ActionRow")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("ActionRow");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("ActionRow triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "YearsIncome" || ctl.name == "Savings" || ctl.name == "Debt" || ctl.name == "ExistingLife") {
                if ((!hasValue($("#YearsIncome")) || (!hasValue($("#Savings"))) || (!hasValue($("#Debt"))) || (!hasValue($("#ExistingLife"))))) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SubmitDisabledHOLD rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trSubmitDisabledHOLD]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_SubmitDisabledHOLD === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_SubmitDisabledHOLD === "object")) triggerOnShow_SubmitDisabledHOLD();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SubmitDisabledHOLD rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trSubmitDisabledHOLD").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#SubmitDisabledHOLD");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trSubmitDisabledHOLD").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trSubmitDisabledHOLD").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trSubmitDisabledHOLD").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=SubmitDisabledHOLD]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#SubmitDisabledHOLD"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#SubmitDisabledHOLD").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#SubmitDisabledHOLD").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("SubmitDisabledHOLD")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("SubmitDisabledHOLD");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("SubmitDisabledHOLD triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "Life")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LifeApplyNowButton rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trLifeApplyNowButton]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_LifeApplyNowButton === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_LifeApplyNowButton === "object")) triggerOnShow_LifeApplyNowButton();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LifeApplyNowButton rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trLifeApplyNowButton").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#LifeApplyNowButton");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trLifeApplyNowButton").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trLifeApplyNowButton").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trLifeApplyNowButton").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=LifeApplyNowButton]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#LifeApplyNowButton"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#LifeApplyNowButton").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#LifeApplyNowButton").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("LifeApplyNowButton")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("LifeApplyNowButton");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("LifeApplyNowButton triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "LPT")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTApplyNowButton rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trLPTApplyNowButton]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_LPTApplyNowButton === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_LPTApplyNowButton === "object")) triggerOnShow_LPTApplyNowButton();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTApplyNowButton rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trLPTApplyNowButton").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#LPTApplyNowButton");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trLPTApplyNowButton").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trLPTApplyNowButton").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trLPTApplyNowButton").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=LPTApplyNowButton]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#LPTApplyNowButton"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#LPTApplyNowButton").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#LPTApplyNowButton").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("LPTApplyNowButton")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("LPTApplyNowButton");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("LPTApplyNowButton triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "GVUL")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("GVULApplyNowButton rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trGVULApplyNowButton]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_GVULApplyNowButton === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_GVULApplyNowButton === "object")) triggerOnShow_GVULApplyNowButton();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("GVULApplyNowButton rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trGVULApplyNowButton").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#GVULApplyNowButton");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trGVULApplyNowButton").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trGVULApplyNowButton").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trGVULApplyNowButton").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=GVULApplyNowButton]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#GVULApplyNowButton"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#GVULApplyNowButton").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#GVULApplyNowButton").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("GVULApplyNowButton")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("GVULApplyNowButton");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("GVULApplyNowButton triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "LifeSpouse")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SpouseLifeApplyNowButton rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trSpouseLifeApplyNowButton]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeApplyNowButton === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeApplyNowButton === "object")) triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeApplyNowButton();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SpouseLifeApplyNowButton rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trSpouseLifeApplyNowButton").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#SpouseLifeApplyNowButton");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trSpouseLifeApplyNowButton").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trSpouseLifeApplyNowButton").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trSpouseLifeApplyNowButton").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=SpouseLifeApplyNowButton]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#SpouseLifeApplyNowButton"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#SpouseLifeApplyNowButton").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#SpouseLifeApplyNowButton").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("SpouseLifeApplyNowButton")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("SpouseLifeApplyNowButton");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("SpouseLifeApplyNowButton triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer" || ctl.name == "Referrer" || ctl.name == "Referrer" || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) != "Life") && (realValue($("#Referrer")) != "LPT") && (realValue($("#Referrer")) != "GVUL") && (realValue($("#Referrer")) != "LifeSpouse")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("MultiApplyNow rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trMultiApplyNow]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_MultiApplyNow === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_MultiApplyNow === "object")) triggerOnShow_MultiApplyNow();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("MultiApplyNow rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trMultiApplyNow").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#MultiApplyNow");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trMultiApplyNow").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trMultiApplyNow").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trMultiApplyNow").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=MultiApplyNow]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#MultiApplyNow"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#MultiApplyNow").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#MultiApplyNow").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("MultiApplyNow")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("MultiApplyNow");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("MultiApplyNow triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "Life")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LifeFooter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trLifeFooter]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_LifeFooter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_LifeFooter === "object")) triggerOnShow_LifeFooter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LifeFooter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trLifeFooter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#LifeFooter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trLifeFooter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trLifeFooter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trLifeFooter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=LifeFooter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#LifeFooter"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#LifeFooter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#LifeFooter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("LifeFooter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("LifeFooter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("LifeFooter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "GVUL")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("GVULFooter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trGVULFooter]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_GVULFooter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_GVULFooter === "object")) triggerOnShow_GVULFooter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("GVULFooter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trGVULFooter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#GVULFooter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trGVULFooter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trGVULFooter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trGVULFooter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=GVULFooter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#GVULFooter"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#GVULFooter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#GVULFooter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("GVULFooter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("GVULFooter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("GVULFooter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "LPT")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTFooter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trLPTFooter]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_LPTFooter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_LPTFooter === "object")) triggerOnShow_LPTFooter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("LPTFooter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trLPTFooter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#LPTFooter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trLPTFooter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trLPTFooter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trLPTFooter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=LPTFooter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#LPTFooter"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#LPTFooter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#LPTFooter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("LPTFooter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("LPTFooter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("LPTFooter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer" || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((!hasValue($("#Referrer")) || (realValue($("#Referrer"))) == "Multi")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("MultiFooter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trMultiFooter]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_MultiFooter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_MultiFooter === "object")) triggerOnShow_MultiFooter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("MultiFooter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trMultiFooter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#MultiFooter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trMultiFooter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trMultiFooter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trMultiFooter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=MultiFooter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#MultiFooter"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#MultiFooter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#MultiFooter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("MultiFooter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("MultiFooter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("MultiFooter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
              if (false || ctl.name == "Referrer") {
                if ((realValue($("#Referrer")) == "LifeSpouse")) {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SpouseLifeFooter rule proven!")
                  if (window.debug) console.log("going to show [trSpouseLifeFooter]")
                  if ((typeof triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeFooter === "function") || (typeof triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeFooter === "object")) triggerOnShow_SpouseLifeFooter();
                } else {
                  if (window.debug) console.log("SpouseLifeFooter rule failed!")
                  necessary = true; //assumption
                  if ($("#trSpouseLifeFooter").is(":visible")) {
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.warn("was already hidden!");
                    necessary = false;
                  //now set the control to nothing, and remember whether you need to re-evaluate
                  jControl = $("#SpouseLifeFooter");
                  if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                    necessary = false;
                  } else {
                    if (jControl.is("input:text, textarea")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                    } else if (jControl.is("select")) {
                      if (jControl.val() == "-- Please Select --" || jControl.val() == "-- Por Favor Seleccione --") {
                        necessary = false;
                      } else {
                        if (jControl.closest(".elementcontainer").data().lang === "es") {
                          jControl.val("-- Por Favor Seleccione --");
                        } else {
                          jControl.val("-- Please Select --");
                    } else if (jControl.filter('[type="checkbox"]').length) {
                      if (jControl.prop("checked")) {
                        jControl.prop("checked", false);
                      } else {
                        necessary = false;
                    } else {
                      if ($("#trSpouseLifeFooter").is("fieldset") && (!$("#trSpouseLifeFooter").is("visible"))) {
                        //this was a fieldset, and it was already invisible 
                        //if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as this was an already hidden fieldset")
                        //necessary = false;
                      } else if ($("#trSpouseLifeFooter").is("tr")) {
                        //this was a table row, probably a caption, it cannot trigger anything else
                        if (window.debug) console.log("I avoided triggering anything else, as the table row existed")
                        necessary = false;
                  $("input:radio[name=SpouseLifeFooter]").prop("checked", false); //sets the radio to false
                  if (hasValue($("#SpouseLifeFooter"))) {
                    if ("Caption" == "Block") {
                      //dont run the recursive check 
                    } else {
                      if (!$("#SpouseLifeFooter").closest(".elementcontainer").hasClass("preserved")) {
                        $("#SpouseLifeFooter").val(""); //updates the hidden input if present
                        updatevisibilityrules(document.getElementById("SpouseLifeFooter")); //forces re-evaluation of radio textbox
                  //ticket 351: call the ajax send here.
                  cascadeCtl = document.getElementById("SpouseLifeFooter");
                  if (cascadeCtl == null) {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("cascade should not have run");
                  } else {
                    if (necessary) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("about to call change event on " + cascadeCtl.id);
                      $("#" + cascadeCtl.id).change();
                  if (necessary) {
                    if (cascadeCtl) {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn(cascadeCtl.id + " triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                    } else {
                      if (window.debug) console.warn("SpouseLifeFooter triggered a call to recursiveCheckHiddens");
                  } else {
                    if (window.debug) console.log("a call was avoided");
          <fieldset id="fsDebugVars" style="display:none;">
            <legend>Debugging</legend><button name="btnHide" id="hidr" onclick="$('#fsDebugVars').hide('fast');$('#showr').show('fast');return(false)">Hide</button>
            <input type="button" name="testvalidator" id="testvalidator" onclick="validate_form(document.forms[0]);" value="Test Validator">
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direct is and referrer is so LIFE SPOUSE


Step 1 of 3: About You

Who are you applying for?
My Spouse
Please indicate who is applying
When were you born?

A valid date must be supplied
Only showing as WhoApplying is Myself

When was your spouse born?

A valid date must be supplied
What is your gender?
Please select a Gender
What is your state of residence?
-- Please Select
select a State of Residence
Are you a member of a State Society of CPAs?
Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'
What is your annual gross income?

Please enter a valid figure

Step 2 of 3: Your Family

Do you have a Spouse?
Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'
Do you have any children?
Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'
How many?
Please indicate the number of children
What are their ages?

What is their age?


Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Age12345678910111213141516171819A valid age must be supplied

Step 3 of 3: Your Finances

Do you have a spouse?
Please choose 'Yes' or 'No'
How many years would you need replacement income after you are gone?

Average selection is 20 years.

Please indicate the number of years required
How much in savings/investments do you have?

General Savings: Bank accounts, money market accounts, CDs, stocks, bonds,
mutual funds, annuities, etc.

Retirement Savings: IRAs, 401(k)s, SEP plans, SIMPLE IRA plans, pension, and
profit sharing plans. Note that distributions from most retirement savings plans
are subject to ordinary income tax rules.

Please enter a valid figure
How much debt/mortgage do you have?

Include mortgage balance, credit card balance, car loans, etc.

Please enter a valid figure
Would your family receive any annual income from other sources after your spouse
is gone?

For example, a fixed pension (do not include income earned on your assets).

Please enter a valid figure
How much life insurance do you already have?

Please enter a valid figure


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 * CPA Spouse Life Insurance
 * CPA Life Insurance
 * Level Premium Term Life
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 * Life
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This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality.
Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the
information inputed and are subject to change.

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

Not for residents of New Mexico.

Not for use in New Mexico.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic
hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York
State Department of Financial Services.


Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program
administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed
producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity
Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services
Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance
Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance
Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is
not affiliated with Prudential.

Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of
America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series:


© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.

 * Privacy Center
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Business Integrity


This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality.
Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the
information inputed and are subject to change.

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

Not for residents of New Mexico.

Not for use in New Mexico.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic
hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York
State Department of Financial Services.


Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program
administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed
producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity
Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services
Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance
Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance
Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is
not affiliated with Prudential.

Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of
America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series:


© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.

 * Privacy Center
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Business Integrity


This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality.
Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the
information inputed and are subject to change.

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

Not for residents of New Mexico.

Not for use in New Mexico.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic
hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York
State Department of Financial Services.


Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program
administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed
producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity
Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services
Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance
Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance
Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is
not affiliated with Prudential.

Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of
America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series:


© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.

 * Privacy Center
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Business Integrity


This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality.
Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the
information inputed and are subject to change.

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

Not for residents of New Mexico.

Not for use in New Mexico.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic
hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York
State Department of Financial Services.


Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program
administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed
producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity
Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services
Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance
Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance
Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is
not affiliated with Prudential.

Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of
America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series:


© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.

 * Privacy Center
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Business Integrity


This is not a guarantee of coverage. You must first apply in order to quality.
Rates and coverage amounts available are based on AICPA membership and the
information inputed and are subject to change.

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

Not for residents of New Mexico.

Not for use in New Mexico.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic
hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York
State Department of Financial Services.


Aon Insurance Services is the brand name for the brokerage and program
administration operations of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., a licensed
producer in all states TX 13695); (AR 100106022); in CA & MN, AIS Affinity
Insurance Agency, Inc. (CA 0795465); in OK, AIS Affinity Insurance Services
Inc.; in CA, Aon Affinity Insurance Services, Inc., (CA), Aon Direct Insurance
Administrators and Berkely Insurance Agency and in NY, AIS Affinity Insurance
Agency. The Plan Agent of the AICPA Insurance Trust, Aon Insurance Services, is
not affiliated with Prudential.

Group Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of
America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series:


© 2024 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities.

 * Privacy Center
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Business Integrity




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